View Full Version : Fundamentalists/Extremists/Terrorists

3rd June 2009, 09:25

3 Words that make you think of Muslims eh?

If a Muslim shot a man on his way to church he'd probably come under all 3 words in the media, if he shot a well known and respected doctor, even worse!

However, if you live in the US, and it is a Christian that does it your are an 'Activist'!!! News (http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Abortion-Doctor-Shooting-In-Wichita-Kansas---Scott-Roeder-Charged-With-Murder-Of-George-Tiller/Article/200906115294350?lpos=World_News_First_Home_Article_Teaser_Region_7&lid=ARTICLE_15294350_Abortion_Doctor_Shooting_In_Wichita%2C_Kansas_-_Scott_Roeder_Charged_With_Murder_Of_George_Tiller)

No you're not an Activist you are a Christian Fundamentalist/Christian Extremist/Christian Terrorist, as he murdered in the name of his beliefs.

You can't have different rules for different beliefs.

6th June 2009, 08:35

3 Words that make you think of Muslims eh?

If a Muslim shot a man on his way to church he'd probably come under all 3 words in the media, if he shot a well known and respected doctor, even worse!

However, if you live in the US, and it is a Christian that does it your are an 'Activist'!!! News (http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Abortion-Doctor-Shooting-In-Wichita-Kansas---Scott-Roeder-Charged-With-Murder-Of-George-Tiller/Article/200906115294350?lpos=World_News_First_Home_Article_Teaser_Region_7&lid=ARTICLE_15294350_Abortion_Doctor_Shooting_In_Wichita%2C_Kansas_-_Scott_Roeder_Charged_With_Murder_Of_George_Tiller)

No you're not an Activist you are a Christian Fundamentalist/Christian Extremist/Christian Terrorist, as he murdered in the name of his beliefs.

You can't have different rules for different beliefs.

Not wanting to rant on, somebody once said to me that not every muslim is a terrorist, but every terroist is a muslim.
Some aussie told me that on a cebu pacific flt on the way to manila from HK!
Then again we have the IRA from my country, ETA from spain, shining path from peru etc etc.....
All killing, for whatever cause is wrong!
I do however get your point sir being a christian, and I feel also frustrated by this loony left political correctness protecting these ppl. Fu:censored:!!!