View Full Version : Error 0x80070052 ???? Help! USB problem..

9th April 2009, 21:04
Ok you clever dicks!:icon_lol:

I have a USB memory stick (4GB) that I keep MP3 files on...)

The USB memory stick has only used about one third of it's memory...:Erm:

When I try to save files to it recently...it says "Directory cannot be found.":Erm:

If I try to create a new file on this USB it says "Error 0x80070052 The directory or file cannot be created..:Erm:

I can play the MP3 files already stored on this USB, but it wont let me save any more to it..:Erm:

Is there any chance I can fix this USB stick? :Erm: I have one of these stereo's in my car that will play MP3's from a USB memory stick...so I've been using this in my car of course and I suspect it's my car stereo that has damaged this USB...:Erm:

Anyone else had this problem? Can it be easily fixed?:Erm:

Thanks for your comments in advance!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th April 2009, 21:07
You have a corrupted FAT

Copy everything off it to PC. Reformat THE PEN DRIVE (not the flippin HD :omg:). Then copy everything back.

If that fails, buy a pigeon!

9th April 2009, 21:24
Try this first-


It happened to me a while ago and the advice on the above link was spot on.

10th April 2009, 04:04
old fat problem,no not that you've eaten too many pies :doh

design fault of the root directory, has a set size :NoNo:, maybe M/S back in the early 80's didn't think you would ever need to have some many files in the root directory :NoNo: seeing your hdd then would probably have been a massive 5mb :icon_lol: :Rasp:

10th April 2009, 16:17
The chaps have already answered it but I would add.

Do Virus scan your USB sticks and HDD as on a project recently a "person who should have known much better due to the nature of his job"(public sector worker so paid to much and knows nothing about the subject) for the customer had a usb HDD which tried to pass on a Virus to me a couple of weeks back.
This is after ( we found out a bit earlier) the portable hdd had been plugged into just about every member of the this persons team pc's. Turned out this goverment departments pc's were rife with Viruses.

We then had to advise them on how to deal with the mess, turned out thir av software did not auto update:doh as the policy was not set up to do it and the pc's were not patched up to date:rolleyes:

All stuff you can do on your local home PC for free:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th April 2009, 09:40
Thanks guys!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I copied all the MP3 files onto my PC then formatted the USB stick, then copied all the MP3 files back to it just like Keith said!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

After copying all the MP3 files back to the USB it seemed fine for a while, then the same problem started happening again....so I just formatted the USB a second time....when I put the MP3 files back on it again...this time I got a message saying something like "There was a problem saving MP3 B52s Rock Lobster...file maybe corrupted...do you wish to delete this file?"

I did delete that file and now it's absolutely fine!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks again guys!:)

I didn't want to hear the B52s again anyway!:icon_lol:

11th April 2009, 10:12
B52s Rock Lobster...

I love that song...."HERE COMES A BIKINI WHALE!" :BouncyHappy:

11th April 2009, 10:14
Sounds like an actual hardware problem, and it will eventually get worse.

11th April 2009, 10:25
I love that song...."HERE COMES A BIKINI WHALE!" :BouncyHappy:I like it too really...but it seemed to be the file that was causing the problem...:Erm:

I'll be sure to acquire again sometime..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th April 2009, 11:04
Sounds like an actual hardware problem, and it will eventually get worse.

more like the :censored: nigel listens to :D
