View Full Version : Jet's surprise day in london.......

31st March 2009, 10:09
I had booked saturday night at a hotel in St. Albans, so that I would not have to drive after judith's and Shawn's wedding.
I must admit that the wine at the reception was outstanding and, maybe, I drank a couple too many....:omg:

I had planned to spend most of the sunday in London, without telling Jet, before returning home to Wales.
So as I was setting the GPS, I told her that we were diverting to Fulham for a couple of hours, to see some friends.:rolleyes:
"Big place this Pulam, noh...?" She kept saying as we drove into the capital.....:D
After we arrived at Earls Court exibition Centre I did have to tell her.....:rolleyes:
her face was a picture to behold, real surprise and happiness.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Thanks to one of my better ex colleagues in the wine trade, we got a couple of free tickets to get inside the Ideal Home Show. She was absolutely gobsmacked by all the various things on display and sale. She stopped a few times at different jewellery and handbag stands, and although there were items on display which she was attracted to, she diplomatically dismissed them, realizing that they were well overpriced at that venue.:omg:
We went around for a couple of hours, meet a couple of old work friends and made the introductions and after that we left for another big attraction.
She only realized we were going to the London Eye, when the darn thing suddenly appeared in front of us.... :doh
For her that turned a good day out into a brilliant one.

We queued up for 5 minutes to get tickets and another 5 to get onboard the viewing pod. A bit scare at first, realizing that it was moving and getting higher and higher, but after a few minutes she settled and from then on she was taking photos galore.

By gum she looked happy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

All the way back home she talked about Judith's wedding and the London Eye, real excited.
As soon as we stepped into our place, she went straight to the pc and started downloading every photo taken during the 2 days.
Yesterday, monday, she was off work and spent the most of the morning sending photos of of our trip to london to her family.
And I suppose they in turn, were showing off with the neighbours.....:omg:

The whole trip was not cheap,:bigcry:, but well worth the effort,:xxgrinning--00xx3:, just to see her satisfied and happy smiling face.:D

31st March 2009, 10:22
Nice one Dom! We'll have to invite you over to Leeds sometime. Not got the London Eye, but got the Leeds Rhinos. :)

Mrs Daddy
31st March 2009, 10:23
good for her :)

31st March 2009, 10:40
Excellent Dom! You are a true gent.


31st March 2009, 11:20
[SIZE=4]"Big place this Pulam, noh...?" She kept saying as we drove into the capital.....:D

The whole trip was not cheap,:bigcry:, but well worth the effort,:xxgrinning--00xx3:, just to see her satisfied and happy smiling face.:D

Sounds like you both had a "grand day out" as Wallace would say. :D
When I read it I realised just how nice it must be for all the husbands here to be able to go places in the UK with your wives. :BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

I am looking forward to these things too.

You also travelled through London on a Sunday which was great, any other day it's a nightmare :yikes:

31st March 2009, 12:08
Glad to know that u and Jet really had enjoyed ur day out..:)

31st March 2009, 13:11
And how romantic is that?!!!

Well done!!! I am happy for both of you...

31st March 2009, 13:42
how lovely and romantic :cwm38:

Pepe n Pilar
31st March 2009, 14:00
Jet must be very excited to see the London Eye. That's so sweet of you Dom giving her surprises.:)

Thanks Aposhark for the info.:) So it is best to go there on a Sunday. ....:BouncyHappy::Hellooo:

31st March 2009, 15:50
Lucky Jet:D You sweet of you Mod:)

31st March 2009, 16:09
yeah,another sweet british husband as well:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st March 2009, 17:38
When I read it I realised just how nice it must be for all the husbands here to be able to go places in the UK with your wives. :BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

I am looking forward to these things too.

I'm with you on this one aposhark. :)
Wont be long for you now. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes a nice day out...I've been on the London eye before, but there was no romance that time sadly...Next time eh!

31st March 2009, 19:05

31st March 2009, 19:19
yeah,another sweet british husband as well:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Walay british oi.........:omg:

31st March 2009, 21:53
Walay british oi.........:omg:

Huh ? Translation please for us lot who are not so hot with Filipinospeak... :-)

31st March 2009, 21:55
I'm with you on this one aposhark. :)
Wont be long for you now. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes a nice day out...I've been on the London eye before, but there was no romance that time sadly...Next time eh!

We'll get there Sim, we'll get there :xxgrinning--00xx3: