View Full Version : thanks for all the info pips but one last thing....

16th May 2009, 07:58
does my fiancee needs to stay more than 21 days or 21 days is just fine?

thank u for all the information, its really a great help..

and mostly thank u for welcoming me here.. i feel at home already... hehehe

16th May 2009, 08:01
tigger0608 - my hubby is from edinburgh

16th May 2009, 09:33
He doesn't need to stay 21 days. If he has a CNI (Certificate of No Impediment) from his local registry office in the UK, he exchanges it at the British Embassy in Manila or the the British Consulate in Cebu, for the Philippine version, then you apply for a marriage licence and as soon as you get one you can get married. Then he can go home whenever he wants.

I think your getting confused with the process of applying for the CNI in the Philippines instead of coming to the Philippines having already obtained a CNI from his local registry office in the UK which he brings with him to the Philippines. I think if you apply for the CNI in the Philippines it takes 21 days to come through and then you still have to wait 10 days for a marriage licence after that.


16th May 2009, 10:43
and then you still have to wait 10 days for a marriage licence after that.


.......unless, as I did, you (quite accidentally) slip a P100 note into the hand of a certain person. After which, the 10 days becomes 10 minutes.


16th May 2009, 11:10
thank u again.. yeah i guess im getting confuse with the 21 day thing.. but at least now its clear..

thanks to both of u..


trader dave
16th May 2009, 23:53
.......unless, as I did, you (quite accidentally) slip a P100 note into the hand of a certain person. After which, the 10 days becomes 10 minutes.


i must remember that al when i get there on 23rd :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th May 2009, 17:50
.......unless, as I did, you (quite accidentally) slip a P100 note into the hand of a certain person. After which, the 10 days becomes 10 minutes.


:yikes: your not legally married then AL :NoNo:

and i expected better from you, p100 , tight :butthead:


17th May 2009, 20:49
its the credit crunch isnt it AL?