View Full Version : collecting pictures from ex gfs

27th July 2009, 09:15
:)hi i was feel mad when i found my honey still collection ex pictures and i feel he still love them even they gone already on his life its hard for him to erase it.i saw that pictures on his pc when i was using on his pc and i want to confront him but maybe he will get so angry to me all i do is just keep crying:bigcry::bigcry::bigcr:bigcry:.what should i do?he still loves her until now or not?i need some help.

27th July 2009, 09:16
Tell him to print them off and use them as toilet paper to prove his love to you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2009, 09:21
Old girlfriends?Yesterdays news,I got a few pics of ex-girlfriends but only because of the locations we were in,Pyramids of Ghiza and Taj Mahal,the rest were binned,scrapped,deleted.If it really upsets you that much ask him about the pics,watch,if he loves you a click of the mouse and he will delete them :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2009, 09:39
:)hi i was feel mad when i found my honey still collection ex pictures and i feel he still love them even they gone already on his life its hard for him to erase it.i saw that pictures on his pc when i was using on his pc and i want to confront him but maybe he will get so angry to me all i do is just keep crying:bigcry::bigcry::bigcr:bigcry:.what should i do?he still loves her until now or not?i need some help.

Tell him how you feel about this whole thing - him keeping photos of his ex on his pc.........
Hear him out and weigh if his reasons are valid or not.....from there you decide what you think you should do....

27th July 2009, 09:40
hi lovelylady,

oh dear sorry u feel upset, but I think the best way is for the two of u to talk, tell him how you feel when uve learned that he's still keeping the pictures of his ex's and compromise what's the best thing to do though for me I dont mind at all if my hubby has a pictures of his ex. Those people has been a part of his life and I cannot change that, and I trust him and I know he loves me that's why he marries me..

Btw, we've got some thread like yours before maybe you want to read this one:


Mrs Daddy
27th July 2009, 09:40
I`ve been there and you must be proud of yourself gurl as they`re only ex`s as tawi said confront your bf and talk to him about it.I think that`s one of the pride of most men collecting gf`s photo:Erm:correct me if am wrong guys :dohbut they`re the past and your the present so dont focus yourself with it instead let your bf feel how lucky he is to have a present gf as nice as can be:D:D:D

27th July 2009, 09:44
No Mrs D,I dont keep old girlfriends pics,they were old news,past relationships,transient trysts,BUT working on the premise whats good for the goose is good for the gander LL should get some pics online of pinoy guys,put them in a folder,then show them to hubby,tell him they are YOUR ex's,check out HIS reaction :xxgrinning--00xx3:Remember,both persons in a relationship are equal,remind him of that :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
27th July 2009, 09:47
No Mrs D,I dont keep old girlfriends pics,they were old news,past relationships,transient trysts,BUT working on the premise whats good for the goose is good for the gander LL should get some pics online of pinoy guys,put them in a folder,then show them to hubby,tell him they are YOUR ex's,check out HIS reaction :xxgrinning--00xx3:Remember,both persons in a relationship are equal,remind him of that :xxgrinning--00xx3:

good advise tawi:xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D:D you`re not one of them then:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

27th July 2009, 09:50
Any woman would be hurt seeing some remnants of the past of the boyfriend.

Lovelylady, just be strong and take it as a challenge on your part. be that woman who let's him forget his past woman in life:)

27th July 2009, 09:52
Mrs D,if I had a woman who kept pics of Ex boyfriends thats exactly what I would do,collect as many pics as possible of the sexiest women imaginable in various stages of undress,stick them up as my screensavers,then tell my woman they were my Ex's and I need to keep reminders of them :icon_lol: Old relationships are just that,history,if your moving on and building a future together you look forward,not backwards :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
27th July 2009, 09:55
Mrs D,if I had a woman who kept pics of Ex boyfriends thats exactly what I would do,collect as many pics as possible of the sexiest women imaginable in various stages of undress,stick them up as my screensavers,then tell my woman they were my Ex's and I need to keep reminders of them :icon_lol: Old relationships are just that,history,if your moving on and building a future together you look forward,not backwards :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Indeed Tawi:xxgrinning--00xx3::D

27th July 2009, 09:56
No Mrs D,I dont keep old girlfriends pics,they were old news,past relationships,transient trysts,BUT working on the premise whats good for the goose is good for the gander LL should get some pics online of pinoy guys,put them in a folder,then show them to hubby,tell him they are YOUR ex's,check out HIS reaction :xxgrinning--00xx3:Remember,both persons in a relationship are equal,remind him of that :xxgrinning--00xx3:
hi tawi thank u for that advice i appreciate it but i already deleter the person who is past for me coz they not my present anymore.anyway my honey still want to collect and show to anyone of his friend

Mrs Daddy
27th July 2009, 09:59
Be strong Lovelady coz you are lovely as you are.Hold your head up high and be proud of yourself.:)

27th July 2009, 10:00
Showing his friends pics of past conquests is kind of disrespectful :Erm: and indicative of some form of inferiority complex seeking approval from his friends?How old is he?:Erm:Were his ex's pinays?:Erm:

27th July 2009, 10:02
hi lovelylady,

oh dear sorry u feel upset, but I think the best way is for the two of u to talk, tell him how you feel when uve learned that he's still keeping the pictures of his ex's and compromise what's the best thing to do though for me I dont mind at all if my hubby has a pictures of his ex. Those people has been a part of his life and I cannot change that, and I trust him and I know he loves me that's why he marries me..

Btw, we've got some thread like yours before maybe you want to read this one:

hi kim thanks for this site and i will going to face the reality that maybe that his hobby in life collecting pictures of his ex even its dirty pictures:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

27th July 2009, 10:05
hi tawi thank u for that advice i appreciate it but i already deleter the person who is past for me coz they not my present anymore.anyway my honey still want to collect and show to anyone of his friend

ask your honey why is he still holding on to some of his ex photos???
if he really loves you, he will consider your feelings........
and if he respects you enough, he will not just leave all those photo collections of his ex in in plain sight,
where the chance of you seeing them is very likely.......

27th July 2009, 10:05
Pornographic pics :cwm24: Can we see :xxgrinning--00xx3:Only kidding :icon_lol:But from my point of view thats disrespect,if your happy he treats you like that its fine,if you feel upset,slighted,offended then its showdown time,confront,tell him how you feel,if he loves you he will erase :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
27th July 2009, 10:07
collecting pictures of his ex even its dirty pictures:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

Oh dear!:dohdirty pictures :furious3:now that`s a different story you need to smash his pc:CompBuster: his naughty naughty:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

27th July 2009, 10:08
Showing his friends pics of past conquests is kind of disrespectful :Erm: and indicative of some form of inferiority complex seeking approval from his friends?How old is he?:Erm:Were his ex's pinays?:Erm:
yes its pinay 19 and his 48 tawi.i discover that b4 already but i only ignoring that but when ive know he sending pics of his ex to his friends just being proud that he got young b4.:yikes::bigcry:but i still young 25 but my point is he not keeping mostly good pictures but its dirty pictures:bigcry:

27th July 2009, 10:12
ask your honey why is he still holding on to some of his ex photos???
if he really loves you, he will consider your feelings........
and if he respects you enough, he will not just leave all those photo collections of his ex in in plain sight,
where the chance of you seeing them is very likely.......
i feel that he not respect me cause why he cant erase that dirty pictures:censored: of his ex then i found it i know he knows as well:doh:doh.he dont have feelings of what i really feel,he love to share to his friend to show off what they doing im just stay silent even i found already what his secret.:omg::omg::omg:

27th July 2009, 10:15
hi kim thanks for this site and i will going to face the reality that maybe that his hobby in life collecting pictures of his ex even its dirty pictures:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:
Hello lovelady, as I was reading through the post, I'm trying to recall if I ever got mad at my husband when I saw a few pictures of his ex's. I actually did not, and as a matter of fact, we get to talk about them once in a while. I don't see anything wrong with that. I just feel that they were my husband's friends as well as ex lovers. But these pictures are neatly kept, just like all the family photos -- and just a few pieces and certainly not a whole photo album.

But your last post is a bit alarming... keeping dirty pictures is certainly something else!!!! :NoNo::doh

27th July 2009, 10:15
He is going through a mid-life crisis :icon_lol:trying to show his friends he is still attractive to younger women,a 19 year old english "Girl"(and thats what she is) wouldnt even countenance a 48 year old :NoNo: he has a few issues,others may disagree but we all have different viewpoints and experiences,but the relationship your in sounds unhealthy in that he seems to have a distinct lack of respect for you :NoNo:

27th July 2009, 10:20
Make sure he doesnt take "Naughty" pics of you :cwm24:I might be reading the latest copy of "Asian babes" one day and see "Lovelylady":cwm24: centerfold spread :omg:

27th July 2009, 10:22
:)hi i was feel mad when i found my honey still collection ex pictures and i feel he still love them even they gone already on his life its hard for him to erase it.i saw that pictures on his pc when i was using on his pc and i want to confront him but maybe he will get so angry to me all i do is just keep crying:bigcry::bigcry::bigcr:bigcry:.what should i do?he still loves her until now or not?i need some help.


After reading a few posts...nobody has suggested the obvious solution..... simply delete them all...and dont forget to "empty" Recycle Bin ..or he can simply restore them.

How to delete: open the folder holding the pictures - click one to select it.
In the top menu..select EDIT...at the botton select SELECT ALL

On the left in that panel is a Red cross..double click to delete all.
OR if no side panel, Right Click the mouse button and select DELETE.

Double click RECYCLE BIN, Select FILE in top right menu bar, select EMPTY RECYCLE BIN.

Job done ..now sit back and smile!

27th July 2009, 10:25
One problem with that Arturo,LL has already said her husband might get angry,erasing them might cause a row :NoNo: its the obvious solution but it might trigger an adverse reaction,:NoNo:

27th July 2009, 10:26
i feel that he not respect me cause why he cant erase that dirty pictures:censored: of his ex then i found it i know he knows as well:doh:doh.he dont have feelings of what i really feel,he love to share to his friend to show off what they doing im just stay silent even i found already what his secret.:omg::omg::omg:

I suggest you don't keep silent, say something, tell him exactly how you feel...
If he keeps dirty pics of his ex's to show off to his friends, then clearly he has no respect for women....
He probably not only shows private photos to his friends, i bet he "kiss and tell" too...
and share some intimate stuff about his past women that should be kept private in the first place....

And chances are he might do thesame thing to you....as clearly he got some issues......
Sorry lovely lady, but i don't have respect and i'm really disgusted with men like this...
maybe you should think things through.....does this guy deserve you and is he worthy of your love at all........
Do not let him walk all over you and disrespect you....stand your ground and speak up....you deserve to be treated better.....

27th July 2009, 10:27
thank u all guys for some advice here:):):)

27th July 2009, 10:32
hi artur its easy to deleted them all but i know he still lots of dirty pictures copy that he hide,why some men like this and i hope he not going to send his friends coz i feel embarressed with that coz im his present now then maybe his friends think i only follow what he want that to let him sending dirty pictures of his ex.yes he get very angry im sure coz he said to say me **** off if he get angry:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

27th July 2009, 10:34
thank u all guys for some advice here:):):)

If ever the thought of those nude pics on his PC disturb you please feel free to send them all to me,and I will destroy them,even though they may shock me as I havent seen a naked 19 year old since I was in my youth :NoNo:

27th July 2009, 10:36
I suggest you don't keep silent, say something, tell him exactly how you feel...
If he keeps dirty pics of his ex's to show off to his friends, then clearly he has no respect for women....
He probably not only shows private photos to his friends, i bet he "kiss and tell" too...
and share some intimate stuff about his past women that should be kept private in the first place....

And chances are he might do thesame thing to you....as clearly he got some issues......
Sorry lovely lady, but i don't have respect and i'm really disgusted with men like this...
maybe you should think things through.....does this guy deserve you and is he worthy of your love at all........
Do not let him walk all over you and disrespect you....stand your ground and speak up....you deserve to be treated better.....
yes sophie ur right and i feel upset to him and only pretend im always ok but its not.yes his he not respect me as his wife.:NoNo::NoNo:maybe he still want to remember there past coz that is dirty pics what he got now.i hate to think about this coz he keep insist that exs only past but i not told him i found dirty pictures of his ex on pc.im sure he will to say **** OFF:doh:doh

27th July 2009, 10:43

After reading a few posts...nobody has suggested the obvious solution..... simply delete them all...and dont forget to "empty" Recycle Bin ..or he can simply restore them.

Personally, i don't think it's a good idea to just delete them behind his back....
those are his personal things, i will not just get rid of them without his knowledge.....
if there's anyone who should delete those photos, it has to be him....on his own initiative...not me
After all, if he really loves me, he would not do anything that would upset nor hurt me in any way....

27th July 2009, 10:46
nagool ko nga nagbasa kay nagpakarong ingnon ka diay nga malipayon ka:NoNo: Some western guys just go to places like pinas,thailand etc for a much younger woman they can dominate,dont be upset,chat to him,make him realise how upset you are.

Mrs Daddy
27th July 2009, 10:47
Personally, i don't think it's a good idea to just delete them behind his back....
those are his personal things, i will not just get rid of them without his knowledge.....
if there's anyone who should delete those photos, it has to be him....on his own initiative...not me
After all, if he really loves me, he would not do anything that would upset nor hurt me in any way....

I`ve just thought of that as well soph:Erm:

27th July 2009, 10:50
Personally, i don't think it's a good idea to just delete them behind his back....
those are his personal things, i will not just get rid of them without his knowledge.....
if there's anyone who should delete those photos, it has to be him....on his own initiative...not me
After all, if he really loves me, he would not do anything that would upset nor hurt me in any way....
I agree. Deleting pictures is just one thing anyways, but liking to keep dirty pictures is another and yet in fact the bigger issue.

27th July 2009, 10:51
I`ve just thought of that as well soph:Erm:


27th July 2009, 10:57
I agree. Deleting pictures is just one thing anyways, but liking to keep dirty pictures is another and yet in fact the bigger issue.

True :xxgrinning--00xx3:
If i have shown him enough respect by not deleting those photos behind his back,
then he should respect me thesame way, by deleting and getting rid of those photos himself.....voluntarily...
atleast he owe me that.....

27th July 2009, 11:32
hi kim thanks for this site and i will going to face the reality that maybe that his hobby in life collecting pictures of his ex even its dirty pictures:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

I think having pics of exes is ok, I even asked my boyfriend before to show me their pictures but naughty pictures are a different story. Why would he still keep them?

It made me concerned I just emailed my boyfriend asking him if he have those. He better not or else I will be very very hurt.

I hope you get to talk to him about it and it will be sorted out. Take care.xxx

27th July 2009, 11:52
I have thousands of slides from my life before I met my wife.
They go back to 1979 when I first bought a good camera, there are photos of everything: ships, birds, trees, mountains, people and some of ex-girlfriends too.

So, what do I have to do? Go through thousands of slides and throw away every picture of an ex.?

I think that is so childish.
IMO, I think we should all trust our husband or wife.
What is marriage if it is not based on trust and love.
I thought love is based on trust.
Mine is.

I wouldn't dream of looking at another woman in the street, whether I was with my wife or not.
I have told her this.
I have told her that even a naked Angel Locsin would not make me want to betray the love we have, or any other woman for that matter.
I think that anyone who cannot trust their loved one cannot trust themselves!

My friend is an amateur photographer. He takes pictures of naked ladies on photoshoots. He also takes amazing pictures of landscapes and sells them on his website.
When my wife met him he showed her his portfolio. He is a very good photographer and he loves his wife 100%

So, should he throw away his portfolio then?

There are people that cheat on each other every day in every country, they may not have photos of their ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends.

Having photographs on a pc or in print or on slides doesn't mean that the relationship is doomed.
I wouldn't ask my wife to watch them as I know she would not like it, but it is part of my past and means just that - past.

Openness and honesty keeps love alive.
IMO, we should talk to our loved ones and trust them above all.

27th July 2009, 15:07
One problem with that Arturo,LL has already said her husband might get angry,erasing them might cause a row :NoNo: its the obvious solution but it might trigger an adverse reaction,:NoNo:

Rubbish, if the loving husband found a stack of pix from a load of guys.... he would do as I suggested...delete them and remind his partner that those days are gone.

I am surprised he even keeps the pix - unless its to boost his ego.

I assume most if not all guys with a filipina GF/wife/partner collected lots of these pix. When the choice is made to settle down, its common decency to bin the failures. Its what I did...and a busload of stored emails.

Having made a commitment to the lady, what guy wants any reminder of others anyway.

Each to his own..but it seems odd to me, and the other thing I notice is the lady seems to live in fear of him being angry with her? She's his wife not his slave. Or am I just too old fashioned in my attitude to a lady.

27th July 2009, 15:15
Openness and honesty keeps love alive.
IMO, we should talk to our loved ones and trust them above all.

BUT the guy with the pix in the thread starter..is not being open and honest, his wife found them on his computer. Thats a form of deceit from him.
Open and honest is..."BTW darling I have a wagon load of photos on my computer of ladies before you - do you object".

And if she lives in fear of him being angry.....is that OK also?

I know I am not a kid any more but is this typical of todays standards.

27th July 2009, 15:17
hi kim thanks for this site and i will going to face the reality that maybe that his hobby in life collecting pictures of his ex even its dirty pictures:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

Dirty pictures? Meaning, nude ones and showing it to friends? wow! he sounds like the "still picture" version of Hayden Kho.

If he's just a bf, run away. If he's a husband.. well, think a thousand-fold if you want to spend the rest of your wonderful life with him.

But then, I may be wrong. As usual, my fair advice is to communicate/air your feelings with your man.

My bf didn't hesitate deleting his old gf's pics when I told him that I wasn't comfortable seeing them in his network page. That only shows he respects me. Hope your bf will do the same for you too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

trader dave
27th July 2009, 15:20
:omg: i have heard this ----- have you got pictures of your ex's :doh:doh ffs THEY ARE GONE PAST DECESSED:furious3: yes some guys do have pics of ex's girls get a life stop being so jealous:icon_lol::icon_lolYOUR HUSBAND MARRIED you THE PAST IS GONE :cwm23:

ALSO REMEMBER YOUR HUSBANDS MIGHT HAVE HAD CHILDREN WITH THOSE EX'S so dont expect him to throw away pictures if his children are in the pictures :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

and yes some guys do collect dirty pictures of there girlfriends

i heard one story where the guy still has pictures on the living room wall of his ex wife i think thats pushing it to far

27th July 2009, 15:22
Take a picture of his snoozing tadger and show it your friends! and laugh at how small it is!

trader dave
27th July 2009, 15:30
I have thousands of slides from my life before I met my wife.
They go back to 1979 when I first bought a good camera, there are photos of everything: ships, birds, trees, mountains, people and some of ex-girlfriends too.

So, what do I have to do? Go through thousands of slides and throw away every picture of an ex.?

I think that is so childish.
IMO, I think we should all trust our husband or wife.
What is marriage if it is not based on trust and love.
I thought love is based on trust.
Mine is.

I wouldn't dream of looking at another woman in the street, whether I was with my wife or not.
I have told her this.
I have told her that even a naked Angel Locsin would not make me want to betray the love we have, or any other woman for that matter.
I think that anyone who cannot trust their loved one cannot trust themselves!

My friend is an amateur photographer. He takes pictures of naked ladies on photoshoots. He also takes amazing pictures of landscapes and sells them on his website.
When my wife met him he showed her his portfolio. He is a very good photographer and he loves his wife 100%

So, should he throw away his portfolio then?

There are people that cheat on each other every day in every country, they may not have photos of their ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends.

Having photographs on a pc or in print or on slides doesn't mean that the relationship is doomed.
I wouldn't ask my wife to watch them as I know she would not like it, but it is part of my past and means just that - past.

Openness and honesty keeps love alive.
IMO, we should talk to our loved ones and trust them above all.

VERY WELL SAID THAT MAN :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

THE ONE PROBLEM WITH SOME FILIPINA IS THERE JEALOUS MINDS:icon_lol::icon_lol: but as it has been said ----if we are not jealous we dont love you FFS:icon_lol:

27th July 2009, 15:31
Personally, i don't think it's a good idea to just delete them behind his back....
those are his personal things, i will not just get rid of them without his knowledge.....
if there's anyone who should delete those photos, it has to be him....on his own initiative...not me
After all, if he really loves me, he would not do anything that would upset nor hurt me in any way....

To be honest the post was originally a bit tongue in cheek. But on reflection and seeing that no post have addressd the commenst about being afraid he will be angry with her. Surely she had a right to be angry with him!

The pictures may have the ex in front of the Taj Mahal - does he want to be reminded of that?

I am also assuming these particular pictures are not - in the main - tourist /holiday photo's - and may be "Contact" photo's.

And although its been suggested...the lady is obviously not confident that bringing the matter to the husband for discussion is going to get very far.

Mutual trust and openess are the only way for a successful relationship....IMHO!

27th July 2009, 15:38
Calm down arturo,I am the one with the Taj Mahal pics,and I was defending the lady,she lives in fear of him,read her posts,any guy in his late 40's with pics of a 19 year old in the nude laughing and giggling about his "Conquests" with his friends to boost his ego is a bit sad but thats just my opinion,I do think the anger issues is something that needs sorting though :Erm:

27th July 2009, 16:07
VERY WELL SAID THAT MAN :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

THE ONE PROBLEM WITH SOME FILIPINA IS THERE JEALOUS MINDS:icon_lol::icon_lol: but as it has been said ----if we are not jealous we dont love you FFS:icon_lol:

LOL, very true, you be very scared if your wife doesn't get jealous at all or anymore.....
that could mean she doesn't really give a damn about you and doesn't really love you or doesn't love you anymore, lol :D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

27th July 2009, 16:10
Take a picture of his snoozing tadger and show it your friends! and laugh at how small it is!

very clever idea :xxgrinning--00xx3: a good payback, lol :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

27th July 2009, 16:24
To be honest the post was originally a bit tongue in cheek. But on reflection and seeing that no post have addressd the commenst about being afraid he will be angry with her. Surely she had a right to be angry with him!

The pictures may have the ex in front of the Taj Mahal - does he want to be reminded of that?

I am also assuming these particular pictures are not - in the main - tourist /holiday photo's - and may be "Contact" photo's.

And although its been suggested...the lady is obviously not confident that bringing the matter to the husband for discussion is going to get very far.

Mutual trust and openess are the only way for a successful relationship....IMHO!

I agree :xxgrinning--00xx3:
They should discuss this properly and she should not be scared to raise this issue, she has all the right to question him about those dirty photos....
She cannot "bite her tongue" forever and just pretend to be ok even if she's uncomfortable and hurting inside....it's not fair.....

Maybe i can tolerate my hubby keeping some stockpiles of angelina jolie, pamela anderson, carmen electra photos and other celebrities.......
but if he is piling up stocks of photos of his ex's, then that's a different story, lol....specially if they were dirty photos.....no way! lol :D

27th July 2009, 16:50
LOL, very true, you be very scared if your wife doesn't get jealous at all or anymore.....
that could mean she doesn't really give a damn about you and doesn't really love you or doesn't love you anymore, lol :D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

sooo very true, Sophie! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i think i'm one of those with "ex-girlfriend jealousy syndrome" :D my hunny & I had some not-so-good moments because of my major jealousy problem..i would always tell him to be happy that im still jealous because it only means im so much inlove with him otherwise i wouldn't give a damn! well, it took time to develop the trust & confidence..until one day i've decided & needed to stop being jealous and curious about his ex and instead live in the moment..i stopped thinking about her and our relationship got better.

i understand that every guy, no matter what, has an ex-gf and keeping mementos of his past is sometimes inevitable (there might be a reason) but keeping nude/dirty photos of his ex-gf is a different story.

27th July 2009, 16:56
I agree :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Maybe i can tolerate my hubby keeping some stockpiles of angelina jolie, pamela anderson, carmen electra photos and other celebrities.......
but if he is piling up stocks of photos of his ex's, then that's a different story, lol....specially if they were dirty photos.....no way! lol :D

exactly! i don't mind my hunny keeping pics/vids of gorgeous celebs as i myself got pics of Brad Pitt, David beckham & Theo Walcott :icon_lol: but dirty photos of an ex-gf..is a big NO! :NoNo::cwm23::NoNo:

27th July 2009, 17:10
sooo very true, Sophie! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i think i'm one of those with "ex-girlfriend jealousy syndrome" :D my hunny & I had some not-so-good moments because of my major jealousy problem..i would always tell him to be happy that im still jealous because it only means im so much inlove with him otherwise i wouldn't give a damn! well, it took time to develop the trust & confidence..until one day i've decided & needed to stop being jealous and curious about his ex and instead live in the moment..i stopped thinking about her and our relationship got better.

i understand that every guy, no matter what, has an ex-gf and keeping mementos of his past is sometimes inevitable (there might be a reason) but keeping nude/dirty photos of his ex-gf is a different story.

same here :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D

27th July 2009, 17:12
exactly! i don't mind my hunny keeping pics/vids of gorgeous celebs as i myself got pics of Brad Pitt, David beckham & Theo Walcott :icon_lol: but dirty photos of an ex-gf..is a big NO! :NoNo::cwm23::NoNo:

Yeah, we are guilty of thesame thing too, lol :D:D
and i so have the hots for brad pitt too, lol :D:D:D:D:D

27th July 2009, 17:19
i feel that he not respect me cause why he cant erase that dirty pictures:censored: of his ex then i found it i know he knows as well:doh:doh.he dont have feelings of what i really feel,he love to share to his friend to show off what they doing im just stay silent even i found already what his secret.:omg::omg::omg:

let him realise that you are better than his ex... show that you are to respected and those dirty pictures should not be passed to anyone. He doesnt only disrespect you...he is a well dis respecting himself. Dont show your weakness (dont cry). Talk to him and make him understand your feelings and let it sink in to his mind that he doesnt need those pictures as he found a better lady which is you.

cheer up

27th July 2009, 17:44
:)hi i was feel mad when i found my honey still collection ex pictures and i feel he still love them even they gone already on his life its hard for him to erase it.i saw that pictures on his pc when i was using on his pc and i want to confront him but maybe he will get so angry to me all i do is just keep crying:bigcry::bigcry::bigcr:bigcry:.what should i do?he still loves her until now or not?i need some help.

Hi lovelylady! I can understand why you are feeling this way. Cheer up coz u're lovely :)

We all feel weird about our partner's exes and that's just normal. I find it WEIRD that ur hubby is keeping "dirty" photos of his ex :Erm: :NoNo: talk to him about it...it's no good hiding the pain. Let him know how u feel. Have a good talk with him. In every relationship, COMMUNICATION is very important. he should care about how you feel but if he doesn't, you know what, i'm afraid he's probably not worth your love...:NoNo::NoNo:

27th July 2009, 17:49
and i so have the hots for brad pitt too, lol :D:D:D:D:D

do u mind sharing??:icon_lol: LOL :icon_lol:

27th July 2009, 18:27
hi lovelylady,
well, that not very good then,, i dont have an idea why he still collecting dirty pics of his ex-gf...my advice is confront him,,in that way you will see if how important you are in his life,,if he going to delete it well, that means he really loves you..but if not and give you a row instead, obviously that dirty pics of his ex gf are more important to him than you in short he still love his ex gf because his proud of it and keep showing it to his friends...as there is the saying " if you love the person you must be proud of them " hehe, thats in my own opinion ok....
so try to confront your bf, so that you will know what you are in his life..

27th July 2009, 19:05
do u mind sharing??:icon_lol: LOL :icon_lol:

by all means :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: lol :D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

27th July 2009, 20:05
BUT the guy with the pix in the thread starter..is not being open and honest, his wife found them on his computer. Thats a form of deceit from him.
Open and honest is..."BTW darling I have a wagon load of photos on my computer of ladies before you - do you object".

