View Full Version : What do British feel?

20th June 2009, 09:35
If someone badly criticized our country (Pinas), we feel sometimes upset. These past few months, some head of the countries critized and gave bad comments about Britain government. What do British feel about this?

Last time, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe said there's demons at #10 Downing st.
This past few days, Ayatollah Khamenei's described the British government as "evil"

Are they telling true? Are there many evils here than Zimbabwe and Iran? :omg::D:Brick:

20th June 2009, 09:41
I think every government in every country is probably guilty of some atrocity, I love all people though, they are no less important than the sun!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Worst atrocity has got to be America dropping that bomb on Hiroshima..:NoNo:

20th June 2009, 09:46
I think that the real problem here is that the leaders of countries like this don't understand the concept of a free press or the right of people to dissent, because in their countries the press and protests of any kind are both strictly controlled by the state. They therefore assume that anything that is said in the British newspapers, TV, or by political commentators is dictated by the British government.

20th June 2009, 09:47
I think every government in every country is probably guilty of some atrocity, I love all people though, they are no less important than the sun!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Worst atrocity has got to be America dropping that bomb on Hiroshima..:NoNo:

Yes that bombed was worst but Japanese were also worst during that war. My Mom and Dad, grandparents told us some bad history against Japanese.

But Japanese felt guilty about their wrongs and did changed for better now. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Konnichiwa!!! Arigato!!!:BouncyHappy::cwm12::Hellooo:

20th June 2009, 09:59
I tend to join in slating this country :icon_lol:

Worst atrocity has got to be America dropping that bomb on Hiroshima..:NoNo:
So Hitler wo started the war which cost millions of lives was better then? :Erm:

20th June 2009, 10:24
I tend to join in slating this country :icon_lol:

So Hitler wo started the war which cost millions of lives was better then? :Erm:Hitler was just a big gay pansy that wore womens kinky boots and did a gay walk!:icon_lol: He took charge of the poof waffe...I mean the luft waffe!:icon_lol:

If he wanted us to take him seriously why didn't he shave that stupid gay half inch mustache off? :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 10:29
If he wanted us to take him seriously why didn't he shave that stupid gay half inch mustache off? :icon_lol:
:Erm: A lot of women have them these days.....but not on the face :cwm24:

20th June 2009, 10:59
Hitler bequeathed that stupid lip eyebrow to his fellow madman Mgabwe :xxgrinning--00xx3: We aint really bothered what people say about us Pen sticks and stones will break our bones but names wont really hurt us :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 11:22
If someone badly criticized our country (Pinas), we feel sometimes upset. These past few months, some head of the countries critized and gave bad comments about Britain government. What do British feel about this?

Last time, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe said there's demons at #10 Downing st.
This past few days, Ayatollah Khamenei's described the British government as "evil"

Are they telling true? Are there many evils here than Zimbabwe and Iran? :omg::D:Brick:

Like tawi2 said just words.

Like if in worklife everytime someone who knows you indirectly said a bad word or was critical about you, and you got worried about it. But its always worth taking and inward look to see if the criticism is valid. In many cases it is with the UK. with this bloke, I just think its because in the eyes of many Iranians the UK and US are like Brothers and the US they want to leave alone possibly?

20th June 2009, 15:02
Hitler bequeathed that stupid lip eyebrow to his fellow madman Mgabwe :xxgrinning--00xx3: We aint really bothered what people say about us Pen sticks and stones will break our bones but names wont really hurt us :icon_lol:

Like tawi2 said just words.

Like if in worklife everytime someone who knows you indirectly said a bad word or was critical about you, and you got worried about it. But its always worth taking and inward look to see if the criticism is valid. In many cases it is with the UK. with this bloke, I just think its because in the eyes of many Iranians the UK and US are like Brothers and the US they want to leave alone possibly?

Thanks Tawi and Somebody!!!
I understand now about UK parliament debate. It's just words and not stones:). I have noticed after debate, it seems nothing happened:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Filipinas (not all) are sensitive. Sometimes, even in this forum, members became enemies just because of bad comments against someone. This happens really even if they don't meet yet. I witnessed this to some members.
No offense please!!! I think we need to change for good. Wake up! We are filipino british:Hellooo::BouncyHappy:

20th June 2009, 15:04
Penny,I have read through old posts of long-gone members,you watch a little word,someone says something wrong,then the flames flicker and its a raging fire,they never speak again :icon_lol: One word.......Kinesics :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 15:13
Penny,I have read through old posts of long-gone members,you watch a little word,someone says something wrong,then the flames flicker and its a raging fire,they never speak again :icon_lol: One word.......Kinesics :icon_lol:

Ehehehhe I google the word Kinesics as it's sounds new to me. Never heard it before:icon_lol:

You're right and you're absolutely aware of what's happening around:Rasp:

We have something in common:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: but u r more brilliant:Rasp::Rasp::Rasp:

20th June 2009, 15:22
Not brilliant pen,just used to have a job where a knowledge of body-language,and the ability to read people was useful,people are easy to understand,but equally as easy to misunderstand :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 15:31
Thanks Tawi and Somebody!!!
I understand now about UK parliament debate. It's just words and not stones:). I have noticed after debate, it seems nothing happened:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Filipinas (not all) are sensitive. Sometimes, even in this forum, members became enemies just because of bad comments against someone. This happens really even if they don't meet yet. I witnessed this to some members.
No offense please!!! I think we need to change for good. Wake up! We are filipino british:Hellooo::BouncyHappy:

Very true those that get on with life well (does not always mean wealth) seem to be able to handle comments good and bad and take them in their stride.

I noticed many phills seem to find that hard. For example my Wife finds it hard when either her bosses at work give her a critcal but overall a good review. But slowly in her own time she realises they are being good to her.

See how many Brits on here are sometimes harsh in the way they help people. Telling them the blunt truth. But its often for the persons own good.

Its also many British people to only be rude or cheeky to those who they know or feel comfortable with.

20th June 2009, 15:34
Thats true,we have a tendency as a nation to be blunt to the point of rudeness at times,we arent the most tactful of people,I call my mates wa**ers etc,etc,they are equally as rude to me but its without malice :icon_lol: Pinoys have a tendency to err on the side of caution,going way overboard not to offend someone :Erm: Its a little thing called saving face :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 15:39
Not brilliant pen,just used to have a job where a knowledge of body-language,and the ability to read people was useful,people are easy to understand,but equally as easy to misunderstand :icon_lol:

Many companies including my own have a whole number of training lessons/courses on the subject.

Amazing how many well qualified and trained people cant deal with tough situations as they just cant deal and understand people and the effect they themsleves have on people.

20th June 2009, 15:44
Not brilliant pen,just used to have a job where a knowledge of body-language,and the ability to read people was useful,people are easy to understand,but equally as easy to misunderstand :icon_lol:

Lies!!! He's a spy:omg:

:ARsurrender:Just jokin':Dpeace!

20th June 2009, 15:46
It wasnt actually an office environment Somebody,I was never academic enough,but i did a few useful courses,first know thine enemy and all that,long time ago now :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 15:46
Very true those that get on with life well (does not always mean wealth) seem to be able to handle comments good and bad and take them in their stride.

I noticed many phills seem to find that hard. For example my Wife finds it hard when either her bosses at work give her a critcal but overall a good review. But slowly in her own time she realises they are being good to her.

See how many Brits on here are sometimes harsh in the way they help people. Telling them the blunt truth. But its often for the persons own good.

Its also many British people to only be rude or cheeky to those who they know or feel comfortable with.

Well said Somebody:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

My hubby is the same, if he is trying to correct my fault, I knew he was right as he knows more than I knew but sometimes i don't like his ways to correct me as I feel he's harsh. But then I correct his way too as I cannot tolerate his way. :D

My boss at factory was the same. He is one of the most honourable boss I've ever had here. But sometimes he looks harsh if machines are in trouble.
One time, I had a word with him. I said, you're one the best boss I've ever had but I don't like you talking to machines if in trouble:omg:. You look crazy :D he laughed:icon_lol:

I'm learning too much in Britain. And hubby's family alway said you're learning fast:Rasp::Rasp::Rasp:

20th June 2009, 15:49
Lies!!! He's a spy:omg:

:ARsurrender:Just jokin':Dpeace!

