View Full Version : hinting at marraige

13th July 2009, 14:14
ok im curious as to how you met your better half and how soon into the relationship she started hinting at marraige :NoNo::cwm38::ARsurrender:

13th July 2009, 14:19
i met my husband on the internet, we were talking emailing for about a month, we decided to meet in november, feb he proposed, we got married april...

13th July 2009, 14:34
i met my husband on the internet, we were talking emailing for about a month, we decided to meet in november, feb he proposed, we got married april...

i met anne on the net , we became good friends in a short space of time talking on yahoo every day / night , we soon fell inlove and were calling each other on phone everyday too , 13 months after we fell in love we got married ..... as for hinting she is guilty of doing that within a month of us chatting :Help1:

13th July 2009, 14:38
i met anne on the net , we became good friends in a short space of time talking on yahoo every day / night , we soon fell inlove and were calling each other on phone everyday too , 13 months after we fell in love we got married ..... as for hinting she is guilty of doing that within a month of us chatting :Help1:

:icon_lol::icon_lol: im conservative, i waited till he hinted, but even then i was thinking that it was way too early:icon_lol:

13th July 2009, 14:49
I proposed because wifey said if I didn't I'd die :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th July 2009, 14:55
I proposed because wifey said if I didn't I'd die :xxgrinning--00xx3:


13th July 2009, 14:55
I proposed because wifey said if I didn't I'd die alone :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Mrs Daddy
13th July 2009, 15:00
I proposed because wifey said if I didn't I'd die :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That make sense:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

13th July 2009, 15:00
Festina lente,slightly oxy-moronic but I am sure you get the gist :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th July 2009, 15:11
I didn't hint on marriage... the bf did after almost a month of chatting and video calls... oh well, he got hooked on me... lol

13th July 2009, 15:33
Being straightforward was part of relationship including marriage proposal

13th July 2009, 17:43
no hint after we met for a week when he came to uk he asked permission to his parent that he want to marry me then he phoned me asked me if i want to marry him.

13th July 2009, 18:33
no hint after we met for a week when he came to uk he asked permission to his parent that he want to marry me then he phoned me asked me if i want to marry him.

he asked you to marry him a week after you met? That's pretty quick! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th July 2009, 18:36
he asked you to marry him a week after you met? That's pretty quick! :xxgrinning--00xx3:
That's what you call LOVE. :D :D :D

13th July 2009, 18:41
That's what you call LOVE. :D :D :D
That's amazing.

I've known my husband a lot longer than that before we got married. But you can still see on our wedding video that I looked so petrified during the wedding ceremony - perhaps the more if we got married a week after we met!

13th July 2009, 18:46
hubby and i no any plan to get married when we meet,b4 his 21 days finish we prepared the paper for my visitor visa,but i wonder when he arrive UK he called on phone and ask i can apply a fiancee visa.....:yikes:

13th July 2009, 20:01
come on ladies ... your telling me you didnt even give a little hint about your desire to marry ?? :Erm:

13th July 2009, 20:32
Within a week mine decided that she wants to get married. She said she was getting older at 25, with me 46:D:D
I said, why not!!! heheheheh
Well, we have time for that of course, as I feel we need to know each other 1st, but so far so good:):)

13th July 2009, 21:13
Within a week mine decided that she wants to get married. She said she was getting older at 25, with me 46:D:D
I said, why not!!! heheheheh
Well, we have time for that of course, as I feel we need to know each other 1st, but so far so good:):)

chatting for 1 week and she wants to marry you :yikes: i bet she told you she is a virgin too :Erm::icon_lol:

13th July 2009, 21:33
Love at first sight,it does indeed happen,but normally face-to-face when gestures,body language,eye contact and pheremones trigger something,its different meeting someone online,its totally alien,but lots of people meet their partners on a PC so it must work for some :Erm:

13th July 2009, 21:50
chatting for 1 week and she wants to marry you :yikes: i bet she told you she is a virgin too :Erm::icon_lol:

i was chatting to the misses for a couple of months, and joked 'why don't we get wed', her mom heard her telling her sister :doh, next thing i get a nicely written letter telling me to :censored:, and the first time i go and she her, i met her dad, who tells me he has a gun named after each of his 4 kids :cwm24:, then i knew i was doomed :cwm3:

13th July 2009, 22:02
i was chatting to the misses for a couple of months, and joked 'why don't we get wed', her mom heard her telling her sister :doh, next thing i get a nicely written letter telling me to :censored:, and the first time i go and she her, i met her dad, who tells me he has a gun named after each of his 4 kids :cwm24:, then i knew i was doomed :cwm3:

oh my :doh this leaves me with lots of questions :Rasp:

13th July 2009, 22:48
I proposed because wifey said if I didn't I'd die :xxgrinning--00xx3:

LOL, "shot gun" proposal :D:D

13th July 2009, 22:57
come on ladies ... your telling me you didnt even give a little hint about your desire to marry ?? :Erm:

LOL, my hubby did, not me....and he did more than hinting, he said it flat out that he wanted to marry me sooner than i thought and expected, lol :D:D
Scary at first, as it's a big leap, but it's all good :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th July 2009, 23:03
Within a week mine decided that she wants to get married. She said she was getting older at 25, with me 46:D:D
I said, why not!!! heheheheh
Well, we have time for that of course, as I feel we need to know each other 1st, but so far so good:):)

LOL, a week is quite fast fitz....
It's always best to date longer and get to know each other more first before taking a big step into the marriage thing :)

14th July 2009, 00:40
come on ladies ... your telling me you didnt even give a little hint about your desire to marry ?? :Erm:
I met my first husband in the Phils. October then he came back here ( UK ) Dec 2. (don't ask me the year). All I asked from him was, when are you coming back and he replied same time next year. We have 2 happy months together we went places but we NEVER talk about getting married. He rang me 29th of December ( of the same year) and told me he booked a ticket for February. And so I said what for? Then he laugh.... then here comes the long silence. And he broke that silence by telling me that we will be getting married on my birthday ( March ). The only replied he got from me was OH OK. That's it. The next thing he did was sent me money for the my wedding gown, my mum's gown and for the entire wedding entourage.
I can never tell who hinting about getting married. LOL. :Cuckoo: :D :icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 09:59
I met my fiancee in Israel when I was there in business and she was working there.
3 visits to Israel, 1 to Philippines, and a bunch of arguments later, including one where she was absolutely adamant she NEVER wanted to get married, and we're applying for a fiancee Visa soon.

14th July 2009, 10:10
he asked you to marry him a week after you met? That's pretty quick! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

indeed miss piggy after 5months we met by text and it was by an accident when i was texting my cousin in LUTON and im in Pinas.

14th July 2009, 10:19
honestly i can't remember how and who started bout the marriage hinting between us...
september 2006 met him online from a common friend. we were just plain online buddies.. until one day we were both single and started to feel comfortable and liking each other.
june 2007 we were a couple.. same year sept. he came to see me in PI., the day he had to go back to UK, he bought me an engagement ring.
he came back february 2008 for my bday. and back again in july 2008 and we got married.
on sunday it will be our 1st year wedding anniversary! :BouncyHappy:

14th July 2009, 10:44
honestly i can't remember how and who started bout the marriage hinting between us...
september 2006 met him online from a common friend. we were just plain online buddies.. until one day we were both single and started to feel comfortable and liking each other.
june 2007 we were a couple.. same year sept. he came to see me in PI., the day he had to go back to UK, he bought me an engagement ring.
he came back february 2008 for my bday. and back again in july 2008 and we got married.
on sunday it will be our 1st year wedding anniversary! :BouncyHappy:

awwww, congratulations in advance on your first wedding anniversary chryss and adam :xxgrinning--00xx3: :BouncyHappy:

14th July 2009, 12:55
chatting for 1 week and she wants to marry you :yikes: i bet she told you she is a virgin too :Erm::icon_lol:

Make that 2 weeks, and no she isn't!
Some ppl need a chance, and 'tho I got caught out, I will not blame her for what the other one did!!
Everybody deserves a chance in life.
At least she asks me for nothing, and is intelligent, and spontaneous:)
That has to stand for something, don't you think???

14th July 2009, 13:07
LOL, a week is quite fast fitz....
It's always best to date longer and get to know each other more first before taking a big step into the marriage thing :)

Indeed Sophie, but I must stress at this stage, that it is only her wish:)
I will see her in August for two weeks, then return in march to see my friend get married, and if all goes well, we will perhaps make our plans for my next visit, so it will be at least a year before I commit myself:)
She has to like me too of course lol, but she is so sweet, and laughs at my dumb jokes:)
Somebody has to put up with me after all:icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 13:26
will sooner or later is the same but its up to you how you feel to each other.

14th July 2009, 13:31
Marry in haste repent at leisure :icon_lol: I think a five year courtship,followed by a similarly long engagement should be mandatory to stop either party from making any hasty decisions :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 13:34
Marry in haste repent at leisure :icon_lol: I think a five year courtship,followed by a similarly long engagement should be mandatory to stop either party from making any hasty decisions :xxgrinning--00xx3:

So, the wedding will be when I'm 56 then!:D:D:D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 13:36
Indeed Sophie, but I must stress at this stage, that it is only her wish:)
I will see her in August for two weeks, then return in march to see my friend get married, and if all goes well, we will perhaps make our plans for my next visit, so it will be at least a year before I commit myself:)
She has to like me too of course lol, but she is so sweet, and laughs at my dumb jokes:)
Somebody has to put up with me after all:icon_lol::icon_lol:

LOL, i'm sure you're not so bad fitz and i bet this girl will like you for who you are....not just put up with you, lol, give yourself a little credit, lol
And it's good you're taking your time until next year to commit yourself into the marriage thing, that way you get to know each other better...
But if you decide to take the plunge sooner than planned, well and good too,
as long as both of you are 100% sure of your feelings for each other and ready to take on the next big step into marriage :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 13:38
Not necessarily,after the five years courtship,and five years engagement you might decide your not suited and begin your quest again :D anyway 56 is ok,its still a kid :D the time to worry is if your in your 80's or 90's,then I think time is the big issue :D

14th July 2009, 13:40
Marry in haste repent at leisure :icon_lol: I think a five year courtship,followed by a similarly long engagement should be mandatory to stop either party from making any hasty decisions :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ideally, five-year courtship and five-year engagement :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 13:42
Its for his own good Soph,its not good that pinays think UK guys are too "Easy" its bad for our reputation as the most conservative western guys :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 13:44
anyway 56 is ok,its still a kid :D

:omg::omg::yikes::yikes: and i thought 20's is a kid, lol :D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 13:46
Its for his own good Soph,its not good that pinays think UK guys are too "Easy" its bad for our reputation as the most conservative western guys :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ok, if you say so, lol :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 13:46
20's is a kid for women,50's is still a kid for guys,havent you noticed they never seem to grow up :icon_lol: They still have their childish little moments :icon_lol:

14th July 2009, 14:44
20's is a kid for women,50's is still a kid for guys,havent you noticed they never seem to grow up :icon_lol: They still have their childish little moments :icon_lol:

very well said tawi2 :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
As the saying goes "people don't change, they just get older", so can i also apply thesame to men? "Men don't grow up, they just get older?" :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

trader dave
14th July 2009, 15:01
marriage before you have never met :BlacklistThumbdown0:xxparty-smiley-004: mugs game

i remember the then gf stating that her dream was to get married when she was 25 [she was 22 at the time] so i stated i wont marry you when your 25 your be to old:icon_lol::icon_lol: but i will marry you when your 24:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol:


14th July 2009, 16:02
All great replies:D:D:D
She offered to take me white water rafting.
Can't wait lol:icon_lol::icon_lol:
I must say that she certainly is a funny character, and not at all stale, and moody, but full of life and happiness:)
Let's hope some of it rubs of on old grumpy here. lol:D:D:D:D

Am sure that we will have a great time chilling out in Aug, but meeting family always makes me nervous:Rasp::Rasp:

14th July 2009, 16:04
LOL, i'm sure you're not so bad fitz and i bet this girl will like you for who you are....not just put up with you, lol, give yourself a little credit, lol
And it's good you're taking your time until next year to commit yourself into the marriage thing, that way you get to know each other better...
But if you decide to take the plunge sooner than planned, well and good too,
as long as both of you are 100% sure of your feelings for each other and ready to take on the next big step into marriage :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Indeed so:xxgrinning--00xx3: