View Full Version : A poem for the over 30s.

12th April 2009, 01:11
A computer was something on TV
From a science fiction show of note
A window was something you hated to clean
And ram was the cousin of a goat.
Meg was the name of my girlfriend
And gig was a job for the nights
Now they all mean different things
And that really mega bites.
An application was for employment
A program(me) was a TV show
A curser used profanity
A keyboard was a piano.
Memory was something that you lost with age
A CD was a bank account
And if you had a 3 inch floppy
You hoped nobody found out.
Compress was something you did to the rubbish
Not something you did to a file.
And if you unzipped anything in public
You'd be in jail for a while.
Log on was adding wood to the fire
Hard drive was a long trip on the road
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
And a back up happened to your commode.
Cut you did with a pocket knife.
Paste you did with glue
A web was a spider's home
And a virus was the 'flu.
I guess I'll stick to my pad and paper
And the memory in my head
I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash
But when it happens, they'll wish they were dead.


12th April 2009, 09:10
i think that should be if your over 50 Al, not 30 :D


you missed off wireless, i see your wireless Al, is that the radio with valves in or a wireless internet connection ? :doh

12th April 2009, 09:29
Age is creeping on, Al.......:NoNo:

I remember when "Multimedia" meant that the paperboy delivered more than one newspaper to the same address....:omg:

12th April 2009, 09:41
nice one Prof, and very true at least for the over forties me included. I always take a few days when I am in Palawan to shutdown the lap top and switch off my PDA but always feel better for it. I use technology to support my life not replace it and do try to not to get aggravated by such things as automated "customer services" and the like but it can be :Brick::Brick::Brick::Brick::Brick:

If you ask the average urban 7 year old what a mouse is they will say it is a computer periphery:doh:doh:doh

12th April 2009, 12:08
Thank you Joe. Keep hiding behind that settee! :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you Dom. I also remember when a worm was something you cut in half to see if they really could continue to live. Then you went fishing instead of going to school. (How, oh how did I ever get degrees??? I was the laziest sod on Earth!!)

Thank you Scott. I have written a 'get your own back on Call Centres' script. Maybe one day, if I feel it is good enough, I shall publish it here.
