View Full Version : Barbaric!

13th April 2009, 08:51
Hi everyone.

I have just read a post on another forum (Cebu Britclub) and I felt that I had to share it wish you.

I hope that the author of this post does not mind me doing this as I can't seem to get in touch with him at the mo.

Reading this brought tears to my eyes (in more ways than one!!!)

Here it is:-

Hi chaps, …simply must tell you this, can't believe what we were hearing yesterday.
My wife helps teach a group of squatter children nearby and some of the young boys were walking in a strange way into the compound. Apparently it is tradition to circumsize them over the Easter period, seems like the Good Friday. Since they don't have any money to support themselves we asked this boy how it was done.
His father did it with a fresh blade from the sari sari store !!!!!
No anesthetic, cotton was used, we can imagine then method? Bleeding was stopped by applying the chewed leaf of the Guava plant.
Didn't it hurt we asked and he replied that the pain was like being stung by one of those big ants.
Blimey…..all tradition, you don't grow if you don't have it done…?
In this day of equality we should do the girls also !
Why why do they continue with this stupid tradition, desensitizing the most delicate organ of the male species….some say its to do with religion, blah blah why change the way God made us??
….maybe it's a feministic plot to achieve longer love making sessions hohoho.
Sorry for telling you this but have to share it with you, to hear this young lad tell us and this next day coming round to our place for doing odd jobs for a few pesos and dressed in throwaway rags to boot.
It been a Happy Easter for some of use.


13th April 2009, 09:03

Reading this, sent a cold shiver running down my old man.....:NoNo:

I think that, religion or not, this practice should only be used for medical reasons.
That piece of skin has been placed there by nature for a reason.

13th April 2009, 09:27
using religion of course is a dumb excuse for circumsize, but honestly ...... in that heat and live there.....

If I had to live there permanently, I'd have it done too ....... even though it kinda freaks me out

13th April 2009, 12:07

Reading this, sent a cold shiver running down my old man.....:NoNo:

I think that, religion or not, this practice should only be used for medical reasons.
That piece of skin has been placed there by nature for a reason.

Very True :xxgrinning--00xx3: Circumcision having to do with religious compliance is an old cliche already. I guess it's being practiced in the philippines not necessarily for religious reasons (although i guess there's still a few left who does) but rather more for medical and hygiene purposes, specially with the hot tropical weather there.

13th April 2009, 12:17
Hi everyone.

I have just read a post on another forum (Cebu Britclub) and I felt that I had to share it wish you.

I hope that the author of this post does not mind me doing this as I can't seem to get in touch with him at the mo.

Reading this brought tears to my eyes (in more ways than one!!!)

Here it is:-

Hi chaps, …simply must tell you this, can't believe what we were hearing yesterday.
My wife helps teach a group of squatter children nearby and some of the young boys were walking in a strange way into the compound. Apparently it is tradition to circumsize them over the Easter period, seems like the Good Friday. Since they don't have any money to support themselves we asked this boy how it was done.
His father did it with a fresh blade from the sari sari store !!!!!
No anesthetic, cotton was used, we can imagine then method? Bleeding was stopped by applying the chewed leaf of the Guava plant.
Didn't it hurt we asked and he replied that the pain was like being stung by one of those big ants.
Blimey…..all tradition, you don't grow if you don't have it done…?
In this day of equality we should do the girls also !
Why why do they continue with this stupid tradition, desensitizing the most delicate organ of the male species….some say its to do with religion, blah blah why change the way God made us??
….maybe it's a feministic plot to achieve longer love making sessions hohoho.
Sorry for telling you this but have to share it with you, to hear this young lad tell us and this next day coming round to our place for doing odd jobs for a few pesos and dressed in throwaway rags to boot.
It been a Happy Easter for some of use.


Yes Alan, that is terrible.

I witnessed many young African girls being daubed in some form of white paste before going off for their rite of passage to womanhood.
The thought of it used to bring me to tears back then on an emotional level, and it is still just as abhorrent now.

What many people don't know is that most infant boys in the USA are circumsized at birth.
Of all the subjects discussed on American radio, circumsicion had the most feedback.
People wanted to know why?
I used to have conversations with fellow barflies (when I used to partake, which is seldom now!) and they thought that boys all around the whole world were snipped at birth like them.
They still sip their beers without fully grasping what they do to their infants.

