View Full Version : Scams

7th July 2009, 00:15
Just for interest, and because Ive read a lot about people being scammed in relationships recently, how long IS it before people start to realise that the relationship is not all that it seems.

Ive read of people that have even visited they're girlfriends, met families and friends etc, and found out afterward that they were, still being scammed.

I'm puzzled as to how this can work. Am I being naive? or are these girls absolute master con artists?:Erm:

7th July 2009, 00:42
Well its happen to me.:doh :Brick:
And I believed in the excuses farrr too much. Lack of communication on camera or phone. I never did meet her in real though.In fact...no communication about her normal life. So what was the point of the relationship? It was just me feeling sorry for her because she had regular sob story. Bad thing to do.

I was just contacted in case of emergency. One story went like "I am in the hospital my father has ran over a little boy with his tricycle, and he needs medical assistance" So I had ATM on my head.:doh

You know, we should put a rogues gallery up here, then us guys would be careful. What do you think?

Arthur Little
7th July 2009, 00:44
Just for interest, and because Ive read a lot about people being scammed in relationships recently, how long *IS it before people start to realise that the relationship is not all that it seems.

*TOO :censored: long!!

Ive read of people that have even visited they're girlfriends, met families and friends etc, and found out afterward that they were, still being scammed.

I'm puzzled as to how this can work. Am *I being naive? or are these girls absolute master con artists?:Erm:

*No, :NoNo: *THEY are ... the guys being scammed! And yes, most - if not all - of those girls ARE adept at their "craft" and they're as "fly" :Wave: as the proverbial barrow-load of monkeys, besides.

7th July 2009, 00:52
A rogues gallery might be a good idea somewhere. Not sure if this forum is the best place, but you never know. It would have to be managed tho, or it could be open to abuse.

I'm sure someone posted a while ago about a members avatar picture being used on a dating website with a different name and claiming to still be looking for a relationship.

Arthur Little
7th July 2009, 00:56
Well its happen to me.:doh :Brick: ...she had regular sob story.

:bigcry: Sorry to hear that Gary. But thankfully you now have Jessica, bless her!

You know, we should put a rogues gallery up here, then us guys would be careful. What do you think?

Good idea, mate! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
7th July 2009, 01:00
I'm sure someone posted a while ago about a members avatar picture being used on a dating website with a different name and claiming to still be looking for a relationship.

Really? :doh

trader dave
7th July 2009, 08:07
there are actualy sites that name and shame known scammers :icon_lol::icon_lol: a lot of it boils down to being to trusting ,believing all these so called storys :doh:doh as i have said before i am sure they are learnt in school ,the storys are all the same :Erm::Erm:when i had girlfriends i would hear the same storys from all of them :doh:doh:NoNo::omg: with just a variation on the theme:Brick::Brick:

one of the best was [darling you have made me pregnant i am having your baby ?????????:doh ] strange that as i had the chop 6 years ago:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::cwm24: GOODBYE:Hellooo:

7th July 2009, 08:39
The internet cafe my wife used in Manila had a lot of girls who were scamming. They would compare notes on the best ways and use, I think its called 'spit cams' so as to be able to transmit something which appeared to be what it was not, thus tricking the 'punters' There were also gays who got the girl scammers to appear on the cam pretending it was them.

How do you tell ? Guess there is no fool proof method but for me it was when I started getting the ' my mum is in hospital, I wanna finish my schooling' or other ploys leading up to ask me to send money. At that point I always said bye bye.

So I guess one should always be careful and never send any money.

7th July 2009, 08:42
A list is useless, they set up new names every day.

All you need do is get the IP address and check it on Google, most will point to the same internet public places.

8th July 2009, 09:33
Well I must say, the girl I had asked me for money a year ago when we met, and I should have gone by FH website rules, and reported her, tho was only a small amount at first:)
It seems that she was playing me for a whole year, and scamming me, tho we did see each other on 3 seperate visits, and were in love, or so i thought.
That's what I get for wearing my heart on my sleeve. Lol
The gifts, and money I sent amounted to quite alot over the year, and we did argue quite alot obout things over that time, so maybe is partly my fault that she also cheated on me, and was contacting men on FH from here, and the US.
All this by her admission when I got the truth out of her.
She was so pretty, and so nice(at times when she wanted something)!!
So, I got scammed too, and will get over it!!!

Still, i'm travelling as planned, and have met someone real nice, and appears genuine, not asking me for anything, lots of communication, phone/cam, and we even seem to have lots in common, tho from different cultures!!!!!!!

I have my head more firmly on my shoulders now, and will be real careful.

One thing for sure, is that we cannot tar all Filipina Girls with the same brush.
I must stress this point!!

There are good, and bad in all races:)

Lets hope the future is better, as I will go there with an open mind, and see what happens, but one thing for sure is that I won't ever be taken in again!!!!

Happy days:D:D

8th July 2009, 17:37

:doh American :doh heart surgeon :doh $340,000 :doh

greed :D

scouser keith have you got any of that magic chemical left, i need some more :rolleyes:

and filipino scammers



Arthur Little
8th July 2009, 18:48
:doh American :doh heart surgeon :doh $340,000 :doh

*greed :D

It's what's called the 34O,000-dollar question, Joe.

Yeah ... and the same *motivation applies to the British [former NHS] DENTAL surgeons who decide to "uproot" [pun INtended] by 'going private'. Pure (or should it be IMpure?) downright *Grr:DEED.

