View Full Version : who remembers the bay city rollers

4th May 2009, 08:38
LIke the title states, who remembers the bay city rollers? 1976 was a landmark year for me. I visited the UK- Aberdeen specifially, the BCR were at their popularity crest, Everything was UK or Scotland for me. I also met a member of the Bartholomew family, the famous cartographer family. His name was RIcky. He was a nice guy. Anyone know him?

4th May 2009, 08:55
LIke the title states, who remembers the bay city rollers? 1976 was a landmark year for me. I visited the UK- Aberdeen specifially, the BCR were at their popularity crest, Everything was UK or Scotland for me. I also met a member of the Bartholomew family, the famous cartographer family. His name was RIcky. He was a nice guy. Anyone know him?

Who can forget them. At the time they were at the peak of their success, I was playing in a band and we were doing night club residencies with both the Mecca and Baileys nightclub chains. As part of our contract we had to keep up with the current pop chart hits and when listening these days to the various recordings of our live shows which were done at the time, I always suffer my absolutely worst cringe when I hear myself crooning out "we sang shangalang and we ran with the gang". Aaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhh...... :yikes::yikes::yikes: When I think of how much good music there was around at that time, I still can't believe what diabolical taste the average teenybopper had in the seventies. :Erm:

4th May 2009, 09:00
[QUOTE=marg59;132967]LIke the title states, who remembers the bay city rollers? QUOTE]

Who on earth wants to remember them....????:Erm:

In my mind the only thing they did for industry was to increase the sales of air guns....:omg:


4th May 2009, 09:28
Who can forget them. At the time they were at the peak of their success, I was playing in a band and we were doing night club residencies with both the Mecca and Baileys nightclub chains. As part of our contract we had to keep up with the current pop chart hits and when listening these days to the various recordings of our live shows which were done at the time, I always suffer my absolutely worst cringe when I hear myself crooning out "we sang shangalang and we ran with the gang". Aaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhh...... :yikes::yikes::yikes: When I think of how much good music there was around at that time, I still can't believe what diabolical taste the average teenybopper had in the seventies. :Erm:
LOL- Oh, well your secret is safe with me and the forum. tee hee!!! I remember meeting many a young man who was in a band in 1976 Scotland. One of the things i noticed is that they knew the latest hits but the traditional Celtic music as well. Music is the driving force

4th May 2009, 09:33
[QUOTE=marg59;132967]LIke the title states, who remembers the bay city rollers? QUOTE]

Who on earth wants to remember them....????:Erm:

In my mind the only thing they did for industry was to increase the sales of air guns....:omg:

LOL -can't win them all!!! The folly of my youth:)

4th May 2009, 10:24
i love all those naff groups and songs from back then!

even the eurovision contest!

i grew up as a kid in the 70s,i know its bad but i know all the words too?

4th May 2009, 11:00
i love all those naff groups and songs from back then!

even the eurovision contest!

i grew up as a kid in the 70s,i know its bad but i know all the words too?

yes me too lol
i liked the dooleys too and all the crappy poppy songs most people "ahem" say they hate.

Arthur Little
4th May 2009, 13:20
Who can forget them. At the time they were at the peak of their success, I was playing in a band and we were doing night club residencies with both the Mecca and Baileys nightclub chains. As part of our contract we had to keep up with the current pop chart hits and when listening these days to the various recordings of our live shows which were done at the time, I always suffer my absolutely worst cringe when I hear myself crooning out "we sang shangalang and we ran with the gang". Aaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhh...... :yikes::yikes::yikes: When I think of how much good music there was around at that time, I still can't believe what diabolical taste the average teenybopper had in the seventies. :Erm:

:yikes: Iain! Believe it or not, only last night, Myrna and I spent a few happy hours reminiscing over some of the old melodies from yesteryear - now available courtesy of the You Tube archives - and I ended up "introducing" her to perhaps the best-remembered of the Rollers' lyrics ... YES, the above-mentioned 'Shangalang'!!!

Being just that wee bittie older than you, I'd always imagined my musical memories were firmly lodged in the 'juke box era' of the late 50s and early to mid 60s; indeed, rather like a stylus getting stuck on an old gramaphone record. Hence, by the dawn of the seventies, being a "pop" myself, I felt I had long outgrown the halcyon days of tuning-in to 'the Top Twenty' on Radio Luxembourg - so that, at the time the Bay City Rollers reached the height of their popularity in 1975/6 [when the group became a household name on the lips of practically every teenager in Scotland] their rise to stardom was lost :NoNo: on a 30 something-year-old like me.

Ironically enough, during the past decade - after I was widowed, my two children grown-up and when, as a late middle-aged man, I found myself revisiting my "youth" - 'Shangalang' appears to have enjoyed a resurgence of acclaim that transcends the generation gap. Consequently, as the 'number' has special (if somewhat belated) significance for me - and doubless more than a few other "golden oldies" besides - long may the trend continue ...!:BouncyHappy:

Arthur Little
4th May 2009, 13:41
Maybe we should launch a poll centred around the number of "evergreen" :D members prepared to confess to listening to the 'Top 20' presented by Barry Aldis on Radio Luxembourg.

:Erm: ... On reflection ... perhaps not. There's always the possibility that too many [who've hitherto stopped short of disclosing their vintage in their mini stats] could get caught out in the process ... !!!!!!!:icon_lol:

4th May 2009, 14:41
When we played on Top of the Pops we played live. The BCR mimed to their track - I honestly believe that they coiuld not actually play!!!

Apologies to the BCR if I am wrong.


trader dave
4th May 2009, 14:45
here here arthur have to agree with you the old pirate stations:xxgrinning--00xx3: now 60's we ARE TALKING ABOUT MUSIC but i am afraid i dont believe the bay city rollers come into that league :Erm: i am proud to have been a kid in the 60' cause this country has gone down hill ever since :icon_lol::icon_lol:

4th May 2009, 14:50
Which "Roller" was prosecuted for Pedophilia :Erm:

4th May 2009, 14:54
Ohhh gosh,now i dont know what they are talking......maybe Im young enough then....and i look the age of the posters :Bolt::xxparty-smiley-004:

Guys Im just kidding....alright !!!

trader dave
4th May 2009, 16:45
gary glitter :Erm::Erm: oops:yikes: so they say:cwm34:

4th May 2009, 16:49
The Rubettes:D

Sugar Baby Love

Alvin Dirtbox :NoNo:

My Coo Ca Choo

You want more? Another reason for my wife not to understand what I am talking about - classic music (and classical music come to think of it).

4th May 2009, 18:31
You want more? Another reason for my wife not to understand what I am talking about - classic music (and classical music come to think of it).

And I suppose you are an authority on Pinoy music........:doh

4th May 2009, 19:10
And I suppose you are an authority on Pinoy music........:doh

:xxgrinning--00xx3: SPOT ON:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Arthur Little
4th May 2009, 20:41
When we played on Top of the Pops we played live. The BCR mimed to their track - I honestly believe that they coiuld not actually play!!!

Apologies to the BCR if I am wrong.


:gp:Al! When I played their track on You Tube it featured them "singing" or - perhaps more accurately - capering about LIVE:huepfen024: and, quite frankly, it sounded "crap" :action-smiley-081: compared with their actual recording of 'Shangalang'.

4th May 2009, 20:48
I knew I read it somewhere,thats what wearing tartan Y-fronts does to a man :NoNo:

And I just burnt my cottage pie looking online for the report :NoNo:

Arthur Little
4th May 2009, 20:54
Which "Roller" was prosecuted for Pedophilia :Erm:

Think it may have been their manager Tom - better-known as 'Tam' - Paton [who died of a suspected heart attack last week]. However, in fairness to the late, lamented guy, I believe he was subsequently acquitted of the offence for which he'd been prosecuted. Correct me if I'm wrong, anybody!

4th May 2009, 20:57
Arthur the manager was fined 180+ thousand pounds,forfeiture of assets for running a cannabis farm :Erm:

4th May 2009, 21:37
When we played on Top of the Pops we played live. The BCR mimed to their track - I honestly believe that they coiuld not actually play!!!

Apologies to the BCR if I am wrong.


What band were you in Alan?...Sounds interesting :)

Talking of BCR, I can remember clubbing together our pocket money, with my brother & sister, to buy the single "Bye Bye Baby" from Woolworths. :doh

5th May 2009, 10:06
Think it may have been their manager Tom - better-known as 'Tam' - Paton [who died of a suspected heart attack last week]. However, in fairness to the late, lamented guy, I believe he was subsequently acquitted of the offence for which he'd been prosecuted. Correct me if I'm wrong, anybody!

From what I heard they got absolutely ripped off by their manager. They sold millions of records and they all ended up completely penniless...... but he done alright for himself!

5th May 2009, 10:08
When we played on Top of the Pops we played live. The BCR mimed to their track - I honestly believe that they coiuld not actually play!!!

Apologies to the BCR if I am wrong.


What band were you in Alan?...Sounds interesting :)

Come on Al, spill the beans.

5th May 2009, 11:54
Come on Al, spill the beans.

OK - modesty forbidded - but - I was a session musician with EMI and I played with, amongst others, The Rubettes, Racey, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Clodagh Rogers - is that enough to put you off?


BTW - I play piano and keyboards.

5th May 2009, 12:35
OK - modesty forbidded - but - I was a session musician with EMI and I played with, amongst others, The Rubettes, Racey, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Clodagh Rogers - is that enough to put you off?


BTW - I play piano and keyboards.

did you have hair back then? :icon_lol:

5th May 2009, 13:00
did you have hair back then? :icon_lol:

VERY long hair - a la Francis Rossi!


5th May 2009, 13:03
Another reason for my wife not to understand what I am talking about - classic music (and classical music come to think of it).

And I suppose you are an authority on Pinoy music........:doh

:xxgrinning--00xx3: SPOT ON:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Hehe... Sophie = on detective mode again...lol :omg::D:D:D

5th May 2009, 20:25
OK - modesty forbidded - but - I was a session musician with EMI and I played with, amongst others, The Rubettes, Racey, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Clodagh Rogers - is that enough to put you off?


BTW - I play piano and keyboards.

Thought you were going to tell us, you were a member of Pans People. :D

Seriously though, those must have been great times. I expect you have a few stories to tell?
Racey came from Weston Super Mare, which is just down the road from me...I'm pretty sure, they are still on the circuit? :)

5th May 2009, 21:22
Thought you were going to tell us, you were a member of Pans People. :D

he was the fat one at the back? :icon_lol:

5th May 2009, 22:10
he was the fat one at the back? :icon_lol:


Arthur Little
6th May 2009, 00:48
Arthur the manager was fined 180+ thousand pounds,forfeiture of assets for running a cannabis farm :Erm:

:ARsurrender:I stand corrected! Anyway, the aforesaid Tam still managed to live out his allotted span of 'three score years and ten' in relative comfort without having to join the "breadline".