View Full Version : My daughter has caught swine flu? worried and panic!

13th July 2009, 19:00
My healthy six yr old daughter who is suffering from a mild temperature and sore throat since thursday. Today we went to see a GP and she said that my daughter is suffering from tonsilitis and prescribed her antibiotic.

I just read the breaking news from Sky website exaclty age to my daughter has died from swine flu and her GP diagnosed her with tonsilitis.

Im really worried right now.:bigcry::bigcry:


13th July 2009, 19:04
My healthy six yr old daughter who is suffering from a mild temperature and sore throat since thursday. Today we went to see a GP and she said that my daughter is suffering from tonsilitis and prescribed her antibiotic.

I just read the breaking news from Sky website exaclty age to my daughter has died from swine flu and her GP diagnosed her with tonsilitis.

Im really worried right now.:bigcry::bigcry:

Is there any chance you could go to another GP for a second opinion?

13th July 2009, 19:07
have you checked the symptoms of swine flu? if your instinct says it is i think you need to insist, they might give her tamiflu for it, i'm not sure. i hope it is really tonsillitis. it's better to be safe than sorry.

13th July 2009, 19:09
have you checked the symptoms of swine flu? if your instinct says it is i think you need to insist, they might give her tamiflu for it, i'm not sure. i hope it is really tonsillitis. it's better to be safe than sorry.
That's true, better be safe than sorry specially na she's just 6 years old, she may not be able to relay how she's really feeling.

Hope your daughter feels better soon.

13th July 2009, 19:46
You can tell it is tonsillitis by looking at the tonsils. They'll be red & swollen, which is what the Dr would have seen.

Swine flu has runny nose, dry throat, etc

13th July 2009, 20:01
That's true, better be safe than sorry specially na she's just 6 years old, she may not be able to relay how she's really feeling.

Hope your daughter feels better soon.

I agree, double check everything and get a second opinion if necessary.... and i wish for your daughter's speedy recovery ladyj........

13th July 2009, 20:26
We were worried about our daughter after we read the news but then we visit the NHS website to see the swine flu sympton checker for her and also her condition was worst past few days compare today so I would say we are now 80% confident that she is safe from swine flu, hopefully! Im just gonna keep an eye on her.

Thanks for all your support guys!

13th July 2009, 20:51
We were worried about our daughter after we read the news but then we visit the NHS website to see the swine flu sympton checker for her and also her condition was worst past few days compare today so I would say we are now 80% confident that she is safe from swine flu, hopefully! Im just gonna keep an eye on her.

Thanks for all your support guys!

little joe just been sneezing :cwm24:, people get paranoid, rightly so thou, better to be safe than sorry..

just seen on the news. the gov think upto 20-30,000 people could be infected, and in aug 100,000 a day could be infected :yikes:...

13th July 2009, 20:57
The government said that they will give people a swine flu vaccination, I hope they do this right now than later.:NoNo:

13th July 2009, 21:02
The government said that they will give people a swine flu vaccination, I hope they do this right now than later.:NoNo:

i've heard of people have swine flu parties :NoNo:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8125191.stm :doh

i'm sure your little gal will be fine, even if 30,000 people have it, at the mo that's a 1 in 2000 chance of having it, and only 17 people have died out of the 30,000 and most apart from 2 i think had other illnesses

if i was you, phone your doc back and tell them your concerns,,

13th July 2009, 21:05
i've heard of people have swine flu parties :NoNo:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8125191.stm :doh

i'm sure your little gal will be fine, even if 30,000 people have it, at the mo that's a 1 in 2000 chance of having it, and only 17 people have died out of the 30,000 and most apart from 2 i think had other illnesses

if i was you, phone your doc back and tell them your concerns,,

Thanks Joe, I will definitely speak to her GP again tomorrow.:cwm3:

13th July 2009, 21:29
Please don't panic it wont help.... She will be fine... and will get better in no time...

14th July 2009, 00:18
3 dead in P.I ..One young girl that was asthmatic the other an old woman with existing lung problems.. (not sure about the other but Im sure she/he was probably suffering from pre existing ailment.

14th July 2009, 09:30
This pathetic government again thinks we are all stupid :doh

They go on and on and on and.....about the majority of folk dropping dead from it have pre-existing ailments.

FANTASTIC....that only limits it to a few million people in the UK then :Brick:


14th July 2009, 10:33
That's true, better be safe than sorry specially na she's just 6 years old, she may not be able to relay how she's really feeling.
Hope your daughter feels better soon. Keep in touch with the doctors and read advice.

Here is the NHS24 specific information on Swine flu, match it to symptoms and discuss your worries with the doctor as soon as possible.

NHS swine flu information (http://www.nhs24.com/content/default.asp?page=s3_12_1)

Another bit on the site is a self-help guide which shows yes/no answers to narrow down things, but this will give you an idea what the nurse will ask you if you phone NHS, because they use charts.

NHS 24 questions on Colds and Flu (http://www.nhs24.com/content/default.asp?page=s8_3&nodes=984)

Best wishes. Hope she get well soon

Arthur Little
14th July 2009, 11:22
My healthy six yr old daughter who is suffering from a mild temperature and sore throat since thursday. Today we went to see a GP and she said that my daughter is suffering from tonsilitis and prescribed her antibiotic.

Im really worried right now.:bigcry::bigcry:

I can empathise with your concern, Anne. :rolleyes: It's just unfortunate that all the recent publicity surrounding Swine Flu has come about at a time when your little girl has developed *tonsilitis - *a common ailment which, in normal circumstances, would be a lot less worrying. But try to keep calm, remain in contact with the GP who diagnosed her condition and, if symptoms persist, seek a second - or even third - opinion. Above all, make sure she completes her course of antibiotics.

14th July 2009, 12:04
Hello everyone,

After 5 days of my daughter being really in poor condition, she didn't get temperature since taking her antibiotic yesterday which is a very good sign that her illness was really from her tonsilitis and not swine flu and I thought that she should go to school today because their school term end of this week.

We were really alarmed about her when we heard the news about the six yr old girl died yesterday from swine flu were she wrongly diagnosed by her GP. They thought she was only suffering from tonsilitis, she was healthy just exactly the same to my daughter. Poor little girl, my heart goes out to her family.

I dont know if the government should act a bit more or not to this horror virus because a lot of people are dying from it every week and it's just really scary.

So you guys look after your love ones, if they develop any sign of not feeling well seek an advice as soon as possible as we've been lucky that our little girl is OK after 5 days that I thought she just having a high temperature for some reason and will survive with pain & fever relief and wasn't thinking that she must have caught swine flu, it was very alarming to what had happened to her and I learned that mistake.

I also would like to say thank you for all your support and care for my princess.

14th July 2009, 12:07
My healthy six yr old daughter who is suffering from a mild temperature and sore throat since thursday. Today we went to see a GP and she said that my daughter is suffering from tonsilitis and prescribed her antibiotic.

I just read the breaking news from Sky website exaclty age to my daughter has died from swine flu and her GP diagnosed her with tonsilitis.

Im really worried right now.:bigcry::bigcry:


Hi Anne

My sister inlaw's daughter have the same case as your daughter and she is also 6 yo. I was so worried too because she was here last saturday and keep complaining with her throat:omg::omg:

But she is getting better now.
Your daughter will be ok:)

Arthur Little
14th July 2009, 12:17
We were worried about our daughter after we read the news but then we visit the NHS website to see the swine flu sympton checker for her and also her condition was worst past few days compare today so I would say we are now 80% confident that she is safe from swine flu, hopefully! Im just gonna keep an eye on her.

Thanks for all your support guys!

In quoting your own words [I'm] "not an expert ... I only try to help": I honestly believe there's no real need to panic in your daughter's case ... especially since her symptoms appear to have abated in the past few days. Besides, as you mentioned yourself, she's an otherwise healthy child! And I'm relieved to learn that consulting the NHS website - together with the links suggested by your friends on the forum - seems to have allayed your fears to a great extent.

So, our best wishes for a speedy recovery, and please keep us updated on her progress. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 12:19
THanks Ann and Arthur.

14th July 2009, 12:21
We were worried about our daughter after we read the news but then we visit the NHS website to see the swine flu sympton checker for her and also her condition was worst past few days compare today so I would say we are now 80% confident that she is safe from swine flu, hopefully! Im just gonna keep an eye on her.

Thanks for all your support guys!

Sounds like good news although many with swine flu if by some chance she did have it will be ok. Plus will have gained resitance to baboy flu. The poor little girl who past away they belive had a heart condtion:NoNo:.

The best thing from this shows what great Parents you are caring about your Daughter so much:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
14th July 2009, 12:22
The government said that they will give people a swine flu vaccination, I hope they do this right now than later.:NoNo:


14th July 2009, 12:23
Hello everyone,

After 5 days of my daughter being really in poor condition, she didn't get temperature since taking her antibiotic yesterday which is a very good sign that her illness was really from her tonsilitis and not swine flu and I thought that she should go to school today because their school term end of this week.

We were really alarmed about her when we heard the news about the six yr old girl died yesterday from swine flu were she wrongly diagnosed by her GP. They thought she was only suffering from tonsilitis, she was healthy just exactly the same to my daughter. Poor little girl, my heart goes out to her family.

I dont know if the government should act a bit more or not to this horror virus because a lot of people are dying from it every week and it's just really scary.

So you guys look after your love ones, if they develop any sign of not feeling well seek an advice as soon as possible as we've been lucky that our little girl is OK after 5 days that I thought she just having a high temperature for some reason and will survive with pain & fever relief and wasn't thinking that she must have caught swine flu, it was very alarming to what had happened to her and I learned that mistake.

I also would like to say thank you for all your support and care for my princess.

Glad to hear your daughter is ok and well already :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

14th July 2009, 12:31
Sounds like good news although many with swine flu if by some chance she did have it will be ok. Plus will have gained resitance to baboy flu. The poor little girl who past away they belive had a heart condtion:NoNo:.

The best thing from this shows what great Parents you are caring about your Daughter so much:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Glad to hear your daughter is ok and well already :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

Thank you Andy and Sophie:xxgrinning--00xx3:


End the horror Swine Flu please!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 12:45
we received a letter yesterday from yujin's school.. that a younger sibling of two children in school has been in direct contact with swine flu. that's why we always check our kids now from time to time.

we can't avoid worrying when it comes to our kids. even with a minor wound or cut we always panic. what more with swine flu...

glad your daughter is getting better :) hoping for her full recovery soonish!

14th July 2009, 12:47
we received a letter yesterday from yujin's school.. that a younger sibling of two children in school has been in direct contact with swine flu. that's why we always check our kids now from time to time.

we can't avoid worrying when it comes to our kids. even with a minor wound or cut we always panic. what more with swine flu...

glad your daughter is getting better :) hoping for her full recovery soonish!

THank you!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hope your kids are far away from this virus:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2009, 12:58
Just read this news in the Sky news website

Britain was at the "front of the queue" for supplies of vaccine and would start to receive the first from next month, Mr Burnham said.


PLeased to hear that :Hellooo:

14th July 2009, 18:33
Please don't take this the wrong way...but does swine flu even exist? I think they make these things up!:cwm34:

14th July 2009, 18:46
Please don't take this the wrong way...but does swine flu even exist? I think they make these things up!:cwm34:
Well the strain of flu they have called swine flu exists sadly i vaguely know of two people totally unrelated living miles apart who have passed away from it:NoNo:

Ie they are real people both too young to have been taken from this world:NoNo: May they both rest in peace

14th July 2009, 20:29
hope your daughter gets well soon Lady J.
My daughter in the Phils also contacted the swine flu virus.. i was also very worried like you... after a week she was able to get better... just make sure she gets rest, lots of fluids, and nutritious food...
I pray your daughter gets well soon...

14th July 2009, 20:33
hope your daughter gets well soon Lady J.
My daughter in the Phils also contacted the swine flu virus.. i was also very worried like you... after a week she was able to get better... just make sure she gets rest, lots of fluids, and nutritious food...
I pray your daughter gets well soon...

Welcome back!:Hellooo: thank you for your concern, hope your daughter soon will get better aswell:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th July 2009, 10:32
Unfortunately, it is really difficult to distinguish swine flu from so many other common ailments. My brother's 7 year old daughter was recently 'diagnosed' with swine flu in Mill Hill, London. Was given tamiflu and kept home for some time. I'm not convinced it was but I guess to an extent better safe than sorry.

Now my other brother has flown to Thailand as his 6 year old daughter has been hospitalised with 'exceptionally high' temperature and other flu-like symptoms.

The winter months will throw up so many casualties for sure.

16th July 2009, 11:13
After the problem with my little girl now my son who is 2 yrs old is having a high temperature since last night, his body temp reached almost 39c last night :bigcry:, I dont know what's wrong with him.:cwm3:

16th July 2009, 11:28
After the problem with my little girl now my son who is 2 yrs old is having a high temperature since last night, his body temp reached almost 39c last night :bigcry:, I dont know what's wrong with him.:cwm3:
Sorry to hear that LadyJ.

I suggest that you send him to your GP specially if his temperature is persistent.

Hope he feels better soon.

16th July 2009, 11:32
After the problem with my little girl now my son who is 2 yrs old is having a high temperature since last night, his body temp reached almost 39c last night :bigcry:, I dont know what's wrong with him.:cwm3:

Oh gee, not again, sorry to hear that ladyj.....
i guess you will have to bring him to the GP right away so you can rule out any possible symptoms.....
don't worry, it may just be a plain fever like your little girl....nothing serious hopefully....

16th July 2009, 11:48
Thanks! yeah hopefully nothing serious.

Do you guys know what is the minimum temp for the toddler to get convulsion or fit? Is't 40c?

16th July 2009, 13:18
Please don't misunderstand me when I say I believe everything is manifestation of mind..

As within, so without. - Emerald Tablet

If you encourage your kids to believe that they are healing already, it should help I think. I believe like attracts like...and everything is a slave to our minds...

16th July 2009, 13:31
Please don't misunderstand me when I say I believe everything is manifestation of mind..

As within, so without. - Emerald Tablet

If you encourage your kids to believe that they are healing already, it should help I think. I believe like attracts like...and everything is a slave to our minds...

Nigel, you must have been "the Secret" fanatic!

LadyJ, I researched on line and I didn't see any particular temperature that may cause Febrile convulsions, they just say high temp. Hope your son would not have that as it won't be a pleasant experience for both of you.

16th July 2009, 13:40
Nigel, you must have been "the Secret" fanatic!

Hehe you should be too! It does work, and if it doesn't, that means your not attracting right..hehe

People think they are flesh and bone, they are not, they are a mass of energy, people think life is making them think and "feel" a certain way, but the way we think and "feel" makes our life go a certain way!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's a theory based on Quantum Physics, I firmly believe in it!:)

16th July 2009, 13:49
Please don't misunderstand me when I say I believe everything is manifestation of mind..
I believe like attracts like...and everything is a slave to our minds...

I agree :xxgrinning--00xx3: our mind can be our most powerful weapon and ally as much as it can also be our worst enemy

16th July 2009, 13:52
[SIZE="4"]Hehe you should be too!....

Read it, watched it, living it! :D

16th July 2009, 20:34
rumors are cherrie blair may have caught it :Erm:
and someone where i work, his wife has caught swine flu :yikes:

16th July 2009, 21:57
Swine Flu is on the rise, but so is hypochondria!

From my understanding, the problem with swine flu is that it is far more infectious than "normal" flu, as we lack the natural immunity to it. So more people will become infected and as a result; more people will die from it.

But it is the people who would die from a flu spell that seem to die from this virus (the old, frail, asthmatics etc.). Yes, a few exceptions as well, but that is true in seasonal flu.

LadyJ, I hope your family comes through this year without getting this virus. And I am sure that most people who get it will recover after what appears to them as a normal flu strain.

I hope everyone on this forum can avoid this strain of flu, but if you do catch it. Treat it like regular flu - except get the GP to give you some anti-virals as well.

Remember, a lot of people have had swine flu and recovered without the aid of Anti-virals. And pig farmers seem to have already contracted a version of swine flu in the past as many show antibodies from a strain that was not transmitted from humans to humans. And those antibodies will protect them from this h1n1.

Who knows, you may have already come into contact with this some time ago but your body built its defences up and you won't fall sick:cwm34:

But, take care everyone and please try not to panic:Wave:

16th July 2009, 23:20
I've got Swine Flu for real!! Caught it off from my cousin-in-law...

17th July 2009, 09:13
Swine Flu is on the rise, but so is hypochondria!

From my understanding, the problem with swine flu is that it is far more infectious than "normal" flu, as we lack the natural immunity to it. So more people will become infected and as a result; more people will die from it.

But it is the people who would die from a flu spell that seem to die from this virus (the old, frail, asthmatics etc.). Yes, a few exceptions as well, but that is true in seasonal flu.

LadyJ, I hope your family comes through this year without getting this virus. And I am sure that most people who get it will recover after what appears to them as a normal flu strain.

I hope everyone on this forum can avoid this strain of flu, but if you do catch it. Treat it like regular flu - except get the GP to give you some anti-virals as well.

Remember, a lot of people have had swine flu and recovered without the aid of Anti-virals. And pig farmers seem to have already contracted a version of swine flu in the past as many show antibodies from a strain that was not transmitted from humans to humans. And those antibodies will protect them from this h1n1.

Who knows, you may have already come into contact with this some time ago but your body built its defences up and you won't fall sick:cwm34:

But, take care everyone and please try not to panic:Wave:

Thanks Northener:xxgrinning--00xx3: My son still has a high temp and I hope he'll get better very soon as its not easy to look after a toddler who's crying every minute:cwm3:

I've got Swine Flu for real!! Caught it off from my cousin-in-law...
:omg: You need to be ban here until you recovered:D

17th July 2009, 09:40
There are 40,000 people/week who contact their GP/doctor over fears of flu-like illness.

I am one of 'em:doh

17th July 2009, 09:47
There are 40,000 people/week who contact their GP/doctor over fears of flu-like illness.

I am one of 'em:doh

Hope its not swine flu otherwise you might get ban here :D I wish you get well soon pen:Hellooo:

17th July 2009, 10:15
Hope its not swine flu otherwise you might get ban here :D I wish you get well soon pen:Hellooo:

Thanks LJ. I hope not or else Pinas will also ban me at airport soon:Brick: I took Clarityn tablets and made me feel well. I wanna go outside but raining too much here!!! Waiting for a good sunny weather today and then I will go out and relax:Rasp:

17th July 2009, 10:22
I've got Swine Flu for real!! Caught it off from my cousin-in-law...

you do sis? seriously???

17th July 2009, 12:06
you do sis? seriously???

Not joking! But I'm getting better now, so no worries:). Last Sunday I was feeling poorly: headache, droopy eyes, body ache and feverish... I thought it was due to lack of sleep (Mummy & Baby thingy), took Paracetamol, did the NHS Swineflu online test (resulted positive), phoned up the Surgery and GP confirmed that I've got it. :bigcry: I'm on House quarantine!!! :bigcry:

Parang ordinaryong lagnat lang ang feeling dear.

17th July 2009, 12:11
Not joking! But I'm getting better now, so no worries:). Last Sunday I was feeling poorly: headache, droopy eyes, body ache and feverish... I thought it was due to lack of sleep (Mummy & Baby thingy), took Paracetamol, did the NHS Swineflu online test (resulted positive), phoned up the Surgery and GP confirmed that I've got it. :bigcry: I'm on House quarantine!!! :bigcry:

Parang ordinaryong lagnat lang ang feeling dear.

oh, sorry to hear that sis....hope you get well soon....
wag mo hawaan si baby hiro, hehehehe, just kidding :D:D:D

17th July 2009, 12:13
Not joking! But I'm getting better now, so no worries:). Last Sunday I was feeling poorly: headache, droopy eyes, body ache and feverish... I thought it was due to lack of sleep (Mummy & Baby thingy), took Paracetamol, did the NHS Swineflu online test (resulted positive), phoned up the Surgery and GP confirmed that I've got it. :bigcry: I'm on House quarantine!!! :bigcry:

Parang ordinaryong lagnat lang ang feeling dear.

Its good to hear you're feeling better:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th July 2009, 12:16
Not joking! But I'm getting better now, so no worries:). Last Sunday I was feeling poorly: headache, droopy eyes, body ache and feverish... I thought it was due to lack of sleep (Mummy & Baby thingy), took Paracetamol, did the NHS Swineflu online test (resulted positive), phoned up the Surgery and GP confirmed that I've got it. :bigcry: I'm on House quarantine!!! :bigcry:

Parang ordinaryong lagnat lang ang feeling dear.

its good to know you and your family are all ok!

17th July 2009, 14:31
After the problem with my little girl now my son who is 2 yrs old is having a high temperature since last night, his body temp reached almost 39c last night :bigcry:, I dont know what's wrong with him.:cwm3:

Ohh noooo!! Let's just pray all things will be well soon... :cwm38:

oh, sorry to hear that sis....hope you get well soon....
wag mo hawaan si baby hiro, hehehehe, just kidding :D:D:D

Its good to hear you're feeling better:xxgrinning--00xx3:

its good to know you and your family are all ok!

Thanks Sophie, Anne & BAB. So far my baby boy is still alert and well. I really pray he will not get it too.

You really won't know til you get it...:bigcry: Hope this too, shall pass!

17th July 2009, 15:14
Thanks Sophie, Anne & BAB. So far my baby boy is still alert and well. I really pray he will not get it too.

You really won't know til you get it...:bigcry: Hope this too, shall pass!

Don't worry sis, it will pass and you'll be fine, with god's help :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th July 2009, 23:54
Ohh noooo!! Let's just pray all things will be well soon... :cwm38:

Thanks Sophie, Anne & BAB. So far my baby boy is still alert and well. I really pray he will not get it too.

You really won't know til you get it...:bigcry: Hope this too, shall pass!

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Yup soon all will be well im sure

Arthur Little
18th July 2009, 00:24
Aye, Anne, it's been a worrying week for you ... first your daughter and then your son.:rolleyes: Hope both children will very soon be back to their normal fit and healthy selves. Take Care. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
18th July 2009, 00:35
Zobel, I'm sorry to learn that you'd actually contracted the 'Swine Flu' bug ... I hadn't realised :NoNo: until now! Glad to read you're on the mend though, and hope and pray your husband and little boy remain clear of symptoms. Take Care, all.

18th July 2009, 19:33
:xxgrinning--00xx3: Yup soon all will be well im sure

Zobel, I'm sorry to learn that you'd actually contracted the 'Swine Flu' bug ... I hadn't realised :NoNo: until now! Glad to read you're on the mend though, and hope and pray your husband and little boy remain clear of symptoms. Take Care, all.

Thank yous!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::):) I believe I'm Oink-free now :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hi Miss Anne,
How's your daughter & family?

18th July 2009, 19:40
Thank yous!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::):) I believe I'm Oink-free now :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hi Miss Anne,
How's your daughter & family?

Looks like you may have been lucky you now hopefully will be imune to baboy flu while everyone else worries if they catch it or not:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th July 2009, 19:44
Thank yous!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::):) I believe I'm Oink-free now :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Glad to hear that sis :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::)

18th July 2009, 19:47
Hope you all get better and have your Tamiflu jabs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th July 2009, 19:52
Hope you all get better and have your Tamiflu jabs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

LOL, what's up with your new avatar tawi? Cooking up some love potion for your matchmaking? lol :D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

18th July 2009, 19:56
Looks like you may have been lucky you now hopefully will be imune to baboy flu while everyone else worries if they catch it or not:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You won't know it til you have it :NoNo::NoNo:... hehehehe:rolleyes:

Glad to hear that sis :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::)

Thanks :cwm38:

Hope you all get better and have your Tamiflu jabs :xxgrinning--00xx3:


18th July 2009, 19:59
Its my protection "sumpa" amulet against H1N1 its a magic mixture containing tawa-tawa,rats eyelash and a few other secret ingredients :icon_lol:

18th July 2009, 20:10
Its my protection "sumpa" amulet against H1N1 its a magic mixture containing tawa-tawa,rats eyelash and a few other secret ingredients :icon_lol:

LOL, hope it works :icon_lol::icon_lol:

18th July 2009, 20:29
Unfortunately, it is really difficult to distinguish swine flu from so many other common ailments. My brother's 7 year old daughter was recently 'diagnosed' with swine flu in Mill Hill, London. Was given tamiflu and kept home for some time. I'm not convinced it was but I guess to an extent better safe than sorry.

Now my other brother has flown to Thailand as his 6 year old daughter has been hospitalised with 'exceptionally high' temperature and other flu-like symptoms.

The winter months will throw up so many casualties for sure.

yes TOks, little joe had a fever for a couple of days, the little guy was burning up :NoNo:, but me misses is giving him some meds, she thinks hes got a bug and its not swine flu.. :rolleyes:

18th July 2009, 20:41
yes TOks, little joe had a fever for a couple of days, the little guy was burning up :NoNo:, but me misses is giving him some meds, she thinks hes got a bug and its not swine flu.. :rolleyes:

It's good to have a Doctor handy, innit Joe?:D

18th July 2009, 20:44
It's good to have a Doctor handy, innit Joe?:D

:D would be better if she was a paid doc :xxgrinning--00xx3:

hope your doing ok gracia :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th July 2009, 20:54
:D would be better if she was a paid doc :xxgrinning--00xx3:

hope your doing ok gracia :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:DExactly. I'm great Joe, end of school so no more stress from school work. :BouncyHappy:I'm a happy bunny now. Thanks.

18th July 2009, 20:56
yes TOks, little joe had a fever for a couple of days, the little guy was burning up :NoNo:, but me misses is giving him some meds, she thinks hes got a bug and its not swine flu.. :rolleyes:

my little boy aswell, till now still have fever and its not easy.:NoNo: every minute he's crying:bigcry::cwm3: Hope little joe will feel better soon, as I know what you're going through:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th July 2009, 21:00
my little boy aswell, till now still have fever and its not easy.:NoNo: every minute he's crying:bigcry::cwm3: Hope little joe will feel better soon, as I know what you're going through:xxgrinning--00xx3:

hes not crying, still eating and drinking as normal, infact hes just the little terror as always, but hes feet and hands were really hot last night, his temperature is higher than normal, misses is giving him paracetamol meds evey 4 hrs..

hope your little boy gets better soon ladyj

19th July 2009, 17:37
TCP! (antiseptic)

TCP is VERY good at fighting throat infection...TCP is good powerful stuff...you have to gargle it, it's actually very unpleasent to take though...it feels a bit like you put battery acid in your mouth or something!:angry:

I've always found it's effective though...it can clear up a throat infection fast!

Don't forget to dilute it with water!:rolleyes:

Even with it diluted your children will :bigcry:

19th July 2009, 17:44
Do you know I turned my computer on just to tell you about TCP! I was looking in my bathroom cabinet and saw our TCP....then I thought I wonder if Ladyj has tried TCP...:)

19th July 2009, 22:19
Do you know I turned my computer on just to tell you about TCP! I was looking in my bathroom cabinet and saw our TCP....then I thought I wonder if Ladyj has tried TCP...:)


19th July 2009, 23:14
What is TCP?

19th July 2009, 23:20
a brand of beer,i think nigel as been gargling to much?

20th July 2009, 05:26
What is TCP?
It's an aticeptic liquid...you can get it from chemists and sometimes newsagents...people gargle it when they have a sore throat...do NOT drink it...you gargle it only...

Like I've said it's not pleasant stuff...it tastes like watered down battery acid...I think it's effective in fighting infection though...

You can also rub TCP on cuts to prevent infection if you want...but it's going to hurt like......ooo:angry:ooouch! ooo:angry:ooouch! ooo:angry:ooouch!

21st July 2009, 18:17
Photographic proof that swineflu affects 1 in 3 Filipinas.

Hope a cure is found soon :-(

23rd July 2009, 07:00
Photographic proof that swineflu affects 1 in 3 Filipinas.

Hope a cure is found soon :-(

I've had the usual flu very recently, I've contacted my Doctor by phone, I mentioned the whole swine flu thing and she laughed and said it barely exists!:icon_lol: I actually agree with her! She also said "but don't qoute me on that I may get into trouble!":icon_lol: We need to realize the media is like watching a movie, don't take it seriously!:icon_lol:

I suspect there are people making a lot of money out of the whole swine flu story..:doh The media is grossly irresponsible in my opinion..:NoNo: