View Full Version : What a turn-around....

19th May 2009, 08:31
After all, the mother of the baby was a right little teen-age slapper.:NoNo:

Original post......

And today's latest news......:doh


It just shows the state of affairs in the UK nowadays, family breakdowns, lack of education, discipline, and above all, lack of morals.

It wasn't the first, and, by all means, it won't be the last baby born to immature children.

What I cannot understand is that since the introduction of Sex Education in UK schools, the rate of teen-age pregnancies had increased to worrying levels, but in other European countries has decreased.

In mediterrenean countries something like that happening is considered a stigma and would bring untold shame on the family, but here is kind of normal.:Erm:

I can comfortably predict that the little slapper in question will have another two kids by age 20....:omg:

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 10:38
After all, the mother of the baby was a right little teen-age slapper.:NoNo:

:Erm: ... it takes two to "tango" ...:REDancedancer08:

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 11:02

[SIZE=4]It just shows the state of affairs in the UK nowadays, family breakdowns, lack of education, discipline, and above all, lack of morals

... yes, to my way of thinking also; each of these definitely has the consecutive knock-on effect of one thing leading to another in the following sequence:

1. Lack of proper education ... leading to-
2. Family breakdown ... due to-
3. Lack of discipline ... resulting in-
4. Lack of moral standards


19th May 2009, 11:21
It's really sad, especially Alfie Patten was all over the news: tv and papers. He was exposed & ridiculed...

Worse part: he even acknowledged the baby & was excited about it!

19th May 2009, 11:33
Oh dear...oh dear:doh:NoNo:

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 11:46
[SIZE=4][SIZE=4]In mediterrenean countries something like that happening is considered a stigma and would bring untold shame on the family, but here is kind of normal.

Up until comparatively recent times - certainly as late as the 1970s - teenage pregnancies [indeed unmarried mothers in general] were stigmatised :eek: here in the UK too. As a youngster growing up in a small rural community during the latter part of the 'fifties/early 'sixties, I recall quite a number of adolescent girls being 'despatched' to some "auntie" or other (usually living by the seaside) for "health reasons" or a so-called rest-cure ...!! :Giggler:

My, my, it just goes to show how times have changed! :NoNo:

19th May 2009, 11:46
its amazing what the young and unwashed will do to get famous or infamous!

19th May 2009, 11:53

:Erm: ... it takes two to "tango" ...:REDancedancer08:

It doesn't cost much or anything at all to say "NO".:NoNo:

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 12:00
It's really sad, especially Alfie Patten was all over the news: tv and papers. He was exposed & ridiculed...

Worse part: he even acknowledged the baby & was excited about it!

Yeah ... spread over more than the media! ... probably imagined himself as some sort of 'hero' destined for the Guiness Book of Records, I shouldn't wonder. :BouncyHappy:

19th May 2009, 12:02
Yeah ... spread over more than the media! ... probably imagined himself as some sort of 'hero' destined for the Guiness Book of Records, I shouldn't wonder. :BouncyHappy:

I am amazed Arthur..... You got the "quote" bit right on this one.....:icon_lol:

19th May 2009, 12:04
when you look at his face you wouldnt think he could get it up?

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 12:07
It doesn't cost much or anything at all to say "NO".:NoNo:

True. But maybe HE simply wouldn't take "No" for an answer! And SHE "paid the price" ... ! :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 12:09
when you look at his face you wouldnt think he could get it up?

Get WHAT up? ... his FACE! :NoNo:

19th May 2009, 12:14
when you look at his face you wouldnt think he could get it up?


19th May 2009, 12:34
True. But maybe HE simply wouldn't take "No" for an answer! And SHE "paid the price" ... ! :rolleyes:

Oh, come on laddie....:omg:

She is twice as big as him, she could have slapped his face to six shades of blue if she wanted to.:NoNo:

Now it comes out that near enough the whole estate youth gang slept in her bed, with the knowledge of her mother....:doh

The mind boggles.....:Erm:

19th May 2009, 12:38
pay as you go? :omg:

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 12:43
Yeah ... spread over more than the media! ... probably imagined himself as some sort of 'hero' destined for the Guiness Book of Records, I shouldn't wonder. :BouncyHappy:

Apologies to Alfie! I evidently posted the above quotation without being in possession of the FULL facts - which I've since read - and NOW realise that DNA tests have revealed a 15-year-old as being the child's father in this instance. A "right old c**ck up" :doh if EVER there was ...

... mind you, what else can one expect when the appointment of 'Children's Secretary' is given to a man with a name like :rolleyes: Ed Balls!

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 13:25
[QUOTE] BBC News Channel, Monday 19 May, 2009:


... 'And Children's Secretary, Ed Balls said it was an "awful" and "unusual" case.'

AWFUL? ... most certainly! UNUSUAL? ... well, that's a matter of [a]'pinion'! ... loads of young lads THAT age nowadays, definitely have the ba**s :lol2::lol2: for it!!

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 13:28
pay as you go? :omg:

... so it would seem! :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Arthur Little
19th May 2009, 14:14
I am amazed Arthur..... You got the "quote" bit right on this one.....:icon_lol:

:cwm24: No one's more amazed than ME, Dom! Ta, for rectifying matters; believe it or not, at the age of sixty-four, I'm still "fumbling my way around the keyboard"... most decidedly a case of:

"DO you still need me?
DO you still heed me ...
NOW I'm sixty-four? ... da, da, da ... &c."

- with apologies to The [surviving] lol2::lol2: Beatles.

19th May 2009, 16:47

:Erm: ... it takes two to "tango" ...:REDancedancer08:
Two? Looks like sometimes even more than that....:omg::doh:D

19th May 2009, 17:08
It doesn't cost much or anything at all to say "NO".:NoNo:

:icon_lol: have you ever said no to a bacon sandwich dom :doh

19th May 2009, 17:10
when you look at his face you wouldnt think he could get it up?

thats what i said to the misses, he looks like he's 7 or 8yrs old and is a jaffa :doh


20th May 2009, 07:14
:icon_lol: have you ever said no to a bacon sandwich dom :doh

Yeah, in Doha....:doh

trader dave
20th May 2009, 16:11
:Erm: i said at the time i bet that little fellas not the dad some other older scroat has been in there before then you get that prat max clifford saying --well maybe it was not such a great idea to go public BUT THEY DID MAKE MONEY OUT OF IT :Brick::Brick::Brick: FFS and as i was saying in another thread lots of girls are getting pregnant on purpose now :Brick::Brick::Erm: