View Full Version : Filipino funerals and related issues

29th May 2009, 22:39
Sorry to ask help on such a morbid issue -

I'm back in The UK since early May & Ana is in Cavite. Even after going togeher for 3 years clear English language communication between us isn't always as good as I'd like - hence the morbid help request.

Background is ....Ana & her sister came up from Davao late April to look after her father - a bit of a renegade - who was ill. He died yesterday.

Ana & I were together late April early May & it was clearly understood her father had burnt all his bridges. Days were numbered even though he was very young by UK standards.

Can I ask a bit of advice on this sensitive issue from the assembled.

How long is normal for a funeral in RP.

Is the hospital likely to try & negotiate the release _ (apologies if that is black humor, but it is my personality meeting Filipino culture!)

& Ultimately how long is realistic to get the whole process (again apologies for linsensitive vocabulary) verified?

I want the girl home in Davao or in Singapore with me in the earliest respectable timeframe.

Any advice gratefully recieved. I'm going to try & get out to Asia to be with her the week after next.

30th May 2009, 00:59
Background is ....Ana & her sister came up from Davao late April to look after her father - a bit of a renegade - who was ill. He died yesterday.

Condolence to your girlfriend's father.

How long is normal for a funeral in RP.

It depends on the family. In the Philippines there is this called "wake" for the dead (Catholics practiced this), sometimes it lasts for 3-4 days before the funeral. Some may also prolong the "wake", some have a short wake max. 2 days.

Is the hospital likely to try & negotiate the release

What kind of release, release of the corpse? :Erm:
Most hospitals will not release the corpse unless the family paid the hospital bills in full.

Ultimately how long is realistic to get the whole process
Say 2-3weeks...

Depends on money situation too:
1) Hospital bills fully paid for.
2) Wake/funeral chapel/mass for the dead, etc...
3) Final resting place/burial/the funeral itself.


30th May 2009, 12:45
when my sister died, we managed to do everything in 5 days... that includes the sanitary permits since we need to transfer her body from our farm to Davao City for the wake.. and we still need to ask a permit from the city hall for my sister's burial...good thing that we already have a burial lot ready and fully paid.. it was the Christmas holidays so we need to act fast with the permits and all...

My condolence to you and your lady...

30th May 2009, 21:56
Thanks to both of you for your replies & your condolences (sorry Florge that your sister died, an early life ended is always more difficult to come to terms with than a person who has enjoyed a full life.). I shouldn't wish ill of the dead but he was a bit of a rogue & Ana ought to be beatified for dealing with the mess he has sown!!!

The message in your replies was pretty much what I expected based on experience of business in RP - that is normal Filipino disjointed officiousness- even in trying circumstances.

Looks like a busy couple of weeks for me helping sought out the mess, sympathetically but making sure Ana makes the guys new family deal with it all, rather than rely on her great organisational skills and good nature!