16th April 2009, 13:20,%20Suicide%20or%20Foul%20Play?%20The%20True%20Story
Just wanted to share you,sorry brit guys just let your asawa sit next to you and let her explain what it says.....
Sorry,but i conclude it was 3rd party,she wont kill herself just because of bankrupt of financial matters,theyre both working so far...:doh
Life:rolleyes:how can be so cruel :bigcry:
Just wanted to share you,sorry brit guys just let your asawa sit next to you and let her explain what it says.....
Sorry,but i conclude it was 3rd party,she wont kill herself just because of bankrupt of financial matters,theyre both working so far...:doh
Life:rolleyes:how can be so cruel :bigcry: