View Full Version : Tier 2 Cert of Sponsorship from an employer doesn't guarantee you a working visa

Pepe n Pilar
23rd June 2009, 08:44

Tier 2 Certificate of Sponsorship from an employer does not guarantee you a working visa

By Charles Kelly

21 June 2009

An increasing number of migrant workers are being refused visa extensions because of bungled employer applications, often leading to the worker being deported.

Last year, the Government scrapped the old Work Permit Scheme, administered in by Work Permit UK caseworkers in Sheffield, at the same time handing over responsibility for the migrant worker to employers or 'sponsors'.

One of the responsibilities given to employers was the granting of a 'Certificates of Sponsorship' to migrant workers prior to checks being carried out by a caseworker.

Whilst many companies are reporting that the new scheme is working well, immigration advisers are seeing a number of workers refused visas by the UK Border Agency further down the line due to incorrect applications.

Immigration Adviser and Work Permit specialist, Evelie Padadac, who has handled thousands of visa and further leave applications, said that employers are making fatal errors.

For full story and important information on employing overseas workers under Tier of the points-based system.

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23rd June 2009, 10:15
thanks for the info