13th April 2009, 13:33
Yes Alan, that is terrible.

I witnessed many young African girls being daubed in some form of white paste before going off for their rite of passage to womanhood.
The thought of it used to bring me to tears back then on an emotional level, and it is still just as abhorrent now.

What many people don't know is that most infant boys in the USA are circumsized at birth.
Of all the subjects discussed on American radio, circumsicion had the most feedback.
People wanted to know why?
I used to have conversations with fellow barflies (when I used to partake, which is seldom now!) and they thought that boys all around the whole world were snipped at birth like them.
They still sip their beers without fully grasping what they do to their infants.

Yes Mike - I find it very difficult to believe WHY? And GIRLS as well!!!!

However, think of our own country - it is only a generation ago that, as soon as one had a sore throat, the Doc. used to send you to have your tonsils removed. (Sorry to mix active and passive here.)

I must admit, however, to a certain degree of hypocracy here. As a Maths teacher I have been informing students for 'donkeys years' that the circumcision of a circle is diameter times pi! :Erm:

Al 'will always be a loony' Clegg. Maybe I should grow up and start acting my age - but then again - why?

I remember when my gran. was 55 - and she was OLD!!! I mean OLD!!!

I am talking about my gran - who is now 98 - the one who owned a hotel in Ostende - with the red carpets in the reception.

Actually, the hotel itself was circumcised - well, at least, it had a ring road around it!

If you like chips, and who doesn't, then you cannot get better than in Belgium!! Frites with a huge dollop of mayonnaise - oh, and a Belgian beer to wash it down with - something like a Trappiste or Mort Subite!! Now, you're talking beer - well, I am at least!

They say 'French Fries' here in the Phils. - Hmm - of course they get it from the Americans!! Certainly not the French, who have never HEARD of French Fries!!! I doubt the ones at McDonalds have ever been anywhere near a potato!!

I seem to have gone off topic here - another 6 bottles of Emperador please Hanna!!!

Nevertheless, (what a strange word - and who thought of joining it together? In fact, what heartless b*****d decided to put an 's' in the word 'lisp?'

Nevertheless, I have made a decision!! No, I am not going to be circumcised!

The decision I have made is...............

I'll tell you later.


13th April 2009, 14:38
They say 'French Fries' here in the Phils. - Hmm - of course they get it from the Americans!! Certainly not the French, who have never HEARD of French Fries!!! I doubt the ones at McDonalds have ever been anywhere near a potato!!


French Fries ?

13th April 2009, 14:48
Thanks for that Mike - I have learned!


Arthur Little
13th April 2009, 14:55
I agree whole-heartedly with Dom that the practice should only be resorted to for medical reasons.

Having perused (and heard of many more) 'horror stories' :yikes: surrounding this topic, it was very amusing :icon_lol: to read Alan's light-hearted *"climax" [perhaps not the most appropriate *word in the circumstances?] to his original thread.

Thanks Al. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th April 2009, 15:00
I just wonder what most of the Filipinas on this forum think about this. I mean if they have a baby boy with their Brit husband, would they want him to be circumcised. I know that it's a sort of "right of passage" in the Philippines and a boy who grew up and went to school there without being circumcised, being different from all his peers would probably be picked on or ridiculed, but if they are here in the UK, would they still want their child to be mutilated in this way.

Personally, I can't can't understand how a nation that is so godfearing dare to think that God got it so wrong when he decided to add a foreskin to protect one of the most sensitive areas of the male body and in doing so, from what I've heard, desensitize it completely, when it's sensitivity was for obvious reasons, supposed to be protected.


Arthur Little
13th April 2009, 15:08
Erm ... just a thought, Al. Do you REALLY still have a granny who's 98 now? ... with your having reached the "great age" of 55 yourself! (LOL)

Only joking!!

13th April 2009, 15:56
I always tell Phills if the convo comes up oh in the UK only Jews and muslims get the snip here. Which gets the bigoted ones all confused.

13th April 2009, 18:26
It does seem a normal practise in the Philippines which has never made any sense. Cannot see it being done for religious reasons as i do not think this is a Catholic practise.

My wife joked a while back with me saying its a normal practise for any guy in the Philippines.

Is it any wonder i sleep on my stomach lol

13th April 2009, 20:05
The sharpest thing ever to get anywhere near my old man, was a set of teeth...........:omg:

And even then I kept worrying.......:rolleyes:

13th April 2009, 21:08
The sharpest thing ever to get anywhere near my old man, was a set of teeth...........:omg:

And even then I kept worrying.......:rolleyes:

So, your father was being attacked by a vampire :omg:
Was he OK? :omg:

13th April 2009, 21:15
So, your father was being attacked by a vampire :omg:
Was he OK? :omg:


13th April 2009, 22:27
Irobot..." Sunny... Different From The Rest... ":Britain:

Hi There...If you look at the whole picture it is not what has or has not been done but why is the custom done...

And, as customs go there is some strange ones going on in the world of ours like the jungle people who when the males become adults the Tribal Ceremony is to knock out their front two teeth with just a bit of wood and a large stone,... or the women who stretch their necks and have just one more neck ring on... or the bottom lip which are stretched to look like a large ash tray...or babies heads bound tightly to misshapen their heads to a cone shape...Even in the Philippines when people volunteer to be nailed to a wooden cross can be seen as a strange custom...Phil

13th April 2009, 22:41
Even in the Philippines when people volunteer to be nailed to a wooden cross can be seen as a strange custom...Phil

I agree :xxgrinning--00xx3: I myself find it strange coz some people believe in penitence as a sign of penance for their sins. But i respect other people's beliefs and as much as i'm not up for it, i applaud this people for their bravery to go through such pain for something they believe in. :)

14th April 2009, 01:25
Erm ... just a thought, Al. Do you REALLY still have a granny who's 98 now? ... with your having reached the "great age" of 55 yourself! (LOL)

Only joking!!

Yes Arthur. She is still around, although her memory has gone completely. She no longer recognises any of the family - including her own children.


14th April 2009, 01:26
The sharpest thing ever to get anywhere near my old man, was a set of teeth...........:omg:

And even then I kept worrying.......:rolleyes:

The mind boggles!!!


14th April 2009, 09:10
There are a lot of things written in the Bible about things. Example was God forbidden to eat pig, they are dirty and they eat anything. Later on doctors found out that eating pig will raise your cholesterol levels and will lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. God said to circumcised the male as a covenant of men to God. Later on we found out that it is also more hygenic as dirt will stuck inside the skin and smells. Circumcised penis is almost always dry, very little or no bacteria will develop. But of course it is ones choice. Do it or don't.

14th April 2009, 10:38
My brother in laws son lost his with the aid of a hilot and a sharp bolo..He then celebrated with his mates by jumping off the causeway bridge and into the river..His Dad told me that it looked a bit like the flower of a calabasa and as large as a small cucumber after wards..How they laughed!
A few of the kids at my sons school have found out that he`s even less like them and have tried to make him the playground laughing stock..
After hearing of his cousins tale he seems to be the having the last laugh!!

Good topic Al... Long time no text BTW!!
Hope everything is beginning to go your way this year.
Stay in touch ya hear!


14th April 2009, 10:48
:yikes: Rip Van Winkle is back :xxgrinning--00xx3:

that must have been some hang over :icon_lol:

happy exmas to you, if you don't log back on til xmas :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th April 2009, 10:53
My brother in laws son lost his with the aid of a hilot and a sharp bolo..He then celebrated with his mates by jumping off the causeway bridge and into the river..His Dad told me that it looked a bit like the flower of a calabasa and as large as a small cucumber after wards..How they laughed!
A few of the kids at my sons school have found out that he`s even less like them and have tried to make him the playground laughing stock..
After hearing of his cousins tale he seems to be the having the last laugh!!

Good topic Al... Long time no text BTW!!
Hope everything is beginning to go your way this year.
Stay in touch ya hear!


Thanks Fred - will be in touch very soon.


14th April 2009, 10:54
:yikes: Rip Van Winkle is back :xxgrinning--00xx3:

that must have been some hang over :icon_lol:

happy exmas to you, if you don't log back on til xmas :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:doh Joe - how could you? :doh