And if she lives in fear of him being angry.....is that OK also?

I know I am not a kid any more but is this typical of todays standards.

Yes, you have two good points there, Arturo.
I suppose he got caught out with the photos instead of coming clean.

So sad for anyone to live in fear :NoNo:
I live in fear of my wife's disapproving look.
I mean I quake in my boots.......what was it about Asian ladies being submissive :cwm24: My wife stops me in my tracks with a look at 30 paces :Help1:

27th July 2009, 20:27
thank u all of u guys for the good opinion here:)yes i have fear to him if he get angry but we are married i cant get rid of him:NoNo::NoNo:i keep upbringing this problem w/ him i got now until forever coz im sure he dont like to erase the ditry pictures cause he love too his very proud with that than me.:bigcry::bigcry:this my life maybe

27th July 2009, 20:33
do u mind sharing??:icon_lol: LOL :icon_lol:
i cant share w/ u coz its for adults only and u will be shock:omg::omg:

27th July 2009, 21:33
i cant share w/ u coz its for adults only and u will be shock:omg::omg:

Brad Pitt once said he had a tiny :icon_tonguew: - sorry to disappoint you ladies.
Maybe he was only joking though, please don't show me the proof :yikes:

27th July 2009, 23:14
i have all my ex gfs photos and even some movies of them with me..and my wife doesnt mind one bit???? :Erm:

oh i havent told her yet about them :rolleyes:

i wonder how jealous and mad she will get..oh i already know the answer,she will go :furious3: :censored: :furious3: im off to delete them :icon_lol:

tell him how you feel,he may of just forgot about them,i had stuff on my pc i never remembered was there even before i met my wife and ask him why he still as them? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th July 2009, 05:54
:)hi i was feel mad when i found my honey still collection ex pictures and i feel he still love them even they gone already on his life its hard for him to erase it.i saw that pictures on his pc when i was using on his pc and i want to confront him but maybe he will get so angry to me all i do is just keep crying:bigcry::bigcry::bigcr:bigcry:.what should i do?he still loves her until now or not?i need some help.

Confront him without anger and let him tell his story. Often times, the past is part of our lives.

28th July 2009, 06:27
Why not do psycho reverse Lovelylady? Tell him you have seen his ex photos and you've found her beautiful, sexy etc. and see his reactions. :D He will surely says you are most sexy and beautiful. :xxgrinning--00xx3: But not to worry about it as you are the present which is the most importand and she is his past.

I tried to dig all my hubby's cabinets and drawers to look for his ex-wife photos but had no luck. I tried to click his FAVOURITES in his laptop and PC but have seen loads of internet games only:D. I asked him where are your ex photos? But he said don't mention the slapper.:Brick: He is divorced with his wife for 15 years when i married him.

28th July 2009, 08:03
Why not do psycho reverse Lovelylady? Tell him you have seen his ex photos and you've found her beautiful, sexy etc. and see his reactions. :D He will surely says you are most sexy and beautiful. :xxgrinning--00xx3: But not to worry about it as you are the present which is the most importand and she is his past.

I tried to dig all my hubby's cabinets and drawers to look for his ex-wife photos but had no luck. I tried to click his FAVOURITES in his laptop and PC but have seen loads of internet games only:D. I asked him where are your ex photos? But he said don't mention the slapper.:Brick: He is divorced with his wife for 15 years when i married him.its not only a good pictures of his ex gfs i found its dirty pictures:omg::omg:thats why i feel upset to him.:NoNo:i tell him already why he collecting w/that pictures that im his present but he said its part of his collecting i express him how i feel when i found out but he not give me a valid reason:doh:dohi dont really know what shall i do.:Brick:if i only found a pictures of his ex thats not a dirty pictures maybe i accept w/that coz that is only his past but dirty pictures is different issue.:angry::angry:
i know guys u feel what i feel its hurt coz he not given a valid reason why he collecting dirty pictures:bigcry::bigcry:thank u to all of u

28th July 2009, 08:10
i have all my ex gfs photos and even some movies of them with me..and my wife doesnt mind one bit???? :Erm:

oh i havent told her yet about them :rolleyes:

i wonder how jealous and mad she will get..oh i already know the answer,she will go :furious3: :censored: :furious3: im off to delete them :icon_lol:

tell him how you feel,he may of just forgot about them,i had stuff on my pc i never remembered was there even before i met my wife and ask him why he still as them? :xxgrinning--00xx3:i told him a few days ago after i found the pictures w/a slow voice so that he not get angry to me but he told me his part of his collecting a dirty pictures of his ex what he doing to him:censored::censored::censored:and he explain me but its not really a in valid reason and he getting very angry while he explain it to me:bigcry::bigcry:i cant get rid of him coz we are married but i told him he will going to erase that one???????? but he not answered me:angry::angry:he sound he dont like too....

28th July 2009, 08:41
Calm down arturo,I am the one with the Taj Mahal pics,and I was defending the lady,she lives in fear of him,read her posts,any guy in his late 40's with pics of a 19 year old in the nude laughing and giggling about his "Conquests" with his friends to boost his ego is a bit sad but thats just my opinion,I do think the anger issues is something that needs sorting though :Erm:

"Taj Mahal" came out as an example of a tourist pic, it must have stuck in my head after reading your post!"

As in all thing written in any forum, its basically one opinion off setting another opinion!

Perhaps being a "senior" person, my values are, today - a bit old fashioned.

I have - and shown - my lady in Manila, photos of my late wife and she her late husband. This is a life situation and different from storing the ex, on a computer.

Judgementally, ( perhaps totally wrong) I assumed the photo's were the contact photo from websites or agencies and or pics gained during meetings in PI. Even so, I see no reason to keep them after a marriage.
After all its not a friends and family scenario or even a travels around the world tourist collection.

When Ella and me committed to each other, I was still getting emails and YM from "ex ladies".
So I deleted every photo and email and started a new email/YM ID for me and Ella to use uninterupted!

I have found the filipina to be, ( in the main coz there is alway the odd one!) - trusting , loving and loyal.
So I think they deserve the same in return.

As I said, its just my opinion and I accept not everybody will agree with me.

But losing a bunch of pix is better than waking up to a demented banshee who just did a "Bobbit" !

28th July 2009, 08:45
Thats true arturo,I much prefer standing to have an ihi than sitting on the toilet :icon_lol: But after a marriage there really is no reason to keep nude and probably tasteless pics of a 19 year old kid which causes upset and distress to your wife.

28th July 2009, 08:45
Why not do psycho reverse Lovelylady? Tell him you have seen his ex photos and you've found her beautiful, sexy etc. and see his reactions. :D He will surely says you are most sexy and beautiful. :xxgrinning--00xx3: But not to worry about it as you are the present which is the most importand and she is his past.

I tried to dig all my hubby's cabinets and drawers to look for his ex-wife photos but had no luck. I tried to click his FAVOURITES in his laptop and PC but have seen loads of internet games only:D. I asked him where are your ex photos? But he said don't mention the slapper.:Brick: He is divorced with his wife for 15 years when i married him.

