View Full Version : hello from wales

11th May 2009, 21:36
22 male
any body wana chat

11th May 2009, 21:57
22 male
any body wana chat

About what...???:Erm:

11th May 2009, 21:59

11th May 2009, 22:00

This ain't no chatroom, boyo....:NoNo:

11th May 2009, 22:24
anything relevante

12th May 2009, 10:53
:yikes::yikes::yikes:anyway mehi,welcome aboard:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

12th May 2009, 10:53
This ain't no chatroom, boyo....:NoNo:

:yikes::yikes::yikes: this isn't? LOL

Arthur Little
12th May 2009, 12:03
"Hi Me",

As a Scot - born and bred - I'm "ashamed" to admit I have never visited Wales. :bigcry: Just imagine! ... I've been to the United States, China, the Phils [twice] and many European countries besides - even England and Ireland - :D yet, at this late stage on life's journey - little more than four months away from the official State Pension age - I've still to set foot on Welsh soil. Never fear, though, this "pilgrimage" ranks high on my list of 'Things to See and Do' before I finally cast off earth's mortal coil ... !:gost:

Welcome to the forum.

12th May 2009, 12:44

Welcome to the forum :icon_lol::icon_lol:

12th May 2009, 12:54
:Erm: no need to lonely in wales is there :action-smiley-081:

good luck and hello :BouncyHappy:

12th May 2009, 20:23
hey, thanks for the welcome!!!!!!!

12th May 2009, 20:27
hey arthur
no worries mate ,i havent visted scotland yet!
which is strange since i have been abroad a few times
,much is to be explored at home first

scotland-austalisa and asia on the list!

Arthur Little
12th May 2009, 21:09
hey arthur
no worries mate ,i havent visted scotland yet!
which is strange since i have been abroad a few times
,much is to be explored at home first

scotland-austalisa and asia on the list!

Y'know 'Taffy', strangely enough, the possibility crossed my mind: "maybe this guy hasn't visited Scotland yet"... and, lo and behold, I was right!

So, set your sights on 'the land o' the kilt & heather' boyo, :icon_lol: and - sooner rather than later - I'll make it my business to do more than grow daffies and *sample some welsh rare bit *(which I can't do now anyway, :NoNo: since I'm happily married to a Filipina).

12th May 2009, 21:22
Irobot..." Sunny...Different From The Rest... "

Hi There mehi,

Welcome To The Forum...Phil...:Britain: