View Full Version : Rule change 2,344,243

11th October 2006, 08:44
The Pope has dumped Limbo now then? So babies that die aren't stuck in Cuba for eternity!! :rolleyes:

...and on whose authority allows a Nazi in a frock to change the words of the bible, which is a sin according to the bible? :Erm: Maybe he's been hearing voices.....like the ones Hitler & Bush had!! :yikes:

Why doesn't he do something really useful, and sanction contraception, that way many unwanted pregnancies will drop, and it will help in stemming the flow of aids.....but that would be too good a thing to do....:doh

11th October 2006, 09:12
Why doesn't he do something really useful, and sanction contraception, that way many unwanted pregnancies will drop, and it will help in stemming the flow of aids.....but that would be too good a thing to do....:doh

Wise words Keith.