View Full Version : What is the purpose of the word "QUOTE"

Pepe n Pilar
13th May 2009, 14:21
Hi To All,

Will someone please explain to me what is the purpose of the word "QUOTE" in the forum mean?:Erm:

AT first i didn't know how to use it and just use the space below for the reply if i want to reply to a certain post or thread of a fellow member, moderators or the Admin. After quite sometime of being in the forum i noticed some members does the quoting. My posts are quoted by some. Since i learned about it and so i have started to use it which appears easy and clear to the reader if he/she reads a reply to a certain post.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Almost all are using it, may the members of the Admin, the moderators and members as well. There's nothing wrong in quoting, is there?:Erm:

What can the members say about quoting? Is it a big deal if we use it?
The Admin had put it there for such a purpose. If we don't use it what will happen if we reply to a certain post and then it was deleted by the one who made the post? Our post will look like lost in the dark.......:NoNo::doh:Brick:

Just want to know the purpose of quoting. Maybe i'm not too brilliant to understand. May thanks for the replies.....


13th May 2009, 14:41
are you refering to you quoting potpot and her posts being deleted?

there are times others have been quoted only to get deleted after making the thread or post seem abit odd?

theres nothing wrong in quoting someone,so you can respond to there QUOTE!

but it depends on the reasons why you are quoting them?

13th May 2009, 14:49
Yes, indeed!! There's nothing wrong in quoting one's post. IMO, it's more easier to reply to a certain post.

13th May 2009, 15:23
Hi To All,

The Admin had put it there for such a purpose. If we don't use it what will happen if we reply to a certain post and then it was deleted by the one who made the post? Our post will look like lost in the dark.......:NoNo::doh:Brick:

Just want to know the purpose of quoting. Maybe i'm not too brilliant to understand. May thanks for the replies.....


:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: RINGS A BELL...DING!:NoNo::NoNo: Better quote then :NoNo:...lol:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th May 2009, 16:10
I use quote when i'm replying / addressing to a particular person's post. I think it would be advisable to clarify which message/post you're referrring to.

13th May 2009, 16:15
are you refering to you quoting potpot and her posts being deleted?:icon_lol: you really had sharp memory ,aint you?

but it depends on the reasons why you are quoting them?yeah true enough,sometimes members thought you are being clever to explain if you quote her/him,in general ,nothing wrong in quoting Miss iye:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: RINGS A BELL...DING!:NoNo::NoNo: Better quote then :NoNo:...lol:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: You can't quote the one i type in Sophie profile Zobel,hehhe I am guilty your honor :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
13th May 2009, 16:18
Hi To All,

Will someone please explain to me what is the purpose of the word "QUOTE" in the forum mean?:Erm:

AT first i didn't know how to use it and just use the space below for the reply if i want to reply to a certain post or thread of a fellow member, moderators or the Admin. After quite sometime of being in the forum i noticed some members does the quoting. My posts are quoted by some. Since i learned about it and so i have started to use it which appears easy and clear to the reader if he/she reads a reply to a certain post.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Almost all are using it, may the members of the Admin, the moderators and members as well. There's nothing wrong in quoting, is there?:Erm:

What can the members say about quoting? Is it a big deal if we use it?
The Admin had put it there for such a purpose. If we don't use it what will happen if we reply to a certain post and then it was deleted by the one who made the post? Our post will look like lost in the dark.......:NoNo::doh:Brick:

Just want to know the purpose of quoting. Maybe i'm not too brilliant to understand. May thanks for the replies.....


S'funny ... by some peculiar coincidence, I keep trying to HIGHLIGHT certain sections of other members' posts in order to answer ONLY the parts to which I think my reply is likely to be relevant [and, if I may say so, have attempted to do the same thing again with this one of yours]. Yet, after submitting my response, I invariably find the entire screed has been quoted ... which rather detracts from the point(s) I'm attempting to get across; whereas others here manage to "work wonders" with italics and so forth, I'm restricted to the use of block capitals for the purpose of emphasis, due to my limited knowledge of technology. :CompBuster:

So, that said, I am probably not the best person to help out with your query. :ARsurrender: Quoting passages of script is, nonetheless, a useful tool for drawing attention to what has been written or, in this case, typed. I would, therefore, suggest you left-click your mouse' (holding it down for a few seconds and move it over the text to highlight [in blue] the words you want shown ... then immediately left-click on the word 'Quote' found in the bottom right-hand corner of the box containing the contributor's post.

As I mentioned, I'm no expert in such matters, but I do hope my advice [for what it's worth] will go some way towards clarifying matters.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
13th May 2009, 16:25
IMO, it's more easier to reply to a certain post.

What's IMO? :icon_lol:

13th May 2009, 16:30
What's IMO? :icon_lol:

In My Opinion:icon_lol: (in my opinion)

I also didnt know that before....I just ask my dearly friend here in the forum:rolleyes:

Arthur Little
13th May 2009, 17:33
In My Opinion:icon_lol: (in my opinion)

I also didnt know that before....I just ask my dearly friend here in the forum:rolleyes:

Ta, Juliet.

13th May 2009, 17:41
Hi To All,

Will someone please explain to me what is the purpose of the word "QUOTE" in the forum mean?:Erm:

hi Ate Shelly,

i think the purpose of the word /icon "QUOTE" in here is for the people to know who are u replying to also to indicate the exact words of the other poster/s..:Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Almost all are using it, may the members of the Admin, the moderators and members as well. There's nothing wrong in quoting, is there?:Erm:

I dont think there's something wrong in quoting, or else Admin won't put it in here..

What can the members say about quoting? Is it a big deal if we use it?
The Admin had put it there for such a purpose. If we don't use it what will happen if we reply to a certain post and then it was deleted by the one who made the post? Our post will look like lost in the dark.......:NoNo::doh:Brick:

Just want to know the purpose of quoting. Maybe i'm not too brilliant to understand. May thanks for the replies.....


for me, I used to quote certain posts that I am replying to because in that way people who's reading my posts will know where my post is coming..

also for security and copyrighted purposes..:Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol:

oh Ive already quoted u in ur post sis Shelly..:D

13th May 2009, 17:44
IMO - In my opinion
IMAO - In my arrogant opinion
TBH - To be honest
ATM - at the moment


13th May 2009, 17:46
:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: RINGS A BELL...DING!:NoNo::NoNo: Better quote then :NoNo:...lol:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

You can't quote the one i type in Sophie profile Zobel,hehhe I am guilty your honor :icon_lol:

Thanks MrsJ hehe... :cwm38::cwm38: You are pardoned hahaha

13th May 2009, 17:50
IMO - In my opinion
IMAO - In my arrogant opinion
TBH - To be honest
ATM - at the moment


COOL!!! I didn't know about these things before! Thanks!!!

13th May 2009, 17:53
IMO - In my opinion
IMAO - In my arrogant opinion
TBH - To be honest
ATM - at the moment

to add.....LMAO- laughing my ass out :icon_lol::icon_lol:

I didnt realize about ATM,change the meaning by itself:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
13th May 2009, 18:17
to add.....LMAO- laughing my ass out :icon_lol::icon_lol:

I didnt realize about ATM,change the meaning by itself:icon_lol:

Here's me thinking :rolleyes: an ATM is a "hole in the wall" cash dispensing machine! What about BTW?

13th May 2009, 18:20
ATM in pinas has a different meaning,like this Automatic Tubig Machine in Larena,stick your peso in and get a bag of ice-cold mineral water :Erm:

13th May 2009, 18:28
BTW,by the way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th May 2009, 18:30
Here's me thinking :rolleyes: an ATM is a "hole in the wall" cash dispensing machine! What about BTW?
Automatic Teller Machine was the real meaning of it,Zobel just make it humour

Sorry iye,we are curving on the topic of the thread,guys back to topic.."Quote":icon_lol:

13th May 2009, 18:52
we are all quoting...

Good thread Iye!

Pepe n Pilar
14th May 2009, 11:15
So i can see everybody knows the purpose of QUOTE. If we use that it doesn't mean we don't like her/him personally. So asking this question "why do you always quote my posts"?:Erm: is not acceptable or shall i say shouldn't be asked......


Pepe n Pilar
14th May 2009, 11:20
hi Ate Shelly,

i think the purpose of the word /icon "QUOTE" in here is for the people to know who are u replying to also to indicate the exact words of the other poster/s..:Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3:

I dont think there's something wrong in quoting, or else Admin won't put it in here..

for me, I used to quote certain posts that I am replying to because in that way people who's reading my posts will know where my post is coming..

also for security and copyrighted purposes..:Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol:

oh Ive already quoted u in ur post sis Shelly..:D

It's ok Sis Kimmi, it doesn't bother me at all. BTW i have quoted your posts as well...........:):xxgrinning--00xx3::Hellooo:

Pepe n Pilar
14th May 2009, 11:22
Automatic Teller Machine was the real meaning of it,Zobel just make it humour

Sorry iye,we are curving on the topic of the thread,guys back to topic.."Quote":icon_lol:

It's ok MrsJMajor.... no problem.....:)

Pepe n Pilar
14th May 2009, 11:36
are you refering to you quoting potpot and her posts being deleted?

there are times others have been quoted only to get deleted after making the thread or post seem abit odd?

theres nothing wrong in quoting someone,so you can respond to there QUOTE!

but it depends on the reasons why you are quoting them?

HI bornatbirth, I didn't notice Popot's post was deleted. After i read your reply then i checked it........:Erm::doh
It was gone:omg:.... but i agreed to that post, it was informative. Why should we delete if someone agrees?...
I'm confused!!!:Erm:

14th May 2009, 11:54
So i can see everybody knows the purpose of QUOTE. If we use that it doesn't mean we don't like her/him personally. So asking this question "why do you always quote my posts"?:Erm: is not acceptable or shall i say shouldn't be asked......


simply put we all can misunderstand each other?

we shouldnt worry so much,whatever we post we all can read it another way to how it is written!

you will find that some quote the same people and not others,for what reason thats upto them?

but why be bothered?

you are who you are!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2009, 11:59
Ok sis I'll try not to quote this time:D

Literally it's easy to understand about “QUOTE” but yes you’re rights what’s the purpose like bornatbirth says depends from reasons why you’re quoting,
:Erm:IMO some reasons are:
maybe you need to clarify something,
you don’t agree what he/she said,
or you’re amazed about his/her post and agree with it.

and yes nothing wrong with quoting, as long as it’s SENSIBLE (not offending) and POLITE reply or else add humour:D

But beware there are some post which are offensive and disobeying rules:NoNo: just report it to the admin or click the RED TRIANGLE with exclamation point icon saying report post so admin and moderators will take action of it, then :Erm:I guess no need to quote this post.:)

Pepe n Pilar
14th May 2009, 12:17
Well said Sis...I never use that red icon on the topmost corner.. thanks sis Leah:xxgrinning--00xx3:

and yes nothing wrong with quoting, as long as it’s SENSIBLE (not offending) and POLITE reply or else add humour

Once we read replies it has different meanings. It is because each one has different views on everything. For some they just look at it as humour, or not a big deal at all but for some they look at it differently hence they are offended. Even if our posts are not offending or are polite for some it still mean something else.


Arthur Little
14th May 2009, 13:35
So i can see everybody knows the purpose of QUOTE. If we use that it doesn't mean we don't like her/him personally. So asking this question "why do you always quote my posts"?:Erm: is not acceptable or shall i say shouldn't be asked......


:Erm: It's more of a COMPLIMENT, :xxgrinning--00xx3:actually. Whether or not respondent(s) agree with what you say in your post, it shows he/she/they have, at the very least, taken the trouble to read its content and express comment in some way or other ... be it positive or negative.

So relax! ... there's absolutely no harm :NoNo: in asking or, for that matter, airing your views on almost any topic under the sun ... 'free speech' is what this forum is supposed to be all about ... and no-one here will think any the less of you for it.

Pepe n Pilar
14th May 2009, 13:46
Hi Arthur Little, i absolutely agree on your comments:xxgrinning--00xx3:.
I don't ask those, i am the one being asked.....:omg::doh:Brick:

hence the thread to get the views of everyone.......:):Hellooo:

I know that is what this forum is supposed to be all about....:xxgrinning--00xx3:


14th May 2009, 13:52
Hi Arthur,
If you delete everything you don't want to quote that appears after the closing square bracket at the beginning of the post and the opening square bracket at the end of the post you wish to quote and leave only the part you wish to quote within those brackets, then you will only quote the part you want to quote.

S'funny ... by some peculiar coincidence, I keep trying to HIGHLIGHT certain sections of other members' posts in order to answer ONLY the parts to which I think my reply is likely to be relevant [and, if I may say so, have attempted to do the same thing again with this one of yours]. Yet, after submitting my response, I invariably find the entire screed has been quoted ... which rather detracts from the point(s) I'm attempting to get across; whereas others here manage to "work wonders" with italics and so forth, I'm restricted to the use of block capitals for the purpose of emphasis, due to my limited knowledge of technology. :CompBuster:

So, that said, I am probably not the best person to help out with your query. :ARsurrender: Quoting passages of script is, nonetheless, a useful tool for drawing attention to what has been written or, in this case, typed. I would, therefore, suggest you left-click your mouse' (holding it down for a few seconds and move it over the text to highlight [in blue] the words you want shown ... then immediately left-click on the word 'Quote' found in the bottom right-hand corner of the box containing the contributor's post.

As I mentioned, I'm no expert in such matters, but I do hope my advice [for what it's worth] will go some way towards clarifying matters.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

If for instance you highlighted and deleted everything in your post that I have highlighted in BOLD letters, you would end up with a quote that looks like the one below.

I invariably find the entire screed has been quoted


Arthur Little
14th May 2009, 14:13
It is because each one has different views on everything Cheers!:)

Exactly! That's about IT in a nut[shell], (Shelley, isn't it? ... your christian name, I mean!) :icon_lol: Forgive my sense of humour - just couldn't resist the temptation.

Arthur Little
14th May 2009, 14:47
Hi Arthur,
If you delete everything you don't want to quote that appears after the closing square bracket at the beginning of the post and the opening square bracket at the end of the post you wish to quote and leave only the part you wish to quote within those brackets, then you will only quote the part you want to quote.

If for instance you highlighted and deleted everything in your post that I have highlighted in BOLD letters, you would end up with a quote that looks like the one below.


I shall certainly bear all that in mind for future reference; ta very much, Iain.

Cheers mate, :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2009, 15:33
You may get a thread like:

Post1: How big is the new live chicken you bought?
Post2: (Off topic)Hubby is great in bed.
Post3: It is a large cock.

Unless you QUOTE Post1, people think you are referencing Post2 :cwm24:

14th May 2009, 15:50
You may get a thread like:

Post1: How big is the new live chicken you bought?
Post2: (Off topic)Hubby is great in bed.
Post3: It is a large cock.

Unless you QUOTE Post1, people think you are referencing Post2 :cwm24:

so definitely use QUOTE button!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2009, 16:07
You may get a thread like:

Post1: How big is the new live chicken you bought?
Post2: (Off topic)Hubby is great in bed.
Post3: It is a large cock.

Unless you QUOTE Post1, people think you are referencing Post2 :cwm24:

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: VERY TRUE:xxgrinning--00xx3: