View Full Version : A regular time to talk on the flashchat server...

4th April 2009, 01:14
Irobot...I have gone into the FlashChat Server, several times and no one on it ??... WHY ??....

So why don`t we all decide to make a set time to chat....a day and a regular time to go on there and have a chat / gossip once a week...or daily

Say a Saturday Night 10 pm until 11pm ....or any day / time any one likes to suggest on a regular basis...Which we could stick to.

You could have a day time one also for any one home that time or what ever....

So other people know perhaps for a set hour a week/day some one you know may be on there or be able to chat to you via the chat server.....

What do you think about this ???.... Phil..

4th April 2009, 12:56
People are too lazy to chat hehe... Visited there couple of times but no one is there too... lol People tend to use MSN or YM chats

4th April 2009, 19:47
just chat here on the forum ,how was that ??