Well done that man!

The past should be behind you....not looking at pix of her behind!:)

28th July 2009, 08:53
Thats true arturo,I much prefer standing to have an ihi than sitting on the toilet :icon_lol: But after a marriage there really is no reason to keep nude and probably tasteless pics of a 19 year old kid which causes upset and distress to your wife.:xxgrinning--00xx3:i agree with tawi thats is right u dont need to keep dirty pictures of ur ex gfs its not wife if u have a new wife now and im still young 25.but i live my life with fearness of my husband even im right he keep insist im wrong...:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::dohthank u

Mrs Daddy
28th July 2009, 09:38
I have thousands of slides from my life before I met my wife.
They go back to 1979 when I first bought a good camera, there are photos of everything: ships, birds, trees, mountains, people and some of ex-girlfriends too.

So, what do I have to do? Go through thousands of slides and throw away every picture of an ex.?

I think that is so childish.
IMO, I think we should all trust our husband or wife.
What is marriage if it is not based on trust and love.
I thought love is based on trust.
Mine is.

I wouldn't dream of looking at another woman in the street, whether I was with my wife or not.
I have told her this.
I have told her that even a naked Angel Locsin would not make me want to betray the love we have, or any other woman for that matter.
I think that anyone who cannot trust their loved one cannot trust themselves!

My friend is an amateur photographer. He takes pictures of naked ladies on photoshoots. He also takes amazing pictures of landscapes and sells them on his website.
When my wife met him he showed her his portfolio. He is a very good photographer and he loves his wife 100%

So, should he throw away his portfolio then?

There are people that cheat on each other every day in every country, they may not have photos of their ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends.

Having photographs on a pc or in print or on slides doesn't mean that the relationship is doomed.
I wouldn't ask my wife to watch them as I know she would not like it, but it is part of my past and means just that - past.

Openness and honesty keeps love alive.
IMO, we should talk to our loved ones and trust them above all.

very well said mike I salute you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th July 2009, 13:54
Flowers, champange, apology, nice big dinner, new dress, new shoes. He should be grovelling at yer feet and saying sorryyyy.

Wedding vows...To love, to honour.

Tell him what you expect. No pictures of naked women! HES GOT YOU!

If he is sexually frustrated he should talk. A collection of pictures is really wrong. Obviously he does not think you are as naughty as his ex. He is comparing you to her. That is totally wrong. If he had something about his ex that he liked.

He obviously needs something. Why is he sal sal? Don't tell me he not. That why he keep the pictures. He is doing it when you not around I think. Ask him why he needs photos when he has a real wife?

Ask about what he wants. You are his wife, and he if needs rumpy pumpy, he will get it from YOU. Otherwise he is a right ******!

28th July 2009, 15:00
:angry:i told him a few days ago after i found the pictures w/a slow voice so that he not get angry to me but he told me his part of his collecting a dirty pictures of his ex what he doing to him:censored::censored::censored:and he explain me but its not really a in valid reason and he getting very angry while he explain it to me:bigcry::bigcry:i cant get rid of him coz we are married but i told him he will going to erase that one???????? but he not answered me:angry::angry:he sound he dont like too....

hi lovelylady,

hi and welcome to the forum. may i ask how long have you been together? have you got kids? my ex british husband was the same and i didn't know that he got an obsession of keeping naked pics of woman (be his ex etc etc) after 3 - 4 mos of us getting married, i went to the spare room and found a vertical file of hundreds and thousands of pics of naked girls. i confronted him which ended up in domestic violence. police we're called etc etc, police showed me other pics that makes you feel so ashamed, obviously everything turned sour, and i never looked back eversince that incident happened, i said to myself good riddance (it's a good thing my kids we're not with me at that time). i am not saying yours will be the same but you need to be really careful, if he can't get rid of it then there is really something wrong; perhaps you need to asess your situation and move on. goodluck.

28th July 2009, 15:13
thank u all of u guys for the good opinion here:)yes i have fear to him if he get angry but we are married i cant get rid of him:NoNo::NoNo:i keep upbringing this problem w/ him i got now until forever coz im sure he dont like to erase the ditry pictures cause he love too his very proud with that than me.:bigcry::bigcry:this my life maybe

Ohhh. I'm sorry to hear that. It really made me sad to hear about your story as if I were in your situation I don't know what I'd so. I hope everything will be sorted out. (HUG)

Take care.xxx

28th July 2009, 16:29
Flowers, champange, apology, nice big dinner, new dress, new shoes. He should be grovelling at yer feet and saying sorryyyy.

Wedding vows...To love, to honour.

Tell him what you expect. No pictures of naked women! HES GOT YOU!

If he is sexually frustrated he should talk. A collection of pictures is really wrong. Obviously he does not think you are as naughty as his ex. He is comparing you to her. That is totally wrong. If he had something about his ex that he liked.

He obviously needs something. Why is he sal sal? Don't tell me he not. That why he keep the pictures. He is doing it when you not around I think. Ask him why he needs photos when he has a real wife?

Ask about what he wants. You are his wife, and he if needs rumpy pumpy, he will get it from YOU. Otherwise he is a right ******!

Salsal :icon_lol:Heyyyyy,less of that mucky talk :icon_lol: He cant be sexually frustrated,he has a 25 year old wife,he cant even keep up with her :icon_lol:he is in his late 40's :Erm: Besides,he shows the pics to his mates,what does that tell you?Ego booster :rolleyes:

28th July 2009, 16:51
my bf got rid of his porn dvds when he met me... he doesn't need any woman to fantasize about but me... hehehe...

Lovelylady, I had expected that he will do the same (throw/delete) with the ex gf's pics but he didn't. Oh boy... you need a lot of discussing to do. I agree with gary2jessica.. he obviously needs something and both of you should talk about it.

I do wish that your case won't end up with aphrodite's case before... but, if after all the discussion and things aren't changing... you would have to decide it you are willing to go on with this, or not.

I wish you all the best.

28th July 2009, 18:22
Salsal :icon_lol:Heyyyyy,less of that mucky talk :icon_lol: He cant be sexually frustrated,he has a 25 year old wife,he cant even keep up with her :icon_lol:he is in his late 40's :Erm: Besides,he shows the pics to his mates,what does that tell you?Ego booster :rolleyes:

But there is the key. Why keep them at all?Once you show to your mates for a laugh. then delete? Besides, I am not gonna show you a picture of Jessica ass if I break up with her am I? You just have to get a naked lady- the hard way like I did! I think this topic deserves another thread. PORN- why do men use it. and what affect it has on partners. That would be a eye-opener.

28th July 2009, 19:05
I can just imagine the apology...Over the past months I have forwarded funny pictures and jokes to friends who I thought shared the same sense of humour.

Unfortunately this wasn't the case and I seem to have upset quite a few people who have accused me of being sexist and shallow. If you were one of these people, please accept my humble apologies.

From now on I will only send emails with a cultural or educational content such as old monuments, nature and other interesting structures.

Below, you'll find a picture of the Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris .

For those of you who are interested, Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge in Paris and took 26 years to build. Construction began in 1578 and ended in 1604. 'Le Pont Neuf' is actually made of 2 independent bridges, one with seven arches and the other with five arches.


28th July 2009, 19:34
What bridge :Erm:

28th July 2009, 21:16
Below, you'll find a picture of the Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris .

For those of you who are interested, Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge in Paris and took 26 years to build. Construction began in 1578 and ended in 1604. 'Le Pont Neuf' is actually made of 2 independent bridges, one with seven arches and the other with five arches.

Nice view gary - of the bridge, lol :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

28th July 2009, 21:43
yes sophie ur right and i feel upset to him and only pretend im always ok but its not.yes his he not respect me as his wife.:NoNo::NoNo:maybe he still want to remember there past coz that is dirty pics what he got now.i hate to think about this coz he keep insist that exs only past but i not told him i found dirty pictures of his ex on pc.im sure he will to say **** OFF:doh:doh

So sorry to hear of this my dear:NoNo:
Is difficult to suggest anything to you, not knowing you guys personally!
If he is abusive towards you, and I hope not, then you have other options open to you!
I assume that you are married, and live in the UK?
Do you have you ILR yet??
I am not suggesting anything at this stage, but if he is being rude to you telling you to Pi** of, then after you get your leave to remain( maybe you already have it) then you can tell him likewise.
I got hurt pretty bad recently also, and NEVER did anything like this to my ex.

Whatever happens in life I wish you all the very best, and as other members have said here, keep you head up, and stick up for yourself, and don't let anyone bully you!!

29th July 2009, 00:46
:action-smiley-081: nice pic gary........ do you have one that shows the front.. not just the ass:icon_lol:

29th July 2009, 02:14
I think this topic deserves another thread. PORN- why do men use it. and what affect it has on partners. That would be a eye-opener.

hmnn, i think not only men use or watch porn :D some women i guess are guilty of using/watching porn...am i right? :)

trader dave
29th July 2009, 04:56
i have all my ex gfs photos and even some movies of them with me..and my wife doesnt mind one bit???? :Erm:

oh i havent told her yet about them :rolleyes:

i wonder how jealous and mad she will get..oh i already know the answer,she will go :furious3: :censored: :furious3: im off to delete them :icon_lol:

tell him how you feel,he may of just forgot about them,i had stuff on my pc i never remembered was there even before i met my wife and ask him why he still as them? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

funny that i had to delete mine yesterday mrs T has to many spys on here:NoNo::NoNo::Hellooo::Hellooo: hello you know who you are:peepwall::appl:

trader dave
29th July 2009, 04:59
hmnn, i think not only men use or watch porn :D some women i guess are guilty of using/watching porn...am i right? :)

many couples watch porn dont you:icon_lol::Sex::23_116_6[1]:

29th July 2009, 06:51
its not only a good pictures of his ex gfs i found its dirty pictures:omg::omg:thats why i feel upset to him.:NoNo:i tell him already why he collecting w/that pictures that im his present but he said its part of his collecting i express him how i feel when i found out but he not give me a valid reason:doh:dohi dont really know what shall i do.:Brick:if i only found a pictures of his ex thats not a dirty pictures maybe i accept w/that coz that is only his past but dirty pictures is different issue.:angry::angry:
i know guys u feel what i feel its hurt coz he not given a valid reason why he collecting dirty pictures:bigcry::bigcry:thank u to all of u

Whaaat?:omg: :bigcry:

Well done that man!

The past should be behind you....not looking at pix of her behind!:)

Thanks Arturo:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I can just imagine the apology...Over the past months I have forwarded funny pictures and jokes to friends who I thought shared the same sense of humour.

Unfortunately this wasn't the case and I seem to have upset quite a few people who have accused me of being sexist and shallow. If you were one of these people, please accept my humble apologies.

From now on I will only send emails with a cultural or educational content such as old monuments, nature and other interesting structures.

Below, you'll find a picture of the Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris .

For those of you who are interested, Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge in Paris and took 26 years to build. Construction began in 1578 and ended in 1604. 'Le Pont Neuf' is actually made of 2 independent bridges, one with seven arches and the other with five arches.


Good posing eh:icon_lol:

What bridge :Erm:

You appreciate man made views than nature?

29th July 2009, 07:34
Whaaat?:omg: :bigcry:

Thanks Arturo:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good posing eh:icon_lol:

You appreciate man made views than nature?


I was last in Paris in 1997 - timelined as about 2 weeks before Diana-Gate.

I am a "keen" photographer having worked as a semi pro or freelance and was at one time contracted to supply car pix to magazines.

I have some excellelant views of many places in and around Paris, the shot you show is slighly different from those in my collection.
I dont recall seeing that pontoon when I was there...:NoNo:

29th July 2009, 07:40
:xxgrinning--00xx3:i agree with tawi thats is right u dont need to keep dirty pictures of ur ex gfs its not wife if u have a new wife now and im still young 25.but i live my life with fearness of my husband even im right he keep insist im wrong...:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry::dohthank u

I hate saying this.....but...... if its going pear shaped now over a few pix, its not going to be an happy train ride.

When trust goes..... its downhill from there on.

29th July 2009, 07:41
many couples watch porn dont you:icon_lol::Sex::23_116_6[1]:

I have to confess.. I dont watch porn films.

I am not a prude.... I just dont have any!!!

29th July 2009, 07:46
Ohhh. I'm sorry to hear that. It really made me sad to hear about your story as if I were in your situation I don't know what I'd so. I hope everything will be sorted out. (HUG)

Take care.xxx:Hellooo:thank u so much friend but i not just let this situition getting worse in my whole life but i only call the above coz his the best to sorted out this kind of problems family trouble.thanks for the hug:):)i know it will be sorted out one day...thank u again:BouncyHappy:

29th July 2009, 07:56
thank u all OF U guyS for ur all different kinds of opinion here and its helps also thAt i get idea what should i do with my husband.:):)we are already 2yrs and 4 months in relationship and enjoy married life when im not yet found the dirty pictures on his pc:):)i will going to tell him i can do more of his ex gf done to him so that he was feel happy and forget his ex gf what they done b4:doh:dohi think thats mens like im sure makes them so much happy with that things never to mentioned guys coz u know what i mean:censored::censored::censored::omg:many learn and realize also about my problems:icon_lol::icon_lol:ONCE AGAIN thank u all of u here for the concern.take care also to all of u:):):)

29th July 2009, 17:02
many couples watch porn dont you:icon_lol::Sex::23_116_6[1]:

yes I DID watch some :omg: i probably watched more than him :icon_lol::omg:

trader dave
29th July 2009, 17:46
with all these different opions at the end of the day what couples do in the private lifes is there concern as long as both partys are in agreement ,if you are not in agreement WELL FECKING TALK ABOUT IT:Erm:

one thing that amazed me was when you girls go to the cfo interview they tell some story about a foregne husband taking dirty pictures of his wife ?????

that made my blood boil :furious3::icon_lol: i am sure there are more important things to inform the filipina of when they are coming new a NEW LIFE IN A NEW COUNTRY :Bolt:

it saddens me when i hear storys of the filipina has run away ffs i find it amazing that a couple can be together for years the lady has got here they been through the torment of the ldr then once she is settled here its good night vienna STRANGE

29th July 2009, 18:24
with all these different opions at the end of the day what couples do in the private lifes is there concern as long as both partys are in agreement ,if you are not in agreement WELL FECKING TALK ABOUT IT:Erm:

one thing that amazed me was when you girls go to the cfo interview they tell some story about a foregne husband taking dirty pictures of his wife ?????

that made my blood boil :furious3::icon_lol: i am sure there are more important things to inform the filipina of when they are coming new a NEW LIFE IN A NEW COUNTRY :Bolt:

it saddens me when i hear storys of the filipina has run away ffs i find it amazing that a couple can be together for years the lady has got here they been through the torment of the ldr then once she is settled here its good night vienna STRANGE

why dave you have same problem about collectiong dirty pictures of ur ex gf as well?:yikes::yikes:why your blood boil coz u dont like that she knows you have and if she know im sure its big trouble :cwm23::cwm23:

trader dave
29th July 2009, 18:32
I can just imagine the apology...Over the past months I have forwarded funny pictures and jokes to friends who I thought shared the same sense of humour.

Unfortunately this wasn't the case and I seem to have upset quite a few people who have accused me of being sexist and shallow. If you were one of these people, please accept my humble apologies.

From now on I will only send emails with a cultural or educational content such as old monuments, nature and other interesting structures.

Below, you'll find a picture of the Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris .

For those of you who are interested, Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge in Paris and took 26 years to build. Construction began in 1578 and ended in 1604. 'Le Pont Neuf' is actually made of 2 independent bridges, one with seven arches and the other with five arches.


:yikes: when did mrs t go there:peepwall::smileybigangry: the pink lady

trader dave
29th July 2009, 18:38
why dave you have same problem about collectiong dirty pictures of ur ex gf as well?:yikes::yikes:why your blood boil coz u dont like that she knows you have and if she know im sure its big trouble :cwm23::cwm23:

no our relationship is open honest and most of all we dont worry about minor issues like that :erotic4:

29th July 2009, 18:44

no our relationship is open honest and most of all we dont worry about minor issues like that :erotic4:
wow what a nice relationship you've got:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:hopefully we are same as that also with my husband:NoNo::NoNo:but he never told me before about dirty pictures i only found in his pc when i using it :censored:i hope ur wifey cant find same as what i found:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

trader dave
29th July 2009, 20:00
wow what a nice relationship you've got:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:hopefully we are same as that also with my husband:NoNo::NoNo:but he never told me before about dirty pictures i only found in his pc when i using it :censored:i hope ur wifey cant find same as what i found:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

no we dont worry about that we have our own pictures and videos :icon_lol::xxparty-smiley-004::xxparty-smiley-004::luv4:

29th July 2009, 20:11
my bf got rid of his porn dvds when he met me... he doesn't need any woman to fantasize about but me... hehehe....

I talk to many men and they tell me that Porn videos can enhance a marriage or relationship.
Ladies buy them a lot too, but not always in public.
For every baby made it takes two to tango :Rasp:

29th July 2009, 20:21
Well done that man!

The past should be behind you....not looking at pix of her behind!:)

As the B52's sang

"I need to leave my past behind
I need to leave my behind in the past" :omg: :icon_lol:

29th July 2009, 20:29
Nice view gary - of the bridge, lol :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

The interesting thing is that women enjoy looking at beautiful things too.
That is why the shops of full of sexy clothes :BouncyHappy:
That is why they always admire their best assets in the mirror a lot.
Men do it a little, but just want to move on quick.
Well, that's my opinion.

30th July 2009, 02:58
no we dont worry about that we have our own pictures and videos :icon_lol::xxparty-smiley-004::xxparty-smiley-004::luv4:

thats right! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

lovelylady, why not make your own vids and nude pics and store them on his pc i bet he would be watching yours not the ex-gf's but i hope he wont share with friends though :D:D

30th July 2009, 06:24
:Hellooo:thank u so much friend but i not just let this situition getting worse in my whole life but i only call the above coz his the best to sorted out this kind of problems family trouble.thanks for the hug:):)i know it will be sorted out one day...thank u again:BouncyHappy:

It's only jealous Lovelylady and soon be gone. Just give your best to him and don't be affected too much.

Long time ago, if we don't like the photos, we just burn it and it's completely gone. Today is different, we cannot burn photos from PC:Brick:. Burn has also different meaning if you click burn lol:D

30th July 2009, 07:03
Great picture of the bridge Gary. :icon_lol:

30th July 2009, 07:14
I fully agree Mrs D, it is not the pictures themselves that I see as the problem, but the deceit and hiding the truth from Lovelylady. Honesty is the only way in a true relationship. The past should be the past.

30th July 2009, 09:28
I have to confess.. I dont watch porn films.

I am not a prude.... I just dont have any!!!

awww that sounds kinda sad. which one you want? Confessions of a window cleaner?

30th July 2009, 09:42

well built arches :Erm:

trader dave
30th July 2009, 15:24
thats right! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

lovelylady, why not make your own vids and nude pics and store them on his pc i bet he would be watching yours not the ex-gf's but i hope he wont share with friends though :D:D

i know thats what mrs t would do take some of youself put on his pc desktop when he turns the pc on WOWWWWWWWW :icon_lol: he either divorces you or he takes you in the bedroom:action-smiley-081::Cuckoo::Hellooo:

get on and enjoy and dont forget to pray as mrs t would say:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2009, 17:25

30th July 2009, 22:02
hmnn, i think not only men use or watch porn :D some women i guess are guilty of using/watching porn...am i right? :)

i caught my wife watching gay porn! not lisbo but gay porn :icon_lol:


theres a crack in the middle arch,lets hope health and safety fill it in? :D


what a good idea!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

get a photo of you with another man and put it as wallpaper,so when he opens his pc :omg: :icon_lol:

31st July 2009, 01:08
Great to hear lovelylady. Lets hope you get some nice tasteful ones like these:

CAUTION TASTEFUL NUDE (http://www.simplenudes.com/)

So opinions everyone? Are these naughty ones. I'd love to take artistic ones of my mahal :)

31st July 2009, 01:25

Hi lovelylady! im glad that u resolved the issue with hubby :) love does prevail :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

it's just normal to get jealous sometimes but don't be afraid to tell ur hubby how u feel..it's best to communicate..his ex is his ex for a reason..u have insecurities about the relationship which if u are not careful will spoil what u have and u will become the ex :yikes:

Just enjoy! there's nothing like losing someone then realising it was just some stupid insecurities that drove him away. Have fun and feel better about urself, u're better than that naked girl on his pc:D or he wouldn't marry you. Good luck!

31st July 2009, 01:29
i caught my wife watching gay porn! not lisbo but gay porn :icon_lol:

gay porn? :Erm: never seen one yet...does'nt sound appealing :Erm: