View Full Version : poor kid......

15th April 2009, 07:30
Unfortunate situation for the kid, and I blame the parents totally for it.:angry:


15th April 2009, 07:56
Hi, :cwm12:yes the girl is an inicent victim of this deception of her parents on how they used fke pasports.
They are going to miss out on how this girl becomes an adult, I can only wish her future can be good for her without her parents, unless she travells to the Philippines to see them it will be the 5 years before they might be able to see her again, and they will be carfully checked on any futcher travel there I would think.

This is also part of the reason we have so many stages to go through to be allowed to have our filipina wifes settle with us even here in the UK.

15th April 2009, 10:19
3yr battle :icon_lol:, so it's not only the UK where illegal immigrants can drag their deportation out.

if you get caught using a false passport, then what right of appeal do you have ?

the right to appeal after appeal over years, and who pays for all this ? the tax payer, and in some cases because of the time they have been in the country they are allowed to stay or they get a judge and for what ever reason he allows them to stay.. this just encourages more to come here illegally, hoping for an amnesty.. and if there is an amnesty more will come expecting another amnesty..

they should have been deported straight away, at tax payers expense, because in the end the tax payer will save money by not paying for appeals and benefits.

:Brick: rant over :icon_lol:

15th April 2009, 11:10
A terrible conundrum!!!!!!!!!

15th April 2009, 23:30
They suceeded in getting a better life for their daughter and for 13 years were together she is a Japanese national Iguess so they won that for her too

They have all now decided which way to play it and as soon as she grows up and gets a decent job the sooner the parents can start recieving remitances win win sounds like to me:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th April 2009, 22:30

nothing to do with the phils but they live only a mile from me...

tough as it is, they knew what they were doing, and this part made me :cwm23: and :D

A solicitor the family has instructed has written to Salford council to say that withholding support may be a breach of their human rights.

now do illegal immigrants have 'recourse to public funds' while a person here legally has 'no recourse to public funds' :Cuckoo::Rasp:
