View Full Version : Poor old David Cameron

8th June 2009, 08:53
Poor old David Cameron, he seems to have been struck down by some severe form of Turrets Syndrome and now seems to be absolutely incapable of forming a sentence without interjecting the words "General Election" into it somewhere. Although this condition is not normally thought to be infectious, it seems that it has spread somehow and now looks like it has now affected almost the whole of the Conservative party. It seems that none of them can get through an interview, on whatever subject, without blurting it out at some point.

8th June 2009, 09:00
We should have a General Election.......but more importantly who is this General and what does he do?

8th June 2009, 10:49
once elected nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8th June 2009, 15:26
Gordon blanches visibly at the very mention of a GE,and that old caricature bottom lip starts to quiver,we DO need a general election,whoops,looks like Tourette's is catching,I do hope I dont contract Gordons other affliction,Munchausen syndrome :doh:icon_lol:

8th June 2009, 18:50
Poor old David Cameron, he seems to have been struck down by some severe form of Turrets Syndrome and now seems to be absolutely incapable of forming a sentence without interjecting the words "General Election" into it somewhere. Although this condition is not normally thought to be infectious, it seems that it has spread somehow and now looks like it has now affected almost the whole of the Conservative party. It seems that none of them can get through an interview, on whatever subject, without blurting it out at some point.

The sound of Labour falling apart is deafening :xxgrinning--00xx3: Labour supporters are a strange breed; in the event of huge defeat at any election, blame the leader of the Tory party; blame the Americans; blame the rest of the world; etc, etc.

Here's an amazing idea; how about we have a General Election so the people can decide who really is the best to run the country! How's that for democracy? Amazing huh?!:cwm12:

8th June 2009, 19:18
I saw Gordy getting questioned last week regarding a GE,he flaked apart,didnt mention it once,just kept repeating how he had to get the country back on a firm footing first,doesnt he realise he is in the position he is in because of Joe Public,and who better to decide when they want a new occupant in No10 than,Yup,Joe Public again :icon_lol:Gordon will hang on with ever whitening knuckles,they will even have to lever his fingers from the door-frame of No10 because he is just like GMA......Walang hiya :icon_lol:

8th June 2009, 19:21
Poor old David Cameron, he seems to have been struck down by some severe form of Turrets Syndrome and now seems to be absolutely incapable of forming a sentence without interjecting the words "General Election" into it somewhere. Although this condition is not normally thought to be infectious, it seems that it has spread somehow and now looks like it has now affected almost the whole of the Conservative party. It seems that none of them can get through an interview, on whatever subject, without blurting it out at some point.


All the deluded Dead Man Walking Bottler Brown seems capable of continually blurting out is that he's the man for sorting out the economy and cleaning up politics. Funnily enough he was responsible for screwing up the economy and his snout was deep in the trough with the rest of them.

10th June 2009, 17:58
some people are not happy with the idea of GE now bec the only party whose gaining on it is the BNP...just read it

it might be true as well, where I live now my MEP is from BNP:NoNo: but this is a democratic country so be it:rolleyes:

Arthur Little
11th June 2009, 13:05
Poor old David Cameron

:icon_eek: Nearly got MYSELF tied-up in knots:8_1_215: there, by confusing :confused: this title with the thread [ROPE] on David CARRADINE! Guess I'm either needing new specs, or it's due to my spending too many late nights tuned-into our indispensible forum ... :lol2:

Arthur Little
11th June 2009, 13:54
... thread [ROPE] on David CARRADINE ...

:Erm:... mind you, after listening to last night's news broadcast, it wouldn't surprise me at all :NoNo: if CAMERON eventually chose a similar "exit route" ... given his plans to *cut Public Spending [if elected].:doh To *do so, would certainly provide him with 'enough rope to hang HIMSELF' :ARsurrender: too ...

... then it REALLY WOULD be "Poor Old David Cameron!" :bigcry:

11th June 2009, 16:48
It doesn't matter who wins the next General Election at all.....:NoNo:

They will have to cut public spending to a degree, as the national debt keeps on climbing outa sight.....:NoNo:

It seems to me that, historically, the Tories are destined to clear up Labour debts everytime, and as soon as they succeed to get the economy on a solid-ish footing the other rabble rousers get back in, and start all over again....:doh

11th June 2009, 16:57
Politics and Religion.

I didn't get where I am today discussing Politics and Religion.

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c23/aposhark/muttley.gif http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c23/aposhark/muttley.gif http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c23/aposhark/muttley.gif http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c23/aposhark/Collapses.gif

11th June 2009, 17:00
Politics and Religion.

I didn't get where I am today discussing Politics and Religion.


11th June 2009, 17:24

I see Bottler Brown's got that slippery wretch Malik back in the Cabinet but the Telegraph's quick off the mark fingering him with more expenses scams


Is he Keith Vaz in disguise ?

11th June 2009, 19:35
...the Telegraph's quick off the mark fingering him with more expenses scams.........

You've got to hand it to these journo's at the present time.
They are having a fileld day.

I just wish there was an independent body thoroughly going through all these politicians' errant accounting practices.
"An oversight my backside".

I just feel there's a bit of a cover-up, even though some have had to walk.

11th June 2009, 20:23
I haven't read all the posts....but who has been fingering David Cameron?!! :omg:

11th June 2009, 20:50
one of his fellow tory public school boy friends.....something they learn at school?

12th June 2009, 00:03
some people are not happy with the idea of GE now bec the only party whose gaining on it is the BNP...just read it

it might be true as well, where I live now my MEP is from BNP:NoNo: but this is a democratic country so be it:rolleyes:

The BNP will show themsleves up and disappear back in to the undergrowth hopefully.

But strange how people around me (who have the Vote i know not all members of the forum here do) complianed and yet made a big point of not voting for one reason or another:rolleyes:

12th June 2009, 08:59
The BNP did not get a higher share of the vote, it was the massive drop to Labour that gave them the seats.

13th June 2009, 16:19
You've got to hand it to these journo's at the present time.
They are having a fileld day.

I just wish there was an independent body thoroughly going through all these politicians' errant accounting practices.
"An oversight my backside".

I just feel there's a bit of a cover-up, even though some have had to walk.

Those that walk will be sorted one way or another:NoNo:

13th June 2009, 18:07
As I always say,wheres Guy Fawkes when you need him most :rolleyes: