View Full Version : Bitching

10th July 2009, 08:57
We've not long had a post on backstabbing, etc

Will those who know who they are stop BITCHING it only makes yourselves look STUPID. :NoNo:

Grow up and stop acting like spoilt kids, the guys on here think it is pathetic.

10th July 2009, 09:22
I got to agree with you Boss Keith we are supposed to be a family here and help other people.

10th July 2009, 09:27
Grow up and stop acting like spoilt kids, the guys on here think it is pathetic.

Cant beat a good ole fashioned girl fight IMO!!

10th July 2009, 09:28
We've not long had a post on backstabbing, etc

Will those who know who they are stop BITCHING it only makes yourselves look STUPID. :NoNo:

Grow up and stop acting like spoilt kids, the guys on here think it is pathetic.

What did DOM done to you this time?:Erm:

10th July 2009, 09:32
We've not long had a post on backstabbing, etc

Will those who know who they are stop BITCHING it only makes yourselves look STUPID. :NoNo:

Grow up and stop acting like spoilt kids, the guys on here think it is pathetic.


Kinda scary when boss keith posted something like this ..... means another member will be banned again............... :cwm34: makes me think if its me :NoNo::bigcry::Help1:

10th July 2009, 09:42
What did DOM done to you this time?:Erm:

Dunno, I was sleeping.....:Erm:

But I agree with the boss....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th July 2009, 10:03
Here's some tips to become a good forumer

Not to be too judgemental. How can u judge a person that you have never ever met yet?
Good Advises. Try to give your best advises to members rather than chatting
Don't build camp/gangs. Try to be friendly to all and show to all especially to newbies that this forum is really a friendly one.
Don't use big fonts. Don't use fonts bigger than your eyes.

What else?

Donation. Let's donate to make our forum last longer ever

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10th July 2009, 10:07
Here's some tips to become a good forumer

Not to be too judgemental. How can u judge a person that you have never ever met yet?
Good Advises. Try to give your best advises to members rather than chatting
Don't build camp/gangs. Try to be friendly to all and show to all especially to newbies that this forum is really a friendly one.
Don't use big fonts. Don't use fonts bigger than your eyes.

What else?

Donation. Let's donate to make our forum last longer ever

more more

i think ms. Penny ur last advise is the best one!:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::doh

10th July 2009, 10:14

i think ms. Penny ur last advise is the best one!:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::doh

:omg: It must be number one then:bigcry: oki dok will do:xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp:

10th July 2009, 14:59
:omg: It must be number one then:bigcry: oki dok will do:xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp:

STONE EM! Are we naming names. I had my stone for the stoning:D

STONE EM! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNeq2Utm0nU)

Mrs Daddy
10th July 2009, 20:43
We've not long had a post on backstabbing, etc

Will those who know who they are stop BITCHING it only makes yourselves look STUPID. :NoNo:

Grow up and stop acting like spoilt kids, the guys on here think it is pathetic.


10th July 2009, 21:24
Grow up and stop acting like spoilt kids, the guys on here think it is pathetic.

this guy thinks its funny? :icon_lol:

its quite clear that the ladies are giving each other comments in there posts indirectly but i wanna know how do it because its not from posting in this forum..maybe chatting on yahoo? :Erm:

but how do you end up getting pikon at each other?

10th July 2009, 22:03
What did DOM done to you this time?:Erm:
I thought it was Joe :icon_lol:

Here's some tips to become a good forumer

Not to be too judgemental. How can u judge a person that you have never ever met yet?
Good Advises. Try to give your best advises to members rather than chatting
Don't build camp/gangs. Try to be friendly to all and show to all especially to newbies that this forum is really a friendly one.
Don't use big fonts. Don't use fonts bigger than your eyes.

What else?

Donation. Let's donate to make our forum last longer ever

more more
You hit it all friendship :action-smiley-081:

this guy thinks its funny? :icon_lol:

its quite clear that the ladies are giving each other comments in there posts indirectly but i wanna know how do it because its not from posting in this forum..maybe chatting on yahoo? :Erm:

but how do you end up getting pikon at each other?

Your been smart for ages borna, no doubt :xxgrinning--00xx3::Cuckoo:

10th July 2009, 23:09
tsk tsk tsk tsk.... we are suppose to be one big happy family:icon_lol::icon_lol: just proves my point if there is more than 1 filipina in a group it always ends up in bitching and cat fights...

11th July 2009, 08:30
When I registered here (February of this year I think), the first thread I have read was about the backstabbing and chismis that brought a big rift among the Filipina members... and here it is again...

Sometimes, we all need to just let some comments pass and not take it to heart. This is a forum and as such, it is a venue for us to share our thoughts and views on things however different they may be from one another. That's the beauty of freedom and democracy... you get to listen to other people's views. Let's all practice emphatic listening (Stephen Covey's Habit 5: Seek first to be understand, then to be understood).

As for forming "alliances".. this cannot be avoided as some of us have developed friendships with some other forumers.. as some Filipinas have mentioned in some threads, they have had dinners with other forumers and as such, a bond has been formed. And when one of their friends are "atacked", they can't help but defend even if they are of reason. Let's forgive them. They are just being friends to each other. But I appeal to everyone, that if and when you take sides, I hope you do so in support for what you think and believe is right.. and not because you just want to add fire to the flame.. or just because you wanted to make the thread longer. Like I once said in a previous post, let's keep in mind that behind the words and the code name is a human being.. so let's treat each other as such even in this virtual world.

I mean no offense here should my words have tugged a string or two. I'm just stating my humble observation. You are open to refute what I said, as it is your inherent right to do so. Hey, that's what forums are for.

Let's all stay happy and enjoy the benefits the forum has given all of us. Let's treat this as our home. Are we going to backstab and chismis a family member? If that's our mindset, well.. that's the kind of home we want to create.

11th July 2009, 08:58
The next person to abuse the Rep system by giving neg rep as a way of 'getting back' will get a nice red blob from me.

Treat people how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. It costs nothing, and gains you respect from others.

11th July 2009, 09:04
For recidivate there is always.......:Erm:

The ultimate deterrent....:omg:

11th July 2009, 09:05
The next person to abuse the Rep system by giving neg rep as a way of 'getting back' will get a nice red blob from me.

Treat people how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. It costs nothing, and gains you respect from others.

You can give negative reps? hmmmm... cool! LOL

11th July 2009, 09:07
The next person to abuse the Rep system by giving neg rep as a way of 'getting back' will get a nice red blob from me.

Treat people how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. It costs nothing, and gains you respect from others.

For recidivate there is always.......:Erm:

The ultimate deterrent....:omg:


Good Morning guys, off to work but bloody hell cant resist not to log in first :bigcry: my hubby laugh at me he said you will get late, I am addict na really :bigcry: see yah later :cwm38::cwm38:

11th July 2009, 09:12
takot ako!...

11th July 2009, 10:30
The next person to abuse the Rep system by giving neg rep as a way of 'getting back' will get a nice red blob from me.

Treat people how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. It costs nothing, and gains you respect from others.

reminds me of my son..:Erm::NoNo::bigcry:

11th July 2009, 11:17

Good Morning guys, off to work but bloody hell cant resist not to log in first :bigcry: my hubby laugh at me he said you will get late, I am addict na really :bigcry: see yah later :cwm38::cwm38:

Come on go to work make some dosh:D

takot ako!...

AKO DIN TAKOT ME:omg::action-smiley-081:

11th July 2009, 18:10
The next person to abuse the Rep system by giving neg rep as a way of 'getting back' will get a nice red blob from me.

Treat people how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. It costs nothing, and gains you respect from others.

For recidivate there is always.......:Erm:

The ultimate deterrent....:omg:

Noted bosses :xxgrinning--00xx3:

takot ako!...

Come on go to work make some dosh:D



11th July 2009, 19:09
When I registered here (February of this year I think), the first thread I have read was about the backstabbing and chismis that brought a big rift among the Filipina members... and here it is again...

Sometimes, we all need to just let some comments pass and not take it to heart. This is a forum and as such, it is a venue for us to share our thoughts and views on things however different they may be from one another. That's the beauty of freedom and democracy... you get to listen to other people's views. Let's all practice emphatic listening (Stephen Covey's Habit 5: Seek first to be understand, then to be understood).

As for forming "alliances".. this cannot be avoided as some of us have developed friendships with some other forumers.. as some Filipinas have mentioned in some threads, they have had dinners with other forumers and as such, a bond has been formed. And when one of their friends are "atacked", they can't help but defend even if they are of reason. Let's forgive them. They are just being friends to each other. But I appeal to everyone, that if and when you take sides, I hope you do so in support for what you think and believe is right.. and not because you just want to add fire to the flame.. or just because you wanted to make the thread longer. Like I once said in a previous post, let's keep in mind that behind the words and the code name is a human being.. so let's treat each other as such even in this virtual world.

I mean no offense here should my words have tugged a string or two. I'm just stating my humble observation. You are open to refute what I said, as it is your inherent right to do so. Hey, that's what forums are for.

Let's all stay happy and enjoy the benefits the forum has given all of us. Let's treat this as our home. Are we going to backstab and chismis a family member? If that's our mindset, well.. that's the kind of home we want to create.

Very well said Florge.."Hanep astig ang dating mo mare":D:xxgrinning--00xx3:


Arthur Little
11th July 2009, 22:20
Treat people how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. It costs nothing, and gains you respect from others.

:Erm: ... How about? ... "Do unto others as others would do unto YOU ... only, DO it FIRST!"

11th July 2009, 22:29
:Erm: ... How about? ... "Do unto others as others would do unto YOU ... only, DO it FIRST!"

LOL, nice one arthur, very clever :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D

11th July 2009, 22:42
:Erm: ... How about? ... "Do unto others as others would do unto YOU ... only, DO it FIRST!"

so do i give you bad rep first? :Erm: :D

11th July 2009, 23:18
Ive been gone for a week and this is the first thing i have read :omg::omg::omg::omg:

Arthur Little
11th July 2009, 23:50
Huh! Don't talk to ME about "bitching". I've seen it all before ... on far too MANY occasions ... in my lifetime. And d'you know the worst offenders? Church members, I'm sorry to say. Yes, it's true ... and that's straight from the :Horse1:'s mouth, having been a regular churchgoer virtually all my days.

I found this out to my cost during a period I spent as Weekend Church Officer [aka the 'Kirk Beadle', in Scotland]. Against my better judgement, I agreed to take on the role, even though I'd long had my suspicions about what quite commonly went on behind the scenes - the backbiting, hair-splitting and gossip - :xxsmilie_auslachen: among folk who purported to be so-called 'Pillars of Society'. Rumours abounded ... along the lines of "Did you hear about Jimmy Brown? he's being voted off the finance committee ..." or "Maggie Walker stormed out of last Tuesday's Womens' Guild Meeting because she wasn't pleased about (something or other)" and so on ... ad in finitum! All of which [un-Christianlike behaviour] I had the misfortune to be unwittingly privy to. To be perfectly honest, I'd seen more harmony in a school playground. Moreover, as an office bearer myself, it placed ME in an awkward situation, since I couldn't [nor wouldn't] "take sides" even if I had wanted to.

Suffice to mention that, after serving three and a half years in this capacity, I was glad to step-down.:ARsurrender: But the whole experience was a real eyeopener.

12th July 2009, 05:48
Bitching is lawyers stuff, after they even paid for.

12th July 2009, 07:00
Bitching is lawyers stuff, after all they even get paid for.

spelling errors happen

12th July 2009, 08:52
spilling errons hippen

12th July 2009, 09:01

Boss! Don't you think bitching is therapeutic?:omg::xxparty-smiley-004:

12th July 2009, 09:07
Boss! Don't you think bitching is therapeutic?:omg::xxparty-smiley-004:
Only if you are dressed like this.....

12th July 2009, 09:10
Only if you are dressed like this.....


12th July 2009, 13:23
Very true Arthur... chismis starts from church-goers... LOL... and I am a church-goer so I'm guilty of chismis... hehehe...

12th July 2009, 14:49
Very true Arthur... chismis starts from church-goers... LOL... and I am a church-goer so I'm guilty of chismis... hehehe...
I beg to disagree not all church-goers do chismis. I am also a church-goer but I never do chismis. But you can't help it if they started talking. I think the best thing to do is ignore people who do chismis.

12th July 2009, 15:03
I beg to disagree not all church-goers do chismis. I am also a church-goer but I never do chismis. But you can't help it if they started talking. I think the best thing to do is ignore people who do chismis.

oh sorry... let me qualify.. you are correct... not all churchgoers will do chismiss... was just agreeing to Arthur's comment that the chismiss that he witnessed originated from those who are churgoers.. which is an irony... and I agreed to that observation... most chismiss starts from gatherings in church occasions, specially after mass.... you know.. people talk about people whether good or bad.. that kind of chismiss... which is what I'm guilty of ... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th July 2009, 15:31
oh sorry... let me qualify.. you are correct... not all churchgoers will do chismiss... was just agreeing to Arthur's comment that the chismiss that he witnessed originated from those who are churgoers.. which is an irony... and I agreed to that observation... most chismiss starts from gatherings in church occasions, specially after mass.... you know.. people talk about people whether good or bad.. that kind of chismiss... which is what I'm guilty of ... :xxgrinning--00xx3:
It's ok, Florge. Well, one of the people I know said this to me. That's why she want to go church anymore, in which I am sad for her decision.

12th July 2009, 15:35
It's ok, Florge. Well, one of the people I know said this to me. That's why she want to go church anymore, in which I am sad for her decision.

yeah... I had quite a few friends who also got discouraged going to church near their house... so they either don't go to church as often.. or go to church somewhere else.. where people don't know them.. hehehe...

12th July 2009, 15:43
LOL, even priests & nuns do chismis hehe... :D Sometimes we forget that these are also people... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th July 2009, 18:06
The next person to abuse the Rep system by giving neg rep as a way of 'getting back' will get a nice red blob from me.

Treat people how you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you. It costs nothing, and gains you respect from others.

I'm not the only victim of this but already forgiven her.
Whatta sick of the mind:NoNo:

12th July 2009, 20:23
I'll give all my green blobs to exchange into bloody red blobs...:xxgrinning--00xx3:i dont mind, u know for some change, as long i will not get banned from this forum..because u all lot got green and I want to be different..:icon_lol: Its only rep points!:D

What do you think Keith/Mods?:Erm:

12th July 2009, 20:25
I'll give all my green blobs to exchange into bloody red blobs...:xxgrinning--00xx3:i dont mind, u know for some change, as long i will not get banned from this forum..because u all lot got green and I want to be different..:icon_lol: Its blob!:D

What do you think Keith/Mods?:Erm:

I dare Keith to do that to you, Joke lang Anne:icon_lol: :peepwall:

12th July 2009, 20:28
I dare Keith to do that to you, Joke lang Anne:icon_lol: :peepwall:

Man, you're too quick to reply!:omg::icon_lol:

12th July 2009, 20:30
Man, you're too quick to reply!:omg::icon_lol:

Just exaclty when I refresh po :D

12th July 2009, 21:01
Request granted! bwuahahahahaha!:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

'LadyJ is infamous around these parts':icon_lol::icon_lol:

12th July 2009, 21:05
erm...:Erm: Keith I wasn't that really serious:Erm: can I pls have my green blobs back?:Erm::D

12th July 2009, 21:07
Request granted! bwuahahahahaha!:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

'LadyJ is infamous around these parts':icon_lol::icon_lol:

:yikes: You really had strong influence to Keith:xxgrinning--00xx3::cwm34: (ang lakas mo sa kanya) granted agad, that is also the favorite color of one of my friend here "red" :doh

But you know what Anne, look awful to me :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: I am not used to that :icon_lol::Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

12th July 2009, 21:10

erm...:Erm: Keith I wasn't that really serious:Erm: can I pls have my green blobs back?:Erm::D

Paglaroan daw ba :icon_lol::Cuckoo:

12th July 2009, 21:14

But you know what Anne, look awful to me :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: I am not used to that :icon_lol::Cuckoo::Cuckoo:

Yeah me too.. i dont know how long Keith will keep me with these red blobs:icon_lol:

12th July 2009, 21:20
:yikes: You really had strong influence to Keith.....
You'd be amazed how good she is at cybering! :rolleyes:

12th July 2009, 21:23
You'd be amazed how good she is at cybering! :rolleyes:

:omg: What time you watched her ? :cwm24:

Go sleep Anne, tomorrow when u wake up its all green then

12th July 2009, 23:21
You'd be amazed how good she is at cybering! :rolleyes:

cyber sex?

14th July 2009, 10:35
As no one has listened to a damn word I've said on this subject it looks like I'll have to ban a number of folk. :cwm23:

I can't be bothered sorting out who done what to whom, so I'll just get rid of everyone involved.

This is a PUBLIC forum and many other folk must be getting sick of the childish behaviour of some on here.


14th July 2009, 10:51
As no one has listened to a damn word I've said on this subject it looks like I'll have to ban a number of folk. :cwm23:

I can't be bothered sorting out who done what to whom, so I'll just get rid of everyone involved.

This is a PUBLIC forum and many other folk must be getting sick of the childish behaviour of some on here.


uh-oh :NoNo:

guys be afraid, be very afraid...

i guess boss keith is really pissed off :CompBuster:

takot ako! :xxparty-smiley-004:

14th July 2009, 12:50
Blimey pop off on a business trip and a few days away and the world ends.

Ps Dom Sir thats one cool keyboard:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 13:04
since me and hubby using just one account...

what if i'm bitching and hubby's not (or vice versa) :Erm: mmmhhm... are we both get banned then?

just asking boss keith :icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 14:13
As no one has listened to a damn word I've said on this subject it looks like I'll have to ban a number of folk. :cwm23:

I can't be bothered sorting out who done what to whom, so I'll just get rid of everyone involved.

This is a PUBLIC forum and many other folk must be getting sick of the childish behaviour of some on here.


whew! guys stop bitching the boss:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 18:29
Blimey pop off on a business trip and a few days away:

you never see guys bitching :NoNo:

community service again Andy :D


14th July 2009, 18:53
you never see guys bitching :NoNo:

community service again Andy :D


:icon_lol: Afternoon Joe, yep any thing to get away from the missus and the vinegar fumes.

On the business trip for part of the time i was bored to death by a web designer and his team jabbering on about sql, php and forums.. That was after a sepearte meeting with a four hour disscussion about implementing a Global Database.
I almost longed to be trying to walk though the Kitchen at home as some pigs guts were being steamed in industrial grade vinegar.

14th July 2009, 19:00
vinegar fumes.


as for the vinegar my brother bought like 4 litres of vinegar the other day :Erm:, i asked him whym he said he waters it down and it kills the weeds in the garden :yikes:

SQL :woohoo::Bolt::cwm24:


14th July 2009, 19:04
as for the vinegar my brother bought like 4 litres of vinegar the other day :Erm:, i asked him whym he said he waters it down and it kills the weeds in the garden :yikes:

SQL :woohoo::Bolt::cwm24:


Vinegars great for loads of things but not for cooking with if im in the room:D

Trust me these blokes technical wizards and nice people but, i recorded the meeting and will soon be marketing as a insomina cure. So sell all shares you have in sleeping pill making companies:D

14th July 2009, 19:05
as for the vinegar my brother bought like 4 litres of vinegar the other day :Erm:, i asked him whym he said he waters it down and it kills the weeds in the garden :yikes:

What ratio vinegar to water does he use ?

14th July 2009, 19:06
whoever gave me green blob from this thread... 'THank You!'

14th July 2009, 19:19
And another one gave me green blob... whoever it is, thanks to you too.:xxgrinning--00xx3: Please next time include your name so I can say thank you to you privately:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Keith/Mods and Andy, keep an eye on my green blobs, im catching you up.:icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 19:23
What ratio vinegar to water does he use ?

i've no idea, but i think he uses malt vinegar.. i just get the misses to do the weeding :xxgrinning--00xx3:

google 'vinegar weed killer' seems many people use it, i'll get the misses to spray them instead might save her some time :rolleyes:

14th July 2009, 19:27
Thanks Joe.

Arthur Little
14th July 2009, 19:58
you never see guys bitching :NoNo:

Sorry, but I have to disagree with you here, Joe! Back in the early 1960s - not long after starting work - I was employed in the Motor Department at the Head Office of what was then one of the UK's largest Insurers. Apart from a handful of female clerkesses and shorthand typists, the vast majority of the staff were MEN ... whose ages ranged from 18 to 65. But the amount of back-biting, tale-telling &c.:23_116_6[1]:I witnessed [along with snide comments passed at practically every turn] was unbelievable ... a real eyeopener, in fact, for the more tender-hearted youth. And as far as I could guage, none of the women were ever involved!

14th July 2009, 20:04
Sorry, but I have to disagree with you here, Joe! Back in the early 1960s - not long after starting work - I was employed in the Motor Department at the Head Office of what was then one of the UK's largest Insurers. Apart from a handful of female clerkesses and shorthand typists, the vast majority of the staff were MEN ... whose ages ranged from 18 to 65. But the amount of back-biting, tale-telling &c.:23_116_6[1]:I witnessed [along with snide comments passed at practically every turn] was unbelievable ... a real eyeopener, in fact, for the more tender-hearted youth. And as far as I could guage, none of the women were ever involved!

your going far back there Arthur, early 60's since the last time you heard guys bitching :D

i think with most guys, no offensive is meant and so non taken.. nothing wrong with poking fun at your workmates or even wife :D .. but no bad will is meant, not by me anyway :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
14th July 2009, 20:10
Keith/Mods and Andy, keep an eye on my green blobs, im catching you up.:icon_lol:

Congratulations Anne ... you deserve it! :xxgrinning--00xx3: I've still a long way to go yet ... ! BTW, how's your wee lass now? ... getting back to her usual self, I hope.

14th July 2009, 20:17
Congratulations Anne ... you deserve it! :xxgrinning--00xx3:I've still a long way to go yet ... ! Thank you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

BTW, how's your wee lass now? ... getting back to her usual self, I hope. She's doing good,seems shes getting back to normal:icon_lol:, thanks for asking:Hellooo:

14th July 2009, 20:18
your going far back there Arthur, early 60's since the last time you heard guys bitching :D

i think with most guys, no offensive is meant and so non taken.. nothing wrong with poking fun at your workmates or even wife :D .. but no bad will is meant, not by me anyway :rolleyes:


But I do know what Arthur means i do know some blokes who can gossip, bitch and talk behind peoples back but thats not for me i'd rather see the good in the person rather than pick fault.

I mean even you Joe a man utd fan from up north who likes SQL, the love you have for your Family and fellow people (shown in the way you take time to help people on this forum) means your not that bad:Rasp:

Arthur Little
14th July 2009, 20:26
your going far back there Arthur, early 60's since the last time you heard guys bitching :D

Yeah, I know ... it's just that I've a long-memory. Seem to be able to recall events from the dim and distant past ... yet often forget things like what I did 5 minutes ago! :Erm: That reminds me ... where did I put my specs? :doh

i think with most guys, no offensive is meant and so non taken.. nothing wrong with poking fun at your workmates or even wife :D .. but no bad will is meant, not by me anyway :rolleyes:

:gp:! It was just the best example I could think of ... and I guess you're right! :ARsurrender:

14th July 2009, 20:48
Yeah, I know ... it's just that I've a long-memory. Seem to be able to recall events from the dim and distant past ... yet often forget things like what I did 5 minutes ago! :Erm: That reminds me ... where did I put my specs? :doh

your the opposite of my mom, she can remember what she did 5 mins ago but not from years ago :doh

ANDY for a southern jesse your not that bad :rolleyes:

see bitching but done politely :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 20:56
your the opposite of my mom, she can remember what she did 5 mins ago but not from years ago :doh

ANDY for a southern jesse your not that bad :rolleyes:

see bitching but done politely :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you kind sir:D

14th July 2009, 21:01
Thank you kind sir:D

and the same to you sir, with knobs on :UpYurs:

see done nicely :BouncyHappy:, me or andy are not upset :NoNo:

lesson 1 over :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 21:01
As no one has listened to a damn word I've said on this subject it looks like I'll have to ban a number of folk. :cwm23:

I can't be bothered sorting out who done what to whom, so I'll just get rid of everyone involved.

This is a PUBLIC forum and many other folk must be getting sick of the childish behaviour of some on here.


:doh :NoNo::NoNo: Scary...I wonder who are those:rolleyes:...
Boss maybe a POll vote will do ...to evict or not to evict:D oppps sorry addicted to Big Brother now...I like Halfwit..lol

14th July 2009, 21:01
Please next time include your name so I can say thank you to you privately
Depending on how you thank 'privately' I may give you lots of little blobs :cwm24:

14th July 2009, 21:04
Depending on how you thank 'privately' I may give you lots of little blobs :cwm24:

yes i suspect something 'privately' has been going on, why have I only got 2 yellow blobs more than her :NoNo:.. not fair :bigcry:

can i thank you 'privately' to :rolleyes:

14th July 2009, 21:10
yes i suspect something 'privately' has been going on, why have I only got 2 yellow blobs more than her :NoNo:.. not fair :bigcry:

oi! you greedy:xxsport-smiley-002::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 21:11
oi! you greedy:xxsport-smiley-002::icon_lol:

C'mon share the blobs, I ain't got none :bigcry:

14th July 2009, 21:13
C'mon share the blobs, I ain't got none :bigcry:

Sure! you want red blob for the start?:icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 21:15
Sure! you want red blob for the start?:icon_lol:

Why you offering one? :Erm:

14th July 2009, 21:17
yes i suspect something 'privately' has been going on, why have I only got 2 yellow blobs more than her :NoNo:.. not fair :bigcry:

can i thank you 'privately' to :rolleyes:

ask for a gold star!

14th July 2009, 21:19
thanks for the rep points sir Keith just noticed it today :D:BouncyHappy:

14th July 2009, 21:22
and the same to you sir, with knobs on :UpYurs:

see done nicely :BouncyHappy:, me or andy are not upset :NoNo:

lesson 1 over :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I will bring an apple to my next class teach:D

14th July 2009, 21:28
And another one gave me green blob... whoever it is, thanks to you too.:xxgrinning--00xx3: Please next time include your name so I can say thank you to you privately:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Keith/Mods and Andy, keep an eye on my green blobs, im catching you up.:icon_lol:

Im confused i just noticed my rep score thing ma wiggys jiggies have gone up to 60 odd how:Erm:

Is that the amount of times i have taken the mick out of Joe:Erm:

14th July 2009, 21:50
Im confused i just noticed my rep score thing ma wiggys jiggies have gone up to 60 odd how:Erm:

Is that the amount of times i have taken the mick out of Joe:Erm:

i did that, becuase you thanked me 'privately ' :icon_lol:

i don't know, but you have the same number of blobs as ladyj :Erm: yet double the rep points, sumething not right ere... :Erm: looks like a bit of fixing and dodgy thanking going on :NoNo:

14th July 2009, 21:54
i did that, becuase you thanked me 'privately ' :icon_lol:

i don't know, but you have the same number of blobs as ladyj :Erm: yet double the rep points, sumething not right ere... :Erm: looks like a bit of fixing and dodgy thanking going on :NoNo:

You been comparing my blobs with Lady j's:omg:

Its like beeing back in school :D

I created somebody because of the last time reps started flying round for no reason maybe i need to become somebody else oh hang on:Erm:

14th July 2009, 21:57
Joe & Andy, you both are so funny.. just like playing kitty and mice! :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Stop complaining about blobs Keith might change his mind again...:D

Goodnight everyone:Hellooo:

14th July 2009, 21:59
back to the well?

14th July 2009, 22:03
Joe & Andy, you both are so funny.. just like playing kitty and mice! :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Stop complaining about blobs Keith might change his mind again...:D

Goodnight everyone:Hellooo:

Goodnight and dont forget to give your Daughter a big hug on behalf of each member of the forum. May she be well and winding you up very soon:D

back to the well?


14th July 2009, 22:04
back to the well?

:icon_lol::icon_lol:pissed off:icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 22:05
Goodnight and dont forget to give your Daughter a big hug on behalf of each member of the forum. May she be well and winding you up very soon:D

That's sweet, thank you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 22:07
:icon_lol::icon_lol:pissed off:icon_lol::icon_lol:

maybe you can come out of BAB's tv later at midnight and scare him to death :omg::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 22:08
maybe you can come out of BAB's tv later at midnight and scare him to death :omg::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

I cant stop laughing here because of what bornandbirth said, I hope he'll get a nightmare later:icon_lol:


14th July 2009, 22:09
"Bitching" has turned into a "Love-In" or a "Blob-Frenzy"

Life's Goooooooood

14th July 2009, 22:10
I cant stop laughing here because of what bornandbirth said, I hope he'll get a nightmare later:icon_lol:


yeah, so he behaves :xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 22:10
That's sweet, thank you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes so thats a four thousand and twelve hugs or so, or if you in a hurry four hundred forty one for the active members:D

14th July 2009, 22:11
back to the well?

:icon_lol::icon_lol:pissed off:icon_lol::icon_lol:


14th July 2009, 22:13
"Bitching" has turned into a "Love-In" or a "Blob-Frenzy"

Life's Goooooooood

and why not we only have to turn on the news to see depressing stuff and people arguing so lets be happy...

Wheres Nigel :Erm: we need some jokes:D

14th July 2009, 22:30
I cant stop laughing here because of what bornandbirth said, I hope he'll get a nightmare later:icon_lol:


i havent had nighmares since i was small,my dad would let us watch horror movies on a friday night and i use to cry watching lassie movies :bigcry: :icon_lol:

and why not we only have to turn on the news to see depressing stuff and people arguing so lets be happy...

Wheres Nigel :Erm: we need some jokes:D

who do you think as been getting bad rep for telling poor jokes...??

14th July 2009, 22:47
i havent had nighmares since i was small,my dad would let us watch horror movies on a friday night and i use to cry watching lassie movies :bigcry: :icon_lol:

who do you think as been getting bad rep for telling poor jokes...??

:Erm: Joe,me no not


You cant mean mr big cheese top man sir po boss ji oh lauded one:omg:

15th July 2009, 07:03
i would appreciate it if someone can explain to me those green, red and yellow blobs. i've been browsing our site here but cant see some explanations (or maybe i didint look enough). What are those for and how one get and give it? i have two green blobs on my profile page but i can see there's only one here.

Please enlighten me :P :D

15th July 2009, 08:46
Its like beeing back in school :D
With spelling like that maybe you should be back at school :rolleyes:

15th July 2009, 19:32
With spelling like that maybe you should be back at school :rolleyes:

Sorry i must have been buzzing:D