View Full Version : for brit husbands - agree or disagree?

18th April 2009, 15:08

My answer is both :icon_lol::D
AGREE in a sense that you cannot take away the family and moral values that the filipina has been brought up to, not to mention the dipper/tabo phenomenon that took the uk husbands by storm :icon_lol::icon_lol::D
DISAGREE in a sense that filipinas can be surprisingly flexible and can easily fit in and adapt to new places, new cultures and new people without compromising her integrity and her personal values and beliefs. :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

18th April 2009, 16:28
I think when it comes to having Children its not easy getting them to change somethings ie letting the child stay in their own room and allowing them to eat unhealthy at times.

Mrs Daddy
18th April 2009, 16:53


:Erm::Erm:I know I remember that Is that from the advertisement:D:D:D

18th April 2009, 17:55
I think when it comes to having Children its not easy getting them to change somethings ie letting the child stay in their own room and allowing them to eat unhealthy at times.

Yep, a few real disagreements over this.

The cultural differences are greater then most people realise, and certain things just have to happen the Filipina/Filipino way, despite however many assurances you get to your point of view.
You can come to a middle ground on a lot of things, but there are many things Filipino or British that you decidedly say, this is the way it will be, and you have to accept or compromise to some extent.

18th April 2009, 23:02
I think it depends on the individual.

Some people integrate into another country more than others.

I would imagine that a Filipina's roots are very important to her, as it is with other people from other countries too, in my opinion.

18th April 2009, 23:31
I think it depends on the individual.

Some people integrate into another country more than others.

I would imagine that a Filipina's roots are very important to her, as it is with other people from other countries too, in my opinion.

I agree aposhark, it all boils down to the individual, whatever country he/she may come from, i guess it all depends on the individual's personal conviction on how integrate quicker into another country and blend in.

18th April 2009, 23:40
Yep, a few real disagreements over this.

The cultural differences are greater then most people realise, and certain things just have to happen the Filipina/Filipino way, despite however many assurances you get to your point of view.
You can come to a middle ground on a lot of things, but there are many things Filipino or British that you decidedly say, this is the way it will be, and you have to accept or compromise to some extent.

I agree, we should not belittle cultural differences coz it sure has a big effect on the marriage specially if not discussed well and agreed upon by the couple.
And you're right about coming to middle ground on a lot of things and compromise to avoid further clashing and conflicts, not easy to do though, but very much worth it in the end.

18th April 2009, 23:42
:Erm::Erm:I know I remember that Is that from the advertisement:D:D:D

Yep, i remember too, i guess the advertisement says "You can take away the girl from the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of the girl" :D

18th April 2009, 23:46
I think when it comes to having Children its not easy getting them to change somethings ie letting the child stay in their own room and allowing them to eat unhealthy at times.

I agree, i guess we tend to be more the spoilers and the over pampering type :D:)

trader dave
19th April 2009, 01:30
now we are getting ready for her arrival [sometime this year]:icon_lol::NoNo: she is asking what to bring and what she can get here :icon_lol:

i got the measuring jug already buan :icon_lol::NoNo:

leave all the sandells and little tops because u soon have socks and big coat on :icon_lol:

can i bring dried fish with me :omg:aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr:furious3:

so you can take the girl from the philippines but somethings never change:Hellooo:

19th April 2009, 04:50
can i bring dried fish with me :omg:aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr:furious3:

Everytime we come through customs at heathrow with dried fish in our luggage I'm concerned that we are going to get searched, especially as a dog must be able to smell it (assuming it's trained to re-act to that smell).

But checking the defra website states that you are actually allowed to bring for personal consumption up to 1kg of fish and fish products which includes fish (dried).

19th April 2009, 07:58
:DI am italian, so I don't think it applies to me....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
19th April 2009, 09:03
Yep, i remember too, i guess the advertisement says "You can take away the girl from the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of the girl" :D

:xxgrinning--00xx3:what was the product again:Erm:please enlighten me:D

19th April 2009, 09:31
We are all products of where we are brought up, this applies to everyone, whoever & wherever they are in the world...It's what makes us who we are.

Firstly, we are influenced by our parents/families & our environment etc.

As we become older & more independent, we have more choices, we open ourselves up to new experiences, to things which interest us & discard things that don't...This means that we constantly change. We can move half way around the world, experience different cultures etc. etc. & become a part of that culture. But underlying all of this, we can never take away where we started from.

I think this is a good thing. :)

19th April 2009, 14:01
Everytime we come through customs at heathrow with dried fish in our luggage I'm concerned that we are going to get searched, especially as a dog must be able to smell it (assuming it's trained to re-act to that smell).

But checking the defra website states that you are actually allowed to bring for personal consumption up to 1kg of fish and fish products which includes fish (dried).

The tough life of a Sniffer Dog I bet when they see the KLM or Cathay flight coming they suddenly come down with a cold:D

19th April 2009, 15:01
The nature of the individual is very important but obviously we are generalising in this instance for the sake of comparison. I agree that the key cultural and essential environmental influences of the Philippines stay with a Filipina(o) - thank God in my opinion! Above and beyond those general national traits, there are the individual benefits derived from the family, the personaility, etc.

The level of integration is also dependent upon their UK partner, whether they are working, etc. How much integration is optimal? I would suggest not too much. :)

19th April 2009, 17:44
so you can take the girl from the philippines but somethings never change:Hellooo:

:icon_lol: Correct! :xxgrinning--00xx3:As for me, i can never give up RICE :D:icon_lol:

19th April 2009, 17:45
The nature of the individual is very important but obviously we are generalising in this instance for the sake of comparison. I agree that the key cultural and essential environmental influences of the Philippines stay with a Filipina(o) - thank God in my opinion! Above and beyond those general national traits, there are the individual benefits derived from the family, the personaility, etc.

The level of integration is also dependent upon their UK partner, whether they are working, etc. How much integration is optimal? I would suggest not too much. :)

I totally agree :xxgrinning--00xx3: Very well said :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th April 2009, 20:56
:iagree::iagree::iagree: My wifey is still thinking like a Filipina, but I think she has taken some influence from me 'cause I'm a strong believer in the Law Of Attraction, and I think she has learnt some of it also...but I basically think you are right! :iagree::iagree::iagree:

20th April 2009, 21:28

My answer is both :icon_lol::D
AGREE in a sense that you cannot take away the family and moral values that the filipina has been brought up to, not to mention the dipper/tabo phenomenon that took the uk husbands by storm :icon_lol::icon_lol::D
DISAGREE in a sense that filipinas can be surprisingly flexible and can easily fit in and adapt to new places, new cultures and new people without compromising her integrity and her personal values and beliefs. :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

i agree,looks like i will have to adlust to my wifes way of thinking :icon_lol: