View Full Version : Filipino VS British: Bad habits

7th August 2009, 14:44
As we have currently topic about Filipinos are spitting and peeing on the street while British are biting nails, what else you could think of about Filipino and British having a bad habits?

I'll start with

Filipino - burping and eating their foods with hand
British - moaning:D

trader dave
7th August 2009, 14:48
british ---scratching there balls and bloody good farts:icon_lol::icon_lol::Erm:

pilipino/a ----- to bloody noisy you dont need to shout into that CELLPHONE

7th August 2009, 14:50
british ---scratching there balls and bloody good farts:icon_lol::icon_lol::Erm:

:icon_lol:exactly! nice one:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

Dave I bet you always do that:D

7th August 2009, 14:51
pilipino/a ----- to bloody noisy you dont need to shout into that CELLPHONE

:icon_lol::icon_lol:you're right!:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

7th August 2009, 14:55
Filipina - Has a smell of fish around her most of the time including the house
Brit - Smells of natural BO :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th August 2009, 14:57
Filipina - Has a smell of fish around her most of the time including the house
Brit - Smells of natural BO :xxgrinning--00xx3:

what's BO? Body Odour? (smells of feet)

7th August 2009, 14:58
As we have currently topic about Filipinos are spitting and peeing on the street while British are biting nails, what else you could think of about Filipino and British having a bad habits?

I'll start with

Filipino - burping and eating their foods with hand
British - moaning:D

Brits moaning :Erm:Thats just so untrue,bl**dy hell,we never moan,except for the weathers a bit crap at the minute,economys down,the *&%*$*^ government is screwing us over,postal strikes are getting on my t**s :Erm: ummmm,what else,I am sure theres loads :icon_lol: Yeah,maybe your right,we do moan a little :Erm:

7th August 2009, 15:03
Brits moaning :Erm:Thats just so untrue,bl**dy hell,we never moan,except for the weathers a bit crap at the minute,economys down,the *&%*$*^ government is screwing us over,postal strikes are getting on my t**s :Erm: ummmm,what else,I am sure theres loads :icon_lol: Yeah,maybe your right,we do moan a little :Erm:

You see you already moaning:icon_lol::icon_lol:

7th August 2009, 15:07
Yeah :tdo13::ReadIt::NoNo:

7th August 2009, 15:12
Hey if we did not have the weather to talk about it would be boring. We enjoy it for a topic of conversation, then it leads to other things. If it was consistently the same it would extremely boring. Oh its hot today. Again? Yeah it was hot yesterday and it hot again and again. Well okay bye? Well your type British conversation will be it was raining Sunday, ah well i don't expect much today, oh but it was snowing in Edinburgh did you see? Oh yeah. My auntie said it was snowing there.Yeah blah blah. The unpredictability always makes for colourful conversation.

Although I would say the British have to stop reading so much news. news news. But always get a newspaper on the weekend I need a large bag now to carry home. you got your lifestyle section for women, your lifestyle section for man, your news section, your finance section, your sport section, your football section, your CD, your DVD, your TV guide. Man it seems to get heavier every weekend!

Filipinos love celebrity, silly gameshows, music and looking beautiful. As far as I can see on TV. I do not see them interested in the government as much as here. They seem to be more interested in their own little world, rather than the big picture. That is because it is hard to get opportunities to educate students above the norm. That is not right. Perhaps this would enlighten awareness. But I see no excuse for Filipinos not to read the newspapers and take an interest in those majors to get what they want. Filipina bad habit of being too humble

7th August 2009, 15:20
Your right,we are obsessional about the weather,its too hot,its too cold,its b***dy raining,wish this snow would stop(after its snowed for 30 minutes)its too dry wish we could have a shower of rain,its too wet wish the sun would shine,its like a never ending story:Erm:and I used to be a paperboy delivering small news of the worlds,my god,they need danger money now,their backs must be knackered by the time they reach 12 years of age :icon_lol:

7th August 2009, 15:27
I am unsure about attitudes in Philippines. They say they are Christian and do not believe in abortion, but the health system has less money than the church. Am I wrong? See I am British I look for a problem in order to solve it. I think that is the difference between us. We expect solutions. Maybe Filipino have given up on the solutions cos they know :censored: all changes!

I saw my paper boy getting helped. His mom was helping him with the car. She was waiting for him, he just took the papers out the car and put in the letter box.

My dad laughed about that, think hes a lazy wee :censored:

He remember he would go around asking if anyone had any empty bottle tops, look for them in the street, take them back and get 2 p for them.

7th August 2009, 17:45
Brits seem to like picking their noses whilst driving their cars....possibly eating the contents? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Filipinos are rubbish at queueing. :NoNo: (though not strictly a bad habit)

7th August 2009, 17:50
Queue'ing?In Robinsons earlier this year I was waiting in line,a woman just rushed in and the staff served her,if I did the same they would have moaned about the rude westerner :icon_lol:(sorry LadyJ,moaning again)In general,and I know its a third world country,but I think some pinoy "Manners" or lack of them make me shake my head,when someone is eating is there really any reason to show the entire contents of your mouth between each chew as your masticating?Is there any reason to wolf down the contents of your plate like a famished refugee?The only time I ever saw a knife and fork moving at such speed as to generate sparks was when a pinoy was wielding them :icon_lol: Food is meant to be enjoyed,slow down,taste it :icon_lol:

7th August 2009, 18:23
the wife-taking 2 hours in the bathroom and taking forever to get ready.
