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7th June 2009, 11:47
I've been reading online about parents how unfortunately have babies that wake up every 3-4 hours a night. Oh please! If only we had that problem - Marikit has only on a couple of rare occasions slept for 2.5 hours since she was born. :omg:

Mostly, she awakes anything between every 15 minutes and every 90 minutes EVERY DAY & NIGHT! Also, 7 times out of 10 she will not sleep for anything more than a few mins if not held. she notices within a couple of minutes, starts stirring and then is up crying. She can then cry pretty much for an hour or so. I'd really like Pia to have a couple of hours sleep and time to put her feet up from time to time. It seems i've gotten used to having practically no sleep before I head to the airport for my 6 am flights.:ARsurrender:

My question: Are we alone in this; is everyone else enjoying baby sleeping periods of 3-4 hours plus?:)

7th June 2009, 11:58
Toks, you are not exclusive in this. I remember when my 2 were babies. My colleagues at school regularly asked me if I was 'on drugs' because my eyes looked 'hollow' because of yet ANOTHER sleepless night.

Yes, the b*****s would sleep through the day - but not when normal peeps do.

Good luck mate - it won't last forever.


7th June 2009, 12:10
Welcome to the club Amigo:D
Babies during their first few months sleeps like that. Lucky if they improve:) I always have problem in sleeping during my last few weeks of pregnancy:doh:doh SOmetimes if my husband needs a proper sleeps he has to sleep in the spare bed:Erm::Erm::Erm:Feel like zombie now:doh:doh:cwm23::cwm23: Plus having a wee boy to look after Oh dear me:doh:doh:doh Fortunately james sleeps between 10 to 14 hours at night:)

When James was few months old i started giving him a routine bath at night then milk..takes time though eventually he gets used to it.

It will pass amigo

7th June 2009, 12:15
Hmmm I thought this thread was gonna be about aliens! :Cuckoo:

We've been lucky with our son. Except for the first couple of weeks after he was born, he usually woke up once during the night. He's now 4 months old and often sleeps right through. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

But we're not getting complacent. Apparently teething can cause a completley different sleep pattern! :doh

7th June 2009, 12:17
I wake up every 3-4 hours :Erm:

7th June 2009, 12:23
I can sleep anytime, anyplace, anywhere.....:D

7th June 2009, 12:26
I can sleep anytime, anyplace, anywhere.....:D
You just think of Chelski and sleep :rolleyes:

7th June 2009, 12:31
I wake up every 3-4 hours :Erm:

coz ur misses will change ur nappy :Erm: :D

7th June 2009, 12:54
That is the reason dont want anymore baby not getting any younger, I love Jed and Jen will be enough, as its hard to wake up in the middle of the night, just love to enjoy life, She will change Toks, but I know even you wont sleep 24/7 you will accept it as the joy she bring to the family is superbbbb

7th June 2009, 19:33
Definitely you're not alone.. Can't wait for me to sleep straight through the night. But we're little bit luckier than you.. Isaac used to wake up every 2 hrs. at night, now he sleeps 3-4hrs.
It's alright for me if Isaac sleeps for couple of hrs or even just for few minutes, as long as I don't have to carry him and dance (rock him) so he can go back to sleep, which that's makes me really tired.

7th June 2009, 19:52
i guess your wife is fussing over the baby and the baby as you wrappped around your littles fingers:icon_lol:

i saw a tv show once about people sticking to the advice from the book women are from venus,men are from mars.

in which the mother should put the baby to bed each night the same time and if he cried to leave him there?at first the mother when in and got him settled but started to let him cry until he stopped crying for good and got him used to the routine.

the baby got into the routine and even wanted to go to bed at that time everynight,but after the baby was a sleep the parents realised they just sat there watching tv and didnt have nothing incommon and spilt up! :omg: :icon_lol:

so im not sure this is good advice and your little one is still young,so it looks like more sleepless nights?

7th June 2009, 20:32
only a few times has little joe woke me up, but the misses many times ( i don't know why, maybe because she sleeps nearer him :rolleyes:, or i'm just too tired to hear him :rolleyes:), she tells me he was waking up every 1 or 2 hours to just once every 4 hours now :D but i cannot confirm it :icon_lol:

8th June 2009, 01:01
They're all different unfortunately. My first was a nightmare, my second slept through completely from about 3 months on.
We did find the controlled crying method to be reasonably effective with Josh, but it took a loooong time and was heartbreaking to hear him crying while we stopped ourselves going to him.
He DID settle down to about 2-3hr stints from 6 months to about 14Months, but was 18Months before he went through the night for the first time.

8th June 2009, 03:57
My baby sometimes does that during the day but I don't mind just as long as he won't do it at night. I keep my son active during the day like take him out for a walk, for a ride, play with him and talk to him. If lucky enough, he would sleep for 5 hours straight at night if he gets really tired. Normally he would wake up every 3 hours, that is if we just stay at home. Sometimes if rocking him to sleep don't work or I get really tired (esp from 6-7 am) I would put him next to me in our bed and just put him in his cot when he is asleep. I am not really a fan of crying it out method as I feel sorry for the baby but it works for others.

8th June 2009, 06:30
I'm a good sleeper !!! But not in the airplane:action-smiley-081:

Never experience waking up every couple of hours, but when my Mom confined in the hospital, I stayed with her 24 hrs/day in 2 weeks. Couldn't sleep of worries. :D

8th June 2009, 11:45
Hi Amigo,

I think it's very common. You do not have to worry. Our little angel used to wake up every 1.5-2hrs and it was such a nightmare:angry: (since we are 1st time parents) but now he sleeps max of 4-5hrs, which is really good!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I personally find using this particular sling very helpful (pls see photos below). He sleeps so quietly, content and longer hours. I can do household chores without thinking about him waking up at some point, go for walks and wrapped him up before before putting him in his moses basket...

8th June 2009, 12:50
Hi Amigo,

I think it's very common. You do not have to worry. Our little angel used to wake up every 1.5-2hrs and it was such a nightmare:angry: (since we are 1st time parents) but now he sleeps max of 4-5hrs, which is really good!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I personally find using this particular sling very helpful (pls see photos below). He sleeps so quietly, content and longer hours. I can do household chores without thinking about him waking up at some point, go for walks and wrapped him up before before putting him in his moses basket...

Hi Zobel! That looks so comfortable for the baby, where did you get that from? Do you mind sharing how much it cost you? We looked in mothercare but we didn't see anything you're using. My MIL is so against about the idea of carrying the baby whole day but at the end of the day it's not her who will get tired if I let him cry til he sleeps, it's my baby.

8th June 2009, 13:08
Hi Zobel! That looks so comfortable for the baby, where did you get that from? Do you mind sharing how much it cost you? We looked in mothercare but we didn't see anything you're using. My MIL is so against about the idea of carrying the baby whole day but at the end of the day it's not her who will get tired if I let him cry til he sleeps, it's my baby.

Hi Jenny,

We bought it from here (free delivery).

This is the main website of the product:

I assure you, it's very comfortable for you & the baby!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've seen other slings and they dont look as comfortable as the Kari-Me.

8th June 2009, 13:27
Hi Jenny,

We bought it from here (free delivery).

This is the main website of the product:

I assure you, it's very comfortable for you & the baby!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've seen other slings and they dont look as comfortable as the Kari-Me.

Little Hiro looks so comfy with his mama:)

Its currently out of stock manay:)
She can try this one same make:


8th June 2009, 13:55
Little Hiro looks so comfy with his mama:)

Its currently out of stock manay:)
She can try this one same make:


Yeah hehe... salamat Dai! Karime is so stretchy & soft. What did you use for James?

8th June 2009, 13:57
Yeah hehe... salamat Dai! Karime is so stretchy & soft. What did you use for James?

Its a different sling manay. Its my father in law who bought it and good for Robert too.

8th June 2009, 16:50
Cheers Zobel and Ann! :xxgrinning--00xx3: I have ordered one and can't wait to use it for my baby!

8th June 2009, 18:59
on ITV tonight at 9pm - My Child Won't Sleep



8th June 2009, 19:32
Cheers Zobel and Ann! :xxgrinning--00xx3: I have ordered one and can't wait to use it for my baby!

Good purchase!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

on ITV tonight at 9pm - My Child Won't Sleep



Oh thanks :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th June 2009, 17:31
Have you tried putting whiskey in it's bottle? :)


You can get classical relaxation CD's for babies...:Erm:

I once saw a "rocking" cot thingy on the tv that's supposed to rock your baby to sleep...never heard of anyone actually having one though...:Erm:

10th June 2009, 17:28
Have you tried putting whiskey in it's bottle? :)


You can get classical relaxation CD's for babies...:Erm:

I once saw a "rocking" cot thingy on the tv that's supposed to rock your baby to sleep...never heard of anyone actually having one though...:Erm:

Was this the one you saw? http://www.amby.co.uk/html/nest.html not very cheap....:NoNo:

Speaking of relaxation music:
Baby channel on Sky,A Dreamy Journey is really good! Makes me sleepy too.. hehr :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2009, 13:56
Baby John sleeps 4 to 6 hours:D:D:D hope he stays:D that way... BTW he loves his sling so much :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: thnaks manay..



22nd June 2009, 14:00
Baby John sleeps 4 to 6 hours:D:D:D hope he stays:D that way... BTW he loves his sling so much :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: thnaks manay..



Awwww.... wow!!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Don't mention it Dai! xx

22nd June 2009, 17:59
Here are some pictures of me using the kari-me and as you guys can see my baby is happy being close to me. It is very helpful especially if I would just go to small shops (some of them won't allow pram inside).

Thanks again Zobel!

22nd June 2009, 18:06
Thanks again Zobel!


Don't mention it! as long as the baby is happy, the mummy is happy!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

3 mums here now using Kari-mE sling!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2009, 18:15

My baby can hold his head pretty well now! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd June 2009, 12:34

My baby can hold his head pretty well now! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That's really cute! My baby can hold is head up as well but sometimes he still loses control so I am not confident enough to put him in that position but eventually I will.

23rd June 2009, 23:04
put him upside down? :omg:

23rd June 2009, 23:11
put him upside down? :omg:

Might try it... lol... I'll be in trouble for sure ahahhaa... :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::Erm::Erm::icon_lol: