View Full Version : So this is what you call summer lol

26th July 2009, 16:02

I'm now in UK, :yikes: soooo cold,but feel so great for after being apart almost a year, my mahal and I are together now with fiance visa.

Sorry for not posting right away been busy for sight seeing those very beautiful sceneries and buying wooly hats ect hehehe

26th July 2009, 16:05
This is the HEIGHT of our summer :D

26th July 2009, 16:28
welcome to the uk, lol, unpredictable weather :D:D:D

26th July 2009, 16:32
Helloooooooooooooooooo Pat, wow so your with your mahal now ha, where is your location

26th July 2009, 17:29
welcome to the UK PAT, hope u enjoy the summer because in a few weeks time it will be winter(kidding)...lol

26th July 2009, 17:37
UK UK UK!!!! hehe welcome here!

26th July 2009, 17:51
Yes and you must enjoy every day of it. We always go out on weekend as only few weeks more, It will be bloody cold again.
Just arrived from festival called GALA. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Enjoy summer:BouncyHappy::cwm12:

26th July 2009, 20:40
Yes and you must enjoy every day of it. We always go out on weekend as only few weeks more, It will be bloody cold again.
Just arrived from festival called GALA. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Enjoy summer:BouncyHappy::cwm12:

which place is that pen?nice pics huh!

trader dave
26th July 2009, 20:46
:omg: oooo u missed our summer heatwave:doh:doh mind you we could be like spain burning:cwm23::cwm23::icon_lol::icon_lol:

26th July 2009, 20:50
Is that your porsche Penny :cwm24:

26th July 2009, 21:09
which place is that pen?nice pics huh!

Dito din sa amin ehehehhe. Nice place talaga

Is that your porsche Penny :cwm24:

Just planning to buy it Tawi. I'm getting crazy now thinking where to get money to buy it:bigcry:

27th July 2009, 22:22
Welcome to the UK Pat :Hellooo: