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Mrs Daddy
5th August 2009, 18:30
Been to my GP today for consultation on what to have before leaving for holiday.And my GP asked where about in Philippines I stay and she showed me this map and ask me to point whereabout in mindanao and problem is am not quite sure whereabout in mindanao and pointed this part which had a dark pink color and didn`t know that was prone to malaria and she`d given me this injection for malaria which I have to complete the course after been back from the philippines.I am quite worried as there might be a side effect and as well I cant be pregnant having this thing my GP said:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:I had polio injection as well:NoNo:Did you guys went to your GP for these:Erm:I plan not to go to my GP after visiting PI as I dont want to complete the malaria injection as I am worried for the side effect but in doing so I hope there will be no trouble:Brick:

5th August 2009, 18:49
Malaria in Mindanao?I know theres dengue there but never taken malaria tablets for mindanao :Erm: I thought its only Palawan thats got a malaria zone :Erm: Dont worry about being pregnant,the good news is I have taken so many malaria tablets over the years I rattle if you shake me,but I never once got pregnant when using them :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
5th August 2009, 18:52
Buang ka tawi!:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: yeah,but will it be ok without continuing the course you think Dr.Tawi:Erm:

5th August 2009, 18:54
Been to my GP today for consultation on what to have before leaving for holiday.And my GP asked where about in Philippines I stay and she showed me this map and ask me to point whereabout in mindanao and problem is am not quite sure whereabout in mindanao and pointed this part which had a dark pink color and didn`t know that was prone to malaria and she`d given me this injection for malaria which I have to complete the course after been back from the philippines.I am quite worried as there might be a side effect and as well I cant be pregnant having this thing my GP said:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:I had polio injection as well:NoNo:Did you guys went to your GP for these:Erm:I plan not to go to my GP after visiting PI as I dont want to complete the malaria injection as I am worried for the side effect but in doing so I hope there will be no trouble:Brick:

Yes it's normal to give you lots of protection, and I did the same but didn't finish the course when I get back from Phils.

Malaria I think its everywhere in Phils:xxgrinning--00xx3: DOn't worry about side effects :xxgrinning--00xx3: it's for your own protection is the main important... but if still in doubt the best thing to do is talk to your GP about your concern:xxgrinning--00xx3: DOn't suffer in silence:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
5th August 2009, 18:57
Yes it's normal to give you lots of protection, and I did the same but didn't finish the course when I get back from Phils.

Malaria I think its everywhere in Phils:xxgrinning--00xx3: DOn't worry about side effects :xxgrinning--00xx3: it's for your own protection is the main important... but if still in doubt the best thing to do is talk to your GP about your concern:xxgrinning--00xx3: DOn't suffer in silence:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks LadyJ that`s the problem though am always on silence:Erm::D

5th August 2009, 18:57
Buang ka tawi!:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: yeah,but will it be ok without continuing the course you think Dr.Tawi:Erm:

If there's not much mosquito in your place or if nothing bit you at all then i guess it's OK not to complete your course.

5th August 2009, 18:57
I am not a doc but I normally spend at least a month each year wandering around Mindanao,never heard of Malaria there to be honest?Which part of Mindanao are you going?I actually had a friend who caught cerebral malaria,he died within 2 weeks so maybe its best to follow your Doc's orders?Because I just found something,there are between 100-1000 cases of malaria in Mindanao every year,we live and learn :Erm:


Mrs Daddy
5th August 2009, 18:59
In cagayan de oro city Tawi.

5th August 2009, 19:00
I am not a doc but I normally spend at least a month each year wandering around Mindanao,never heard of Malaria there to be honest?

Because I just found something,there are between 100-1000 cases of malaria in Mindanao every year,we live and learn :Erm:

So which you believed there's a Malaria in Mindanao or not?:Erm:

5th August 2009, 19:03
I never saw evidence of it,my friend caught it in Burma when he went across the border from Thailand,but according to this link its in Mindanao.........


5th August 2009, 19:16
In cagayan de oro city Tawi.

Hi mrs daddy...CDO is Malaria safe. If you are planning to get pregnant better wait after three months safer to get pregnant after that. You can continue it if you want however you must wait three onths before planning to have a baby:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th August 2009, 19:31
The reason we give you so many jabs is not because we want to protect you, we just don't want you bring anything into our country that causes foaming at the mouth :rolleyes:

trader dave
5th August 2009, 19:37
have had many jabs i think now i have booster every 10yrs ?? but have never had maleria tabs have spoke to others who have had them and it made them very ill:cwm24::cwm24: you got more chance of catching swine flu at the moment:Erm::Erm::icon_lol:

trader dave
5th August 2009, 19:40
mrs t just said you can get it in bukidnon :icon_lol::Erm::Erm: maleria not swine flu:icon_lol::icon_lol:

5th August 2009, 19:53
mrs t just said you can get it in bukidnon :icon_lol::Erm::Erm: maleria not swine flu:icon_lol::icon_lol:


Mrs Daddy
5th August 2009, 20:17
Hi mrs daddy...CDO is Malaria safe. If you are planning to get pregnant better wait after three months safer to get pregnant after that. You can continue it if you want however you must wait three onths before planning to have a baby:xxgrinning--00xx3:
thanks for the info:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The reason we give you so many jabs is not because we want to protect you, we just don't want you bring anything into our country that causes foaming at the mouth :rolleyes:

I have thought of that:NoNo:Like on my rabies injection before,thought they care but its just as you said Boss to stop me bringing anything here:doh

5th August 2009, 20:21
Rabies :omg: One of the last cases in the UK was four or five years ago?Maybe a little more?Philippine guy working here as a postman,went back on vacation to pinas,bitten by a stray dog,came back to the UK and was dead very quickly :cwm24:Enjoy your trip.

5th August 2009, 21:09
Been to my GP today for consultation on what to have before leaving for holiday.And my GP asked where about in Philippines I stay and she showed me this map and ask me to point whereabout in mindanao and problem is am not quite sure whereabout in mindanao and pointed this part which had a dark pink color and didn`t know that was prone to malaria and she`d given me this injection for malaria which I have to complete the course after been back from the philippines.I am quite worried as there might be a side effect and as well I cant be pregnant having this thing my GP said:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:I had polio injection as well:NoNo:Did you guys went to your GP for these:Erm:I plan not to go to my GP after visiting PI as I dont want to complete the malaria injection as I am worried for the side effect but in doing so I hope there will be no trouble:Brick:

sis there's no malaria injection its in the form of a tablet which you need to take two weeks before you go and during your vacation and two weeks after you come home in every day but there's is no malaria in mindanao only in parts of manila as said in the foreign office web. you need a typhoid injection and the hepatitis A as these prevent water born diseases also keep up to date with tetanus injection and polio which is taken orally.

5th August 2009, 21:51
Been to my GP today for consultation on what to have before leaving for holiday.And my GP asked where about in Philippines I stay and she showed me this map and ask me to point whereabout in mindanao and problem is am not quite sure whereabout in mindanao and pointed this part which had a dark pink color and didn`t know that was prone to malaria and she`d given me this injection for malaria which I have to complete the course after been back from the philippines.I am quite worried as there might be a side effect and as well I cant be pregnant having this thing my GP said:bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:I had polio injection as well:NoNo:Did you guys went to your GP for these:Erm:I plan not to go to my GP after visiting PI as I dont want to complete the malaria injection as I am worried for the side effect but in doing so I hope there will be no trouble:Brick:

Awww, but atleast u will be safe :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Im going back to Philippines as well on November and Im not sure if i will see my GP before I leave, I hate injections!!:NoNo::NoNo:

Oh well Ate, have a safe trip and enjoy every minute of your vacation:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

6th August 2009, 06:59
This is from a page from the Australian Gov web site on the Internet:-

The A$2.9-million Roll Back Malaria in Mindanao initiative, implemented from 2004 to 2007 in partnership with World Health Organization, aims to reduce malaria transmission, morbidity and mortality in high incidence provinces of Mindanao by 50 percent.

Other pages show its not a problem except in the rural areas.

For those who wanna know, I suggest a search 'Malaria in Mindanao' would be useful.

Mrs Daddy
6th August 2009, 15:58
thank you all guys very much ppreciated!:)

6th August 2009, 16:23
Fill the case full of helium :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs Daddy
6th August 2009, 16:28
good idea let it float away:D:D:D

6th August 2009, 16:44
The whole of the Philipipnes is regarded as either mid or high risk for malaria. When I went in April I took antimalarials but I only noticed two or three mosquitos the entire time I was there!
Loads of flies, hardly any Mossies.
I'm going back at then end of this month and I'm not sure I can be bothered with the whole tablets thing - you're supposed to start 2 or 3 weeks before and finish a month afterwards - I'm only going for a week!

Hepatitis, Rabies, updates on Polio and Tetanus immunisations - those are easy, but the whole tablet routine is a pain in the:action-smiley-081:

Never really saw the point in the rabies jab either - seems even wehn you have it, if you get bit u still ahve to go through the same treatment

6th August 2009, 16:51


Just a couple of links to malaria maps of the philippines.

NB LArium/Mefloquine is best avoided if you have an option. It has LOADS of side effects, including feeling like you want to kill yourself or others. NOT good IMHO

6th August 2009, 19:09
hmmmm...all this talk about malaria and tabs and injection.... I can't remember my bf having these? Is this a requirement when you travel to the Phils?

7th August 2009, 00:45
hmmmm...all this talk about malaria and tabs and injection.... I can't remember my bf having these? Is this a requirement when you travel to the Phils?

Its recommended, Florge, but no one makes it compulsory. Theres an awful lot of people in the Philippines without the luxury of being ABLE to have innoculations, and most seem to survive.

Mrs Daddy
7th August 2009, 07:59
Just a precaution Florge:)