View Full Version : Filipino Celebrities are often half white, half Filipino...why is it like that?

21st July 2009, 12:07
I've just read a story about Anne Curtis. She is a half Filipina half Australian girl who has been in a few Filipino movies...

According to media stories, Anne Curtis lived in Australia but visited Philippines at the age of 13. It is said that she was spotted by a talent scout when she visited a Jolliebee's! So talent scouts are deliberately seeking out mixed race Filipino's?:Erm:

Why is it that celebrities in Philippines tend to be half white, half Filipino..?

It seems Filipino's have MORE admiration for half white, half Filipino's than they do for what you might call pure blooded Filipino's..?:Erm:

Why is it like that? :)

21st July 2009, 12:16
Same thing in Thailand, it is the whiter skin thing:Erm:

I often think it is funny how so many Asian ladies wish to have whiter skin and white ladies would kill for a permanent tan:cwm34:

21st July 2009, 12:16
lol... it's the PUTI factor (the skin isn't too light nor too dark). :NoNo:

That's why Whitening products are too popular in the PI because of those celebrities:NoNo:

21st July 2009, 12:18
Because Nigel theres a lot of racial undertones in Pinas,thats the truth :xxgrinning--00xx3:Its one of the few countries in the world where a mixed-race child is held in higher esteem than an indiginous kid,look at all the newscasters and celebrities,the vast majority are mestiso,or have chinese blood,look at their version of Big Brother,all mestisos.Though it can swing the other way,I tried to enter my son into a baby contest once,as a kid he looked totally white with the most incredible eyes:xxgrinning--00xx3:(he took after his mum) I was told he couldnt enter because he wasnt pure pinoy :NoNo: I also know a pinay who had a child with a black american,nice kid,but the aunty said "Happy child,pity she looks like a monkey" :cwm24: its quite a racist country once you peel back the veneer and peek under it :NoNo:

21st July 2009, 12:22
It's because we are programmed to describe beauty or beautiful as those who are of mixed race/mestizoz/fair-skinned. Call it colonial mentality.

During the Spanish time, Filipinos are called Indios, which also meant poor, slaves, ugly, low class of people. The full-blooded Spaniards are regarded as the beautiful, rich, first class. The mixed race are the middle class (mostly) and they have been fighting to be recognized as Spaniards (that's the original intent of Rizal's work), to be first-class citizens. The mixed race took an effort to look like full-blooded Spaniards who are white and with well-chiseled nose, because they want to be treated as first class (take for example Doņa Victorina de los Reyes de Espadaņa - the wife of Don Tiburcio; a woman who pretends to be an Oropea (European woman)...

This mentally has been carried-on from generations until now.. but, nowadays most of our beauty queens are true Filipina beauties.. meaning, brown-skinned.. the likes of Precious Quigaman and Miriam Quiambao. But then, it is still in some Filipina minds that being fair-skinned is beautiful. Not one of them... I love my morena skin.

21st July 2009, 12:24
Because Nigel theres a lot of racial undertones in Pinas,thats the truth :xxgrinning--00xx3:Its one of the few countries in the world where a mixed-race child is held in higher esteem than an indiginous kid,look at all the newscasters and celebrities,the vast majority are mestiso,or have chinese blood,look at their version of Big Brother,all mestisos.Though it can swing the other way,I tried to enter my son into a baby contest once,as a kid he looked totally white with the most incredible eyes:xxgrinning--00xx3:(he took after his mum) I was told he couldnt enter because he wasnt pure pinoy :NoNo: I also know a pinay who had a child with a black american,nice kid,but the aunty said "Happy child,pity she looks like a monkey" :cwm24: its quite a racist country once you peel back the veneer and peek under it :NoNo:

Scary thought:cwm24: But I imagine that racism is an aspect of all countries. So, really it is only now that we are starting to move on as a people..

21st July 2009, 12:25
"Noli me Tangere" perfect explanation Florge :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2009, 12:27
I love my morena skin.


21st July 2009, 12:29
I often think it is funny how so many Asian ladies wish to have whiter skin and white ladies would kill for a permanent tan:cwm34:

Haha! It's something that b:Cuckoo:ggles my mind too! We have to recognize the magnificence of ourselves, both men and women, there's no point wishing we could be someone else, or something else, that's just...:Cuckoo:

I believe that we cannot recognize the beauty and magnificence of others until we've recognized the beauty and magnificence of ourselves..:rolleyes:

21st July 2009, 12:47
You never know Nigel,your child could be in the movies :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2009, 12:47
:NoNo::NoNo: It's like, you want, what you don't have

21st July 2009, 13:05
[QUOTE=Tawi2;155560] the aunty said "Happy child,pity she looks like a monkey" QUOTE]

That is a horrible remark to a child!!! :doh Crucify the aunt!

21st July 2009, 13:08
The thing I remember most about her saying that was it was so off-the-cuff,the other ladies looking at the child werent phased by her words,I was a little bit taken aback as until then I didnt realise the extent of the racism in pinas :Erm: I know theres a lot of stereotypes there,Indians are smelly,japanese are sadists etc,etc :Erm:

21st July 2009, 13:27
You never know Nigel,your child could be in the movies :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hahahaaaaaaaaa!:icon_lol: I'm not going to pretend the thought hasn't crossed my mind!:rolleyes:

21st July 2009, 13:57
thats the beauty combination of two differents blood filipino and other foreign people

21st July 2009, 14:28
You never know Nigel,your child could be in the movies :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hahahaaaaaaaaa!:icon_lol: I'm not going to pretend the thought hasn't crossed my mind!:rolleyes:

Kabuhayan! lol :doh:xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D

Mrs Daddy
21st July 2009, 14:56
That`s Philippines for you Nigel:D

21st July 2009, 16:29
Kabuhayan! lol :doh:xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D

My Vimvie plays guitar and sings as many filipina's do (I :cwm38:LOVE:cwm38: that about filipina's) but anyway I was hoping she would be a popstar!:) She could be another Sheryl Crow or Tracey Chapman! :rolleyes: She says she just plays guitar for fun though..hehe

21st July 2009, 16:32
My Vimvie plays guitar and sings as many filipina's do (I :cwm38:LOVE:cwm38: that about filipina's) but anyway I was hoping she would be a popstar!:) She could be another Sheryl Crow or Tracey Chapman! :rolleyes: She says she just plays guitar for fun though..hehe

Nice :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: I love those 2 :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2009, 16:50
Nice :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: I love those 2 :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

They're GREAT songwriters aren't they? That's a key thing I think, good strong songs...:9:

Is there any one on here that plays guitar? The reason I ask is because I have some nice recording equipment, and I just love to record people singing..:)

trader dave
21st July 2009, 16:55
i think myself and florge was having this debate a long time ago :icon_lol::icon_lol: about girls who want mixed race babys believing they are going to be film stars or politicians:NoNo::NoNo:

no further comment:action-smiley-081:

21st July 2009, 17:35
i think myself and florge was having this debate a long time ago :icon_lol::icon_lol: about girls who want mixed race babys believing they are going to be film stars or politicians:NoNo::NoNo:

no further comment:action-smiley-081:

Now if that was made public knowledge to most men in the UK, with just a few pictures of some stunning Filipinas... The female population of the Philippines would drop by 25%:D:D:D


22nd July 2009, 02:29
Its a funny old world, dark skinned people wanting to be "whiter" and blessed with a mixed race child - who will be held in high esteem.

At one time in the UK/USA mixed race kids were "halfcasts" and looked down on by both black and white
While half the female (and not a few of the male) population of the UK /USA etc,. spend a fortune of sun beds and spray tans trying to be more brown skinned than the average mid/far eastern races.

This Euro/Asain mix has always been "desireable" in women dont know about know but in my younger days they were "Eurasians" and had the lighter skin but the most beautiful long black hair and eyes to melt our heart.

22nd July 2009, 02:44
it seems ver few are comfortable with themselves

22nd July 2009, 09:00
I'm usually white....if I upset someone....I can turn black & blue within minutes :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd July 2009, 09:04
I'm usually white....if I upset someone....I can turn black & blue within minutes :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have no idea on what kind of creature is that.:Erm:

Me, when i was younger i've tried to join in the celebrity world, for some reason it wasn't successful:cwm3:

Arthur Little
22nd July 2009, 09:35
I've just read a story about Anne Curtis. She is a half Filipina half Australian girl who has been in a few Filipino movies...

Why is it that celebrities in Philippines tend to be half white, half Filipino..?

It's the result of Caucasian [predominantly American/Australian/European] influence, Nigel. :cwm12: e.g., the father of an elderly *relative of Myrna's was a native of San Diego, California ... and his mother, Filipina. Yet, oddly enough *this man has never left the Philippines. His granddaughter, however, was the winner of a beauty contest [Miss Fitrum] in Manila earlier this year.

Arthur Little
22nd July 2009, 09:41
Me, when i was younger i've tried to join in the celebrity world, for some reason it wasn't successful:cwm3:

Looking at your avatar, Anne, I'd have thought you could've doubled up as a daughter of Michael Jackson. Only kidding! :joke:

22nd July 2009, 10:40
They're GREAT songwriters aren't they?

Oh yes, i particularly love Sheryl Crow's "If it makes you happy" and Tracy Chapman's "Baby can i hold you tonight and Fast car" ......The best :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd July 2009, 15:16
Me, when i was younger i've tried to join in the celebrity world, for some reason it wasn't successful:cwm3:

Are you a singer Ladyj? Have I found the next Kitchie Nadal? :9:

22nd July 2009, 15:20
Oh yes, i particularly love Sheryl Crow's "If it makes you happy" and Tracy Chapman's "Baby can i hold you tonight and Fast car" ......The best :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:I like "Revolution" by Tracey Chapman, and "Difficult Kind" by Shery Crow, actually I like just about everything Sheryl Crow did!:xxgrinning--00xx3: She did a version of "Sweet Child Of Mine" that was good..:rolleyes:

22nd July 2009, 17:04
Are you a singer Ladyj? Have I found the next Kitchie Nadal? :9:

Wow, and you also know our very own kitchie nadal??? nice :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd July 2009, 17:06
actually I like just about everything Sheryl Crow did!:xxgrinning--00xx3: She did a version of "Sweet Child Of Mine" that was good..:rolleyes:

Hmmmm.....i prefer more the version of guns n roses, lol, i'm a bit of a rocker myself too, lol :D:D