View Full Version : Tourist - visit visa ..

10th August 2009, 11:35
currently engaged and due to marry in the near future, then we will be applying for a spouse visa ...

in the meantime so we are able to spend as much time as possiple together we where thinking of trying to obtain a tourist/visit visa to enable her to come to the uk and visit me, rather than me go to the phills all the time ...this would be a much cheaper option for us both ...and of course this will enable her to spend a few weeks in england ..

my question is, is this type of visa easy and quick to obtain or is just a difficult as obtaining and finacee/spouse visa ...

thanks ...

10th August 2009, 12:03
Friend of mine who is still a forum member though she isnt active at the moment is currently here in the UK on her 2'nd visitors visa in 2 years,she got both without a problem but she has a business etc in Manila,maybe that had some bearing on it?

10th August 2009, 12:08
Unless she has a business or a lot of money, or family here, it is unlikely she'll get one, hence the majority on here go to the Phil, as it also make the Fiancee visa easier.

trader dave
10th August 2009, 12:31
:yikes: as others will tell you dont bother wasting your money i applied 3 times for a tourist visa for my then fiancee the last time we appllied for a tourist visa so that we could marry in the uk :D

so my fiancee got called back to see the consol and he said you have no chance of going there untill you are married :doh:doh so we did just that got married in the phils :Rasp::Rasp:

so unless your fiancee has a good regular job with means to totaly support herself on her trip i would forget it :Hellooo::Hellooo:

10th August 2009, 12:42
Fullofhope is back here at the moment Dave,she came 4 weeks ago on a tourist visa,I remember when she got her first tourist visa she didnt even attend an interview,she applied and was told to pick up her visa a while later,dont know how easy she got it this time though,I will drop her a line and ask her :xxgrinning--00xx3:

trader dave
10th August 2009, 13:18
Fullofhope is back here at the moment Dave,she came 4 weeks ago on a tourist visa,I remember when she got her first tourist visa she didnt even attend an interview,she applied and was told to pick up her visa a while later,dont know how easy she got it this time though,I will drop her a line and ask her :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i have 3 different refusals here from different eco's as you know i even took it to my mp who asked the man in charge why :cwm34: and its all about money the applicant must have enough money [and not her fiancees money] in the bank to support her trip and that means should she fall out with her boyfriend/fiancee money to cover hotel bills food everything

the consol said to mrs T last time YOU CAN APPLY FOR ANY VISA YOU LIKE BUT YOUR JUST WASTING YOUR MONEY BUT AS SOON AS YOU ARE MARRIED I WILL GRANT YOU :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:[well thats logic]

the reason she has no job she has no savings she has no land or property [but she has a child] and he said a child is no reason for a pilipina to return to her homeland :doh:doh:angry:

so as you say fulofhope must have a buisness or property or be part of the secret handshake brigade:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Arthur Little
10th August 2009, 13:43
currently engaged and due to marry in the near future, then we will be applying for a spouse visa ...

in the meantime so we are able to spend as much time as possible together we where thinking of trying to obtain a tourist/visit visa to enable her to come to the uk and visit me, rather than me go to the phills all the time ...this would be a much cheaper option for us both ...and of course this will enable her to spend a few weeks in england ..

my question is, is this type of visa easy and quick to obtain or is just a difficult as obtaining and finacee/spouse visa ...

thanks ...

:23_111_9[1]:Ahhh, my friend ... if I might be permitted to address your last paragraph first:
Whilst Tourist/Visitor's Visas cost only a fraction of the Fiancee and/or Spousal versions - and are processed much faster - they are extremely difficult to obtain UNLESS your good lady [and yourself, as her sponsor] can demonstrate (a) that, between you, you have the financial capacity to support her stay in the UK for a period up to 6 months without recourse to public funds. And (b) there is *sufficient evidence to prove - beyond reasonable doubt - that she fully intends returning to the Philippines WITHIN the timescale imposed by the conditions of the visa. *This could take the form of a letter signed by her current employer, duly certifying her leave of absence, and confirming that she will have a job to go back to.

So, on balance, you have two - infinitely more viable - options:

(i ) Apply for a Fiancee Visa ... which would enable her to come
HERE to be married ... so long as the wedding took place
within the approved six months' validity period, and she then
*petitioned the Home Office for 'Further Leave To Remain'
as soon as possible after the ceremony - *but again within
the allotted timeframe.

(ii) Marry in the Phils and THEN apply for the Spouse Visa.

Personally, I tend to recommend the latter :rolleyes: because, with the cost being the same - and just the one single cash outlay involved - it definitely works out by far the cheaper of the two alternatives. Indeed, it is the route my wife and I chose ourselves earlier this year. But then, a great deal depends upon individual circumstances; for instance, I'm retired and could therefore spare the time needed to collate the required documentation while remaining in the Phils. And I'm well-aware that the majority of British sponsors are NOT in this fortunate position.

I hope the foregoing is of some help, and wish you luck with whatever you decide to do! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2009, 15:07
currently engaged and due to marry in the near future, then we will be applying for a spouse visa ...

in the meantime so we are able to spend as much time as possiple together we where thinking of trying to obtain a tourist/visit visa to enable her to come to the uk and visit me, rather than me go to the phills all the time ...this would be a much cheaper option for us both ...and of course this will enable her to spend a few weeks in england ..

my question is, is this type of visa easy and quick to obtain or is just a difficult as obtaining and finacee/spouse visa ...

thanks ...

Hi there.In my case,I came here twice on visit visas.First one,stayed for 5 1/2 months,went home and then applied for the 2nd visit visa (via Fast Track Application) and was given the 2nd visit visa within 1 week.I was not given an interview but I think the big points was that they are satisfied with my then BF(now husband) supporting papers - especially the ones that shows that he can support me when I am here,though I also show them my financial status (which is not much).My advise is for you to attached all the relevant documents and if she will be subject for interview just be normal,confident and prove to the Emb Official that she will not overstay when given a visa.I hope that she can get it without any problems.Keep your fingers cross.

10th August 2009, 15:14
I think I obtained my visit visa because of some documents:
My property, business permit, and my own money in the bank.
Sponsor letter

10th August 2009, 15:20
I think I obtained my visit visa because of some documents:
My property, business permit, and my own money in the bank.
Sponsor letter

same here. i got my visa after a week without interview.aside from that, bank statements from the sponsor.

10th August 2009, 15:32
Over the years we have found for Fil-Brit relationships, over 90% are refused. A nice little earner for the gov! But then that is why they give you 6 months on the Fiancee Visa, as you can have 3 months of 'testing' then marry in the 4th. I think it's about 70% are successful first-time.

trader dave
10th August 2009, 15:52
i supplied the whole lot as much as we have done with the spouse visa bank statements wage slips i been in same well paid job for 10yrs deeds of my house a lot of money in the bank :cwm24: everything:Erm:

BUT i had not got my decree absolute :doh nisi yes :Erm::Erm:

they did not mention NOTHING ABOUT ME OR MY FINANCES they was only interested in WHAT MY FIANCEE HAD :doh

my point to them was i am retiring to live in the philippines in maybe two years so we dont want to go down the spouse visa route :doh but never mind we will wait a few more years :Rasp:

so any way you can pay the money and take a chance :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: i wasted three visa fees four flights to manila and a few nights in hotels ooooo well its only money:doh

10th August 2009, 23:02
My fiancee got her visit visa within 3 weeks and no interview, I think what swayed it was the fact that we both flew to Thailand from philippines for a short break (immigration stamp on her passport!). She had no job or savings but i supported her financially, she would always deposit the money in her bank account and kept the western union slips, we added in our sponsor letter that the money i used to send her will go towards her keep when in U.K. This can be a bit expensive but im not sure of your situation.

10th August 2009, 23:47
:NoNo: visit visa is a lottery,,,

you could have a good job in the phils, property, a business and lots of money and still be refused :doh

some people have had no job, no property, no money or savings and managed to get a visit visa...

if its for a family member you have a better chance and a full right to an appeal.

i think they put everyone who's applied for a visit visa in a hat and pull a few lucky ones out and they get a visa, and everyone else is refused :D