View Full Version : Who has found uses for Twitter?

29th March 2009, 20:50
Hiya had to say I was not that excited about Twittering, as email and IM fufilled my needs.

But now Vodafone are making sms's free to recieve and those you send part of your text pack or whatever they call it. The Wife and her Pinoy mates im sure will really take it to another level with mass sms calls with their Friends now dotted all over the world. Untill now she has used her PC or smartphone and a Data connection. The applications on the smart phone are still very basic and not very user friendly.

It has replaced texting her bro and sister (with seperate logins) so no more expensive international texts:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Also she now knows what ashton kucher, steven fry, jonthan ross and leonardo de caprio are up to as well as what her mates are up to:rolleyes:

The phill end of sms twitter a little bit complicated but hopefully will get easier in time as it does with most new techs.

So anyone else twittering with de folks abroad etc?

31st March 2009, 06:45
I did have a look at it recently & thought I might give it a go?
But that's as far as I got...so far. :Erm: :)

31st March 2009, 08:59
I can't see Filipina's using it, they need at LEAST 34,264,423,243,432 characters per post :rolleyes:

31st March 2009, 17:06
So what do you call a person who twitters? The answer is quite a rude word...

31st March 2009, 17:08
So what do you call a person who twitters? The answer is quite a rude word...
Welsh :Erm:

7th April 2009, 19:56
I can't see Filipina's using it, they need at LEAST 34,264,423,243,432 characters per post :rolleyes:Lol the missus and her mates just that many twitter messages it seems.

The Wife now has a twitter client on her phone which allows her to up load pictures directly to twitpic (you gotta laugh at the names:D)

But its making a big difference to the missus as her friends, family and her love to use it and even if trhey are all dotted around the world they can have a mass convo cheaply:)

14th May 2009, 11:04
Well eat bluga, phillipines and the book blockade are all in the top ten search words on twitter.

1st July 2009, 16:01
Thanks for this thread Sir, I guess I need to sign up soon and gonna prepare twitpic:D

It's start to get famous here(twitter) even Lola (grandma) love it:D:icon_lol::Rasp::CompBuster::Cuckoo:


sorry but it's in tagalog commercial ads here I wish my lola could do it as well:yikes::D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

1st July 2009, 19:05
I am confused as to the purpose of this site. Instead of writing a blog, because you are a lazy so and so you will choose to write.

"Was at Glastonbury.Great fun man...Damn.I am in the toilet now, why paper always disappear when i already sat down"

Is that the kinda thing you are after?

2nd July 2009, 00:35
So what do you call a person who twitters? The answer is quite a rude word...


4th July 2009, 22:12
I am confused as to the purpose of this site. Instead of writing a blog, because you are a lazy so and so you will choose to write.

"Was at Glastonbury.Great fun man...Damn.I am in the toilet now, why paper always disappear when i already sat down"

Is that the kinda thing you are after?If thats what you wanna do while we will keep saving moolah on the missus phone:D

I'll emaill you some paper over:Rasp:

4th July 2009, 23:08
i like to twitter and twatter :Erm: :D

4th July 2009, 23:35
I don't like Twitter that much hehe...

4th July 2009, 23:52
i like to twitter and twatter :Erm: :D

Why did you hit her:Erm:

6th July 2009, 12:06
Just tried this twitter nonsense...and nonsense it is. My status shows I'm painting the dog. Ho hum, thats was fun...now what...?

6th July 2009, 21:00
Just tried this twitter nonsense...and nonsense it is. My status shows I'm painting the dog. Ho hum, thats was fun...now what...?

Well if you had friends/clients to send messages to and from:Rasp:

7th July 2009, 06:03
Well if you had friends/clients to send messages to and from:Rasp:

Would you adam and eve it, gor blimey guv'nor there is a tw@tter: http://www.twatter.com/ Should be err, rude, but interesting

8th July 2009, 19:14
Twitter fan :) and connected on the backstage :)

14th July 2009, 12:05
I see Microsoft are incorprating into their CRM software, Rob warn them off.:D

o2 now have the twitter bug


15th July 2009, 07:46
twitter help me earn online sometimes.....

18th July 2009, 23:46
Twitter mentioned at the Barrio and it was twitpiced:omg:

6th August 2009, 19:57
So Twitter was attacked today, millions of users were devasted, they couldn't tweet.

7th August 2009, 19:32
So Twitter was attacked today, millions of users were devasted, they couldn't tweet.

Lives must have been ruined, i understand facebook and many of the major bloging sites were affected as well what a loss:D

8th August 2009, 10:11
I see Twitter and Facebook went offline yesterday due to being hacked by the Ruskies :doh

8th August 2009, 21:46
twitter is good cockney rhyming slang for the toilet....think about...who will work it out first?

28th August 2009, 21:33
We moved our business use of twitter as it really took off, to yammer a month or so back. Created a guest email domain and have to say exceeding all expectations.

29th August 2009, 10:49
I've got some software now for spamming it :)

29th August 2009, 11:24
I've got some software now for spamming it :)

What yammer or twitter?

Yammers closed network so i better not get tins of spam on there from you:D

29th August 2009, 11:33