View Full Version : Teacher - Attempted Murder

12th July 2009, 09:03

Is it just me or does this seem a little strange. A perfectly well respected teacher beats the crap out of a kid after an 'altercation' - Which in English to me means the kid was being a :censored:

This seems to be the case with many of the schools kids supporting the teacher.

I don't agree with nearly killing a kid, but plenty in our schools do need a good beating....maybe we can send them off to a US camp run by Jacko's dad :icon_lol:

12th July 2009, 09:17

I don't agree with nearly killing a kid, but plenty in our schools do need a good beating....maybe we can send them off to a US camp run by Jacko's dad :icon_lol:

I could certainly agree with that as I was with 19 year olds on a Uni trip to Paris just a week ago. They were all very annoying, loud, agressive and angry most of the time (typical of London kids I suppose?) They got so drunk one night and were running around the hotel until 4am.

The group leaders were wishing they could beat the kids up but of course they can only wish to their heart's content.

12th July 2009, 09:18
Send them to me!!!:cwm23:


12th July 2009, 09:55
why is what happened still a secret ? we still don't know why it happened :Erm:..

but it says in the paper the kid was a quiet one in class, but i pity school teachers, i think parents would be shocked :yikes: what their kids are like if they travelled on public transport. :NoNo: :cwm24: :angry:I dont know how the bus drivers don't throttle some of them kids, they surely need a good :cwm3:

12th July 2009, 10:15
Obviously attempted murder is not good, but I think there is a lot more to this story, than we've so far been told.

I watched some kid yesterday, being told off by his mother. He totally ignored her & carried on doing what he was doing.

These kids talk about wanting 'respect', but they're not interested in earning it. :NoNo:

12th July 2009, 13:26
Obviously attempted murder is not good, but I think there is a lot more to this story, than we've so far been told.

I watched some kid yesterday, being told off by his mother. He totally ignored her & carried on doing what he was doing.

These kids talk about wanting 'respect', but they're not interested in earning it. :NoNo:

Right on point Si!!!!!

Which is exactly why I want my Kid, if lucky to have one to be raised in the Phils!!
All I can suggest that that Kid must have been another Wig**R who dissed the Teachers Moma, lol
What a ridiculous world we live in here, in a mentally unstable, insecure youth society who model themselves on Snoop Dog, and all they want for Xmas are the charges dropped(bad joke)and not to mention dripping with bling, and a gold tooth:omg: Yes, I know I am referring to Scary Movie:Rasp:
Dohhhhh!!!! Roll on retirement, so I can go live in a serious country.
England lies bleeding:omg:

In the old days we used to be so much more respectful to one another.
I just don't know what went wrong??????

Am I being too harsh????

Pls tell me if I am!!!

12th July 2009, 13:27

Is it just me or does this seem a little strange. A perfectly well respected teacher beats the crap out of a kid after an 'altercation' - Which in English to me means the kid was being a :censored:

This seems to be the case with many of the schools kids supporting the teacher.

I don't agree with nearly killing a kid, but plenty in our schools do need a good beating....maybe we can send them off to a US camp run by Jacko's dad :icon_lol:


12th July 2009, 16:13
Blame the parents, this don't happen in Holland.:NoNo:

12th July 2009, 16:17
Apparently the teacher had just returned to school after sick-leave for a stress related stroke :Erm: he beat the kid around the head with a 2kg weight,and also attacked a boy and girl who tried to stop him :ARsurrender:

12th July 2009, 16:19
oh, just lazy to read what really happened.

12th July 2009, 16:26
I remember getting my nose burst by a teacher,caned,slippered,blackboard rubber off the head,all sorts of what would be termed today as abuse,back then it was the norm :Erm: But I never got a 2kg weight off the head I have to admit :Erm:

12th July 2009, 16:41
Apparently the teacher had just returned to school after sick-leave for a stress related stroke :Erm: he beat the kid around the head with a 2kg weight,and also attacked a boy and girl who tried to stop him :ARsurrender:

Must be the meds? hehehe... :D