Cmon Gracy,we both know that isnt true :icon_lol:Hey,I got some tsismis from some place in South Cotabato,between Gensan and Tupi :Erm: Whats the name of that place again :Erm: If only I wasnt so old I might even be able to remember the gossip :Erm::icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 15:54
Cmon Gracy,we both know that isnt true :icon_lol:Hey,I got some tsismis from some place in South Cotabato,between Gensan and Tupi :Erm: Whats the name of that place again :Erm: If only I wasnt so old I might even be able to remember the gossip :Erm::icon_lol:

uUUooOOhhh !!! Friend Grace, Tawi is trying to blackmail you:omg:
What's that gossip? Please tell for the benefit of my doubt:action-smiley-081:

20th June 2009, 15:54
Thats true,we have a tendency as a nation to be blunt to the point of rudeness at times,we arent the most tactful of people,I call my mates wa**ers etc,etc,they are equally as rude to me but its without malice :icon_lol: Pinoys have a tendency to err on the side of caution,going way overboard not to offend someone :Erm: Its a little thing called saving face :icon_lol:

I remeber speaking to one of the Wifes cousins who is a lawyer in Manila and works with yanks and Brits. She didn't understand the British very polite to those they don't know so well and always teasing and almost rude to one another:Erm:

Our Family group as we dropped off the Cousin at her place in town she works at bumped into a bunch of the Brits. So we ended up all eating together at first all us Brits very polite with one another by the end of the night we are taking the mick out of our differences. I.e those from up north and south etc, football teams etc.

All the phills were baffled:D We had gone from Brit politness to almost open warfare:D

20th June 2009, 15:58
Somebody,I met a british guy when I was out with friends in Davao,he was from newcastle and an ex-squaddie,funny guy,he was a bit drunk,after a couple of hours the pinoys in the group thought we were going to have a fight because he was calling me a wa**er and I was telling him to F-off :icon_lol: But we were actually getting on great :icon_lol::icon_lol:
No Pen,just Gracy and I have walked along the same streets but at different times.

20th June 2009, 16:02
It wasnt actually an office environment Somebody,I was never academic enough,but i did a few useful courses,first know thine enemy and all that,long time ago now :icon_lol:

Like you say doesn't need to be an office enviroment, used the try and understand and take note of people way since I was a kid just comes naturally for me.

One situation I found it useful was as a student when working in a supermarket. Learning not all customers think good service it the same. Ie one wants you to be their mate another wants you to call them sir/madam and treat them like royalty. Some want to chat and others don't.

Filipinas have these skills as people who are very socially aware lying dormant in some cases. My Wife in her job at a Department store outsold all other staff the special Gala night tickets. I asked her how she did it and said well you just need to judge people ie the right person at the right time, in the right mood etc.. Which she work out from of course a few moments.

She also had problems with people complaining in her workplace, but now realises she has the good social skills learned over her lifetime with her new found confidence and learning that brit people are differnt (regardless of orignal background) to calm people down and deal with them as needed.

20th June 2009, 16:04
Like you say doesn't need to be an office enviroment, used the try and understand and take note of people way since I was a kid just comes naturally for me.

I do exactly the same,keen student of human behaviour,nothing I like better than people watching :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 16:06
I do exactly the same,keen student of human behaviour,nothing I like better than people watching :icon_lol:

thats what policemen do.

20th June 2009, 16:08
just used to have a job where a knowledge of body-language,and the ability to read people was useful,people are easy to understand,but equally as easy to misunderstand :icon_lol:

Lies!!! He's a spy:omg:


:icon_lol:Hey,I got some tsismis from some place in South Cotabato,between Gensan and Tupi :Erm: Whats the name of that place again :Erm: If only I wasnt so old I might even be able to remember the gossip :Erm::icon_lol:

Ok Tsismoso then :Erm::omg::D:D:D

20th June 2009, 16:09
Not only coppers jim:icon_lol:,I just like people mate,better not say this in case it starts another religious debate :icon_lol: But we really are animals,intelligent ones compared to the rest,but animals nonetheless :)

20th June 2009, 16:10
I remeber speaking to one of the Wifes cousins who is a lawyer in Manila and works with yanks and Brits. She didn't understand the British very polite to those they don't know so well and always teasing and almost rude to one another:Erm:

Our Family group as we dropped off the Cousin at her place in town she works at bumped into a bunch of the Brits. So we ended up all eating together at first all us Brits very polite with one another by the end of the night we are taking the mick out of our differences. I.e those from up north and south etc, football teams etc.

All the phills were baffled:D We had gone from Brit politness to almost open warfare:D

Our Barangay Captain in Laguna worked with Brits before and when he learned that my hubby is British, he said, wow!!! they are polite people. But other visitor said. NO, they always swear:D We were talking in his office and they ended up arguing if Brits are polite or rude:action-smiley-081:

Hubby's first time in Pinas was funny. Everytime we go to malls, security guards always greet us Good morning Sir/Mam. Every person in our street who greet him and smile at him, Hubby always spoke to them. He said, Penny, I have noticed you don't greet every person who greets you. Say Hi to them and have a word with them :Brick:

I said they are many so I just smiled at them. If I speak with them like you do, we will always go home late.:icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 16:11
My brain cells are dropping like flies,my twilight years are setting in fast,cant even remember my own name nowadays Jayzee,never mind the odd snippet of tsismis :icon_lol::Rasp:

20th June 2009, 16:15
Pen,I went to a school in cotabato in March,I had a suit and tie on,the head teacher was calling me sir :icon_lol: I lied to a few of the teachers and said I was from the British Consul doing research into pinoy teaching methods so they gave me a great seat and put an electric fan in my face :icon_lol: They would never do that here :Erm:Your husband sounds like crocodile dundee when he went to new york :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th June 2009, 16:18
My brain cells are dropping like flies,my twilight years are setting in fast,:icon_lol::Rasp:

You are good in Poetry lol can't reach your english becoming deep I cannot understand:doh:icon_lol:

Pepe n Pilar
20th June 2009, 16:18
If someone badly criticized our country (Pinas), we feel sometimes upset. These past few months, some head of the countries critized and gave bad comments about Britain government. What do British feel about this?

Last time, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe said there's demons at #10 Downing st.
This past few days, Ayatollah Khamenei's described the British government as "evil"

Are they telling true? Are there many evils here than Zimbabwe and Iran? :omg::D:Brick:

When someone criticises the Philippines of course filipinos feel bad about it especially if the critic is a fellow filipino. Some say that they didn't have a good life out there hence they are just being "sour grapes"...:NoNo:

Yes that bombed was worst but Japanese were also worst during that war. My Mom and Dad, grandparents told us some bad history against Japanese.

But Japanese felt guilty about their wrongs and did changed for better now. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Konnichiwa!!! Arigato!!!:BouncyHappy::cwm12::Hellooo:

My paternal grandmother told us stories and their experiences during the WW11. I have heard so much brutality done by the Japanese to the filipinos from my parents and grandparents. Although we didn't experience it but our grandparents/parents did, so we somehow has hate/grudges felt to the japenese. Shall we apply the forgive and forget sayings here?.. I guess so..:)

Filipinas (not all) are sensitive. Sometimes, even in this forum, members became enemies just because of bad comments against someone. This happens really even if they don't meet yet. I witnessed this to some members.
No offense please!!! I think we need to change for good. Wake up! We are filipino british:Hellooo::BouncyHappy:

What??? members here became enemies???:Erm: bad comments against someone??? :NoNo:who are they?...:rolleyes: I read a thread one time and i was surprised they mentioned very private matters. I guess if those are very private or just concerning the two of them why not use the PM rather than post it in the forum? Forum replies/posts should be intended only to the subject matter...

Same with me Penny i have notice it too and it's disgusting to know that people had never met yet or some had met in person but targeting personal matters in the forum.

If there are topics here that members find it interesting and/or they have something to contribute or share to others they reply to the best of their knowledge and when some noticed it is the opposite of their beliefs/views they are offended...:doh

May a person be Filipino or British it doesn't matter, what is important is he/she maintains those good traits and dump old and rubbish ones....:xxgrinning--00xx3:


20th June 2009, 16:26
You are good in Poetry lol can't reach your english becoming deep I cannot understand:doh:icon_lol:

he mean's hes getting old :omg:

joke lang.

20th June 2009, 16:29
Its not a joke jim,every morning I look in the mirror I see an extra grey hair,or a deeper wrinkle,I even spotted a hair growing from my NOSE :omg::cwm24: I was scared to pull it in case its attached to something important :Erm: And my minds going:)What were we chatting about again :Erm:

20th June 2009, 16:32
Its not a joke jim,every morning I look in the mirror I see an extra grey hair,or a deeper wrinkle,I even spotted a hair growing from my NOSE :omg::cwm24: I was scared to pull it in case its attached to something important :Erm: And my minds going:)What were we chatting about again :Erm:

We were chating about sending your bank account details to me:D

20th June 2009, 16:32
Thats fine somebody,Royal Bank of Lagos?:icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 16:33
Its not a joke jim,every morning I look in the mirror I see an extra grey hair,or a deeper wrinkle,I even spotted a hair growing from my NOSE :omg::cwm24: I was scared to pull it in case its attached to something important :Erm: And my minds going:)What were we chatting about again :Erm:
What do you mean???:Erm:
Whats left of your brain for example???:Erm::doh:omg::icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 16:34
I think inside my eye actually,havent you ever pulled a hair from your nose and your eyes automatically water :bigcry:

Pepe n Pilar
20th June 2009, 16:35
You are good in Poetry lol can't reach your english becoming deep I cannot understand:doh:icon_lol:

He means... he's getting old...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th June 2009, 16:38
Thats fine somebody,Royal Bank of Lagos?:icon_lol:

Walton upon thames Branch:Erm:

20th June 2009, 16:40
I think inside my eye actually,havent you ever pulled a hair from your nose and your eyes automatically water :bigcry:

its when you get hairs growing out of your ears. then you know your getting old. had them a few years now.:omg:

20th June 2009, 16:40
Thats the one,419 Abuja road,walton on Thames,lagos,send me your account details,sort code,copy of your signaure and your mothers name just to verify you are actually who you say you are instead of someone attempting to strip my account bare :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th June 2009, 16:41
its when you get hairs growing out of your ears. then you know your getting old. had them a few years now.:omg:

You only got some ears recently:Erm:

20th June 2009, 16:42
its when you get hairs growing out of your ears. then you know your getting old. had them a few years now.:omg:
Thats called lycanthrop syndrom jim,do you ever get the urge to bark at dogs?Howl at the moon,or chase sheep?Eat the grandmothers of small girls who dress in red? :Erm:

20th June 2009, 16:44
What??? members here became enemies???:Erm: bad comments against someone??? :NoNo:who are they?...:rolleyes: I read a thread one time and i was surprised they mentioned very private matters. I guess if those are very private or just concerning the two of them why not use the PM rather than post it in the forum? Forum replies/posts should be intended only to the subject matter...

Same with me Penny i have notice it too and it's disgusting to know that people had never met yet or some had met in person but targeting personal matters in the forum.

If there are topics here that members find it interesting and/or they have something to contribute or share to others they reply to the best of their knowledge and when some noticed it is the opposite of their beliefs/views they are offended...:doh

May a person be Filipino or British it doesn't matter, what is important is we have to maintain good traits and dump old and rubbish ones....:xxgrinning--00xx3:


I thought I was the only one who have noticed that. You and Tawi rin pala. It's a shame, but true. True! there are enemies and really upsetting.

Still hoping that someday, some members will comeback (not as guests here) to post and be friends again. :Hellooo::BouncyHappy:

he mean's hes getting old :omg:

joke lang.

Ganun ba? Eheheh pinaikot ikot pa at pinahaba. Getting old lang pala:D

20th June 2009, 16:45
You only got some ears recently:Erm:

haha. hairs out of ears. then opou. (bald)

20th June 2009, 16:46
Thats the one,419 Abuja road,walton on Thames,lagos,send me your account details,sort code,copy of your signaure and your mothers name just to verify you are actually who you say you are instead of someone attempting to strip my account bare :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Im not someone im somebody:D

The info you will require will cost you 1 naira admin fee please send cheque to somebody

20th June 2009, 16:46
I read one thread that was almost kicking off,it was a lady up in the north of england and a guy,cant remember where he was from but if they were in the same room the temperature would have risen rapidly :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 16:48
Someone must be your twin identical aunty,sorry my mistake :Erm:You can either have the nira cheque or a deposit of £2000 sent western union because I trust you :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 16:51
I read one thread that was almost kicking off,it was a lady up in the north of england and a guy,cant remember where he was from but if they were in the same room the temperature would have risen rapidly :icon_lol:

Maybe a husband and wife trying to save on the Heating bill:Erm:

Dont turn on the heating love lets argue on Filipinouk.

20th June 2009, 16:53
Noooo,this woman was really argumentative,but the guy was also,then another woman joined in,they ganged up on him,frightening,if they had met face to face it would have been handbags and stiletto heels at dawn :cwm24:

Pepe n Pilar
20th June 2009, 16:56
I thought I was the only one who have noticed that. You and Tawi rin pala. It's a shame, but true. True! there are enemies and really upsetting.

Still hoping that someday, some members will comeback (not as guests here) to post and be friends again. :Hellooo::BouncyHappy:

Yeah, i hope someday they will come back and post again...:D

Ganun ba? Eheheh pinaikot ikot pa at pinahaba. Getting old lang pala:D

That is an idiomatic expression....:D:Hellooo:

20th June 2009, 17:00
Noooo,this woman was really argumentative,but the guy was also,then another woman joined in,they ganged up on him,frightening,if they had met face to face it would have been handbags and stiletto heels at dawn :cwm24:

Saying that on a football forum only allows a thousand members tops i go on where many of us know one another in person. Some who are further a field
sometimes act like keyboard warriors when they do come along to a game those who argue or annoying are the nicest people you could meet and would not say boo to a goose .
Then there is the case where some are always winding up others and when they turn up they some tiny little accountant/lawyer bloke who finds out the bloke they been winding up is some huge six plus brickie:icon_lol:

People seem to be totally differnt in real life but yes i do have yellow skin and work in a power station:D

20th June 2009, 17:04
Your right,thats a fact,theres some genuine keyboard warriors,hate to meet them if they were armed with a mouse :icon_lol: I think theres a little bit of homer in most guys :xxgrinning--00xx3:I would rather be akin to Homer than Montgomery Burns,and I even spotted someone on this forum who reminds me 100% of Ned Flanders if he would just grow a moustache :icon_lol::icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 17:09
Your right,thats a fact,theres some genuine keyboard warriors,hate to meet them if they were armed with a mouse :icon_lol: I think theres a little bit of homer in most guys :xxgrinning--00xx3:I would rather be akin to Homer than Montgomery Burns,and I even spotted someone on this forum who reminds me 100% of Ned Flanders if he would just grow a moustache :icon_lol::icon_lol:

True Homer has a family who love him a house which whatever happens seems to rebulid its self:D Goes down the Pub and many adventures

20th June 2009, 17:12
There was a nasty version where he was an alcoholic,and his son was called Barf because he vomited everywhere,marg was always going to bingo and maggie copied lisa scribbling on the walls,thats more realistic methinks :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 17:18
There was a nasty version where he was an alcoholic,and his son was called Barf because he vomited everywhere,marg was always going to bingo and maggie copied lisa scribbling on the walls,thats more realistic methinks :icon_lol:

that sounds like my neighborhood.

20th June 2009, 17:19
It actually sounds more normal than springfield,even the springfield in Milton Keynes :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 17:22
Your right,thats a fact,theres some genuine keyboard warriors,hate to meet them if they were armed with a mouse :icon_lol: I think theres a little bit of homer in most guys :xxgrinning--00xx3:I would rather be akin to Homer than Montgomery Burns,and I even spotted someone on this forum who reminds me 100% of Ned Flanders if he would just grow a moustache :icon_lol::icon_lol:

True Homer has a family who love him a house which whatever happens seems to rebulid its self:D Goes down the Pub and many adventures

Ohh my favourite Simpsons. I never let the day passed without watching it (Monday-Friday 6:00-6:30pm)

There was a nasty version where he was an alcoholic,and his son was called Barf because he vomited everywhere,marg was always going to bingo and maggie copied lisa scribbling on the walls,thats more realistic methinks :icon_lol:

I don't like The Simpsons cartoon ex-rated version online:angry:

I love Bart the way he laugh. He can make me cry too oh dear me :doh wally me:Brick:

20th June 2009, 17:22
that sounds like my neighborhood.

Hiya Neighbour when did you move south:Hellooo:

20th June 2009, 17:29
Hiya Neighbour when did you move south:Hellooo:

would not mind moving south. might get some work.

20th June 2009, 17:33
My best mate was down here working in London,he is a chippie,he broke his shoulder last christmas?Went back up to sunderland,hasnt had a job since,he phoned me yesterday,everywhere is shutting down,he said theres absolutely nowt,my brother in law up there is also a chippie,he got laid off a few months back but thankfully found something else.

20th June 2009, 17:38
Five more years, then I will take early retirement.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th June 2009, 17:41
Heading off to pinas?:Erm:

20th June 2009, 17:46
Heading off to pinas?:Erm:

Defiantly, cant wait, the house should be ready then, building it slowly :icon_lol:

20th June 2009, 17:49
Hinay hinay,its the best way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th June 2009, 17:55
Hinay hinay,its the best way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

only way I can afford it. Have to be there when its being built or they rip you off, every two months of the year. I go over next January :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th June 2009, 17:57
I actually know a house owned by a Japanese guy,its built on the same road as my mate Rolfs house,anyway,you know how it is,this japanese guy had a pinay girlfriend,he moved over,built the house,they lived there for a while,then moved back to Japan,the house is now a shell :omg: Rolf actually caught some guys in the back garden digging up the water pipes :Erm:

20th June 2009, 18:02
I actually know a house owned by a Japanese guy,its built on the same road as my mate Rolfs house,anyway,you know how it is,this japanese guy had a pinay girlfriend,he moved over,built the house,they lived there for a while,then moved back to Japan,the house is now a shell :omg: Rolf actually caught some guys in the back garden digging up the water pipes :Erm:

some times its better to rent,depends how long you intend to live there.

Heard of a lot of horror stories about land snatching.

20th June 2009, 18:05
One of the first times I went there I met a swedish guy called Matts,excellent geezer,he bought a plot of land,you can fill in the rest of the story easily,he had it about a year someone turns up with a horrendous story about subdivided lots and blah,blah,blah,no title,etc,etc,etc end of the story was Matts lost the land,what a load of *&*%$^ their system breeds fraud and corruption :NoNo:

Pepe n Pilar
20th June 2009, 18:18
I just want to thank someone who gave me a good rep just now. I don't know who is he/she but it's on this thread..:)

Thank you very much indeed!:D:Hellooo::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

21st June 2009, 08:06
I just want to thank someone who gave me a good rep just now. I don't know who is he/she but it's on this thread..:)

Thank you very much indeed!:D:Hellooo::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

U'r welcome:)

21st June 2009, 11:15
Hi Penny,

I think everyone is proud of their own country and often object to others who knock it.
However, it is ok to knock your own country, as this is one of the ways that public opinion grows to perhaps make a change.
"People Power" in the Philippines was a great example of this.

If only we in the UK could organize "People Power" and overhaul our corrupt politicians. It seems the Daily Telegraph is doing a great job in exposing corruption here.

21st June 2009, 18:58
Hi Penny,

I think everyone is proud of their own country and often object to others who knock it.
However, it is ok to knock your own country, as this is one of the ways that public opinion grows to perhaps make a change.
"People Power" in the Philippines was a great example of this.

If only we in the UK could organize "People Power" and overhaul our corrupt politicians. It seems the Daily Telegraph is doing a great job in exposing corruption here.

UK expenses is recorded whilst Philippines, I can't remember if we have records:D. Media can do nothing too much with corruptions, they know they will be killed if they will expose too much in papers. How many journalists killed? I can't remember :doh


Still hoping that someday, corruption in Pinas will be declined if not eliminated.:Brick:

21st June 2009, 19:05
If we have a corruption expose at least in the UK mostly they have the good grace to bow out with a modicum of face,in pinas walang hiya,they hang on like lamoks and refuse to leave office,I remember the rice crisis when the Agri minister was interviewed "Now is not the time to point the finger of blame,we should instead address the problem" which is poli-talk for "S**t,I f***ed up big time" we do have some accountability here,pinas its all deniability,and pen is right about Journos,I spoke to one earlier this year involved in a shabu case,he said he didnt dare say too much :cwm24:

21st June 2009, 19:14
If we have a corruption expose at least in the UK mostly they have the good grace to bow out with a modicum of face,in pinas walang hiya,they hang on like lamoks and refuse to leave office,I remember the rice crisis when the Agri minister was interviewed "Now is not the time to point the finger of blame,we should instead address the problem" which is poli-talk for "S**t,I f***ed up big time" we do have some accountability here,pinas its all deniability,and pen is right about Journos,I spoke to one earlier this year involved in a shabu case,he said he didnt dare say too much :cwm24:

The people behind the Telegraph leak were very worried about what might happen.

Least us forget DR Davd Kelly....

21st June 2009, 19:17
David Kelly was reported as suicide,though I am not as green as I am cabbage looking :Erm::icon_lol: The telegraph were worried.but nowt did happen,pinoy politics is far dirtier,they blatantly buy your votes,no pretence or subtrefuge that its fair :icon_lol:

21st June 2009, 19:23
If we have a corruption expose at least in the UK mostly they have the good grace to bow out with a modicum of face,in pinas walang hiya,they hang on like lamoks and refuse to leave office,I remember the rice crisis when the Agri minister was interviewed "Now is not the time to point the finger of blame,we should instead address the problem" which is poli-talk for "S**t,I f***ed up big time" we do have some accountability here,pinas its all deniability,and pen is right about Journos,I spoke to one earlier this year involved in a shabu case,he said he didnt dare say too much :cwm24:

Shabu case???? Do you know who mostly involved in drugs? The one you spoke with will never ever tell you who's involved if bigtime lords.:icon_lol: But most Lords are rich. Gambling Lords, Drug Lords, what else? :D

21st June 2009, 19:26
Pen,theres a region called baluchistan down on the Pakistan/Iran border,I went there once,also the Rif valley in Morocco,those big compounds with the huge 4X4's and the big sattelite dishes,Hmmmm,I wonder where they got their money in such arid regions :Erm:

21st June 2009, 19:36
David Kelly was reported as suicide,though I am not as green as I am cabbage looking :Erm::icon_lol: The telegraph were worried.but nowt did happen,pinoy politics is far dirtier,they blatantly buy your votes,no pretence or subtrefuge that its fair :icon_lol:

Indeed its far more in your face in phill, but to say there was not a huge risk. The telegraph and the actual people outside the telegraph were taking big risks if it for some reason did not capture the publics attention which kept them out of jail and safe from comeback.

But from what you can hear from journalists in person, which you know will never be published due to understandings etc. The press in the UK is far from perfect, it only publishes what it wants you to hear and thinks it can get away with.

21st June 2009, 19:42
Thats true,I was going to say Journos here are a lot safer than in Pinas then I remembered Veronica Guerin.