View Full Version : The End Is Nigh

30th June 2009, 11:49
Doomed.....we are all DOOMED

The world ends at the end of this millennium! :omg:

1st July 2009, 08:36

Arthur Little
1st July 2009, 12:46
Doomed.....we are all DOOMED

The world ends at the end of this millennium! :omg:

:doh ... If I'd £1 for every time I've stood on the doorstep and [IM]patiently "listened" to nonsense like this emanating from the preachings of Jehovah's Witnesses :xxsmilie_auslachen: and other like-minded harbingers of "doom & gloom", I would long-since have had enough money to finance the provision of nuclear fall-out shelters for the entire population of a city the size of Perth!

1st July 2009, 13:00
Jehovah's Witnesses

Coincidental that you should mention them.....:icon_lol:

About 11ish am today I had two of them ringing my bell.
As the door release doesn't work, I opened the front window to see who it was, and as soon as one of them started spouting claptrap, I shouted as loud as possible:

"Allah Akbar"...........:omg:

All of sudden they didn't seem too interested...:doh
I think they are still running.....:rolleyes:

1st July 2009, 14:21
I thought it would be billions of years before the earth crashes into the sun?:Erm: And they will all be living in a different dimension by then surely? :Erm:

1st July 2009, 14:23
Doomed.....we are all DOOMED

The world ends at the end of this millennium! :omg:

And i suppose this one appeared to you in a vision as well :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D

1st July 2009, 16:10
I had a very nice filipina jehovas Witness at my door the other week, we spoke for ages about my fiancee after she saw my windchimes from Palawan. She still couldnt resist quoting scripture to me tho, but it wasn't as strained an encounter as most of them :)

To be honest, Ive often thought these dorr to door jehovas Witnesses should go into sales - they have lots more persistence than any of the salespeople that have worked for me in the past!

1st July 2009, 16:31
they have lots more persistence than any of the salespeople that have worked for me in the past!

How about some double glazing, squire...???:omg:

1st July 2009, 16:34
Would you like to buy this rug for £50 or spend eternity in Hell? :cwm24:

1st July 2009, 16:53
You selling toupees now? :rolleyes: :doh

1st July 2009, 17:06
You selling toupees now? :rolleyes: :doh
ex-Jacko stock! :rolleyes: