View Full Version : Afghan War

12th July 2009, 09:11
So Brown says our troops will have the best equipment over the next few months :Erm: ......we've been at war for 8 years!!!

We are fighting to protect Britain.....I thought the 7/7 bombers had British passports and learnt the trade in Pakistan :doh

Dear Mr Brown,

I offer you one word to save lives.....HELICOPTERS :NoNo:

You can even by Blackhawks off the shelf from the US one of the safest and best troop carriers you can buy. We still have 8 choppers mothballed that we bought new off the US over 10 years ago!! :Erm:

12th July 2009, 10:08
7/7 bombers did have UK passports,but they attended training camps in NWFP,its the lawless region right on the Afghanistan border,the demarcation line is hazy in that area.We arent going to win in affie,country is too harsh,tribal loyalty is too strong,this is going to drag on for years,but helicopters will cut down casualty numbers,the americans fly everywhere,we use roads,thats the danger-zone,easy to bury an IED and remote trigger it sadly.

12th July 2009, 13:36
they are trying to win the hearts of Afghan people and communicate, extremely difficult to do in a chopper.

Try to build the Afghan army up, its over 65k now from zero 8 years ago.

12th July 2009, 14:12
they are trying to win the hearts of Afghan people and communicate, extremely difficult to do in a chopper.
:Erm: The choppers are for attacking not peacekeeping :doh

Why don't we use Trident, it'll save wasting it! :rolleyes:

12th July 2009, 14:16
Choppers are also used to deploy squaddies into tactical areas,its a must in Afghanistan,once your off the beaten-track the country is incredibly rough.

12th July 2009, 14:20
7/7 We arent going to win in affie,country is too harsh,tribal loyalty is too strong,.

Ever heard of Senlis and its Drug Policy? I've 'transcribed' an interview for one of its people. They do have this counter insurgency tactics and so on... This people work hard to try and maintain peace and control the poppy lobbying activity in Afghanistan. But I do agree with Tawi this country has a very strong tribal loyalty. Afghan is an impossible mission!!!

12th July 2009, 14:21
I have been to afghanistan,I know enough about the narcotics trade.

12th July 2009, 14:22
Dont tell me you know people in Kabul or Jalalabad Gracy :yikes:

12th July 2009, 14:24
Dont tell me you know people in Kabul or Jalalabad Gracy :yikes:


12th July 2009, 14:24
Gimmee a village or a family name :icon_lol:

12th July 2009, 14:28
Gimmee a village or a family name :icon_lol:

I don't know any locals Tawi, I know something about Afghanistan as my second job is 'taking in' interviews of people that are dealing with poppy/opium eradications.

12th July 2009, 14:32
Papiverum somniferum,I know it well :xxgrinning--00xx3: I did some sort of work in the afghani refugee camp on the pakistan side of the Khyber back in 1991,I also visited several drug villages,and even been inside some palatial family compounds of "Product movers" down in Balochistan,funny old game the narcotics trade :Erm:

12th July 2009, 14:35
Papiverum somniferum,I know it well :xxgrinning--00xx3: I did some sort of work in the afghani refugee camp on the pakistan side of the Khyber back in 1991,I also visited several drug villages,and even been inside some palatial family compounds of "Product movers" down in Balochistan,funny old game the narcotics trade :Erm:

Interesting! I know what you're talking about and I have a lot to say about it too but maybe keep my mouth shut???

12th July 2009, 14:38
Well,the narcotics trade in Pinas is just as interesting :icon_lol: There was actually a couple caught last week who were shipping shabu to the UK??According to pinoy news sources anyway :Erm:

trader dave
12th July 2009, 14:43
I have been to afghanistan,I know enough about the narcotics trade. so thats where you been arranging the next shipment:doh:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:


12th July 2009, 14:45
The container arrives Tilbury docks Dave,you know when to collect right :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th July 2009, 14:49
:Erm: The choppers are for attacking not peacekeeping :doh

gosh, you learn something everyday:rolleyes: