View Full Version : One to ponder!!!

12th May 2009, 11:41
You or your wife have recently arrived in the UK on a spousal visa and have been blessed with a beautiful baby since arriving. You have great friends locally, some family in the UK and on the forum but unexpectedly the family is presented with an opportunity to relocate to Singapore or the Philippines on a significant increase of the main breadwinner's salary, plus generous benefits like private schooling, etc.

Obviously, there are pros and cons for each scenario but taking all of them into consideration what would you and your family decide to do?

12th May 2009, 11:51
You or your wife have recently arrived in the UK on a spousal visa and have been blessed with a beautiful baby since arriving. You have great friends locally and on the forum but unexpectedly the family is presented with an opportunity to relocate to Singapore or the Philippines on 150% of the main breadwinner's salary, plus generous benefits like private schooling, etc.

Obviously, there are pros and cons for each scenario but taking all of them into consideration what would you do?

will relocate to Philippines.. knowing all my relatives are there and already know the whereabouts and what to expect.
absolutely i won't have any problems in adjusting going back there, though my husband will have difficulties in adopting philippine culture.

but honestly, as long as i'm with my family and we're happy, anywhere will do :D

12th May 2009, 11:52
Pinas! The comforts of a house help is always present...

12th May 2009, 12:06
Given the offer I would have been packing my bag as you read this and heading out the door to Heathrow,an ex-pat package in asia is a very nice lifestyle :xxgrinning--00xx3: The sun always shines,its a better social environment for kids,they always have a yaya or nanny to look after them,always out in the sun doing activities and if your based in Singapore you have the chance for them to learn mandarin,china is looming on the horizon as a super-power,a big player in the world :xxgrinning--00xx3:Its not just the work environment nor the fringe benefits,its just living in a more relaxed environment and more opportunities for the child,at the end of the day everything is about the kids to be honest,you have to think whats best in their long term :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th May 2009, 12:21
i know packing up and having a easier lifestyle else where as its benefits but!,dare i say it i like the uk to much!

as soon as i get aboard all i do is wonder whats happening in the uk! i couldnt live in the philipines full time maybe along stay?

singapore is so boring and clean its like no one lives there?

but my main concern is making sure my wife and kids have good schooling and decent healthcare?

everyone from the uk complains about the uk but i like it here!

12th May 2009, 12:25
Its wierd Born,my mate Giles has a pinay wife,his daughter who is now 12 speaks perfect english and mandarin,but only a handful of words of tagalog:Erm: But your right,home is where the heart is I guess.

12th May 2009, 13:17
will relocate to Philippines.. knowing all my relatives are there and already know the whereabouts and what to expect.
absolutely i won't have any problems in adjusting going back there, though my husband will have difficulties in adopting philippine culture.

but honestly, as long as i'm with my family and we're happy, anywhere will do :DI don't think I'd have 2 many problems adjusting plus it would help that i would be travelling fairly often also. Certainly, having the family around would be really nice for us also. I think it would be nice for Pia being in da Phils in some ways but then it would also be nice to be here a bit longer. The other issue of course is that of the ILR; moving would causes furher delays.

Pinas! The comforts of a house help is always present...:) If we have a relatively small house I think it would still be nice to take care of things ourselves.

Given the offer I would have been packing my bag as you read this and heading out the door to Heathrow,an ex-pat package in asia is a very nice lifestyle :xxgrinning--00xx3: The sun always shines,its a better social environment for kids,they always have a yaya or nanny to look after them,always out in the sun doing activities and if your based in Singapore you have the chance for them to learn mandarin,china is looming on the horizon as a super-power,a big player in the world :xxgrinning--00xx3:Its not just the work environment nor the fringe benefits,its just living in a more relaxed environment and more opportunities for the child,at the end of the day everything is about the kids to be honest,you have to think whats best in their long term :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Ex-pat packages are phenomenal and something i've sought for quite some time. We would certainly be able to save alot of money being there and could also help our family more and also do more in terms of our charitable interests.

Mandarin is an excellent place to learn Mandarin but so is da Phils I guess. I think Singapore is a bit too sterile for me though i would love Marikit to be able to speak Mandarin (Spanish also). I agree better environment for children.

i know packing up and having a easier lifestyle else where as its benefits but!,dare i say it i like the uk to much!

as soon as i get aboard all i do is wonder whats happening in the uk! i couldnt live in the philipines full time maybe along stay?

singapore is so boring and clean its like no one lives there?

but my main concern is making sure my wife and kids have good schooling and decent healthcare?

everyone from the uk complains about the uk but i like it here!
I hear you. I think the schooling available privately there could be just as good as in the UK generally. Healthcare? I guess the ex-pat package would cover that also. I agree Singapore is boring. Hmmn! Decisions, decisons!

12th May 2009, 13:51
We have been in that exact position about 2 years ago, my husband was offered a great relocation package to Hongkong or Singapore, after having discussed it with my son we all decided to stay here in the UK.

I think that what made us stay was the fact that the relocation was only for 6 years max and then we all have to go back here, it will just disrupt my sons studies and the hassle of letting our house and all that.

I also was unsure because of the medical aspects of it all, although his pay was higher if one of us ever gets sick, we have to pay for the costs of being in hospital.

Goodluck to you guys, hope u make the right choice for you family. God Bless.

12th May 2009, 14:06
We have been in that exact position about 2 years ago, my husband was offered a great relocation package to Hongkong or Singapore, after having discussed it with my son we all decided to stay here in the UK.

I think that what made us stay was the fact that the relocation was only for 6 years max and then we all have to go back here, it will just disrupt my sons studies and the hassle of letting our house and all that.

I also was unsure because of the medical aspects of it all, although his pay was higher if one of us ever gets sick, we have to pay for the costs of being in hospital.

Goodluck to you guys, hope u make the right choice for you family. God Bless.
I understand your situation. I always hoped that I might relocate one day so bought this house in anticipation because its easy to let. Actually, I was in London when i first hoped i could move abroad - the nearest I got to that was Leeds. Hmmn!

The schooling is a very important issue, although in our case we do not have to worry about that for quite some time. Hospital costs can be very high without adequate cover - i agree.

I think Singapore definitely no for us. Philippines we think would be a very wise decision for our long-term security and short to medium-term peace of mind.

12th May 2009, 14:41
Nice to see you back after week u didnt post Amigo,haven't vote yet,lol cause I'd love to go back to be with Jed,but hubby doesnt want too stay there in PI....lol he said on retirement days...meaning I have to wait till 10 years :yikes:
Regards to Pia and 'kit

12th May 2009, 15:01
hiya!for me i want to relocate in phils.but my hubby dont like.he said we have a lots of kabuhayan here.and as of now its not bothered me as long as we live happy together here in uk[everyday were in honeymoon:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:] and also we always comeback there in PI every x-mas and new year.as a matter of fact we book another flight again for this coming sept.for 3 weeks.

12th May 2009, 16:06
my hubby wants to relocate in bohol philippines he love it there,so we save and save here and we go back to the philippines to livexxxxxxxx

12th May 2009, 17:12
You or your wife have recently arrived in the UK on a spousal visa and have been blessed with a beautiful baby since arriving. You have great friends locally, some family in the UK and on the forum but unexpectedly the family is presented with an opportunity to relocate to Singapore or the Philippines on a significant increase of the main breadwinner's salary, plus generous benefits like private schooling, etc.

Obviously, there are pros and cons for each scenario but taking all of them into consideration what would you and your family decide to do?

hi Kuya Toks,

hubby and I are also discussing about relocating and in case that situation happened to us we will surely be moving to the Philippines..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

12th May 2009, 17:33
Nice poll there amigo:)

We would like to retire in the PI:D When we grow old:Rasp::Rasp: So as of the moment stuck in the UK:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: For the kids benefits:)

How are you all getting on?

GBU all

12th May 2009, 22:25
Phill for Holidays and UK for working at present.

Still Its tempting and the world is turning towards the east.

If one of the options was Hong Kong or Japan yes please. But Singapore from the clients and work colleagues I have met they are nice enough but umm. Like singapore, for me nice but just not for me.

Good luck whatever you choose, I dont think you can make a wrong decision three privilliged places to live.

Arthur Little
12th May 2009, 23:59
i know packing up and having a easier lifestyle else where as its benefits but!,dare i say it i like the uk to much!

as soon as i get aboard all i do is wonder whats happening in the uk! i couldnt live in the philipines full time maybe along stay?

singapore is so boring and clean its like no one lives there?

but my main concern is making sure my wife and kids have good schooling and decent healthcare?

everyone from the uk complains about the uk but i like it here!

Hear, Hear!! Have to agree with most of the sentiments expressed here. Weatherwise, the UK can be sh**te :action-smiley-082: for much of the time. But at least we have a "temperate" climate - with no extremes like destructive typhoons &c [although we've had akin to gale-force winds these past two weeks in Scotland] - whereas it's way too hot for my liking in the Pinas.

Proper healthcare is paramount, and in this context, Britain is streaks ahead of anywhere else on the planet, in so far as it is, for the most part, free.

Singapore, I cannot comment on, since I've never ventured out of the carpeted airport.

And so, all things considered, I'm thankful to be British! :Britain:

13th May 2009, 06:30
I will have no 2nd thought if Philippines as hubby is eager to retire in Pinas:D

Will choose Singapore too. I can easily invite my friends and relatives to stay with me for a while, I can easily travel to Pinas if I feel homesick:xxgrinning--00xx3:, Will not think yet about studies of your kids as they're still young. Will save money for that. Very clean country, chinese food, singaporean noodles and other fooods!:BouncyHappy:Nice weather, compfortable:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th May 2009, 07:49
Welcome back kuya hope your travels were fruitfull.

Difficult poll :Erm: Cristina and I would love to live in phil however, ILR for her might be nice as Raffy has the option of living in either country, it might be nice for his mum too also.

As I read, speak and write Mandarin Raffy can learn it anywhere hehehe

halik at yakap for your girls :)

13th May 2009, 16:05
That is such a tough decision to make amigo!

I think if my husband will be given that opportunity, he would automatically accept it coz he just loves Phils. so much, hehehe! Although we also planned to relocate in Phils. but more favorably on retiring age. At present, we would still both prefer to be here due to a better quality of life.

Hope you'll soon make the right decision for you & family! Good Luck!

trader dave
13th May 2009, 16:51
nice thought singapore or phils :Erm::Erm::Erm: singapore never been there but am led to believe it is nice :cwm34:but would have to look myself :Erm: so philippines yes :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: but where to live i dont know:Erm::NoNo: top of the list so far is bohol :D but still have plenty more places to look at

13th May 2009, 21:18
Nice to see you back after week u didnt post Amigo,haven't vote yet,lol cause I'd love to go back to be with Jed,but hubby doesnt want too stay there in PI....lol he said on retirement days...meaning I have to wait till 10 years :yikes:
Regards to Pia and 'kitHey amiga. Unfortunately, I've had it clarified and the options are only Singapore or India. :NoNo:

hiya!for me i want to relocate in phils.but my hubby dont like.he said we have a lots of kabuhayan here.and as of now its not bothered me as long as we live happy together here in uk[everyday were in honeymoon:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:] and also we always comeback there in PI every x-mas and new year.as a matter of fact we book another flight again for this coming sept.for 3 weeks.You are right miga being together is everything.

my hubby wants to relocate in bohol philippines he love it there,so we save and save here and we go back to the philippines to livexxxxxxxxI've heard Bohol is amzing.

hi Kuya Toks,

hubby and I are also discussing about relocating and in case that situation happened to us we will surely be moving to the Philippines..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:Hi amaiga. I'd love to too but dont have enough to retire yet. :bigcry:

Nice poll there amigo:)

We would like to retire in the PI:D When we grow old:Rasp::Rasp: So as of the moment stuck in the UK:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: For the kids benefits:)

How are you all getting on?

GBU allWe are doing well thanks. Marikit staill wakes up anywhere between every 15 mins and every 90 mins. I'm going to bed now but will be leaving for the airport at 4am again.

Phill for Holidays and UK for working at present.

Still Its tempting and the world is turning towards the east.

If one of the options was Hong Kong or Japan yes please. But Singapore from the clients and work colleagues I have met they are nice enough but umm. Like singapore, for me nice but just not for me.

Good luck whatever you choose, I dont think you can make a wrong decision three privilliged places to live.Looks like it will be home sweet home!

Hear, Hear!! Have to agree with most of the sentiments expressed here. Weatherwise, the UK can be sh**te :action-smiley-082: for much of the time. But at least we have a "temperate" climate - with no extremes like destructive typhoons &c [although we've had akin to gale-force winds these past two weeks in Scotland] - whereas it's way too hot for my liking in the Pinas.

Proper healthcare is paramount, and in this context, Britain is streaks ahead of anywhere else on the planet, in so far as it is, for the most part, free.

Singapore, I cannot comment on, since I've never ventured out of the carpeted airport.

And so, all things considered, I'm thankful to be British! :Britain::gp:

I will have no 2nd thought if Philippines as hubby is eager to retire in Pinas:D

Will choose Singapore too. I can easily invite my friends and relatives to stay with me for a while, I can easily travel to Pinas if I feel homesick:xxgrinning--00xx3:, Will not think yet about studies of your kids as they're still young. Will save money for that. Very clean country, chinese food, singaporean noodles and other fooods!:BouncyHappy:Nice weather, compfortable:xxgrinning--00xx3:True not too far but a bit too sterile i think.

Welcome back kuya hope your travels were fruitfull.

Difficult poll :Erm: Cristina and I would love to live in phil however, ILR for her might be nice as Raffy has the option of living in either country, it might be nice for his mum too also.

As I read, speak and write Mandarin Raffy can learn it anywhere hehehe

halik at yakap for your girls :)Hey amigo. How are you all? Was going to suggest you pop by at some time this weeknd when Ben, John etc will be here. I'm still amazed that you taught yourself Mandarin.

That is such a tough decision to make amigo!

I think if my husband will be given that opportunity, he would automatically accept it coz he just loves Phils. so much, hehehe! Although we also planned to relocate in Phils. but more favorably on retiring age. At present, we would still both prefer to be here due to a better quality of life.

Hope you'll soon make the right decision for you & family! Good Luck!Me too, i love it ther so much.

nice thought singapore or phils :Erm::Erm::Erm: singapore never been there but am led to believe it is nice :cwm34:but would have to look myself :Erm: so philippines yes :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: but where to live i dont know:Erm::NoNo: top of the list so far is bohol :D but still have plenty more places to look at:)

14th May 2009, 11:11
Home sweet home fro now then as you say and you can sort the ILR and Brit Passport. Which although is not a bad book to own if you wish to travel in everyday situations in most parts of the World still.

14th May 2009, 11:40
Wow,you have the option of Inida?Which part?Probably the most colourful country your ever going to visit in your life,vibrant,effusive,truly beautiful :xxgrinning--00xx3: The first time you ever visit the Taj or the Golden Temple,or even travel to places like Rajasthan or Kashmir are breath taking in their beauty :xxgrinning--00xx3: India every time over Singapore :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2009, 13:58
Wow,you have the option of Inida?Which part?Probably the most colourful country your ever going to visit in your life,vibrant,effusive,truly beautiful :xxgrinning--00xx3: The first time you ever visit the Taj or the Golden Temple,or even travel to places like Rajasthan or Kashmir are breath taking in their beauty :xxgrinning--00xx3: India every time over Singapore :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I know some Mates (of non indian descent) who have moved there with the family. Some love it but others seem to find it tough on some of the family.

Many said the people were wonderful warm and friendly which is my experience as well:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2009, 18:46
Incredible hospitality in India somebody,genuine warm people,from the north to the south,one of those places that gets under your skin and draws you back time and again :xxgrinning--00xx3: It beats Singapore for me at any rate.

14th May 2009, 22:06
I understand your situation. I always hoped that I might relocate one day so bought this house in anticipation because its easy to let. Actually, I was in London when i first hoped i could move abroad - the nearest I got to that was Leeds. Hmmn!

The schooling is a very important issue, although in our case we do not have to worry about that for quite some time. Hospital costs can be very high without adequate cover - i agree.

I think Singapore definitely no for us. Philippines we think would be a very wise decision for our long-term security and short to medium-term peace of mind.

I worked in Singapore for 6 months about 10 years ago, bit of a concrete jungle IMO. Clean but boring, was better in the 70's before LKY.
Phils would be great though, I just like Filipinos and the people like to have fun...

16th May 2009, 09:33
i think its a hard decision to make. one thing i will do if im on your position is the long term effect.

Good luck