View Full Version : Help Please!

6th April 2009, 20:41
I ordered a:
Samsung 23" Wide SM2333SW 5ms DVI TFT Gloss Black

From DABS last week, as the SPECS said 1920 x 1200 default pixel resolution, which is what I wanted. When it arrived it was 1920 x 1080, no use to me for what I need it for.

Now Dabs are saying they will not collect it as it says 1920 x 1080 on the web site!! SO THEY HAVE EDITED IT TO GET OUT OF PAYING FOR A COLLECTION.

Just as proof, here is the Google Cached page of what I ordered, can you please cleary state for me what the SPECIFICATIONS MAX RESOLUTION is for me please, just in case I'm going stupid, or I need additional proof for them.

Even more weird is the fact that today the same product now appears on Dabs on 2 different pages, and 2 different prices, can you also confirm this for me? Both the same model number as Samsung only make one type of that model number.


Ta :xxgrinning--00xx3:

And by the way.....

6th April 2009, 21:20
Contents may differ than display on box. That will be the scanning pixels they printed wrong.

I have only bought one thing from them. A tiny obscure thing I needed for my games console. An optical splitter.

Littlewoods, or Index. They always have the returns policy that is good

Better check the manufacturers website first.

I'd get this nice one


6th April 2009, 21:25
:doh no 1200 anywhere :Erm:

6th April 2009, 21:37
:doh no 1200 anywhere :Erm:
It's on the cached page from last week:


6th April 2009, 21:43
It's on the cached page from last week:


:doh :icon_lol: :doh

yes, took a while to open the page, the cheeky :censored:

did you pay by CC, can't you get your money back of the CC ? they've not sent what you ordered :cwm23:

6th April 2009, 22:06
They'll refund, but I want them to pay for the delivery out & in, which they are refusing as they say their is no mistake.....as you can see, they are clearly lying, and have been caught red-handed THANKS to Google :)

7th April 2009, 06:14
They'll refund, but I want them to pay for the delivery out & in, which they are refusing as they say their is no mistake.....as you can see, they are clearly lying, and have been caught red-handed THANKS to Google :)

Keep the :censored: thing, until they fork out for two lots of delivery...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2009, 11:37
Keep the :censored: thing, until they fork out for two lots of delivery...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

They will probably not refund without Keith paying P&P

What about trade descriptions? Using the cached Google page, Keith?

7th April 2009, 11:40
They will probably not refund without Keith paying P&P

What about trade descriptions? Using the cached Google page, Keith?
:Erm: Eh?

The cache page IS THE PAGE I BOUGHT FROM WHEN IT WAS LIVE ON DABS LAST WEEK :doh. That is a 'cache' of the actual page I bought from!!! Simple? :NoNo:

7th April 2009, 11:47
:Erm: Eh?

The cache page IS THE PAGE I BOUGHT FROM WHEN IT WAS LIVE ON DABS LAST WEEK :doh. That is a 'cache' of the actual page I bought from!!! Simple? :NoNo:

I was only trying to help you get your refund and them to pay P&P

On that cached page it also shows the lower resolution too.

7th April 2009, 11:52
Get a full refund on your credit card, and if they want the stuff back tell to come and collect it themselves and give you the P&P you forked out for, first.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Or you will sell it to recoup your losses.:omg:

7th April 2009, 12:07
On that cached page it also shows the lower resolution too.
In the description (which you can run any monitor at any size), but the SPECS clearly state what I ordered, but not what they delivered, and it is the default Spec resolution I go by when ordering, change that setting and the screen goes strange as it tries to stretch the colours to match the pixels.

I'll get money back on the monitor, I just want them to admit it the mistake and cover the P&P charges.

I only found it by searching for "1920 x 1200" on Google Base.

7th April 2009, 13:29
I know what you mean, Keith.


It just seems at times that we just keep on getting ripped off, and it's hard not to boil over. I understand that companies try their best to make profits, but I suppose it is always in our interests to find the best deals, especially as the work situation is bad everywhere.

7th April 2009, 14:23
Have a big read through this lad

I would say this one applies? Goods Not As Ordered
If you receive goods from us that differ from what you have ordered, then you must notify us as soon as possible using our Online Returns Tool.


7th April 2009, 15:56
... then you must notify us as soon as possible using our Online Returns Tool.
Done that 10 minutes after I received it, just waiting for a response since I proofed beyond doubt they have since changed the website to try and make it look as though I was wrong! As if I ever am :D

7th April 2009, 23:09
maybe you can tell them you got a print out of their page which shows the spec when you order the item and if they are not going to refund the p&p you will report it to the trading standard and have your lawyer deal with it as it fools their customer. see whats their reaction about it. just a suggestion.

9th April 2009, 10:50
Dabs Customer Service

What customer service? :Erm:

No reply to my email sent Monday threatening court action, and none from the internal system sent yesterday.

This company used to be excellent, and I've used them for years, never again. I take it the takeover by BT has seen them install the normal BT customer service. :doh

Next they'll be saying I never requested it to be returned within the legal 7 days, when obviously I have.

They only have to admit the error (which I've proven here), apologise for this hassle, and arrange a collection, and full refund. Simple.

If I employed anyone that done this to a customer in my company they would be sacked, customers are No.1 and must be kept happy.

A hell of a lot of peope will read this post and cost them a lot of business. That is probably more viable than spending out about £10 on delivery charges. :Erm: With maths like that no wonder the country is in a mess.

9th April 2009, 11:25
Dabs Customer Service! What customer service? :Erm:

No reply to my email sent Monday threatening court action, and none from the internal system sent yesterday.

This company used to be excellent, and I've used them for years, never again. I take it the takeover by BT has seen them install the normal BT customer service. :doh

Next they'll be saying I never requested it to be returned within the legal 7 days, when obviously I have.

They only have to admit the error (which I've proven here), apologise for this hassle, and arrange a collection, and full refund. Simple.

If I employed anyone that done this to a customer in my company they would be sacked, customers are No.1 and must be kept happy.

A hell of a lot of peope will read this post and cost them a lot of business. That is probably more viable than spending out about £10 on delivery charges. :Erm: With maths like that no wonder the country is in a mess.

Where I work we used to buy lots of stuff from Dabs. The first problem we started to notice with Dabs is that anything that wasn't showing as "In Stock" at the time we ordered it would never arrive and would have to be re-ordered when it was in stock. It seems that most of the items would never be re-stocked under the same stock code, so although the order was still on their system, it would never be actioned.

We also began to notice that they started to get absolutely useless with regard to returns, replacements and delivery times, so we switched to using Novatech for most of the things we need and only order from Dabs as a last resort when we can't get what we need from Novatech or elsewhere.


9th April 2009, 13:37
just raise it with watchdog or even the customer services bloke on the one show and you will get your result plus usually a bit more as well as embarrasing DABS. He just got a great refund plus a free flight and apology for a non notified flight cancellation by Easy jetthat ruined a couples 25th anniversary

9th April 2009, 15:57
I've just emailed/contacted them by every means I can find via the site. Strange how even with "Court Action Pending" in the titke, they have ignored it!! All over about £10!!