View Full Version : Need help

3rd May 2009, 15:18
I need your HELP...
my fiancee get an agency (named"Turpin & Miller Solicitor") in the UK during our complying of our documents for the embassy, and i already submitted the papers last April 23'09, BUT I FORGOT TO ATTACH the 1st PAGE which is the summary(lists of the papers that sent by my fiancee to me).....
tell me what to do?.......
i will send this through fax to the VFS?
i will wait till the the embassy ask me for this letter?
help me plsssss...

3rd May 2009, 15:46
the document that i left to submit..is like a transmital coming from the AGency to the Embassy...

3rd May 2009, 18:03
I need your HELP...
my fiancee get an agency (named"Turpin & Miller Solicitor") in the UK during our complying of our documents for the embassy, and i already submitted the papers last April 23'09, BUT I FORGOT TO ATTACH the 1st PAGE which is the summary(lists of the papers that sent by my fiancee to me).....
tell me what to do?.......
i will send this through fax to the VFS?
i will wait till the the embassy ask me for this letter?
help me plsssss...

just wait might they don't need it.

3rd May 2009, 21:39
thanx vbkelly

Mrs Daddy
3rd May 2009, 22:12
just relax they might dont need it as what ate bhing said!

3rd May 2009, 23:39
Thanx Mrs.Daddy,
i am just felt worried(&guilt to my fiancee), because my fiancee paid for this agency, this cover letter that i forgot to submit is like a recomendation of an agency to the embassy...
God is great...

4th May 2009, 22:22
You could have not used an agency... it's unnecessary...
Good luck mate!