8th July 2009, 21:50

:doh American :doh heart surgeon :doh $340,000 :doh

greed :D

scouser keith have you got any of that magic chemical left, i need some more :rolleyes:

and filipino scammers



A good find there Mr. Joe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That surgeon is a bit of a plonker! :doh

The videos of Filipina scammers, I find really depressing, gets me really down. :NoNo:
Good advice there, but I have to say, the bloke is a bit otf a perv, getting some of the girls to reveal themselves? :NoNo:

Arthur Little
8th July 2009, 22:17
It's what's called the 34O,000-dollar question, Joe.

Yeah ... and the same *motivation applies to the British [former NHS] DENTAL surgeons who decide to "uproot" [pun INtended] by 'going private'. Pure (or should it be IMpure?) downright *Grr:DEED.

:doh I seem to have got the wrong end of the stick here. That's what becomes of not watching the video beforehand! I'd simply thought it would just be depicting yet another highly-paid practitioner's lust for even more money, and therefore didn't bother looking at it!

Now I've seen it ... well ... my reply (earlier) must have looked really stupid and totally irrelevant in the circumstances.

Just wanted to explain ... I'm not usually that daft ... honest!

8th July 2009, 22:43
Just for interest, and because Ive read a lot about people being scammed in relationships recently, how long IS it before people start to realise that the relationship is not all that it seems.

Ive read of people that have even visited they're girlfriends, met families and friends etc, and found out afterward that they were, still being scammed.

I'm puzzled as to how this can work. Am I being naive? or are these girls absolute master con artists?:Erm:

Dont send any money in time of Long Distance Relationship, If she can stand that, then that is genuine feeling from her, IMO

9th July 2009, 13:12
Dont send any money in time of Long Distance Relationship, If she can stand that, then that is genuine feeling from her, IMO

You are right there!!
Am so glad you said that, as I have learned my lesson.
My new girl wd NEVER ask me for money, and she said that she feels ashamed that I want to bring my old unused 3G phone to replace her busted one in August!
A refreshing change to not be only wanted for my money:)
As usual, the people on this forum have given me good advice, and were supportive in my time of need.

Thank you all:)

9th July 2009, 16:10
there are actualy sites that name and shame known scammers :icon_lol::icon_lol: a lot of it boils down to being to trusting ,believing all these so called storys :doh:doh as i have said before i am sure they are learnt in school ,the storys are all the same :Erm::Erm:when i had girlfriends i would hear the same storys from all of them :doh:doh:NoNo::omg: with just a variation on the theme:Brick::Brick:

one of the best was [darling you have made me pregnant i am having your baby ?????????:doh ] strange that as i had the chop 6 years ago:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::cwm24: GOODBYE:Hellooo:

The internet cafe my wife used in Manila had a lot of girls who were scamming. They would compare notes on the best ways and use, I think its called 'spit cams' so as to be able to transmit something which appeared to be what it was not, thus tricking the 'punters' There were also gays who got the girl scammers to appear on the cam pretending it was them.

How do you tell ? Guess there is no fool proof method but for me it was when I started getting the ' my mum is in hospital, I wanna finish my schooling' or other ploys leading up to ask me to send money. At that point I always said bye bye.

So I guess one should always be careful and never send any money.

Well I must say, the girl I had asked me for money a year ago when we met, and I should have gone by FH website rules, and reported her, tho was only a small amount at first:)
It seems that she was playing me for a whole year, and scamming me, tho we did see each other on 3 seperate visits, and were in love, or so i thought.
That's what I get for wearing my heart on my sleeve. Lol
The gifts, and money I sent amounted to quite alot over the year, and we did argue quite alot obout things over that time, so maybe is partly my fault that she also cheated on me, and was contacting men on FH from here, and the US.
All this by her admission when I got the truth out of her.
She was so pretty, and so nice(at times when she wanted something)!!
So, I got scammed too, and will get over it!!!

Still, i'm travelling as planned, and have met someone real nice, and appears genuine, not asking me for anything, lots of communication, phone/cam, and we even seem to have lots in common, tho from different cultures!!!!!!!

I have my head more firmly on my shoulders now, and will be real careful.

One thing for sure, is that we cannot tar all Filipina Girls with the same brush.
I must stress this point!!

There are good, and bad in all races:)

Lets hope the future is better, as I will go there with an open mind, and see what happens, but one thing for sure is that I won't ever be taken in again!!!!

Happy days:D:D


and filipino scammers



Is this the modern term for prostitution? :NoNo::NoNo:

9th July 2009, 16:50
looks like it takes too long; and when they realize that they are being fooled and being taken for a ride, their bank balances is nil and in huge debt sometimes. i don't know why some do this and still able to sleep at night. shame on them :(

9th July 2009, 17:43
looks like it takes too long; and when they realize that they are being fooled and being taken for a ride, their bank balances is nil and in huge debt sometimes. i don't know why some do this and still able to sleep at night. shame on them :(

Indeed so!!!

All they have to do is be honest, and loving, then they stand a chance of a decent, and happy life with someone who wd love them!!!

Just don't get some people sometimes.:Erm:

I am happy now lol :Hellooo:

9th July 2009, 17:54
Dont send any money in time of Long Distance Relationship, If she can stand that, then that is genuine feeling from her, IMO

You are right there!!
Am so glad you said that, as I have learned my lesson.
My new girl wd NEVER ask me for money, and she said that she feels ashamed that I want to bring my old unused 3G phone to replace her busted one in August!
A refreshing change to not be only wanted for my money:)
As usual, the people on this forum have given me good advice, and were supportive in my time of need.

Thank you all:)

:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: We (I) didnt get our(my) husband to answer our (my) finances(bills) anyway.