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21st June 2009, 08:35


Wow! Wish I was there:cwm12:

21st June 2009, 09:23
Eating stinging nettles?:yikes::yikes:

When I was in the Scouts we went camping in a place called Arundel, and we made "nettle tea!" I'd like to tell you that was delicous and fun was had by all, but in all reality, it was disgusting! :confused:


21st June 2009, 10:46
Eating stinging nettles?:yikes::yikes:

When I was in the Scouts we went camping in a place called Arundel, and we made "nettle tea!" I'd like to tell you that was delicous and fun was had by all, but in all reality, it was disgusting! :confused:


I'm really learning about Britain:D. Because the weather these past few weeks were hot, I have seen men driving without t-shirt, walking without t-shirt close to beach where we live. I spotted red on their chests and I thought they have red lipstics in their chests. But when I get closer to them, i found out that white men have red nipples:omg: No malice but I didn't know about it. I'm shy now lol:D:icon_lol:

21st June 2009, 11:06


Wow! Wish I was there:cwm12:

me too:D:D:D so that i saw it in real:omg::omg::omg:,its :xxgrinning--00xx3: if they are big:D.but if they are small:doh:doh:doh:NoNo::NoNo:im think im become green:Erm:

21st June 2009, 11:13
I'm really learning about Britain:D. Because the weather these past few weeks were hot, I have seen men driving without t-shirt, walking without t-shirt close to beach where we live. I spotted red on their chests and I thought they have red lipstics in their chests. But when I get closer to them, i found out that white men have red nipples:omg: No malice but I didn't know about it. I'm shy now lol:D:icon_lol:

Hehehehe I think the first thing Filipina's maybe need to know about British is we can be very pedantic and silly with the things we say and do!:icon_lol:

The British are not serious people we laugh and joke about just anything..:icon_lol: Spike Milligan has got "I told you I was ill!" written on his gravestone...there is a place called Leith Hill which has nice views. A man who loved Leith Hill was buried there when he died - they buried him in a standing up position so he could still enjoy the view!:icon_lol: I read a story not long ago about a pub landlord that died, they ripped up the old bar he used to serve beer on, then buried him there, then put the bar back on top of him! There is now a metal plate on the bar which has his name and "have a drink on me!" written on it!:icon_lol:

Us Brits are famous for our sense of humour I think...we even make jokes about death sometimes...I can't imagine any other nation doing that, the Dutch maybe?:Erm:

21st June 2009, 13:37
me too:D:D:D so that i saw it in real:omg::omg::omg:,its :xxgrinning--00xx3: if they are big:D.but if they are small:doh:doh:doh:NoNo::NoNo:im think im become green:Erm:

Ahaha I thought it's the performance not the size that matters:D
You made me laughed Ana. I wished we're there. Nagpapakatotoo lang. Just curious ehhh:Rasp:

Us Brits are famous for our sense of humour I think...we even make jokes about death sometimes...I can't imagine any other nation doing that, the Dutch maybe?:Erm:

Yes, I heard my Mom in law joking with dad. She said if dad dies, she will just dump dad on the other side of the fence:omg: Hubby also made a joke to me he is saying if he dies, he wants Egyptian Regae as funeral songs:bigcry: What a wacky family ehehhehe:omg:

21st June 2009, 13:43
Eating stinging nettles?:yikes::yikes:

When I was in the Scouts we went camping in a place called Arundel, and we made "nettle tea!" I'd like to tell you that was delicous and fun was had by all, but in all reality, it was disgusting! :confused:


When we went to Bluebell woods the other Sunday my husband was taking pictures of me and the baby. Then I felt a stingy itchy feeling on my feet. I cried ants! ants! ants! :23_111_9[1]::23_111_9[1]::23_111_9[1]::23_111_9[1]::23_116_6[1]:my husband said "no you've just stepped into some stinging nettles." :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::xxsmilie_auslachen::xxsmilie_auslachen::xxsmilie_auslachen::xxsmilie_auslachen:
hahaha he laughed at me the whole time... well sorry i didnt know hahaha :NoNo::Erm::doh:omg:


I've watched on Market Kitchen TV that you can make Stinging nettles Ravioli. Seemed yummy hehehe...

21st June 2009, 13:55
When we went to Bluebell woods the other Sunday my husband was taking pictures of me and the baby. Then I felt a stingy itchy feeling on my feet. I cried ants! ants! ants! :23_111_9[1]::23_111_9[1]::23_111_9[1]::23_111_9[1]::23_116_6[1]:my husband said "no you've just stepped into some stinging nettles." :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::xxsmilie_auslachen::xxsmilie_auslachen::xxsmilie_auslachen::xxsmilie_auslachen:
hahaha he laughed at me the whole time... well sorry i didnt know hahaha :NoNo::Erm::doh:omg:


I've watched on Market Kitchen TV that you can make Stinging nettles Ravioli. Seemed yummy hehehe...

I have bad experienced too with stinging nettles. The feeling was awful and I can't forget how hurt and itchy. Thanks! My hubby got some doctor leaves and suddenly I felt good. The nettle grew again at the garden. I killed it but still keeps on growing:Brick:

21st June 2009, 14:04
My Vimvie didn't know what stinging nettles were, I had to tell her! She said "What?:Erm: They are stinking nettles?:Erm: Do they stink?" :icon_lol: I was like noooooo they sting! They sting! I think she was a bit shocked that we have plants that sting you here in Britain..:icon_lol:

Whats the name of that smelly fruit in Philippines? I was surprised by that you know...I read it's banned from some Hotels in Philippines because of the smell...whats it called I forgot?

21st June 2009, 14:11
Whats the name of that smelly fruit in Philippines? I was surprised by that you know...I read it's banned from some Hotels in Philippines because of the smell...whats it called I forgot?[/SIZE][/FONT]

..........Durian Hehehe

21st June 2009, 14:14
My Vimvie didn't know what stinging nettles were, I had to tell her! She said "What?:Erm: They are stinking nettles?:Erm: Do they stink?" :icon_lol: I was like noooooo they sting! They sting! I think she was a bit shocked that we have plants that sting you here in Britain..:icon_lol:

Not only sting but bites too. When we visited Garden Centre in Morpeth, I have seen a plant that will bite you if you put your finger in. I was shocked when hubby put his finger in and seen how the Venus Fly Traps bites :omg:
First time to see a plant like that.:yikes:

21st June 2009, 14:14
..........Durian HeheheThat's it! Thankyou!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

But I'll forget again by tomorrow probably!:icon_lol:

21st June 2009, 14:15
Its called a Durian Nigel :xxgrinning--00xx3:They arent "Doctor" leaves Pen,they are DOCK leaves :icon_lol: as for the nettles your best off getting the growing tips in spring,you can make coffee from acorns,during the norman days the UK was known as the land of the fat-serf,because theres loads of food around us,its just most people wouldnt have a clue how to live off the land,I did a few survival courses once,its not difficult to get a few rabbits,harvest some edible mushrooms or catch a couple of trout :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st June 2009, 14:17
When we went to Bluebell woods the other Sunday my husband was taking pictures of me and the baby. Then I felt a stingy itchy feeling on my feet. I cried ants! ants! ants!Hehehe:icon_lol: Where is Bluebell Woods though? Not near the Bluebell Steam Railway surely? That's in Sussex that is..:Erm:

21st June 2009, 14:18
My Vimvie didn't know what stinging nettles were, I had to tell her! She said "What?:Erm: They are stinking nettles?:Erm: Do they stink?" :icon_lol: I was like noooooo they sting! They sting! I think she was a bit shocked that we have plants that sting you here in Britain..:icon_lol:

Whats the name of that smelly fruit in Philippines? I was surprised by that you know...I read it's banned from some Hotels in Philippines because of the smell...whats it called I forgot?
Durian you mean?:Erm:
Delicious but stinky - love the ice cream:xxgrinning--00xx3: It stinks as well - but in comparison with well matured Stilton or some other cheese it is not so bad...:Erm:

21st June 2009, 14:19
..........Durian Hehehe

yes Durian. Also banned at airplane. It grows mostly in Mindanao?
Super baho, super sarap daw? :D

21st June 2009, 14:20
Super baho, super sarap daw? :D

:yikes: Parang bagoong :action-smiley-081:

21st June 2009, 14:21
Yup,very smelly and very tasty Pen,when you come out of Dabaw airport theres a metal statue of a durian :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st June 2009, 14:25
Its called a Durian Nigel :xxgrinning--00xx3:They arent "Doctor" leaves Pen,they are DOCK leaves :icon_lol: as for the nettles your best off getting the growing tips in spring,you can make coffee from acorns,during the norman days the UK was known as the land of the fat-serf,because theres loads of food around us,its just most people wouldnt have a clue how to live off the land,I did a few survival courses once,its not difficult to get a few rabbits,harvest some edible mushrooms or catch a couple of trout :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Is that what you called it? :icon_lol::icon_lol: I just heard from hubby, he said he will try to look for a doc leaves in the garden. I thought it's abbreaviation for doctor :Brick: I learned something again. Thanks Tawi:icon_lol:

21st June 2009, 14:41
Not only sting but bites too. When we visited Garden Centre in Morpeth, I have seen a plant that will bite you if you put your finger in. I was shocked when hubby put his finger in and seen how the Venus Fly Traps bites :omg:
First time to see a plant like that.:yikes:Oh yes the venus plant!:xxgrinning--00xx3: My dad had one of them once...I think he was hoping it would keep insects out of his conservatory..it didn't work i don't think...

It's not unusual to see a Lizard run accross the ceiling in Philippines! I imagine they certainly do keep a lot of insects out! Well they'll eat them wont they!:icon_lol:

21st June 2009, 14:48
Those lizards Nigel are Tiki's,they eat langaws,but I have seen Tucko's eat Tiki's :icon_lol:

Mrs Daddy
21st June 2009, 14:48
kinda weird but WOW! do you mean do you want to get naked as well T Penny?:D:D:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st June 2009, 14:49
Those lizards Nigel are Tiki's,they eat langaws,but I have seen Tucko's eat Tiki's :icon_lol:oh Tiki's!:xxgrinning--00xx3: Thankyou!:)

21st June 2009, 15:00
When we went to Bluebell woods the other Sunday


Hehehe:icon_lol: Where is Bluebell Woods though? Not near the Bluebell Steam Railway surely? That's in Sussex that is..:Erm:

Nope, it was in Badbury Woods, Coleshill, Wiltshire...

That's where I was stung hehe...

21st June 2009, 15:37
I would be careful of visiting those woods again Jayzee,if you look at the back of the pic I can definately see a couple of triffids,I am not exactly an expert on them but I did read John Wyndhams book :Erm:

21st June 2009, 16:13
Nope, it was in Badbury Woods, Coleshill, Wiltshire...

That's where I was stung hehe...Wow! Wow! Wow! That looks a beautiful place...nothing to do with the Bluebell Steam railway though hehe:)

21st June 2009, 16:13
I would be careful of visiting those woods again Jayzee,if you look at the back of the pic I can definately see a couple of triffids,I am not exactly an expert on them but I did read John Wyndhams book :Erm:

haha... photos were too small to see a certain plant:yikes:

Haven't read the book but I googled it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triffid
Never mind about triffids, we just enjoyed our time there. hehe

21st June 2009, 16:22
Ohhh yes,sorry,its my eyes,your right,they arent triffids after all :Erm:

21st June 2009, 17:44
No naked yoga then. :action-smiley-081:

21st June 2009, 18:42
kinda weird but WOW! do you mean do you want to get naked as well T Penny?:D:D:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Why not? If all ladies here will join and see who's really young when it comes to body. ehehehe Firm pa ito dear :xxgrinning--00xx3: di pa losyang:action-smiley-081:

If for art sake, ok:icon_lol: ssshhhhh:xxparty-smiley-004:

21st June 2009, 18:59
Why not? If all ladies here will join and see who's really young when it comes to body. ehehehe Firm pa ito dear :xxgrinning--00xx3: di pa losyang:action-smiley-081:

If for art sake, ok:icon_lol: ssshhhhh:xxparty-smiley-004:

:D:D:D i agree w/u penny but i think no bodys filipina here are still sexy:omg::omg:i've notice it!everybodys get fat:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:coz of the weather i think:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

21st June 2009, 19:12
:D:D:D i agree w/u penny but i think no bodys filipina here are still sexy:omg::omg:i've notice it!everybodys get fat:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:coz of the weather i think:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

I can push my hubby if fatty parade exercise.:icon_lol:
Some members still sexy at 40's. Namely:

Mrs Major/Joklet
Ana Mae

To be continued:D

21st June 2009, 19:23
You could do a calender girl type spread Pen,Nrs M could be the Helen Mirren of the group cos she is quite classy :xxgrinning--00xx3: I will be the cameraman if you like,I can be homosexual for the day so the sight of you all gallivanting naked around bluebell woods and rubbing doctor leaves on your nettled puets wont alarm nor excite me :action-smiley-081::cwm24:Then the calenders can be sold and the proceeds given to a worthy charity :D

21st June 2009, 19:31
You could do a calender girl type spread Pen,Nrs M could be the Helen Mirren of the group cos she is quite classy :xxgrinning--00xx3: I will be the cameraman if you like,I can be homosexual for the day so the sight of you all gallivanting naked around bluebell woods and rubbing doctor leaves on your nettled puets wont alarm nor excite me :action-smiley-081::cwm24:Then the calenders can be sold and the proceeds given to a worthy charity :D

IT's DOCK leaves Tawi:cwm23: Mrs Major classy? :omg: Yes if she wears her cowboy attire:icon_lol:

21st June 2009, 19:40
Dock leaves is it?Oh sorry,some woman said Doc was short for Doctor leaves that all :Erm: Mrs M in leather chaps and spurs?:omg::cwm24::omg::icon_lol: What an image :icon_lol:

21st June 2009, 19:44
Some members still sexy at 40's. Namely:
Mrs Major/Joklet
Ana Mae

You could do a calender girl type spread Pen,Mrs M could be the Helen Mirren of the group cos she is quite classy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Major classy? :omg: Yes
:rolleyes: Hmmm, back from weekend bonding with Mr.M, and I saw this :action-smiley-081: Should I give u each and everyone a rep point :cwm38:

21st June 2009, 19:45
IT's DOCK leaves Tawi:cwm23: Mrs Major classy? :omg: Yes if she wears her cowboy attire:icon_lol:

Dock leaves is it?Oh sorry,some woman said Doc was short for Doctor leaves that all :Erm: Mrs M in leather chaps and spurs?:omg::cwm24::omg::icon_lol: What an image :icon_lol:
No, I think I should give you neg rep for that :NoNo::cwm23:

21st June 2009, 19:45
Well,we said your classy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st June 2009, 19:46
I really do need glasses,did you say your back from weekend BONDAGE with Mr M :Erm:

21st June 2009, 19:49
I really do need glasses,did you say your back from weekend BONDAGE with Mr M :Erm:
Bonding !! oh no Tawi ! oh btw friendship penny, I will :xxgrinning--00xx3: to get naked and let see who will be the sexiest :Cuckoo:

21st June 2009, 19:50
Well,we said your classy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think she wanted to be called as sexy not classy:yikes:

21st June 2009, 19:52
I think she wanted to be called as sexy not classy:yikes:
------------------Both :action-smiley-081:----:rolleyes:

21st June 2009, 19:52
Oh...Bonding,sorry Mrs M,I thought you said something else.

21st June 2009, 19:53
I think she wanted to be called as sexy not classy:yikes:

Classy is better than sexy,its the next level up,anyone can be sexy,but not anyone can be classy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st June 2009, 19:58
Classy is better than sexy,its the next level up,anyone can be sexy,but not anyone can be classy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Pumayag k n Joklet:xxgrinning--00xx3: Definitely I'm not classy lol because I'm supladang Baduy. But I am not Ms. Tapia look alike:yikes: :D

21st June 2009, 20:03
lol because I'm supladang Baduy. But I am not Ms. Tapia look alike:yikes: :D

Mrs Daddy
21st June 2009, 21:07
Why not? If all ladies here will join and see who's really young when it comes to body. ehehehe Firm pa ito dear :xxgrinning--00xx3: di pa losyang:action-smiley-081:

If for art sake, ok:icon_lol: ssshhhhh:xxparty-smiley-004:

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: go T penny am one of your supporter:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2009, 07:13
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: go T penny am one of your supporter:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Are you one of my fans Wheela? ehehheh see you in CDO:icon_lol:

Need to work na. Nice to stay but need datungs for my holidays. I'm pleased I had good weekend with forum.

Cheers! :Rasp::Rasp::Hellooo:

23rd June 2009, 06:55
:D:D:D i've notice it!everybodys get fat:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:coz of the weather i think:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

I heard at Borders Radio that one the cause of being fat is BOREDOM:omg:
If you stuck at home and feeling bored, you just cook, eat to satisfy your boredom.

Maybe partly true/partly wrong or sometimes absolutely true:action-smiley-081:

23rd June 2009, 08:57
Partly wrong Pen, I am stuck at the house for the moment, dont feel like eating/cooking for myself, so I lost wieght, so I am not getting fat ehehehehe
When hubby said "thought filipina like to eat, how come you never eat" I replied "I miss Jed huwaaaahhh"

23rd June 2009, 16:44
I can push my hubby if fatty parade exercise.:icon_lol:
Some members still sexy at 40's. Namely:

Mrs Major/Joklet
Ana Mae

To be continued:D

Hi Penny! Did you mean me when you said Gracia? It's an honour to be considered 'sexy pa rin at 40' my friend but if I was the Gracia you mentioned I have to say it is an honest mistake as I am only 34:NoNo:

23rd June 2009, 16:55
Hi Penny! Did you mean me when you said Gracia? It's an honour to be considered 'sexy pa rin at 40' my friend but if I was the Gracia you mentioned I have to say it is an honest mistake as I am only 34:NoNo:
:icon_lol:I wanted to say that too, As I saw your age at the upper right side is 34:icon_lol:

23rd June 2009, 17:17
:icon_lol:I wanted to say that too, As I saw your age at the upper right side is 34:icon_lol:

:DThanks Mrs. M but will try to do my best to still look good when I'm 40, afterall, life begins at 40 and also 40 is the new 20??? Can't wait to get to that age really. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd June 2009, 23:02
I heard at Borders Radio that one the cause of being fat is BOREDOM:omg:
If you stuck at home and feeling bored, you just cook, eat to satisfy your boredom.

Maybe partly true/partly wrong or sometimes absolutely true

Yep can be true to some... But heheheh... If you are bored that means you are lazy and you can't be bothered to do anything, not even cook... hehhehe... or they can just quickly phone & order take aways!! Easy option than cooking I thought... :Erm:

I guess some people has got some "fat genes". It is sad though. Lucky for us Filipinas (we don't have that hehe):Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3::D
But we have the "midget genes" hahha as Mr Keith said: Brownies Midgets pinays! lol...


My newly born son is so happy sleeping & feeding!!! :40__s::40__s::40__s::40__s:lol guess he is bored :Erm:because he is getting fat!!! whoooohooo!!!! :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

23rd June 2009, 23:44
I can push my hubby if fatty parade exercise.:icon_lol:
Some members still sexy at 40's. Namely:

Mrs Major/Joklet
Ana Mae

To be continued:D

mrs daddy


sorry ladies :ARsurrender:

23rd June 2009, 23:48
mrs daddy

sorry ladies :ARsurrender:

:icon_lol::icon_lol: Yeah, that will be in 25 years, right girls? :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

23rd June 2009, 23:50
in 25 years you will be 65 :icon_lol:

23rd June 2009, 23:53
in 25 years you will be 65 :icon_lol:

which batch are you referring to? :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th June 2009, 00:03
which batch are you referring to? :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

the sexy batch of course!!!! :D:D:D:D

24th June 2009, 00:12
the sexy batch of course!!!! :D:D:D:D

Just checking, lol :D
I wish our batch will still be as sexy as them, when we turn 40 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2009, 00:53
I can push my hubby if fatty parade exercise.:icon_lol:
Some members still sexy at 40's. Namely:

Mrs Major/Joklet
Ana Mae

To be continued:D

I don't think, we can measure the sexiness of a person just because she/ he is not fat. No offense but, I don't think that is the right definition of word being not fat or being slim is sexy. We must understand as well, that there are people that gain weight because of medication not because they're eating alot.

I heard at Borders Radio that one the cause of being fat is BOREDOM:omg:
If you stuck at home and feeling bored, you just cook, eat to satisfy your boredom.

Maybe partly true/partly wrong or sometimes absolutely true:action-smiley-081:

Cooking and baking is a passion but not the fruit of BOREDOM. As I've said there is a reason why people is getting fat it's either because of their genes or the medication. On my part, I love to bake and cook simply because this is the desire of my heart. Not only that, I am earning as well. So, am I BORED? No, not at all!!! and aside from that boredom is not part of my vocabulary.

Pepe n Pilar
24th June 2009, 01:11
I think she wanted to be called as sexy not classy:yikes:

Sexy? Classy? ... Are you talking to me? :Dhehehe. Sorry, i am both ... :BouncyHappy::Hellooo::D

Tawi2 is right it is better to be called classy rather than sexy because to be sexy is easy as long as one is monied every part of the body can be done through surgery but to be classy is something one has to work on that is the breeding of a person, the education, manners and traits which is not bought but being achieved or gained through the years.

I heard at Borders Radio that one the cause of being fat is BOREDOM:omg:
If you stuck at home and feeling bored, you just cook, eat to satisfy your boredom.

Maybe partly true/partly wrong or sometimes absolutely true:action-smiley-081:

Causes of being fat may be due to genes, medication, not having a balance diet and not because of boredom...This may apply to some but not to all..
Some people loves cooking and/or baking because they were being encouraged to do so by their parents or mother in particular. Some nieces or sisters can now bake at age 10 and that is not bec of boredom but due to passion and encouragement by the elders.
We were taught by my mum to observe and to assist her and/or the househelpers once they are in the kitchen. I started to get interest in cooking whilst i was still young, i'm sure i was not bored at all....
Now my husband can now benefit from all those cooking lessons i have learned from my mum..... make use of your skills, if you have them.... :xxgrinning--00xx3:


24th June 2009, 06:50
I am fat.. a bit overweight actually... but I know I am both classy and sexy.... hahahaha....

Sexiness is a feeling... if you feel sexy and think you are, regardless of your size.. then you are sexy... I just remember the Dove campaign on the true beauty of a woman. we are all programmed to associate sexiness with superficial attributes, and that has changed over the course of time. Modern day women believes that being sexy and beautiful comes from the goodness of the heart, mind and spirit; and not by the size of their waist, or the shape of their butt, or the smoothness of their skin.

ok.. sounds like i'm lecturing... lol...

I am sexy and drop-dead gorgeous and whoever thinks otherwise.. well, that's his/her problem... nyahahahaha....

24th June 2009, 06:50
I am fat.. a bit overweight actually... but I know I am both classy and sexy.... hahahaha....

Sexiness is a feeling... if you feel sexy and think you are, regardless of your size.. then you are sexy... I just remember the Dove campaign on the true beauty of a woman. we are all programmed to associate sexiness with superficial attributes, and that has changed over the course of time. Modern day women believes that being sexy and beautiful comes from the goodness of the heart, mind and spirit; and not by the size of their waist, or the shape of their butt, or the smoothness of their skin.

ok.. sounds like i'm lecturing... lol...

I am sexy and drop-dead gorgeous and whoever thinks otherwise.. well, that's his/her problem... nyahahahaha....

24th June 2009, 09:10
Tawi2 is right it is better to be called classy rather than sexy because to be sexy is easy as long as one is monied every part of the body can be done through surgery but to be classy is something one has to work on that is the breeding of a person, the education, manners and traits which is not bought but being achieved or gained through the years.

Causes of being fat may be due to genes, medication, not having a balance diet and not because of boredom...This may apply to some but not to all..
Some people loves cooking and/or baking because they were being encouraged to do so by their parents or mother in particular. Some nieces or sisters can now bake at age 10 and that is not bec of boredom but due to passion and encouragement by the elders.
We were taught by my mum to observe and to assist her and/or the househelpers once they are in the kitchen. I started to get interest in cooking whilst i was still young, i'm sure i was not bored at all....
Now my husband can now benefit from all those cooking lessons i have learned from my mum..... make use of your skills, if you have them.... :xxgrinning--00xx3:


I don't think, we can measure the sexiness of a person just because she/ he is not fat. No offense but, I don't think that is the right definition of word being not fat or being slim is sexy. We must understand as well, that there are people that gain weight because of medication not because they're eating alot.

Cooking and baking is a passion but not the fruit of BOREDOM. As I've said there is a reason why people is getting fat it's either because of their genes or the medication. On my part, I love to bake and cook simply because this is the desire of my heart. Not only that, I am earning as well. So, am I BORED? No, not at all!!! and aside from that boredom is not part of my vocabulary.

Partly wrong Pen, I am stuck at the house for the moment, dont feel like eating/cooking for myself, so I lost wieght, so I am not getting fat ehehehehe
When hubby said "thought filipina like to eat, how come you never eat" I replied "I miss Jed huwaaaahhh"

Cool down LADIES!!! I just heard it from the radio and sharing to you if it is true or not. If you were offended, sorry but read again. I mentioned it may not be true because in my opinion hubby is fat but he only stays at home during weekend, and seldom cooks. So I doubt it if it true or not.

Today, I read in yahoo news that being fat is good http://uk.news.yahoo.com/22/20090624/thl-life-us-weight-b2e59e8.html Are you happy with that??

24th June 2009, 09:17
I am fat.. a bit overweight actually... but I know I am both classy and sexy.... hahahaha....

Sexiness is a feeling... if you feel sexy and think you are, regardless of your size.. then you are sexy... I just remember the Dove campaign on the true beauty of a woman. we are all programmed to associate sexiness with superficial attributes, and that has changed over the course of time. Modern day women believes that being sexy and beautiful comes from the goodness of the heart, mind and spirit; and not by the size of their waist, or the shape of their butt, or the smoothness of their skin.

ok.. sounds like i'm lecturing... lol...

I am sexy and drop-dead gorgeous and whoever thinks otherwise.. well, that's his/her problem... nyahahahaha....

You're absolutely right lol:icon_lol: still feel sexy although I'm bit chubby ahahha :D:icon_lol:

24th June 2009, 11:11
Sexiness is a feeling... Modern day women believes that being sexy and beautiful comes from the goodness of the heart, mind and spirit; and not by the size of their waist, or the shape of their butt, or the smoothness of their skin.

I am sexy and drop-dead gorgeous and whoever thinks otherwise.. well, that's his/her problem... nyahahahaha....

:xxgrinning--00xx3: You're most definitely right Florge.

Sometimes we are just looking at the person's personality and we forget to focus on the character....Personality can be develop but Character is the being.

Here in the forum we may never know what the personalities nor character of those people we come across with and so we can never judge nor be critical of each other. We all are a mystery here and that is what makes this forum unique and special. We get on well...and we get on with our lives outside this virtual community.

I come in peace!!! Enjoy the day you 'sexy/classy' lot!

24th June 2009, 11:14
Here in the forum we may never know what the personalities nor character of those people we come across with and so we can never judge nor be critical of each other. We all are a mystery here and that is what makes this forum unique and special. We get on well...and we get on with our lives outside this virtual community.

I come in peace!!! Enjoy the day you 'sexy/classy' lot!
You really such a sensible person, intelligent one:xxgrinning--00xx3: good comment

24th June 2009, 11:16
You really such a sensible person, intelligent one:xxgrinning--00xx3: good comment

:D:D:D Mrs. M that's for you! Can't find a big hug here.

24th June 2009, 11:29
:xxgrinning--00xx3: You're most definitely right Florge.

Sometimes we are just looking at the person's personality and we forget to focus on the character....Personality can be develop but Character is the being.

Here in the forum we may never know what the personalities nor character of those people we come across with and so we can never judge nor be critical of each other. We all are a mystery here and that is what makes this forum unique and special. We get on well...and we get on with our lives outside this virtual community.

I come in peace!!! Enjoy the day you 'sexy/classy' lot!

You're right Gracia. We really don't know each personalities and real looks of each and everyone in this forum.
We are misery! Some says the truth some says not and pretending. That's common in the worldwide web. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Character is the best. That's the real beauty that can't fade:Rasp:

By the way sorry sa age huh. It was to be continued but didn't finish 'til now. My apology:ARsurrender:

24th June 2009, 11:41
I am fat.. a bit overweight actually... but I know I am both classy and sexy.... hahahaha....

Sexiness is a feeling... if you feel sexy and think you are, regardless of your size.. then you are sexy... I just remember the Dove campaign on the true beauty of a woman. we are all programmed to associate sexiness with superficial attributes, and that has changed over the course of time. Modern day women believes that being sexy and beautiful comes from the goodness of the heart, mind and spirit; and not by the size of their waist, or the shape of their butt, or the smoothness of their skin


24th June 2009, 12:04
I am fat.. a bit overweight actually... but I know I am both classy and sexy.... hahahaha....

Sexiness is a feeling... if you feel sexy and think you are, regardless of your size.. then you are sexy... I just remember the Dove campaign on the true beauty of a woman. we are all programmed to associate sexiness with superficial attributes, and that has changed over the course of time. Modern day women believes that being sexy and beautiful comes from the goodness of the heart, mind and spirit; and not by the size of their waist, or the shape of their butt, or the smoothness of their skin.

ok.. sounds like i'm lecturing... lol...

I am sexy and drop-dead gorgeous and whoever thinks otherwise.. well, that's his/her problem... nyahahahaha....
Agree!!! Absolutely true and besides it is the way how you carry yourself.

24th June 2009, 12:51
Yep can be true to some... But heheheh... If you are bored that means you are lazy and you can't be bothered to do anything, not even cook... hehhehe... or they can just quickly phone & order take aways!! Easy option than cooking I thought... :Erm:

I guess some people has got some "fat genes". It is sad though. Lucky for us Filipinas (we don't have that hehe):Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3::D
But we have the "midget genes" hahha as Mr Keith said: Brownies Midgets pinays! lol...


My newly born son is so happy sleeping & feeding!!! :40__s::40__s::40__s::40__s:lol guess he is bored :Erm:because he is getting fat!!! whoooohooo!!!! :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

We sometimes feel lazy(bored?). My hubby calls me lazy as I fast asleep at 7pm:D:icon_lol: but I said, I just feel knackered of 10 hrs work thats why I'm straight to bed early. I awoke at 5 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., kitchen is clean and ready for another day another dollar.

But never I feel bored, bored na bored super bored in the UK:icon_lol:
Time here is so fast. :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2009, 13:52
mrs daddy


sorry ladies :ARsurrender:

Hmmmm we are all sexy:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
I lost 10 kilos already a week after i gave birth:D:xxgrinning--00xx3: Im aiming for my 47 to 49 kilos weight:D Im not fatty anyway:D we are all midgets arent we manay? wahhhhhhhhhh

24th June 2009, 15:14
Come on we are all sexy so stop thinking you're fat then. Join na sa Parade:xxgrinning--00xx3::REDancedancer08:




24th June 2009, 15:15
Its the bilbil brigade :omg::cwm24::omg:

24th June 2009, 15:19
Come on we are all sexy so stop thinking you're fat then. Join na sa Parade:xxgrinning--00xx3::REDancedancer08:




there walking around in circles :D

24th June 2009, 15:23
Thats because they are kilt-wearing Haggis BAB,one leg shorter than the other for running around mountains and arriving back where they began :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2009, 15:24
Its the bilbil brigade :omg::cwm24::omg:

You must accept we're all sexy:cwm23:

there walking around in circles :D

You mean round and round and go in circle?

Come on men! Accept it:angry:

24th June 2009, 15:26
Its the bilbil brigade :omg::cwm24::omg:

:Blacklistthatsucks: :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
I'm afraid i'm starting to have one now :doh:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

24th June 2009, 15:29
Bilbil on a small child is cute,rub it and pretend to make a wish and tell the child maybe theres a genie in their tummy,but I never yet rubbed a womans bilbil and had a wish come true :icon_lol:

24th June 2009, 15:29
:Blacklistthatsucks: :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
I'm afraid i'm starting to have one now :doh:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:
Doesn't matter if you have bilbil.... what matter's most is..... what's inside your heart and as long as you're happy and contented with your life.

24th June 2009, 15:31
Doesn't matter if you have bilbil.... what matter's most is..... what's inside your heart and as long as you're happy and contented with your life.

:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: korek:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2009, 15:34
Korek ka dyan :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2009, 15:37
Doesn't matter if you have bilbil.... what matter's most is..... what's inside your heart and as long as you're happy and contented with your life.

:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: korek:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Korek ka dyan :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Dapat maganda ang kalooban!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2009, 15:38
:Blacklistthatsucks: :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
I'm afraid i'm starting to have one now :doh:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

You look skinny in your avatar, how come you have it?:D:icon_lol: Don't sit after eating:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Anyway you need bit fat to help you fight the coldness in Britain. Tha's what my Mom said.

24th June 2009, 15:49
Doesn't matter if you have bilbil.... what matter's most is..... what's inside your heart and as long as you're happy and contented with your life.

I agree :xxgrinning--00xx3: Besides, a bilbil is just few sit-ups and jogs away..... and whalla - sexy back :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2009, 15:57
whats a bilbil?

a fat belly :omg:

my wife is so slim and sexy :D

24th June 2009, 16:00
Bilbil is another way of saying the more sexy sounding avoirdupois :icon_lol:

24th June 2009, 16:05
whats a bilbil?

a fat belly :omg:


Bilbil is another way of saying the more sexy sounding avoirdupois :icon_lol:

I call them love handles hehehe:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2009, 16:09
Some women are built for speed,and some are built for comfort :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th June 2009, 16:11
I call them love handles hehehe:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

LOVE HANDLES - when a husband can still "handle" to "love" a wife with bilbil :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th June 2009, 16:13
LOVE HANDLES - when a husband can still "handle" to "love" a wife with bilbil :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

what if he as a big bilbil too??

will you still love him? :Erm::D

24th June 2009, 16:13
Dapat maganda ang kalooban!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

True, true sis, wag lang ang loob ng tiyan........:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th June 2009, 16:15
what if he as a big bilbil too??

will you still love him? :Erm::D

Oh yes, as a matter of fact, he not only has a 6-pack, he has a whole pack....:yikes::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
And i guess my love for him is too much that i'm slowly keeping up with him....:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th June 2009, 16:39
Dapat maganda ang kalooban!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
Absolutely true.

LOVE HANDLES - when a husband can still "handle" to "love" a wife with bilbil :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

what if he as a big bilbil too??

will you still love him? :Erm::D
Love is unconditional.. so, with bilbil or with big bilbil go for it. That's what you call LOVE.

True, true sis, wag lang ang loob ng tiyan........:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
Korek ka jan!!!!!

25th June 2009, 06:47
what if he as a big bilbil too??

will you still love him? :Erm::D

I love my honeybunnybunch beer belly:icon_lol:

But will be ok for me if he will join T.V. program The big Loser :Rasp:

25th June 2009, 08:35
nice butts! at ang mga lola! may asim pa! hahahah! :)) that made me laugh!

26th June 2009, 06:30
nice butts! at ang mga lola! may asim pa! hahahah! :)) that made me laugh!

Of course yes ! Si V. Belo nga 53 mukhang 25 lang pogi pa papa nya. :D:D