View Full Version : Hi.. I need your help.

22nd March 2009, 17:10
Hi Its me Ashley,

I found this site quite long time but i just register today. I believe that this site very really useful to everyone.

Anyone who is a Filipina got married in Thailand with British man?

My fiance and I planning to get married in Thailand and i need some information on how to process and what are the requirements?

Im looking forward for the reply.. Thank you..

Mrs Daddy
22nd March 2009, 18:13
Oh dear!can you visit or phone the home office in thailand?or joe probably can answer this?where are you joe?:D welcome here by the way:)

22nd March 2009, 18:36
hiya!welcome here to the forum:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:just asking why do u want to get married in thailand?:doh:doh:doh

22nd March 2009, 18:40
have a look here.. http://www.weddingsinthailand.com/legal_marriage_thailand_d_i_y.php


if you want they can arrange it all for you :rolleyes:

23rd March 2009, 00:38
Irobot..." Sunny... Different From The Rest...."

Hi there welcome to the forum.....

I have been to Thailand many times and to be married on a sandy island beach or wet and cold England ummmmmm think i would go for Thailand ... lovely people a good currency exchange rate and not that far from the Philippines....Phil..

23rd March 2009, 18:42
I want to marry him because i love him but my family will hate me if they know it. They dont like my fiance for some reasons( financial and religion) but we love each other and we are 2 years in relationship and we both want to settle down. So, thats why we choose Thailand as a secret wedding for us.

23rd March 2009, 18:48
Another questions.
If possible we can get married there in Thailand, Can i still apply a spouse visa here in Philippines? Is it complicated? And also before we get married in Thailand do we still need the 10 days posting here?

23rd March 2009, 19:07
Could you not get married in another part of the Philippines?
It may just make life easier?

I've had problems with my fiancees family too.

Good luck! to you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd March 2009, 19:19
I want to marry him because i love him but my family will hate me if they know it. They dont like my fiance for some reasons( financial and religion) but we love each other and we are 2 years in relationship and we both want to settle down. So, thats why we choose Thailand as a secret wedding for us.

You can have secret wedding on the phil too,Dont you know ??

23rd March 2009, 23:27
Hi there Ashley .... Secret weddings ect.... ummmmm well you have to break eggs to make an omelette not really my business to say but things what I have seen with most run away secret weddings plans lack :-

Is your UK Partner may forget if divorced is a piece of paper which is the UK equivalent to certificate of non marriage it cost around £15.00p... also it has a time limit on it, each country may vary...

And also others may help me here is that the bands also be read in the Uk, I am assuming one of you is a UK resident..

BUT... Irobot sleeps with a Honest Heart and I would tell my parents what I will be doing either face to face or by letter and explain how you love each other and you will marry regardless, and it would be a shame that they will never see their grand children will bring them too their senses I would hope.... and you may sleep better as well knowing they will always be there if needed... sorry of this is not the kind of response you wanted... Phil..

8th April 2009, 09:53
Hi again Ashley, just to let you know myself and my GF also looked into this option for similar reasons to yourself and it does appear marrying in Thailand is relatively easy and straight forward and dare i say it easier than in Philippines but it must be a civil ceremony as religeous weddings of any kind are not recognised within Thai law, should just take a few days to process the necessary paperworks but what i was never able to clearly establish when i looked into this was if you need to "10 day posting" there in Philippine Embassy BKK prior to wedding, you must if it is between 2 Filipino citizens but it's not so clear if this is the case between a Filipina and forigner as the Thia authorites don't require this just your "affidavit of freedom to marry" so im not sure if the Philippine Embassy just convert your authenticated CENOMAR to these local papers or if you need to go through that 10 day posting which i guess could be a pain?, im sure someone here will know the answer to this, good luck to you both