View Full Version : Best way: register child 1st or get married 1st?

5th April 2009, 05:16
I am a Filipina who has a 2yo daughter with a British National. She was born here in the Philippines, but we have not registered her in NSO to-date. We are getting married end of this year when his folks are over.

I have read the forum posts on application of passport for our child, however, I'd like to seek advise on which is the best way to go:

1. register our child, get married, apply for passport
2. get married, register our child, apply for passport

I also read that a britsh national can pass on to his/her nationality for any child born on or before July 2006...but there are conditions and I am confused if this can apply to our child.

I might have missed a post that would answer my questions...if I did, my apologies.

Thanks very much for the help.

5th April 2009, 09:44
depends exactly when the child born


5th April 2009, 15:10
Hi Aquila1021.

My daughter was born in 2003 and at the time my wife and i were not married and had no immediate plan to get married. So like your daughter when our daughter was born she was an illegitimate child (parents not married). Back then a father could not automatically pass his British Citizenship to his child unless he was married to the mother so the only way open for me to get her British Citizenship was to apply to get her registered as a British Citizen under section 3(1) of the British Nationality act given ONLY at the Home Secretaries consent. As you have indicated the rules for that have changed now and the process has been made simpler for fathers of an illegitimate child born after 2006.

But in your case none of the above will apply because once the two of you are married your child will automatically be entitled to British Citizenship. You only have to consider the above if the two of you will not be getting married.

As regards your other question it is a hard one to answer. As in my case you have an illegitimate child. My daughters birth was registered at the NSO in her mums name with my name as the father and relationship not married. So right now her Brit and Phil passports are in her mothers name not mine. But since that time there has been a law passed in the Phil allowing an illegitimate child to use the fathers name if he consents to that. So now I have been told that all I have to do is to fill in some more forms! and her NSO birth certificate will be annotated thus allowing her Phil passport to be changed to my name!

If I was your situation I would try not to register your childs birth with the NSO until the two of you are married. But first I would advise that you go to the local Civil Registry where your child was born and just run the situation past them. Or have a quick word with an attorney.