View Full Version : Relationship qustion

10th June 2009, 23:03

I met this beautiful filipina girl in Singapore, she works as a maid for her cousin and English husband there. We fell in love and we want to be together. I am divorced and she is also nearly divorced although she tells me that her ex in the filipines has not signed the paperwork to make it final. Anyway, what are my options here? I have no ties here in the Uk ( I am a Brit) no mortgage, children, family. I think that she would love to be back in the filipines as she has a child there and family. I think I would love to go with her, as I have money to back me up, and could possibly start a business with her. So my question, what is our best way forward? Is it best that she completes her divorce before we make more plans? Would I be allowed to move to the filipines if we were married? Would we be able to start a business together and live happily ever after?

Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated, I am sure some of you guys and girls have been through this and can help me.


11th June 2009, 08:30

I met this beautiful filipina girl in Singapore, she works as a maid for her cousin and English husband there. We fell in love and we want to be together. I am divorced and she is also nearly divorced although she tells me that her ex in the filipines has not signed the paperwork to make it final. Anyway, what are my options here? I have no ties here in the Uk ( I am a Brit) no mortgage, children, family. I think that she would love to be back in the filipines as she has a child there and family. I think I would love to go with her, as I have money to back me up, and could possibly start a business with her. So my question, what is our best way forward? Is it best that she completes her divorce before we make more plans? Would I be allowed to move to the filipines if we were married? Would we be able to start a business together and live happily ever after?

Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated, I am sure some of you guys and girls have been through this and can help me.


First of all put some effort into understanding the culture, it is spelt PHILIPPINES.

As for a business, unless you are buying plantations, it would not be worth the effort as the income would be so small.

Before you do anything she has to get rid of her present husband, and you cannot 'divorce' in the Phil, not legal. So either you got that bit wrong, or she's not telling you everything.

11th June 2009, 08:55
If I had a quid for every guy who had headed off to pinas to set up a business after meeting a pinay only to be broke within a few years I would be a rich man,I have known dozens,yup dozens with the self-same plan,only know one who managed to pull it off :icon_lol: Good luck(your going to need it_:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th June 2009, 09:04
...only know one who managed to pull it off :icon_lol: Good luck(your going to need it_:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I only know one as well....probably the same person :rolleyes:

11th June 2009, 09:17
Admin spot it on, no DIVORCE in the Philippines, we call it annulment, and opsss you need to be very careful in what she said,"that the husband havent signed the divorce paper" yet???????? huh!!! as far as I have done my annulment case we dont need the sign of the husband, or else she will end up in 6 yrs to finish the case, we dont need the husband to sign it, that is loud and clear from my lawyer, and I am not just talking here, base in my experience.

The best thing to do is sort her annulment first, but make sure if you use your money for annulment, she really doing it, we had member here b4, he is the one who spend the annulment of the G/F 250 thousand or less 2500 GBP knowing she didnt go through to it, because she still with the husband, not that easy but I wish u Good luck

11th June 2009, 10:12

I met this beautiful filipina girl in Singapore, she works as a maid for her cousin and English husband there. We fell in love and we want to be together. I am divorced and she is also nearly divorced although she tells me that her ex in the filipines has not signed the paperwork to make it final. Anyway, what are my options here? I have no ties here in the Uk ( I am a Brit) no mortgage, children, family. I think that she would love to be back in the filipines as she has a child there and family. I think I would love to go with her, as I have money to back me up, and could possibly start a business with her. So my question, what is our best way forward? Is it best that she completes her divorce before we make more plans? Would I be allowed to move to the filipines if we were married? Would we be able to start a business together and live happily ever after?

Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated, I am sure some of you guys and girls have been through this and can help me.


Sounds like a dream that's very unlikley to come true. When it comes to business there's an old saying about the Philippines and it goes like this: The only way to make a small fortune in the Philippines is to start off with a very big fortune.

As far as her "divorce" goes, there is no such thing in the Philippines, only annulment. An annulment in the Philippines can cost a lot of money and can take anything from 1 to 6 years with lots of backhanders to be paid along the way.

I think you'll have to wake up and smell the coffee. Just google "Annulment Philippines" and you'll begin to understand that if your really serious about this lady, then your in for a very long and arduous journey with lots of expense and heartache along the way.

Even if you just decided to forget about the annulment and go and shack up with this lady in the Philippines, you could both be thrown in jail for adultery.


11th June 2009, 10:37
The fact that the police who arrest you,the lawyer who represents you,and the judge who jails you for adultery all have mga kabits is neither here nor there,your the westerner,your the target,hypocrisy to the N'th degree :icon_lol:

11th June 2009, 13:22
Ok, so I used the wrong term, don't crucify me for that. Also this is a Filipino Uk forum, I am sure I spelt that correctly.?
I am only trying to understand how things work, no need to flame already, I want to be happy, thats all. Asking for help and advice isn't easy. maybe I should forget it.

11th June 2009, 13:29
Ok, so I used the wrong term, don't crucify me for that. Also this is a Filipino Uk forum, I am sure I spelt that correctly.?
I am only trying to understand how things work, no need to flame already, I want to be happy, thats all. Asking for help and advice isn't easy. maybe I should forget it.
We tell it how it is here, no use piddling in the wind :Hellooo:, and we didn't know you'd used the wrong term, we can only go on what folk tell us.

11th June 2009, 13:30
Its cool steve,relax,but its a long and difficult road your about to walk down,especially if she is still married in Pinas,read some of the stories in here on annulment,its not a simple straightforward procedure like a UK divorce,its got more twists and turns than a mountain track,plenty of people on here will give you advice you couldnt get from a solicitor,advice from experiences they learnt the hard way,good luck in whatever you decide to do :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th June 2009, 13:31
I think he meant the wrong term/phraseology as in "Filipines" win :) We all make spelling or grammatical mistakes,its the meat not the bones that count :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th June 2009, 14:25
Ok, so I used the wrong term, don't crucify me for that. Also this is a Filipino Uk forum, I am sure I spelt that correctly.?
I am only trying to understand how things work, no need to flame already, I want to be happy, thats all. Asking for help and advice isn't easy. maybe I should forget it.

Hey, you mis understood ehh:Erm: We didnt put flame,:yikes: we are tryin to give you advice, aww come on:cwm38:

You know what, most of the time we had newbie and she/he ask for advice, we reply as fast as we can and they glad for the quick reply,but you.....:bigcry: your so quick for tampo(sulking)..:doh

trader dave
13th June 2009, 22:51
steve you are a brit so you understand the british sense of humour --or lack of it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

the philippines and some filipina are like a dream come true :rolleyes: take things very very slowly :xxgrinning--00xx3: protect your bum and your money from EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE as far as buisness goes its a past time i have never heard of a lot of foregners who have done well on there investment in the phils , but i have heard many disaster storys though :cwm24:

you better off if you have property in the uk renting it out keep your money in the uk rent a place in the phils for a year and see how things go

just take things very slow :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2009, 08:13
Like the other members have already mentioned, I feel as if I have to put my two pence worth into the misguided idea of starting a business in the Philippines.....:NoNo:

Don't do it.:NoNo:

I agree wholeheartedly with renting a decent place and trying things out slowly, see what's what and then decide wether it is the place for you or not.:Erm:

Throwing yourself at the deep end ain't really the wise thing to do.
It wouldn't matter how street wise you may be, the chances are that your money will leave your pockets much faster than you can earn it.:doh

And what your lady mentioned about "Divorce" got my hackles up, and I can see a big red flag waving....:omg:

Thread very, very cautiously.....:rolleyes:

14th June 2009, 08:28
You're in a long way before you live happily ever after.
You need to know her more, be observative when you visit her in the Philippines.
Beware of ladies telling they are nearly divorce as we have no divorce but annulment. And annulment proceedings is an avenue litigation. It takes years and cost a fortune.

Don't involve into any business as long as she is completely free:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2009, 08:32
I met my wifey in Singapore and had to wait 2 years for her contract to finish, that is the law in that country, and we abided by it, we do not like law breakers in the UK, so why become one just because it was not my homeland?

I think I made around 6 trips to Singapore in that time, great excuse for a holiday :) ....and had enough airmiles to visit the Moon!

The visa process in Singapore is not like in the Phil, it is a quick and simple process, although expensive these days.

14th June 2009, 18:54
Thanks for all the advice so far, I am cool, sorry if I gave the wrong impression.
I am going to try to find work in the far east first, I am not intending to jump right in, too much to loose, and I have already lost a lot in my life so far. But, being free is nice.
If this ever works I will be happy, as they say 'slowly,slowly, catchy monkey' I guess when you fall in love with someone you just want everthing yesterday. Getting everything in order first is the tricky bit, but I appreciate advice, thanks


14th June 2009, 19:49
Thanks for all the advice so far, I am cool, sorry if I gave the wrong impression.
I am going to try to find work in the far east first, I am not intending to jump right in, too much to loose, and I have already lost a lot in my life so far. But, being free is nice.
If this ever works I will be happy, as they say 'slowly,slowly, catchy monkey' I guess when you fall in love with someone you just want everthing yesterday. Getting everything in order first is the tricky bit, but I appreciate advice, thanks


Yep we have all been there. This forum also knows we arer all soppy in love and like the loving parent or good friend we just tell you as it is.

First port of call is a day of reading possibly a few.

This forum and of course Petes who is a Mod on here http://www.british-filipino.com/

Also once you done the reading start asking questions. The Ladies and Gentleman come from varying backgrounds and what not but all can give you a great insight into both Phill and the Phill mind.

Good luck and enjoy the ride:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2009, 19:53
Best advice?Festina lente :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
14th June 2009, 19:58
Thanks for all the advice so far. I am going to try to find work in the far east first.

:) Welcome to the forum, Steve. Like the others here, I hope everything works out well for you. Good luck in your efforts. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2009, 23:20
i wish you goodluck in everything you do:)