View Full Version : What To Expect From A British Man

31st May 2009, 14:00
Hi. I have british boyfriend now. It’s been six months already and growing stronger. I really love him and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

I am still learning bits and pieces of british attitudes. But I would like to know more about them. What are your view on virginity, sex and marriage, humor, what do you usually look for in a girl, positive and negative attitudes etc.

So brit guys, what should we expect from you? Filipina’s: how do you cope up with the attitudes?

Surprise me :D

Thanks! :)

31st May 2009, 14:03
Not bothered at all on virginity,we have all been there,Maria Clara is old fashioned right?Most brits dont get Pinoy humour,its quite infantile,all that canned laughter etc on Pinoy TV,for myself I dont drink nor smoke,and certainly dont gamble,I would expect a woman equally as boring :icon_lol: Quite a strange question actually,what else do you want to know? :Erm:

31st May 2009, 14:10
Sweat, dirty clothes everywhere, empty beer cans, never wash hands after a crap....the usual :D

31st May 2009, 14:12
Is that what we are to expect from Philippine women????:Erm::yikes:So they are just like english ladies then?:D

31st May 2009, 14:18
Filipina’s: how do you cope up with the attitudes?
Surprise me :D

If i may rephrase the question - How do they cope with filipina's? lol :D
In my experience, i have no problem coping with my hubby nor does he has any attitude that i should cope or deal with. There is nothing to cope.
I married a good, honest and very patient man. And very loving and a spoiler if i may add. I cannot speak in behalf of all the brit guys here, but i'm sure most filipina wives here will agree with me. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st May 2009, 14:20
Sweat, dirty clothes everywhere, empty beer cans, never wash hands after a crap....the usual :D

eow, that's not the kind of brit guy i married :yikes::omg::D:D:D

31st May 2009, 14:23
Quite a strange question actually,what else do you want to know? :Erm:

Didn't you read what she just said - "SURPRISE ME" :D
So don't ask anymore what else she wanna know, just surprise her :xxgrinning--00xx3: :D:D:D:D

31st May 2009, 14:27
BOO :icon_lol:

31st May 2009, 14:27
BOO :icon_lol:


31st May 2009, 14:30
Expect the unexpected:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

31st May 2009, 14:33
All guys are basically the same physically,but all guys are different mentally,did you know that one of the UK's smallest dwarves is married to a pinay?They have a normal sized son :Erm:I would like to think british guys are a little more caring than pinoys?I know guys in Pinas who if they lose all their cash at sabong just think Bahala na and the kids go hungry,there are men in UK like that but few I hope?

31st May 2009, 14:35
All guys are basically the same physically,but all guys are different mentally,did you know that one of the UK's smallest dwarves is married to a pinay?They have a normal sized son :Erm:I would like to think british guys are a little more caring than pinoys?I know guys in Pinas who if they lose all their cash at sabong just think Bahala na and the kids go hungry,there are men in UK like that but few I hope?

There's the surprise:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: Didnt know that Tawi:)

Aye, i know some as well in our area oh poor kids:doh:doh

31st May 2009, 14:42
I would like to think british guys are a little more caring than pinoys?

I beg to disagree....... Pinoy's are just as caring, thoughtful and responsible. Atleast for me, as far as the men i know (my dad, my big brothers, guy friends and ex, lol) :D

31st May 2009, 14:51
Well,I always wondered why so many pinays want to marry westerners sophie :Erm:When I was in Pinas I heard LOTS of stories of guys just abandoning their families because they didnt like the prseeures of family life,then they set up house a short distance away with another woman,I also know a guy with 4 or 5 kids who one day told his wife he was going to visit his sister,she never saw him again though she knows he is living with another in manila,pinas is matriarchal,the household is run by a woman,who is often the sole breadwinner,she also has to bring up the kids,UK is different in that the guy is the head of the house,pinoys never seemed to have strength of character,they are more laid back?

31st May 2009, 15:11
Well,I always wondered why so many pinays want to marry westerners sophie :Erm:When I was in Pinas I heard LOTS of stories of guys just abandoning their families because they didnt like the prseeures of family life,then they set up house a short distance away with another woman,I also know a guy with 4 or 5 kids who one day told his wife he was going to visit his sister,she never saw him again though she knows he is living with another in manila,pinas is matriarchal,the household is run by a woman,who is often the sole breadwinner,she also has to bring up the kids,UK is different in that the guy is the head of the house,pinoys never seemed to have strength of character,they are more laid back?

not all pilipino men are a like that,my dad is one of the best!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st May 2009, 15:16
Well,I always wondered why so many pinays want to marry westerners sophie :Erm:When I was in Pinas I heard LOTS of stories of guys just abandoning their families because they didnt like the prseeures of family life,then they set up house a short distance away with another woman,


I also know a guy with 4 or 5 kids who one day told his wife he was going to visit his sister,she never saw him again though she knows he is living with another in manila,pinas is matriarchal,the household is run by a woman,who is often the sole breadwinner,she also has to bring up the kids,UK is different in that the guy is the head of the house,pinoys never seemed to have strength of character,they are more laid back?


31st May 2009, 15:17
I know not all pinoy men are alike,my viewpoint was jaundiced by the ones who used to work for me(all of whom told me they had kabits:icon_lol:)and the ones I knew when I lived in Pinas,I always looked at it from an outsiders perspective,normally you get a better view when outside the box looking in rather than inside the box looking out :icon_lol: but the majority of households I visited were run by the women,who also worked,and looked after the kids,I think its slightly different in UK households,or why else would a nice looking pinay with many suitors in her neighbourhood choose to marry a guy in the UK?:Erm:

31st May 2009, 15:20
I employed five pinoy guys in HK Sophie,at that time there were approx 7000 pinoys and approx 140,000 pinays in the territory?All five guys were married back in pinas,and all five guys took opportunities to bite the fruits that were around them :icon_lol: your right about fidelity,or lack of :icon_lol:

31st May 2009, 16:05
I employed five pinoy guys in HK Sophie,at that time there were approx 7000 pinoys and approx 140,000 pinays in the territory?All five guys were married back in pinas,and all five guys took opportunities to bite the fruits that were around them :icon_lol: your right about fidelity,or lack of :icon_lol:

I definitely agree on that one :xxgrinning--00xx3: I've had a few girlfriends and female co-workers back home who suffered and were victims of their men's infidelity. For these men, cheating knows no boundaries, whether they are in the philippines or abroad :NoNo:

31st May 2009, 16:48
empty beer cans - yup! you guys like to drink :)
never wash hands after a crap - ew! i hope he's not like that...

Arthur Little
31st May 2009, 18:29
british attitudes ... I would like to know more about them. What are your view on virginity, sex and marriage, humor, what do you usually look for in a girl, positive and negative attitudes etc.

Surprise me :D

Thanks! :)

Welcome. :) First let me say that I try to be open-minded as regards the qualities you mention.

Personally, I did not engage in full sexual activity until after I was first married at the age of 23. But I recognise the fact that attitudes have changed a great deal in this regard over the ensuing four decades. And, at the risk of offending the 'moral code' as decreed by the Catholic Church, it has to be admitted that my own beliefs have adjusted to 'move with the times'. What I am implying here, is that I can see no earthly reason why two mature, consenting hetrosexuals should not participate in "pre-marital relations" [for want of a more explicit description] PROVIDING neither is correspondingly - and promiscuously - involved with any 'third part(y)ies'.

At the same time, though, it is most important ... indeed essential ... that the relationship be based on mutual love and understanding - born of trust and respect - with at least a sprinkling of humour [on :icon_lol: both :icon_lol: sides] thrown-in for good measure.

31st May 2009, 19:05
If i may rephrase the question - How do they cope with filipina's? lol :D
In my experience, i have no problem coping with my hubby nor does he has any attitude that i should cope or deal with. There is nothing to cope.
I married a good, honest and very patient man. And very loving and a spoiler if i may add. I cannot speak in behalf of all the brit guys here, but i'm sure most filipina wives here will agree with me. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

So here I am, agreeing with you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st May 2009, 19:06
Not bothered at all on virginity,we have all been there,Maria Clara is old fashioned right?Most brits dont get Pinoy humour,its quite infantile,all that canned laughter etc on Pinoy TV,for myself I dont drink nor smoke,and certainly dont gamble,I would expect a woman equally as boring :icon_lol: Quite a strange question actually,what else do you want to know? :Erm:


31st May 2009, 19:08
Mrs M :icon_lol:

31st May 2009, 22:37
All guys are basically the same physically,but all guys are different mentally,did you know that one of the UK's smallest dwarves is married to a pinay?They have a normal sized son :Erm:I would like to think british guys are a little more caring than pinoys?I know guys in Pinas who if they lose all their cash at sabong just think Bahala na and the kids go hungry,there are men in UK like that but few I hope?
Who can tell ?

1st June 2009, 07:32
So brit guys, what should we expect from you? Filipina’s: how do you cope up with the attitudes?

They have bad attitude when talking about religion and Politics. He will stay at the pub whilst you are inside the chapel praying for him. They don't like Gordon either Cameron:action-smiley-081:

They like their wife to be more independent. Learn how to drive so if he's drunk, you can drive for him:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Their mood sometimes bad but very easy to please. If you think he can't easily be pleased, enrol some units of Psychology:omg:

Not bothered at all on virginity,we have all been there,Maria Clara is old fashioned right?Most brits dont get Pinoy humour,its quite infantile,all that canned laughter etc on Pinoy TV,for myself I dont drink nor smoke,and certainly dont gamble,I would expect a woman equally as boring :icon_lol: Quite a strange question actually,what else do you want to know? :Erm:

May I know how you have known Maria Clara Tawi?:D Who was she? Did you read Jose Rizal's El Filibusterismo?

Sweat, dirty clothes everywhere, empty beer cans, never wash hands after a crap....the usual :D

Beer cost a pound+ here, collect empty cans and start to convert pounds to peso:Brick::Brick::Brick: But do not critizise him, as he will drink more:D. Learn reverse psychology.

1st June 2009, 08:22
Well, men are men.. regardless of nationality... they can be an infidel if they choose to be... the only difference, I think, is that British men are straightforward and would like their lady to be straightforward as well.. unlike Pinoys who would loves to beat around the bush...

1st June 2009, 08:25
beat around the bush...

Ahhhhh...... The bush..............:D

1st June 2009, 08:49
El filibusterismo?The reign of greed :icon_lol: Who is Maria?I am sure you have read Noli Me Tangere penny,I have read it and I am an illiterate so I know its well within your scope.I have been to Rizals birthplace in Calamba and also the house he used to live in during his stay in London.Its always best going straight through the bush than taking a circuitous route around it florge :icon_lol:Not all brits drink penny :icon_lol::ARsurrender:

1st June 2009, 09:28
El filibusterismo?The reign of greed :icon_lol: Who is Maria?I am sure you have read Noli Me Tangere penny,I have read it and I am an illiterate so I know its well within your scope.I have been to Rizals birthplace in Calamba and also the house he used to live in during his stay in London.Its always best going straight through the bush than taking a circuitous route around it florge :icon_lol:Not all brits drink penny :icon_lol::ARsurrender:

Yes, I've read both Noli ans Fili but that was 30 years ago ehehhe.
Our Jose Rizal hates priests during the spanish colonization. He described Maria Clara as finess woman but her father was a priest. Maria Clara's Mother was childless and she was advised to go to church of Obando Church and dance there to have a child.

You know 50-80% of our country lol????????
My place is about 10-15 miles away from Rizal's house:)

Yes I know, not all Brits dink lol.:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

1st June 2009, 09:38
Noli ans Fili is reprinted in english,I got my copy from Waterstones book shop "The social cancer" Maria was the illegitimate daughter of the priest,the only character I could actually identify with in the book was Pedro :icon_lol: because of his passion for sabong :icon_lol: 10-15 miles away from Rizals house?I have been to Laguna a few times,nice place :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st June 2009, 10:08
oh well Tawi... at times, it is better to get to the point than go around in circles... bush or otherwise... but then, I can't give a straight answer as well.. so my bf get's cranked up when I answer him with a "maybe"... LOL... guess it's how Asian culture is generally...

1st June 2009, 10:17
Its the asian concept of "Saving face" rather than give a straight answer you mightnt like,thats one thing common to filipinos,on the whole they arent confrontational or direct,I think most brits are direct,for me its always a yes or a no,no vacillating with a maybe,perhaps etc :icon_lol:

1st June 2009, 10:33
they can be an infidel if they choose to be......
Fidel Castro has a prostrate exam....so the doctors fingers were infidel :rolleyes:

1st June 2009, 10:56
Its the asian concept of "Saving face" rather than give a straight answer you mightnt like,thats one thing common to filipinos,on the whole they arent confrontational or direct,I think most brits are direct,for me its always a yes or a no,no vacillating with a maybe,perhaps etc :icon_lol:

Correct... so jam07... better learn how to be direct (but not rude) as that's what your bf would've wanted :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st June 2009, 15:55
Correct... so jam07... better learn how to be direct (but not rude) as that's what your bf would've wanted :xxgrinning--00xx3:

yup! i am learning that now. :) thank you guys for the funny but informative responses! i am learning so much! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

more!!! :D

4th June 2009, 08:38
Noli ans Fili is reprinted in english,I got my copy from Waterstones book shop "The social cancer" Maria was the illegitimate daughter of the priest,the only character I could actually identify with in the book was Pedro :icon_lol: because of his passion for sabong :icon_lol: 10-15 miles away from Rizals house?I have been to Laguna a few times,nice place :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I can still remember Padre Damaso:D
Yes, Laguna is nice place:Rasp::xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th June 2009, 08:57
Hi. I have british boyfriend now. It’s been six months already and growing stronger. I really love him and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

I am still learning bits and pieces of british attitudes. But I would like to know more about them. What are your view on virginity, sex and marriage, humor, what do you usually look for in a girl, positive and negative attitudes etc.

So brit guys, what should we expect from you? Filipina’s: how do you cope up with the attitudes?

Surprise me :D

Thanks! :)

Hi Jam,.. my bf is a brit, and not like americans, he is reserve, formal and very sensible. Its not hard to be British man, as long as you behave well and showed self-respect. Be sensible too. You don't have to cope with their attitudes as there's nothing to cope or deal with, all you have to do if you really love your bf is you should complement with him. Complementing is just like filling in the empty spaces between your fingers.., its like filling the empty spaces to make it whole... good luck to you my friend...!:cwm38: