View Full Version : After the Visa

26th April 2009, 04:45
hello to everyone

am so happy about this forum, it helps us a lot specailly our quries and question

i would just like to ask here if to anybody who are already in there hubby in the

UK, is getting a work when your in spouse visa is not hard or what other documents does usually company there required if we holding a spouse visa, if ther is certain documents what are those to allow us working..i know some here felt bored too being away from our family in the philippines speacilly if we used to work before so i reckeon soime wife here are also working in the uk with there husband..any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated and more power to us all here


what agency or office in there that give us the papers the we us spouse visa is allowed to work in the UK?

26th April 2009, 05:41
If you are holding a spouse visa then that allows you to work - you don't need any other papers. Just show any employer your passport and if necessary point out your visa.

It's only if you were in the UK with just a fiancee visa or a tourist visa that you wouldn't be allowed to work.

26th April 2009, 09:33
hi Ross,

like what Darren have said u dont need any paper works aside from ur PASSPORT with SPOUSE VISA stamp on it and also don't forget ur NATIONAL INSURANCE NUMMBER most of the employer asks for it..


26th April 2009, 14:41
Hi Ross, i guess youre thinking about the certification as those company in the Phil,ask that to know your previous experience...here,they will give u application form and you will state there your previous employment and they will base there your knowledge on the job you're applying for....but some of the company says experience is not essential
How are you? Have u done with all the visa ?

27th April 2009, 13:28
yes spouse visa..how we get the national insurance
do employer dont need any more aper work aside from pasport
i read here before we need to get some paper work from Home Office was bit confuse about that cant rem who say that..anyone can gicve me advice whos wife here working on the uk alreafy and holding a spouse visa..any help is great thnak you and more power

27th April 2009, 13:46
yes spouse visa..how we get the national insurance
do employer dont need any more aper work aside from pasport
i read here before we need to get some paper work from Home Office was bit confuse about that cant rem who say that..anyone can give me advice whos wife here working on the uk alreafy and holding a spouse visa..any help is great thnak you and more power

If you have a spouse visa you can work in the UK from the day you arrive here. You just make an appointment at your local job centre, take your passport along with you and apply for a national insurance number. Then just get yourself a job....... if you can find one.


27th April 2009, 13:47

I called them earlier to apply for a NI number for my wife.
They were very helpful and asked for her details, name, date of birth and passport number.
They said it should take a week to process and she may be asked to attend an interview.

27th April 2009, 18:16
If you have a spouse visa you can work in the UK from the day you arrive here. You just make an appointment at your local job centre, take your passport along with you and apply for a national insurance number. Then just get yourself a job....... if you can find one.


You don't actually need a National Insurance number to start work, though if you haven't got one you should apply for one as soon as you start working (if not before).

27th April 2009, 22:04
hello to everyone

am so happy about this forum, it helps us a lot specailly our quries and question

i would just like to ask here if to anybody who are already in there hubby in the

UK, is getting a work when your in spouse visa is not hard or what other documents does usually company there required if we holding a spouse visa, if ther is certain documents what are those to allow us working..i know some here felt bored too being away from our family in the philippines speacilly if we used to work before so i reckeon soime wife here are also working in the uk with there husband..any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated and more power to us all here


what agency or office in there that give us the papers the we us spouse visa is allowed to work in the UK?

as everyone said you can work anytime you want....good luck and hope you can find a job soon.

28th April 2009, 07:13
you may need to open a bank acount as well, in your name too so they can pay wages in your bank.

11th June 2009, 15:08
National Insurance.

Phone number for an appointment for your wife at your Jobcentre:



1. Wife's passport showing settlement visa
2. Marriage Certificate
3. Utility Bill showing husband's address (or council tax bill showing wife's name on if you have it)