View Full Version : How many more...???

14th May 2009, 14:57
The lot of them I hope......:omg:

And start from fresh.......:D




This is getting better and better...........:icon_lol:

14th May 2009, 15:03
if you think were bad here?

wait until we see what the italian goverment gets upto? :icon_lol:

14th May 2009, 15:11
wait until we see what the italian goverment gets upto? :icon_lol:

In Italy, crooks are elected on purpose, so we know from the start that it can't get any worse.....:omg:

14th May 2009, 18:16
Poor Mr Morley,everyones condemning the guy for a simple mistake involving a mere £16,000,he has already apologised and said it was just a matter of "Sloppy accounting" :xxgrinning--00xx3: Its good to see that no more mortgage fraud cases will be brought in UK courts as he has set a precedent :xxgrinning--00xx3: Where is Guy Fawkes when you need him :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2009, 18:40
No one has actually came out and admitted it was blatant fraud,or even more honest and said it was theft,every single one has claimed it was a mistake or an error of judgement :icon_lol:Suspend them without pay,investigate thoroughly,sack or prosecute as necessary!Something tells me were screaming lord sutch still alive all these schemers would be fully paid up members of the Monster Raving Loony Party because they dont appear to be on the same planet as the rest of us :Rasp:

14th May 2009, 19:18
I thought in the UK it was called perks of the Job.

I think a lot of people have been misleading themselves that bribery,fraud and corruption dont happen here.

I bet anyone who has worked in the UK can think of experiences. Where people have helped themsleves and said they never miss it, thats why they pay us so little. To people actually being told to bump up the Expenses claims otherwise people will ask why the new person claims so little.
When meeting customers i was often offered "gifts" for better service or letting off a bill.
Have had high ranking managers offer me "private work". Had to pass on the "gifts" for managers.
Most of my private mail from friends and families seems to be in a company envelope or franked.
Having a council pass round my neck (which i forgot to take off) when entering food places and other places "regulated" by the council I have had my food upgraded.
Many people in the private or public sector are always on the look out ways to beat the expenses system.
They take the train and claim for petrol if it favours that or vice a versa. Some of the claims people put in seem to be great works of fiction.
Seen people find receipts for a resturant and taken a pack lunch.

People asking the barstaff to not itemise the bill so they can buy a jacketspud and spend the rest of their allowance on beer. Some even ask for take homes with the lids on:rolleyes:

Many companies have had such lax procedures for "lost" laptops and phones plus their accesories.
Lets not start on how many get the printing and photcopying at work.

When a large quanity of equipment went missing at work only My Boss and I seemed to be concerned and if we had not relocated it I don't think anyone would have noticed or blinked an eye.

I remeber as a student working in a supermarket, most of the staff seemed to be on the take. I know for a fact the security guard who i used to serve his food when i worked on the Deli never paid for it I found out after I left. On my last day he was shocked I was not stocking up on goodies. On the way out we often had bag searchs and I just signed and was waved though:rolleyes: This very security guard was infamous for being very hot on checking all. Why was I let off because I supported the same team as him:rolleyes:
Stupidly when i told my housemates, I was thought of as mad that i didn't take anything. Personally I wanted my job more.

Many of these housemates and other middle class friends and accociates from UNI many were involved in fraud wheter credit card, student loans, banking(far more than council estate mates many of whom were very very honest). Many of these hold very good mangerial/high ranking/prestigous jobs in both the private and public sector:rolleyes::doh

Smaller scale possibly but most of the World seems to be on the take.

14th May 2009, 19:22
I always classed a perk of the job as a couple of paperclips or a biro-pen :icon_lol:Whats going on here is more akin to large scale systemic looting :icon_lol:

14th May 2009, 19:54
I always classed a perk of the job as a couple of paperclips or a biro-pen :icon_lol:Whats going on here is more akin to large scale systemic looting :icon_lol:

Indeed, but im shocked by how much some peoples expense bill is, in quite normal jobs. I have had staff always trying to fiddle their hours, try to claim for things which I knew if i signed would leave me open to investigation.

These shady MP's did the same ask what they could claim for and I bet thought well might as well. Doesn't excuse them but I think about 20-30 percent of employees at most companies would have to tender their resignations if they were all policed by the same people as the MP's are:icon_lol:

How many who have been around you have literally tried to take all they can from the company? Some would take the walls if they were not fixed in the ground.

I just find it funny people are so suprised and shocked it happens.

It is disgusting and needs changing, sweden have states apartments i belive and very strict rules.

A couple of council blocks im sure could be used or a large Hotel. But many Mps could just be given free travel via public transport. Many workers manage to commute in and out very early and late out of london to amazing distances. I know of people who comute to and from Wales,lincoln and other far of places each and every day.

14th May 2009, 20:01
I have known the odd rogue or three in my time :icon_lol:But if they were caught they would always hold their hands up,admit to their wrongdoing,these parliamentary dolts seem to think their thefts are jolly japes,nothing more than a spot of petty pilfering,they arent above the law as they seem to think,cant vote for any of them :Erm:

14th May 2009, 20:13
I have known the odd rogue or three in my time :icon_lol:But if they were caught they would always hold their hands up,admit to their wrongdoing,these parliamentary dolts seem to think their thefts are jolly japes,nothing more than a spot of petty pilfering,they arent above the law as they seem to think,cant vote for any of them :Erm:

I guess they mirroring the country its no ones fault any more Guv:D