View Full Version : mutual funds...

24th October 2006, 12:21
anyone would bother to tell me about the upside and downside of it? no need to tell me which one as we are trying to avoid free advertising ...thanks!

24th October 2006, 19:00
depends on how long you're planning to hang onto them?

if your outlook is only 6months, try a spread bet :REGamblMoney01HL1:(tax free)

if you sell a mutual fund within 1 year, all your gains are likely to be eaten up in fees.

24th October 2006, 20:57
I subscribed to MONEY WEEK some time ago. I noticed that a lot of these funds are yielding 85% over three years.
One so called "Cautious option" returned 115.83% over the same period..
I have their website address if you want to take a look.

Initial charges vary but heres an example of one particular aggresive type fund.. Initial charge: 5.25% Annual management charge 1.5%.

24th October 2006, 21:05
depends on how long you're planning to hang onto them?

if your outlook is only 6months, try a spread bet :REGamblMoney01HL1:(tax free)

if you sell a mutual fund within 1 year, all your gains are likely to be eaten up in fees.

Now this can definatley be dangerous to your wealth!!!:angry:
You need to have a good knowledge of the stock market and know how to set tight stops on companies that you have researched to the hilt..
Not for widows or orphans IMO!!

25th October 2006, 08:40
www.win2win.co.uk (http://www.win2win.co.uk) ......around 20%+ growth a month :)

I'm even launching software next week to make pro-gambling as easy as 1-2-3 :) ......100% TAX FREE

25th October 2006, 13:32
Yes but do you manage the funds and charge a fee?
If you did then I may be interested.
Haven`t really the time to place bets and all that palarvour.

25th October 2006, 13:41

I'd have thought anything was worth doing for good money :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th October 2006, 01:52
www.win2win.co.uk (http://www.win2win.co.uk) ......around 20%+ growth a month :)

I'm even launching software next week to make pro-gambling as easy as 1-2-3 :) ......100% TAX FREE

want to hear more about it...now that is... if UR SERIOUS!!:cwm3:
i know life is a big gamble but im not into this kind of gambling per se...just what is it?:Erm:

26th October 2006, 01:54
Now this can definately be dangerous to your wealth!!!:angry:
You need to have a good knowledge of the stock market and know how to set tight stops on companies that you have researched to the hilt..
Not for widows or orphans IMO!!


26th October 2006, 01:58
www.win2win.co.uk (http://www.win2win.co.uk) ......around 20%+ growth a month :)

I'm even launching software next week to make pro-gambling as easy as 1-2-3 :) ......100% TAX FREE

ok keith...reading that link ...thanks...seems u have a lot of money generating stuff in there! merry christmas! :D

26th October 2006, 09:36
A high number of members are on year 4 now, which generally means they've turned £100-£200 starting bank into £10,000+ :xxgrinning--00xx3: