View Full Version : Asian grandma learns English

1st August 2009, 00:36
This son is so nice to teach his grandmother English.

Asian grandma learn English (http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/187131/Asian-Grandma-Learns-English.html)

Ah just wait till she learns how naughty he is.He has such wonderful handwriting she says...

1st August 2009, 14:21
Hehe...this tempts me to tell my "wheelie bin" joke...or have I told that one..?:rolleyes:

2nd August 2009, 20:51
Hehe...this tempts me to tell my "wheelie bin" joke...or have I told that one..?:rolleyes:

A refuse collector is doing his rounds and notices one house in the street that doesn't have a wheelie-bin outside.
So he goes to the door and knocks. After a few minutes an old Chinese man comes to the door.
"Where's your bin?", the refuse collector asks.
"I bin upstairs", the Chinese man replies.
"No! Where's your bin?", he says.
"I bin upstairs havin' a ****", the guy says.
"NO! WHERE'S YOUR wheelie-bin?", he continues.
The old man thinks for a minute then says:
"OK, you got me. I was having a ****."