View Full Version : to all good people out there..ATTENTION PLS. AND SERIOUS.pls

27th July 2009, 14:20
hello to all here.its me pocahontas the active member in this time around.. kabayan out there specially who just had give me a very warm welcoming note in the INTRODUCE YOURSELF might have suggestion or anything idea/info that i can get job for the mean time while im learning improving my english skills...all ideas would be very helpfull :gp: BTW if you think to suggest me find in internet, news papers, or even in the jobcentre.. no thanks.. because i already tried all of it.

NOTE: THANKS in advance to all kabayan and not kabayan who have shown concern in this note of mine. hope who ever you are reading this have any suggestion idea to write me back that would help me in the future..:Britain:

27th July 2009, 14:24
Depends which area your in P,in this area theres little unemployment,if your in the middle of the sticks there are likely to be few opportunities available to you,are you in a city,town,village?:Erm:

27th July 2009, 14:25
Hi pocahontas,

There's no substitution for leg work.

Sign onto employment agencies and keep in contact with them.
Some job will come from it if you're persistent :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2009, 14:27
hello to all here.its me pocahontas the active member in this time around.. kabayan out there specially who just had give me a very warm welcoming note in the INTRODUCE YOURSELF might have suggestion or anything idea/info that i can get job for the mean time while im learning improving my english skills...all ideas would be very helpfull :gp: BTW if you think to suggest me find in internet, news papers, or even in the jobcentre.. no thanks.. because i already tried all of it.

NOTE: THANKS in advance to all kabayan and not kabayan who have shown concern in this note of mine. hope who ever you are reading this have any suggestion idea to write me back that would help me in the future..:Britain:

I'm afraid, the main source for job listings would be your local job centre really, local newspaper and the internet - try directgov.com.....
Otherwise, you can look for agencies in your area and you can inquire or apply as "walk in" applicant.....
unless some members here can refer you to some job openings they know, but you just have to wait and see....

27th July 2009, 14:33
Theres a few jobs in the shops in the local high street Soph,and I know a few Thai restaurants that are always looking for staff,and I even think the local Tesco is looking for part time staff:Erm:But if she is 300 miles away she might be a tad late getting to work each shift :Erm:

27th July 2009, 15:02
hello to all here.its me pocahontas the active member in this time around.. kabayan out there specially who just had give me a very warm welcoming note in the INTRODUCE YOURSELF might have suggestion or anything idea/info that i can get job for the mean time while im learning improving my english skills...all ideas would be very helpfull :gp: BTW if you think to suggest me find in internet, news papers, or even in the jobcentre.. no thanks.. because i already tried all of it.

NOTE: THANKS in advance to all kabayan and not kabayan who have shown concern in this note of mine. hope who ever you are reading this have any suggestion idea to write me back that would help me in the future..:Britain:

First I do not understand why you say u tried ALL things.If you say no to the internet, newspapers, and jobcentre you will lessen your chances. Do not give up on those, you need to keep on checking.

Plenty jobs that require you not to speak much English. Cleaning, hotel work, maids, picking vegetables, strawberries. Look at what the poles do, they figure it out!

27th July 2009, 15:05
Theres a few jobs in the shops in the local high street Soph,and I know a few Thai restaurants that are always looking for staff,and I even think the local Tesco is looking for part time staff:Erm:But if she is 300 miles away she might be a tad late getting to work each shift :Erm:

LOL, now that's the problem :rolleyes::Erm::D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

27th July 2009, 15:08
LOL, now that's the problem :rolleyes::Erm::D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:

I can just imagine the guy at the jobcentre saying THATS NO EXCUSE, WHILE IN MY DAY, YOU GOT ON YER BIKE. I think that was Norman Tebbit. that said that..

There he goes all the way up that hill to the Thailand restaurant:ON YER BIKE SON! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Mq59ykPnAE)

27th July 2009, 15:09
I can just imagine the guy at the jobcentre saying THATS NO EXCUSE, WHILE IN MY DAY, YOU GOT ON YER BIKE. I think that was Norman Tebbit. that said that..

LOL, true :xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D

27th July 2009, 15:34
Its the old estate agents mantra Pocahontas......Location?.........Location?.......Location?City or boondocks?:Erm:

Mrs Daddy
27th July 2009, 15:49
I know at this moment in time its really difficult looking for a job.Just hang on there and you`ll find one just be patient and you`ll get what your looking for gurl:)

27th July 2009, 16:27
you could try looking at THE LADY magazine.theer are postings about housekeeping and other jobs .

27th July 2009, 16:35
you could try looking at THE LADY magazine.theer are postings about housekeeping and other jobs .

The lady. that sounds a bit saucy. Is that a naughty magazine for spanking conservative MPs?

27th July 2009, 16:40
I think if its conservatives the risque spanking mag might be called THE GENTLEMAN :erotic4:

27th July 2009, 21:09
The lady. that sounds a bit saucy. Is that a naughty magazine for spanking conservative MPs?


28th July 2009, 06:33
Try to knock the door of small business owners in your area. Don't be shy, they might give you a job. I knock the door of our neighbor here when i was just arrived and looking for a job. She owns caravan site which is few yards away from our home and I was lucky.

28th July 2009, 19:30
Try to knock the door of small business owners in your area. Don't be shy, they might give you a job. I knock the door of our neighbor here when i was just arrived and looking for a job. She owns caravan site which is few yards away from our home and I was lucky.

hi..peny:) thanks for the idea. i was really thinking of that before you suggest it but i thought its only in the philippines style.. so even here in uk there'll be no problem to be a walk in applicant and try to ask for job vacancies..well im a bit nervous and shy honestly coz its different country but i probably do it, right why not..:D

28th July 2009, 22:45
I just knock:icon_lol: to my neighbour :yikes: fortunately it was a big company own 26 branches all over UK, it was Nursing home, I know some filipinas or British hubby doesnt want thier wife to work in Nursing home, but who cares :cwm34: they accept me :BouncyHappy: but I am not working to them because hubby's boss is quick to offer me one, your husband is such a big help to find job for you :xxgrinning--00xx3: anyway

Good luck po, Cheers

29th July 2009, 06:41
hi..peny:) thanks for the idea. i was really thinking of that before you suggest it but i thought its only in the philippines style.. so even here in uk there'll be no problem to be a walk in applicant and try to ask for job vacancies..well im a bit nervous and shy honestly coz its different country but i probably do it, right why not..:D

That's it Pocahontas!! I thought the same too but THERE'S NO HARM IN TRYING so I tried it rather than ended up with volunteering. If no one hires me then I will end up in studying and if still have time, I'll do volunteering whilst studying. But I do studying whilst working before and it was tiring. :D