View Full Version : when to post ilr papers

30th June 2009, 17:28
hi all not post for a long time been to busy wife and baby like to know the best time to post all papers for my wifes ilr her spouse visa runs out on the 23th of aug 2009 the 23th falls on a sunday we have all the paper work and is it ok to sand our babys birth certificate as this is evidence as well is it best to sand all this by recoded delivery many thanks:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

30th June 2009, 17:36
hi all not post for a long time been to busy wife and baby like to know the best time to post all papers for my wifes ilr her spouse visa runs out on the 23th of aug 2009 the 23th falls on a sunday we have all the paper work and is it ok to sand our babys birth certificate as this is evidence as well is it best to sand all this by recoded delivery many thanks:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

When did your wife arrive in the UK?

30th June 2009, 17:39
sep 11 2007

30th June 2009, 17:45
sep 11 2007


9 days before mine....:omg:

30th June 2009, 17:53
sep 11 2007

You can post them up to 28 days before then, which means you could post them as early as the 14th August.

30th June 2009, 18:00
You can post them up to 28 days before then, which means you could post them as early as the 14th August.

yeah thats right 14 august and goodluck to both of you

30th June 2009, 18:04
hi all not post for a long time been to busy wife and baby like to know the best time to post all papers for my wifes ilr her spouse visa runs out on the 23th of aug 2009 the 23th falls on a sunday we have all the paper work and is it ok to sand our babys birth certificate as this is evidence as well is it best to sand all this by recoded delivery many thanks:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Yes, you are right include all your baby's docs and papers that youve got.


12th July 2009, 20:44
Hi all. I also would like ask when can i send my ILR application?

My visa was granted on 04 Oct 2007 and i entered UK on 02 Nov 2007.

My husband phoned the Home Office and he was told that i have to send it 28 days before my visa runs out. The date of my arrival does not matter at all.

Now this is really confusing. My husband had to wait for an hour just to talk to the Home Office.

Please help. Thanks in advance.

12th July 2009, 21:02
Hi all. I also would like ask when can i send my ILR application?

My visa was granted on 04 Oct 2007 and i entered UK on 02 Nov 2007.

My husband phoned the Home Office and he was told that i have to send it 28 days before my visa runs out. The date of my arrival does not matter at all.

Now this is really confusing. My husband had to wait for an hour just to talk to the Home Office.

Please help. Thanks in advance.

HO is talking :censored:, course it matters when you arrive, as your suppose to be in the uk 2yrs (- upto 28 days) before you can apply :doh and if your visa has expired before you can apply, your suppose to apply for FLR instead!

so your visa was issued 4 10 2007
entered uk 2 11 2007

i take it you have a 2 yr spouse visa ??? which expires 4 10 2009 ??

so you will have been in the uk 2yrs on the 2 11 2009 and you can apply for ILR - upto 28 days. which is 5th 10 2009

and oh your visa expired on the 4th of oct :yikes:, but there should not be a problem if you apply just before your visa expires.. i would apply on the 1st of oct 2009 by special delivery.

thats if your visa is a 2yr one ? or is it a 27 month one ??

12th July 2009, 21:42
Thanks very much for your reply.

Yes my visa is for 2 years. I dont want to apply too early as my application would be rejected and they would keep my money and i dont want to apply late as i would be sent back home.

12th July 2009, 22:07
you have to apply b4 your visa expires !, but you cannot apply too early,,

from the guidance notes..

you should apply before the end of your/their permitted stay in
the UK when you are nearing completion of the 2-year qualifying
period required by the Immigration Rules.
Please do not apply more than 28 days before completing
that period. If you apply earlier than that, your application
may be refused. If that happens, we will not refund the
fee and you will have to pay again when reapplying.

For visa holders only. If you obtained a visa but delayed
your journey to the UK by several weeks or more after the
date from which your visa was valid for use, you may need
to apply for an an extension of stay on form FLR(M) to make
up the 2 years. If you are in this situation and need more
advice, please call 0870 606 7766.[/I]

you don't have much choice, no point in applying for flr because of 1 day, just post it when i said, and you shouldn't have a problem :xxgrinning--00xx3:, am sure they will use their discretion :xxgrinning--00xx3: