View Full Version : another mom to be...

3rd May 2009, 14:43
good news guys!

I'm pregnant.... after being 10days delayed & with all signs of pregnancy, I have finally had pregnancy test today & it's confirmed!

Don't know how many weeks yet tho, still have to go for check-up as soon as possible.

To all moms & expectant moms out there, what was the first step you did when you found out that you're pregnant? what were the necessary things you did in terms of pre-natal check-up & plans towards coming birth & baby? how about dealing with work?

Thanks ahead for any advice!

3rd May 2009, 15:03
good news guys!

I'm pregnant.... after being 10days delayed & with all signs of pregnancy, I have finally had pregnancy test today & it's confirmed!

Don't know how many weeks yet tho, still have to go for check-up as soon as possible.

To all moms & expectant moms out there, what was the first step you did when you found out that you're pregnant? what were the necessary things you did in terms of pre-natal check-up & plans towards coming birth & baby? how about dealing with work?

Thanks ahead for any advice!

Wow congrats Dai Cheryl:)
First thing to do book an appointment to see ur gp asap:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Your gp then will check how far you are and book to see your local midwife and everything will follow........

3rd May 2009, 15:22
Congrats amiga!!! Made in da Phils perhaps ;-)

3rd May 2009, 15:27
Wow congrats Dai Cheryl:)
First thing to do book an appointment to see ur gp asap:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Your gp then will check how far you are and book to see your local midwife and everything will follow........

Thanks ann!

I was actually thinking of calling you to ask more infos. If it's ok with you?

3rd May 2009, 15:30
Congrats amiga!!! Made in da Phils perhaps ;-)

Thanks amigo!

probably some body parts of the baby, :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

This is probably also the result of being too jealous with you & pia for having your cutie marikit :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

anyway, regards to pia & baby marikit

3rd May 2009, 15:30
Thanks ann!

I was actually thinking of calling you to ask more infos. If it's ok with you?

no problem
do u know my number?
allyn knows my number hehehehehe
if u want to chat im online too....i can add u:)

3rd May 2009, 15:32
no problem
do u know my number?
allyn knows my number hehehehehe
if u want to chat im online too....i can add u:)

may i just know your no. if its ok with you... just send me a pm for confidentiality sake.

Thank you!

3rd May 2009, 15:36
may i just know your no. if its ok with you... just send me a pm for confidentiality sake.

Thank you!

just sent it dai:)

3rd May 2009, 15:46
Wow congratulations!!

3rd May 2009, 16:35
congrats Islander!!! wooohooo... I'm next... I'm next... (wishful thinking) LOL

3rd May 2009, 16:45

well, im teasing my hubby if we go to Phils this year i want our future baby made in the Phils specially made in Bohol:Rasp: start thinking now what's the best name:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd May 2009, 16:59

3rd May 2009, 17:36
Cool.. A very big Congratulation :Hellooo:

3rd May 2009, 17:38
wow, I am so happy for u sis Cheryl..:) Congratulations to u and hubby..

3rd May 2009, 17:54
congratz to both of you!

3rd May 2009, 19:47
I just want to say THANK YOU TO EVERYONE...

To those who are are planning to be pregnant... don't worry, you'll have your time soon! Good Luck!

3rd May 2009, 21:35
I wish I could have baby soon too but me and hubby are planning to try by the end of the year... I hate pills but plan is plan... hehe!!!

3rd May 2009, 21:41
congratulations :xxgrinning--00xx3::Hellooo::Hellooo:

3rd May 2009, 22:01
Im happy for you, your now soon to be mum...

Mrs Daddy
3rd May 2009, 22:10
wow sana me next:):):) congrats BTW

4th May 2009, 08:39
Congatulations to you both! :appl::appl::appl:
Louella & Iain.

4th May 2009, 11:06
Congratz am happy for u both!

4th May 2009, 11:39
congratulations to u both.

5th May 2009, 18:35

Tom. afternoon will be my first check-up at my GP... a bit nervous but so excited, hehehe!

6th May 2009, 18:10

Tom. afternoon will be my first check-up at my GP... a bit nervous but so excited, hehehe!

Goodluck Cheryl:)

7th May 2009, 07:03
hope you have a healthy and wonderful pregnancy.

7th May 2009, 10:02

7th May 2009, 10:48
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Another cute baby to come!!!