View Full Version : Good luck to him...

16th April 2009, 07:28
I wasn't expecting it at all, I was browsing something totally different when this pops up........:omg:


I wish him the best of luck....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th April 2009, 08:04
Yes, have to agree :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th April 2009, 10:49
"In e-mail messages, Alcantara said ethnic minorities and immigrants have been made the scapegoat for a lot of ills in British society."

“Our first major task is to urgently encourage Filipinos living in London who are now British citizens or European citizens to register with their local council as voters,” he said.
“The next challenge would be to get them all to turn out on polling day on 4th June 2009. Thirdly, we need to encourage them to vote for the "right candidate."

Whoever that may be, perhaps one the first things he can do to help minorities is get the European laws changed to prevent Filipino's from owning land in the European Area until the Phil's affords the same rights to European Citizens living there,that should get the Phil's Governments attention:cwm23:

16th April 2009, 10:57
I just had a horrible vision 10 years hence..........Karaoke machines installed in the houses of parliament :omg: BBQ lechon on No 10's lawn :omg: His brother "Elected" as deputy prime minister,his sister "Elected" as finance minister :doh:NoNo::rolleyes:And "Proyekto ni Gene" signs on every single roadworks in this sceptered isles :icon_lol:

16th April 2009, 11:07
HAHAHA didnt even want to think about that:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th April 2009, 11:13
Maybe I have just visited once too often,makes one a tad sceptical :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th April 2009, 12:32
I wasn't expecting it at all, I was browsing something totally different when this pops up........:omg:


I wish him the best of luck....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

More power to his elbow! (or mouth). :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th April 2009, 10:22
Forgot to add No 9 Downing Street would be turned into a walk in wardrobe,housing 3000 pairs of garishly coloured Nike basketball training shoes,a few pairs of "Islander" tsinelas,and one pair of black leather shoes for formal occassions :xxgrinning--00xx3:Also a basketball hoop fixed to the wall of No 10 so the sound of a ball thudding against the wall as Gene and his barkadas shoot a few hoops reverberates around the street :doh Yup,a pinoy entrenched in the UK political halls of power sounds a great idea............Simbako :NoNo: